272 research outputs found

    Role of the chemokines CCL3/MIP-1α and CCL5/RANTES in sponge-induced inflammatory angiogenesis in mice

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    Barcelos, Luciola S Coelho, Amanda M Russo, Remo C Guabiraba, Rodrigo Souza, Adriano L S Bruno-Lima, Guilherme Jr Proudfoot, Amanda E I Andrade, Silvia P Teixeira, Mauro M Microvasc Res. 2009 Sep;78(2):148-54. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2009.04.009. Epub 2009 May 8.; International audience; OBJECTIVE: We examined the potential contribution of CCL3 and CCL5 to inflammatory angiogenesis in mice. METHODS: Polyester-polyurethane sponges were implanted in mice and blood vessel counting and hemoglobin, myeloperoxidase and N-acetylglucosaminidase measurements used as indexes for vascularization, neutrophil and macrophage accumulation, respectively. RESULTS: CCL3 and CCL5 were expressed throughout the observation period. Exogenous CCL3 enhanced angiogenesis in WT, but angiogenesis proceeded normally in CCL3(-/-) mice, suggesting that endogenous CCL3 is not critical for sponge-induced angiogenesis in mice. CCL5 expression was detected at day 1, but levels significantly increased thereafter. Exogenous CCL5 reduced angiogenesis in WT mice possible via CCR5 as CCL5 was without an effect in CCR5(-/-) mice. Treatment of WT with the CCR1/CCR5 antagonist, Met-RANTES, prevented neutrophil and macrophage accumulation, but enhanced sponge vascularization. CONCLUSION: Thus, endogenous CCL3 appears not to play a role in driving sponge-induced inflammatory angiogenesis in mice. The effects of CCL5 were anti-angiogenic and appeared to be mediated via activation of CCR5

    Ticks produce highly selective chemokine binding proteins with antiinflammatory activity

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    Bloodsucking parasites such as ticks have evolved a wide variety of immunomodulatory proteins that are secreted in their saliva, allowing them to feed for long periods of time without being detected by the host immune system. One possible strategy used by ticks to evade the host immune response is to produce proteins that selectively bind and neutralize the chemokines that normally recruit cells of the innate immune system that protect the host from parasites. We have identified distinct cDNAs encoding novel chemokine binding proteins (CHPBs), which we have termed Evasins, using an expression cloning approach. These CHBPs have unusually stringent chemokine selectivity, differentiating them from broader spectrum viral CHBPs. Evasin-1 binds to CCL3, CCL4, and CCL18; Evasin-3 binds to CXCL8 and CXCL1; and Evasin-4 binds to CCL5 and CCL11. We report the characterization of Evasin-1 and -3, which are unrelated in primary sequence and tertiary structure, and reveal novel folds. Administration of recombinant Evasin-1 and -3 in animal models of disease demonstrates that they have potent antiinflammatory properties. These novel CHBPs designed by nature are even smaller than the recently described single-domain antibodies (Hollinger, P., and P.J. Hudson. 2005. Nat. Biotechnol. 23:1126–1136), and may be therapeutically useful as novel antiinflammatory agents in the future

    Histochemical Evaluation of Human Prostatic Tissues with Cratylia mollis Seed Lectin

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    Lectins, proteins which selectively recognize carbohydrates, have been used in histochemistry for the evaluation of changes in glycosylation in processes of cellular differentiation and/or dedifferentiation. Cratylia mollis seed lectins (Cramoll 1,4 and Cramoll 3), conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, were used as histochemical probes in human prostate tissues: normal (NP), hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate carcinoma (PCa). The staining pattern of Con-A and Cramoll 1,4 in BPH was more intense than in NP. These lectins also showed staining differences between BPH and PCa; the latter showing decreased staining intensity with an increased degree of malignancy. PNA and Cramoll 3 stained epithelial cells similarly in all diagnoses although they did present intense staining of PCa glands lumen. Corpora amylacea were not differentially recognized by any of the lectins. Cramoll 1,4 and Cramoll 3 seed lectins present themselves as candidates for histochemical probes for prostate pathologies when compared to commercial lectins such as Con-A and PNA

    Prognostic implications of the ID1 expression in acute myeloid leukemia patients treated in a resource-constrained setting

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    Introduction: The aberrant expression of the inhibitor of DNA binding (ID1) gene has been frequently associated with the leukemogenesis and prognostication acute myeloid leukemia (AML), although its clinical importance has never been investigated in patients treated outside well-controlled clinical trials. Methods: Using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, we investigated the role of the ID1 expression in the clinical outcomes of non-selected patients with acute myeloid leukemia treated in a real-life setting. Results: Overall, 128 patients were enrolled. Patients with high ID1 expression had a lower 3-year overall survival (OS) rate of 9%, with the 95% confidence interval (95%CI) at 3 to 20%, compared to patients with a low ID1 expression (22%, 95%CI: 11 - 34%) (p = 0.037), although these findings did not retain significance after adjustment (hazard ratio (HR): 1.5, 95%CI: 0.98 - 2.28; p = 0.057). The ID1 expression had no impact on post-induction outcomes (disease-free survival, p = 0.648; cumulative incidence of relapse, p = 0.584). Conclusions: Although we are aware thar our data are confronted with many variables that cannot be fully controlled, including drug unavailability, risk-adapted treatment, comorbidities and the time from diagnosis to treatment initiation, we are firm believers that such an initiative can provide more realistic data on understudied populations, in particular those from low- and middle-income countries.</p

