162 research outputs found

    Hot days are associated with short-term adrenocortical responses in a southern African arid-zone passerine bird

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    Relatively little effort has been directed towards elucidating the role of physiological stress pathways in mediating avian responses to global heating. For free-ranging southern pied babblers, Turdoides bicolor, daily maximum air temperatures (Tmax) between ∼35 and ∼40°C result in reduced foraging efficiency, loss of body mass and compromised breeding success. We tested the hypothesis that very hot days are experienced as stressors by quantifying relationships between Tmax and faecal glucocorticoid metabolite (fGCM) levels in naturally excreted droppings. On days when Tmax<38°C, fGCM levels were independent of Tmax (mean±s.d. 140.25±56.92 ng g−1 dry mass). At Tmax>38°C, however, fGCM levels increased linearly with Tmax and averaged 190.79±70.13 ng g−1 dry mass. The effects of Tmax on fGCM levels did not carry over to the following morning, suggesting that very hot days are experienced as acute stressors.The DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence at the FitzPatrick Institute for African Ornithology, the University of Cape Town, the Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust, the British Ornithologists’ Union, the Australian Research Council and the National Research Foundation of South Africa.http://jeb.biologists.org2022-05-15am2022Mammal Research InstituteZoology and Entomolog

    Multi-locus Test Conditional on Confirmed Effects Leads to Increased Power in Genome-wide Association Studies

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    Complex diseases or phenotypes may involve multiple genetic variants and interactions between genetic, environmental and other factors. Current genome-wide association studies (GWAS) mostly used single-locus analysis and had identified genetic effects with multiple confirmations. Such confirmed single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) effects were likely to be true genetic effects and ignoring this information in testing new effects of the same phenotype results in decreased statistical power due to increased residual variance that has a component of the omitted effects. In this study, a multi-locus association test (MLT) was proposed for GWAS analysis conditional on SNPs with confirmed effects to improve statistical power. Analytical formulae for statistical power were derived and were verified by simulation for MLT accounting for confirmed SNPs and for single-locus test (SLT) without accounting for confirmed SNPs. Statistical power of the two methods was compared by case studies with simulated and the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) GWAS data. Results showed that the MLT method had increased statistical power over SLT. In the GWAS case study on four cholesterol phenotypes and serum metabolites, the MLT method improved statistical power by 5% to 38% depending on the number and effect sizes of the conditional SNPs. For the analysis of HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) and total cholesterol (TC) of the FHS data, the MLT method conditional on confirmed SNPs from GWAS catalog and NCBI had considerably more significant results than SLT

    Meandering rivers in modern desert basins: Implications for channel planform controls and prevegetation rivers

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    The influence of biotic processes in controlling the development of meandering channels in fluvial systems is controversial. The majority of the depositional history of the Earth's continents was devoid of significant biogeomorphic interactions, particularly those between vegetation and sedimentation processes. The prevailing perspective has been that prevegetation meandering channels rarely developed and that rivers with braided planforms dominated. However, recently acquired data demonstrate that meandering channel planforms are more widely preserved in prevegetation fluvial successions than previously thought. Understanding the role of prevailing fluvial dynamics in non- and poorly vegetated environments must rely on actualistic models derived from presently active rivers developed in sedimentary basins subject to desert-climate settings, the sparsest vegetated regions experiencing active sedimentation on Earth. These systems have fluvial depositional settings that most closely resemble those present in prevegetation (and extra-terrestrial) environments. Here, we present an analysis based on satellite imagery which reveals that rivers with meandering channel planforms are common in modern sedimentary basins in desert settings. Morphometric analysis of meandering fluvial channel behaviour, where vegetation is absent or highly restricted, shows that modern sparsely and non-vegetated meandering rivers occur across a range of slope gradients and basin settings, and possess a broad range of channel and meander-belt dimensions. The importance of meandering rivers in modern desert settings suggests that their abundance is likely underestimated in the prevegetation rock record, and models for recognition of their deposits need to be improved

    De novo mutations in GRIN1 cause extensive bilateral polymicrogyria

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    Polymicrogyria is a malformation of cortical development. The aetiology of polymicrogyria remains poorly understood. Using whole-exome sequencing we found de novo heterozygous missense GRIN1 mutations in 2 of 57 parent-offspring trios with polymicrogyria. We found nine further de novo missense GRIN1 mutations in additional cortical malformation patients. Shared features in the patients were extensive bilateral polymicrogyria associated with severe developmental delay, postnatal microcephaly, cortical visual impairment and intractable epilepsy. GRIN1 encodes GluN1, the essential subunit of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor. The polymicrogyria-associated GRIN1 mutations tended to cluster in the S2 region (part of the ligand-binding domain of GluN1) or the adjacent M3 helix. These regions are rarely mutated in the normal population or in GRIN1 patients without polymicrogyria. Using two-electrode and whole-cell voltage-clamp analysis, we showed that the polymicrogyria-associated GRIN1 mutations significantly alter the in vitro activity of the receptor. Three of the mutations increased agonist potency while one reduced proton inhibition of the receptor. These results are striking because previous GRIN1 mutations have generally caused loss of function, and because N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor agonists have been used for many years to generate animal models of polymicrogyria. Overall, our results expand the phenotypic spectrum associated with GRIN1 mutations and highlight the important role of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor signalling in the pathogenesis of polymicrogyria

