315 research outputs found

    Analisis Kebutuhan Dan Ketersediaan Air Domestik Di Pulau Belakang Padang

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    Pulau Belakang Padang merupakan bagian dari Kecamatan Belakang Padang yang terletak 12,1 km dari Kota Batam.  Pulau Belakang Padang menghadapi masalah ketersediaan air terutama saat musim kemarau. Pada tahun 2016, terjadi bencana kekeringan yang mengakibatkan masyarakat tidak mendapatkan akses air. Kekeringan yang terjadi mengakibatkan tampungan waduk menjadi kosong sehingga waduk berhenti beroperasi karena tidak ada air baku yang dapat diolah. Selain itu, pertambahan jumlah penduduk yang bermukim di Pulau Belakang Padang juga meningkat setiap tahun. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kebutuhan dan ketersediaan air di Pulau Belakang Padang untuk 5 tahun mendatang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dimana dilakukan analisis kebutuhan dan ketersediaan air bersih di wilayah Pulau Belakang Padang. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, jumlah penduduk mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,046% pada tahun 2027 dengan jumlah penduduk mencapai 22.561 jiwa. Pada tahun 2027, diprediksi kenaikan jumlah pelanggan rumah sebanyak 1.538 SR. Kebutuhan air bersih di wilayah pelayanan Kecamatan Belakang Padang sebesar 1,7801 liter/detik pada tahun 2027 sesuai dengan proyeksi pertumbuhan jenis pelanggan. Kebutuhan harian maksimum adalah 1,9581 liter/detik, dan debit puncaknya adalah 2,6701 liter/detik. Dengan membandingkan kebutuhan dengan ketersediaan air yang ada dapat diketahui bahwa jumlah ketersediaan sumber air saat ini masih mencukupi untuk prediksi 5 tahun kedepan (10 > 1,7801 Liter/detik). Jumlah pelanggan pada tahun 2027 meningkat mencapai 1.538 SR, maka kebutuhan waduk menjadi 3,1373568 m3 kapasitas saat ini 270.000 m3 mampu menampung hingga tahun 2027.

    Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Sanitasi Masyarakat Pesisir Laut di Pulau Belakang Padang Menggunakan Communal Septic Tank

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    Sanitation issues are important to pay attention to because they have a negative impact on various aspects of life. Development of sanitation facilities and infrastructure really needs efforts related to environmental aspects and public health. The problem that occurs in Kampung Tengah is about the quality of sanitation. The purpose of this research is to analyze sanitation problems that occur in Kampung Tengah village. From these data results will be obtained which will be used to improve and propose solutions for infrastructure development to improve sanitation conditions according to local conditions. Data collection used field observation methods by distributing data questionnaires. Then the data was tested using SPSS software, to ensure the validity and reliability of the data collected. The results showed that the sanitation quality of Kampung Tengah was classified as poor. Residents do not have a septic tank, the environment around the house is dirty and slum due to the absence of high tide. So it is necessary to improve the quality of sanitation by building a septic tank. The communal septic tank is a solution for the residents of Kampung Tengah who have limited land and cannot afford to build their own septic tank. In addition, to adapt to the socio-economic conditions of the residents, biofilter septic tank technology is needed. To meet the needs of the residents of Kampung Tengah, so sanitation can be improved

    Analisis Penerapan Building Information Modeling (Bim) Dan Kinerja Waktu Pada Proyek Pembangunan Struktur Rektorat Universitas Internasional Batam

