566 research outputs found

    Inoculation With Piriformospora indica Is More Efficient in Wild-Type Rice Than in Transgenic Rice Over-Expressing the Vacuolar H+-PPase

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    Achieving food security in a context of environmental sustainability is one of the main challenges of the XXI century. Two competing strategies to achieve this goal are the use of genetically modified plants and the use of plant growth promoting microorganisms (PGPMs). However, few studies assess the response of genetically modified plants to PGPMs. The aim of this study was to compare the response of over expressing the vacuolar H+-PPase (AVP) and wild-type rice types to the endophytic fungus; Piriformospora indica. Oryza sativa plants (WT and AVP) were inoculated with P. indica and 30 days later, morphological, ecophysiological and bioenergetic parameters, and nutrient content were assessed. AVP and WT plant heights were strongly influenced by inoculation with P. indica, which also promoted increases in fresh and dry matter of shoot in both genotypes. This may be related with the stimulatory effect of P. indica on ecophysiological parameters, especially photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, intrinsic water use efficiency and carboxylation efficiency. However, there were differences between the genotypes concerning the physiological mechanisms leading to biomass increment. In WT plants, inoculation with P. indica stimulated all H+ pumps. However, in inoculated AVP plants, H+-PPase was stimulated, but P- and V-ATPases were inhibited. Fungal inoculation enhanced nutrient uptake in both shoots and roots of WT and AVP plants, compared to uninoculated plants; but among inoculated genotypes, the nutrient uptake was lower in AVP than in WT plants. These results clearly demonstrate that the symbiosis between P. indica and AVP plants did not benefit those plants, which may be related to the inefficient colonization of this fungus on the transgenic plants, demonstrating an incompatibility of this symbiosis, which needs to be further studied.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Does antennal sensilla pattern of different populations of Triatoma maculata (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) reveal phenotypic variability?

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    Background: In Brazil, Triatoma maculata is only found in the State of Roraima and is a vector of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease. It occurs in wild, peridomestic and domestic habitats, with an urban infestation in Boa Vista, the capital of this Brazilian state. The aim of this study was to assess the morphological variability of the T. maculata antennal phenotype in three populations of Roraima State, using the antennal sensilla pattern analyzed under optical microscopy. Methods: The number and distribution of four antennal sensilla types (bristles, thin and thick walled trichoidea, and basiconic) of three Brazilian populations of T. maculata from Roraima State were compared. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed. Results: The antenna of T. maculata presented the four types of sensilla. According to the density and distribution of the antennal sensilla characteristics, the multivariate analyses showed that the laboratory population is morphologically structured. Urban specimens showed a pronounced phenotypic variability. The main differences were observed in the pedicel segment, and between males and females. Conclusions: We determined the antennal phenotype in three Roraima populations of T. maculata. These results support the idea that the patterns of antennal sensilla are sensitive markers for distinct populations in the Triatominae. The infestations of T. maculata in different habitats reinforces the ability of this vector to become adapted to a variety of environments, which, could have eco-epidemiological implications for the T. cruzi transmission that are still not well understood.Fil: Nogueira Müller, Josiane. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz; BrasilFil: Monte Gonçalves, Teresa. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz; BrasilFil: Ricardo Silva, Alice Helena. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz; BrasilFil: Coutinho Souza, Amanda. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz; BrasilFil: Maciel Santos, Francisco. No especifíca;Fil: Santos, Rosangela. No especifíca;Fil: Coelho Vargas, Nathalia. No especifíca;Fil: Macedo Lopes, Catarina. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz; BrasilFil: Carbajal de la Fuente, Ana Laura. Dirección Nacional de Institutos de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud. Centro Nacional de Diagnóstico e Investigaciones Endemo-epidémicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Alcohol and drugs in adolescence: work process in health in school program

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    Introduction: Adolescence is characterized as a transition period  between childhood and adult life that imposes great physical, cognitive and psychosocial changes. During that period,  the adolescent is exposed and vulnerable to the consumption of alcohol and drugs,  and has been an scenery where nurses who works in the  School Health  Programs (SHP) interact with them. In this sense, the interaction between education and health can influence adolescents to become questioners of the risks they are exposed and look  together for  better options to improve their quality of life. Objective: To analyse the perception and health practices of Nurses working in the School Health  Programs  of  prevention of alcohol and drugs during adolescence. Methods: This is a descriptive and qualitative study carried out in the city of Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brazil, with 18 nurses participating in the SHP, who implement actions with adolescents in schools. The data collection took place through a semi structured interview and their organization through thematic analysis. Results: The participants affirmed that the importance of their actions and work  is directed  to prevent the use of alcohol and drugs among adolescents, excluding the precepts of health promotion. They pointed out that the interaction between education and health is characterized as an effective strategy in the prevention of damages caused by the use of alcohol and drugs, emphasizing the participation of family members during the process of elaboration, application and continuity. It was also evidenced that the educational practices are performed mostly through lectures, characterizing a work centred on clinical, individual and curative practice. Conclusion: Nurses understand that the interaction between health and education is an effective strategy to prevent the use of alcohol and drugs in adolescents, emphasizing the importance of family participation in the process of construction and support of this context. However, it is possible to identify that the actions developed by these professionals are still restricted to modify some behaviours such as to improve their willing of   sharing  new knowledge