    Linking Yeast Gcn5p Catalytic Function and Gene Regulation Using a Quantitative, Graded Dominant Mutant Approach

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    Establishing causative links between protein functional domains and global gene regulation is critical for advancements in genetics, biotechnology, disease treatment, and systems biology. This task is challenging for multifunctional proteins when relying on traditional approaches such as gene deletions since they remove all domains simultaneously. Here, we describe a novel approach to extract quantitative, causative links by modulating the expression of a dominant mutant allele to create a function-specific competitive inhibition. Using the yeast histone acetyltransferase Gcn5p as a case study, we demonstrate the utility of this approach and (1) find evidence that Gcn5p is more involved in cell-wide gene repression, instead of the accepted gene activation associated with HATs, (2) identify previously unknown gene targets and interactions for Gcn5p-based acetylation, (3) quantify the strength of some Gcn5p-DNA associations, (4) demonstrate that this approach can be used to correctly identify canonical chromatin modifications, (5) establish the role of acetyltransferase activity on synthetic lethal interactions, and (6) identify new functional classes of genes regulated by Gcn5p acetyltransferase activity—all six of these major conclusions were unattainable by using standard gene knockout studies alone. We recommend that a graded dominant mutant approach be utilized in conjunction with a traditional knockout to study multifunctional proteins and generate higher-resolution data that more accurately probes protein domain function and influence

    The Incidence of AIDS-Defining Illnesses at a Current CD4 Count ≥200 Cells/µL in the Post-Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Era

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    The incidence of AIDS was higher in patients with a current CD4 count of 500-749 cells/µL compared to 750-999 cells/µL, but did not decrease further at higher CD4 levels. Results were similar in those virologically suppressed on combination antiretroviral therapy, suggesting immune reconstitution is incomplete until CD4 >750/µ

    Jornadas de trabalho na enfermagem: entre necessidades individuais e condições de trabalho

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados à jornada de trabalho profissional e à jornada de trabalho total (profissional + doméstica) em profissionais de enfermagem. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado em hospital universitário no município de São Paulo, SP, entre 2004 e 2005. Participaram 696 trabalhadores (enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem), predominantemente mulheres (87,8%), que trabalhavam em turnos diurnos e/ou noturnos. Foi aplicado questionário autopreenchível sobre dados sociodemográficos, condições de trabalho e de vida; e versões traduzidas e adaptadas para o português das escalas de demanda-controle-apoio social no trabalho, de desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa, do Questionário Genérico de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida e do Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho. Foram utilizados modelos de regressão logística para a análise dos dados. RESULTADOS: Ser o único responsável pela renda familiar, o trabalho noturno e o desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa foram as únicas variáveis associadas tanto à jornada profissional (OR = 3,38; OR = 10,43; OR = 2,07, respectivamente) quanto à jornada total (OR = 1,57; OR = 3,37; OR = 2,75, respectivamente). Nenhuma das variáveis ligadas às jornadas de trabalho se associou significativamente ao baixo Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho. O tempo insuficiente para o repouso se mostrou estatisticamente associado às jornadas profissional (OR = 2,47) e total (OR = 1,48). O tempo insuficiente para o lazer se mostrou significativamente associado à jornada profissional (OR = 1,58) e valor limítrofe para a jornada total (OR = 1,43). CONCLUSÕES: A responsabilidade financeira, o trabalho noturno e o desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa são variáveis que merecem ser contempladas em estudos sobre as jornadas de trabalho em equipes de enfermagem. Sugere-se que estudos sobre o tema abordem a renda individual do trabalhador, detalhando melhor a relação entre os esforços e recompensas, e principalmente discussões que considerem as relações de gênero

    Combination of novel and public RNA-seq datasets to generate an mRNA expression atlas for the domestic chicken

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    Background: The domestic chicken (Gallus gallus) is widely used as a model in developmental biology and is also an important livestock species. We describe a novel approach to data integration to generate an mRNA expression atlas for the chicken spanning major tissue types and developmental stages, using a diverse range of publicly-archived RNA-seq datasets and new data derived from immune cells and tissues. Results: Randomly down-sampling RNA-seq datasets to a common depth and quantifying expression against a reference transcriptome using the mRNA quantitation tool Kallisto ensured that disparate datasets explored comparable transcriptomic space. The network analysis tool Graphia was used to extract clusters of co-expressed genes from the resulting expression atlas, many of which were tissue or cell-type restricted, contained transcription factors that have previously been implicated in their regulation, or were otherwise associated with biological processes, such as the cell cycle. The atlas provides a resource for the functional annotation of genes that currently have only a locus ID. We cross-referenced the RNA-seq atlas to a publicly available embryonic Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) dataset to infer the developmental time course of organ systems, and to identify a signature of the expansion of tissue macrophage populations during development. Conclusion: Expression profiles obtained from public RNA-seq datasets - despite being generated by different laboratories using different methodologies - can be made comparable to each other. This meta-analytic approach to RNA-seq can be extended with new datasets from novel tissues, and is applicable to any species