    Debugging and consolidating multiple synthetic chromosomes reveals combinatorial genetic interactions

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    The Sc2.0 project is building a eukaryotic synthetic genome from scratch. A major milestone has been achieved with all individual Sc2.0 chromosomes assembled. Here, we describe the consolidation of multiple synthetic chromosomes using advanced endoreduplication intercrossing with tRNA expression cassettes to generate a strain with 6.5 synthetic chromosomes. The 3D chromosome organization and transcript isoform profiles were evaluated using Hi-C and long-read direct RNA sequencing. We developed CRISPR Directed Biallelic URA3-assisted Genome Scan, or ‘‘CRISPR D-BUGS,’’ to map phenotypic variants caused by specific designer modifications, known as ‘‘bugs.’’ We first fine-mapped a bug in synthetic chromosome II (synII) and then discovered a combinatorial interaction associated with synIII and synX, revealing an unexpected genetic interaction that links transcriptional regulation, inositol metabolism, and tRNASer CGA abundance. Finally, to expedite consolidation, we employed chromosome substitution to incorporate the largest chromosome (synIV), thereby consolidating &gt;50% of the Sc2.0 genome in one strain </p

    Pharmacological inhibition of lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) induces global transcriptional deregulation and ultrastructural alterations that impair viability in Schistosoma mansoni

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    Treatment and control of schistosomiasis still rely on only one effective drug, praziquantel (PZQ) and, due to mass treatment, the increasing risk of selecting for schistosome strains that are resistant to PZQ has alerted investigators to the urgent need to develop novel therapeutic strategies. The histone-modifying enzymes (HMEs) represent promising targets for the development of epigenetic drugs against Schistosoma mansoni. In the present study, we targeted the S. mansoni lysine-specific demethylase 1 (SmLSD1), a transcriptional corepressor, using a novel and selective synthetic inhibitor, MC3935, which was used to treat schistosomula and adult worms in vitro. By using cell viability assays and optical and electron microscopy, we showed that treatment with MC3935 affected parasite motility, egg-laying, tegument, and cellular organelle structures, culminating in the death of schistosomula and adult worms. In silico molecular modeling and docking analysis suggested that MC3935 binds to the catalytic pocket of SmLSD1. Western blot analysis revealed that MC3935 inhibited SmLSD1 demethylation activity of H3K4me1/2. Knockdown of SmLSD1 by RNAi recapitulated MC3935 phenotypes in adult worms. RNA-Seq analysis of MC3935-treated parasites revealed significant differences in gene expression related to critical biological processes. Collectively, our findings show that SmLSD1 is a promising drug target for the treatment of schistosomiasis and strongly support the further development and in vivo testing of selective schistosome LSD1 inhibitors

    Direct evidence for phosphorus limitation on Amazon forest productivity

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    The productivity of rainforests growing on highly weathered tropical soils is expected to be limited by phosphorus availability1. Yet, controlled fertilization experiments have been unable to demonstrate a dominant role for phosphorus in controlling tropical forest net primary productivity. Recent syntheses have demonstrated that responses to nitrogen addition are as large as to phosphorus2, and adaptations to low phosphorus availability appear to enable net primary productivity to be maintained across major soil phosphorus gradients3. Thus, the extent to which phosphorus availability limits tropical forest productivity is highly uncertain. The majority of the Amazonia, however, is characterized by soils that are more depleted in phosphorus than those in which most tropical fertilization experiments have taken place2. Thus, we established a phosphorus, nitrogen and base cation addition experiment in an old growth Amazon rainforest, with a low soil phosphorus content that is representative of approximately 60% of the Amazon basin. Here we show that net primary productivity increased exclusively with phosphorus addition. After 2 years, strong responses were observed in fine root (+29%) and canopy productivity (+19%), but not stem growth. The direct evidence of phosphorus limitation of net primary productivity suggests that phosphorus availability may restrict Amazon forest responses to CO2 fertilization4, with major implications for future carbon sequestration and forest resilience to climate change.The authors acknowledge funding from the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), grant number NE/L007223/1. This is publication 850 in the technical series of the BDFFP. C.A.Q. acknowledges the grants from Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) CNPq/LBA 68/2013, CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT no. 18/2021 and his productivity grant. C.A.Q., H.F.V.C., F.D.S., I.A., L.F.L., E.O.M. and S.G. acknowledge the AmazonFACE programme for financial support in cooperation with Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the National Institute of Amazonian Research as part of the grants CAPES-INPA/88887.154643/2017-00 and 88881.154644/2017-01. T.F.D. acknowledges funds from FundacAo de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de SAo Paulo (FAPESP), grant 2015/50488-5, and the Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) programme grant AID-OAA-A-11-00012. L.E.O.C.A. thanks CNPq (314416/2020-0)

    BLOG LITERÁRIO: : O uso da tecnologia digital como instrumento de interação entre os alunos do IFC e a comunidade

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    O Blog é uma ferramenta de comunicação digital cuja adesão tem sido cada vez maior entre os jovens. Além de abrigar textos de gêneros diversos, nele, o blogueiro constrói-se e constrói uma relação com o leitor por meio de publicações ou posts. Levando-se em consideração o acesso, cada vez mais irrestrito, dos jovens à internet e a afinidade deles com o gênero blog, o presente projeto objetiva criar um blog literário no qual os alunos do IFC e a comunidade externa publiquem textos de tipologias diversas. Espera-se, com isto, ampliar o espaço de diálogo entre os envolvidos, bem como estimular a produção escrita em Língua portuguesa