    The Free-Living Stage Growth Conditions of the Endophytic Fungus Serendipita indica May Regulate Its Potential as Plant Growth Promoting Microbe

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    Serendipita indica (former Piriformospora indica) is a non-obligate endophytic fungus and generally a plant growth and defence promoter with high potential to be used in agriculture. However, S. indica may switch from biotrophy to saprotrophy losing its plant growth promoting traits. Our aim was to understand if the free-living stage growth conditions (namely C availability) regulate S. indica’s phenotype, and its potential as plant-growth-promoting-microbe (PGPM). We grew S. indica in its free-living stage under increasing C availabilities (2–20 g L–1 of glucose or sucrose). We first characterised the effect of C availability during free-living stage growth on fungal phenotype: colonies growth and physiology (plasma membrane proton pumps, stable isotopic signatures, and potential extracellular decomposing enzymes). The effect of the C availability during the free-living stage of the PGPM was evaluated on wheat. We observed that C availability during the free-living stage regulated S. indica’s growth, ultrastructure and physiology, resulting in two distinct colony phenotypes: compact and explorer. The compact phenotype developed at low C, used peptone as the major C and N source, and displayed higher decomposing potential for C providing substrates; while the explorer phenotype developed at high C, used glucose and sucrose as major C sources and casein and yeast extract as major N sources, and displayed higher decomposing potential for N and P providing substrates. The C availability, or the C/N ratio, during the free-living stage left a legacy to the symbiosis stage, regulating S. indica’s potential to promote plant growth: wheat growth promotion by the explorer phenotype was ± 40% higher than that by the compact phenotype. Our study highlights the importance of considering microbial ecology in designing PGPM/biofertilizers. Further studies are needed to test the phenotypes under more extreme conditions, and to understand if the in vitro acquired characteristics persist under field conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Indoor Dust as a Source of Virulent Strains of the Agents of Cryptococcosis in the Rio Negro Micro-Region of the Brazilian Amazon.

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    Cryptococcosis, a potentially fatal mycosis in humans, is acquired via exposure to exogenous environmental sources. This study aimed to investigate the frequency, genetic diversity, and virulence of cryptococcal strains isolated from indoor dust in the Rio Negro micro-region of the Brazilian Amazon. A total of 8.9% of the studied houses were positive, recovering nine Cryptococcus neoformans VNI and 16 C. gattii VGII isolates, revealing an endemic pattern in domestic microenvironments. The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM) consensus multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme for the C. neoformans/C. gattii species complexes identified two sequence types (STs), ST93 and ST5, amongst C. neoformans isolates and six STs amongst C. gattii isolates, including the Vancouver Island Outbreak ST7 (VGIIa) and ST20 (VGIIb), the Australian ST5, and ST264, ST268 and ST445, being unique to the studied region. Virulence studies in the Galleria mellonella model showed that five C. gattii strains and one C. neoformans strain showed a similar pathogenic potential to the highly virulent Vancouver Island outbreak strain CDR265 (VGIIa). The findings of this study indicate that humans can be exposed to the agents of cryptococcosis via house dust, forming the basis for future studies to analyze the impact of early and continuous exposure to indoor dust on the development of subclinical or clinical infections

    Síndrome de Sweet e Infecção pelo VIH: O que Podemos Interpretar?

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    Sweet's syndrome is a neutrophilic dermatosis whose etiopathogenesis is not yet fully known. Histopathology of cutaneous lesions shows an infiltrate with mature neutrophils diffusely distributed in the papillary dermis. The diagnosis is made through clinical, laboratory and histopathological criteria. Association of Sweet syndrome and HIV infection is scarcely related in the literature, having been reported with the use of abacavir, opportunistic infections and vaccination. The explicit evidence for the association is considering Sweet's syndrome as a manifestation of immune reconstitution syndrome, which occurs in 10% to 45% of HIV-infected individuals at the start of antiretroviral therapy. The present report describes the case of a patient HIV-positive for 4 years, who maintained antiretroviral therapy irregularity and, after regularizing the use of antiretrovirals, developed Sweet syndrome.A síndrome de Sweet é uma dermatose neutrofílica cuja etiopatogenia ainda não é totalmente conhecida. A análise histopatológica das lesões cutâneas evidencia infiltrado com predominância de neutrófilos maduros que são distribuídos de forma difusa na derme papilar. O diagnóstico é realizado através de critérios clínicos, laboratoriais e histopatológicos. A relação entre síndrome de Sweet e infecção VIH está escassamente relatada na literatura, sendo geralmente relacionada ao uso de abacavir, infecções oportunistas e vacinação. Uma das possíveis explicações descritas para a associação entre o VIH e a síndrome de Sweet consiste na síndrome de Sweet como manifestação clínica da síndrome da reconstituição imune , a qual afeta 10% a 45% de indivíduos infectados pelo VIH após o início da terapêutica anti-retroviral. O presente relato descreve o caso de uma paciente, VIH positivo há 4 anos, que manteve terapêutica anti-retroviral irregular e após regularizar o uso dos antirretrovirais, evoluiu com síndrome de Sweet

    P2X7 receptor contributes to long-term neuroinflammation and cognitive impairment in sepsis-surviving mice

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    Introduction: sepsis is defined as a multifactorial debilitating condition with high risks of death. The intense inflammatory response causes deleterious effects on the brain, a condition called sepsis-associated encephalopathy. Neuroinflammation or pathogen recognition are able to stress cells, resulting in ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) release and P2X7 receptor activation, which is abundantly expressed in the brain. The P2X7 receptor contributes to chronic neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases; however, its function in long-term neurological impairment caused by sepsis remains unclear. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the effects of P2X7 receptor activation in neuroinflammatory and behavioral changes in sepsis-surviving mice. Methods: sepsis was induced in wild-type (WT), P2X7−/− , and BBG (Brilliant Blue G)-treated mice by cecal ligation and perforation (CLP). On the thirteenth day after the surgery, the cognitive function of mice was assessed using the novel recognition object and Water T-maze tests. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity, microglial and astrocytic activation markers, and cytokine production were also evaluated. Results: Initially, we observed that both WT and P2X7−/− sepsis-surviving mice showed memory impairment 13 days after surgery, once they did not differentiate between novel and familiar objects. Both groups of animals presented increased AChE activity in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. However, the absence of P2X7 prevented partly this increase in the cerebral cortex. Likewise, P2X7 absence decreased ionized calcium-binding protein 1 (Iba−1 ) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) upregulation in the cerebral cortex of sepsis-surviving animals. There was an increase in GFAP protein levels in the cerebral cortex but not in the hippocampus of both WT and P2X7−/− sepsis-surviving animals. Pharmacological inhibition or genetic deletion of P2X7 receptor attenuated the production of Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and Interleukin-10 (IL-10). Conclusion: the modulation of the P2X7 receptor in sepsis-surviving animals may reduce neuroinflammation and prevent cognitive impairment due to sepsisassociated encephalopathy, being considered an important therapeutic target

    Inoculation With Piriformospora indica Is More Efficient in Wild-Type Rice Than in Transgenic Rice Over-Expressing the Vacuolar H+-PPase

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    Achieving food security in a context of environmental sustainability is one of the main challenges of the XXI century. Two competing strategies to achieve this goal are the use of genetically modified plants and the use of plant growth promoting microorganisms (PGPMs). However, few studies assess the response of genetically modified plants to PGPMs. The aim of this study was to compare the response of over-expressing the vacuolar H+-PPase (AVP) and wild-type rice types to the endophytic fungus; Piriformospora indica. Oryza sativa plants (WT and AVP) were inoculated with P. indica and 30 days later, morphological, ecophysiological and bioenergetic parameters, and nutrient content were assessed. AVP and WT plant heights were strongly influenced by inoculation with P. indica, which also promoted increases in fresh and dry matter of shoot in both genotypes. This may be related with the stimulatory effect of P. indica on ecophysiological parameters, especially photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, intrinsic water use efficiency and carboxylation efficiency. However, there were differences between the genotypes concerning the physiological mechanisms leading to biomass increment. In WT plants, inoculation with P. indica stimulated all H+ pumps. However, in inoculated AVP plants, H+-PPase was stimulated, but P- and V-ATPases were inhibited. Fungal inoculation enhanced nutrient uptake in both shoots and roots of WT and AVP plants, compared to uninoculated plants; but among inoculated genotypes, the nutrient uptake was lower in AVP than in WT plants. These results clearly demonstrate that the symbiosis between P. indica and AVP plants did not benefit those plants, which may be related to the inefficient colonization of this fungus on the transgenic plants, demonstrating an incompatibility of this symbiosis, which needs to be further studied

    Acompanhamento nutricional de adolescentes no Programa Saúde na Escola

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    Introduction: Overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence are important public health problems. In this context, the school has been identified as a favorable environment for carrying out health education programs. The Health at School Program and its important performance stand out. Thus, considering these discussions, they ask: How are the actions developed by the Health at School Program, focused on nutrition, being implemented? Objective: Analyze the teenager monitoring in the School Health Program (PSE in Brazil) opposite actions to the nutritional aspects of adolescents. Methods: This is a descriptive, qualitative study in Juazeiro municipality North-Ce, with the subject 18 nurses of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) inserted in the PES that municipality. Results: Nurses have limited assistance in the face of food practices, which implies in its operations; report having difficulty performing their actions outside the conventional health units and focus on strategies for a food menu. Conclusion: The monitoring of adolescents in the School Health Program ahead nutritional value is still limited to preventive practices involving specific actions, limited to a Sfood education focused on the health problem and not the needs of adolescents.Introdução: O sobrepeso e a obesidade na infância e na adolescência constituem importantes problemas de saúde pública. Nesse contexto, a escola vem sendo apontada como um ambiente favorável para realização de programas de educação em saúde. Destaca-se o Programa Saúde na Escola e sua importante atuação. Assim, considerando essas discussões, questionam-se: Como estão sendo implementadas as ações desenvolvidas pelo Programa Saúde na Escola, voltadas para nutrição? Objetivo: Analisar o acompanhamento do adolescente no Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE) frente a ações voltadas para os aspectos nutricionais dos adolescentes.   Método: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, qualitativo, realizado no município de Juazeiro do Norte-Ce, tendo como sujeitos 18 enfermeiros da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) inseridos no PSE do referido município. Utilizou-se como técnica para coleta do material a entrevista semiestruturada e organizados seguindo a proposta da análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Evidenciou-se que os enfermeiros tem uma assistência limitada frente às praticas alimentares, o que implica na sua atuação; compreendem a educação em saúde na escola como intervenções pontuais e preventivista, assim como, relatam ter dificuldades em executar suas ações fora das unidades convencionais de saúde e focam em estratégias voltadas para um cardápio alimentar não na perspectiva de promover a saúde, atuando quando o problema é detectado. Conclusão: O acompanhamento dos adolescentes no Programa Saúde na Escola frente aos aspectos nutricionais ainda está limitada a práticas preventivistas, envolvendo ações pontuais, limitadas a uma educação alimentar focada no problema de saúde e não nas necessidades dos adolescentes

    Síndrome de Burnout em profissionais e acadêmicos da saúde: uma revisão narrativa / Burnout Syndrome in healthcare professionals and abstracts: a narrative review

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    O termo burnout foi criado no ano de 1974 pelo pesquisador inglês Herbert Freudenberger (1926-1999). Traduzido para o português, a Síndrome de Burnout (SB) ou "Esgotamento Profissional" significa queimar-se por completo, remete-se a um quadro de clímax mental onde o paciente perde o controle mental e deixa-se levar para um isolamento tanto profissional quanto pessoal. A SB é uma Síndrome psiquiátrica decorrente da tensão emocional crônica vivenciada pelo trabalhador, caracterizada por exaustão emocional, despersonalização e baixa realização pessoal que pode acometer profissionais cujo trabalho requer contato direto com o público. A SB é reconhecida mundialmente como um dos grandes problemas psicossociais que afetam a qualidade de vida de profissionais de diversas áreas, principalmente daquelas que envolvem cuidados com saúde, educação e serviços humanos, gerando uma importante questão ocupacional e social. O objetivo desta revisão é mostrar a predominância da síndrome no Brasil e em outros países, considerando sua prevalência, possíveis fatores de risco para seu desenvolvimento  e consequências para o indivíduo e a organização em que trabalha.  O presente estudo é uma revisão narrativa, sendo utilizado o banco de dados:  PubMed (US National Library of Medicine),  SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) e BJD (Brazilian Journal of Development). Foram utilizados os seguintes unitermos: “síndrome de burnout”, “Saúde Mental”, “Psiquiatria”. O trabalho é uma atividade que pode ocupar grande parcela do tempo de cada indivíduo e do seu convívio em sociedade. Dejours (1992) afirmava que o trabalho nem sempre possibilita realização profissional. Pode, pelo contrário, causar problemas desde insatisfação até exaustão. Estudos mostram que o desequilíbrio na saúde do profissional pode levá-lo a se ausentar do trabalho (absenteísmo), gerando licenças por auxílio-doença e a necessidade, por parte da organização, de reposição de funcionários, transferências, novas contratações, novo treinamento, entre outras despesas. Desse modo, assim como a lucratividade, a qualidade dos serviços prestados e o nível de produção fatalmente também são afetados. A SB é um grave problema de saúde pública e faz-se necessário, portanto, a sua divulgação para conhecimento por parte dos profissionais que cuidam dos trabalhadores e por parte da população em geral. O conhecimento é um passo inicial e decisivo na implementação de medidas para extirpação ou minimização de suas consequências