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    Building Information Modeling (BIM) membawa potensi besar yang digunakan di semua tahap konstruksi pada proyek, terutama dalam menganalisis dan merancang proyek. Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengolahan shop drawing menjadi pemodelan 3D dan melakukan analisis kinerja waktu faktor yang menyebabkan keterlambatan dan solusi untuk mengatasinya. Penelitian ini software BIM yang digunakan adalah Tekla Structure 2022 untuk melakukan pemodelan 3D. Pemodelan 3D dilakukan untuk pemodelan pada pondasi bored pile dan pile cap, kolom, shear wall, sloof, balok, pelat, dan tangga. Analisis kinerja waktu dilakukan dengan membandingkan bobot rencana dengan bobot aktual realisasi pada kurva S. keterlambatan atau tidaknya suata proyek dapat diketahui dengan menganalisi nilai deviasinya. Pemodelan detail 3D dengan BIM menggunakan software Tekla Structure 2022 yang dapat dilaksanakan dan mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai. Analisis kinerja waktu pada penelitian ini berdasarkan kurva S telah dilakukan 3 kali revisi yang dikarenakan terjadinya keterlambatan. Keterlambatan terjadi sebanyak 3 kali pada bulan November 2021, Januari 2022, dan Februari 2022 dengan nilai deviasi keterlambatan tertinggi sebesar -14,852%. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan survei lapangan penyebab keterlambatan dikarenakan kekurangan tenaga kerja dan keadaan cuaca yang tidak dipastikan. Solusi untuk mengatasi keterlambatan adalah dilakukan percepatan dengan penambahan tenaga kerja pada pihak kontraktor

    c-Maf Transcription Factor Regulates ADAMTS-12 Expression in Human Chondrogenic Cells.

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    ObjectiveADAMTS (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type-1 motif) zinc metalloproteinases are important during the synthesis and breakdown of cartilage extracellular matrix. ADAMTS-12 is up-regulated during in vitro chondrogenesis and embryonic limb development; however, the regulation of ADAMTS-12 expression in cartilage remains unknown. The transcription factor c-Maf is a member of Maf family of basic ZIP (bZIP) transcription factors. Expression of c-Maf is highest in hypertrophic chondrocytes during embryonic development and postnatal growth. We hypothesize that c-Maf and ADAMTS-12 are co-expressed during chondrocyte differentiation and that c-Maf regulates ADAMTS-12 expression during chondrogenesis.DesignPromoter analysis and species alignments identified potential c-Maf binding sites in the ADAMTS-12 promoter. c-Maf and ADAMTS-12 co-expression was monitored during chondrogenesis of stem cell pellet cultures. Luciferase expression driven by ADAMTS-12 promoter segments was measured in the presence and absence of c-Maf, and synthetic oligonucleotides were used to confirm specific binding of c-Maf to ADAMTS-12 promoter sequences.ResultsIn vitro chondrogenesis from human mesenchymal stem cells revealed co-expression of ADAMTS-12 and c-Maf during differentiation. Truncation and point mutations of the ADAMTS-12 promoter evaluated in reporter assays localized the response to the proximal 315 bp of the ADAMTS-12 promoter, which contained a predicted c-Maf recognition element (MARE) at position -61. Electorphoretic mobility shift assay confirmed that c-Maf directly interacted with the MARE at position -61.ConclusionsThese data suggest that c-Maf is involved in chondrocyte differentiation and hypertrophy, at least in part, through the regulation of ADAMTS-12 expression at a newly identified MARE in its proximal promoter


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    Putusan Bawaslu Kota Makassar dan Putusan PTTUN yang dikuatkan oleh Putusan Mahkamah Agung terkait sengketa Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) Kota Makassar Tahun 2018 telah menimbulkan polemik dan silang pendapat ditengah-tengah masyarakat, perbedaan tersebut menarik diteliti untuk mengetahui titik perbedaan dari dua putusan tersebut. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif, dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Sumber data berupa data primer dan data sekunder, data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif untuk memperoleh kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, perbedaan dari kedua putusan tersebut diakibatkan oleh perbedaan dalam menilai tindakan calon Walikota Makassar Moh. Ramadhan Pomanto yang berstatus sebagai petahana. Bawaslu Kota Makassar menilai bahwa Moh. Ramadhan Pomanto tidak terbukti menggunakan kewenangan, program, dan kegiatan yang patut dinyatakan menguntungkan pasangan calon dirinya dan merugikan kepentingan pasangan calon lain dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan sebelum tanggal penetapan pasangan calon. Sementara PTTUN dan Mahkamah Agung dalam amar putusannya justru berpendapat bahwa Moh. Ramadhan Pomanto terbukti menggunakan kewenangannya yang menguntungkan dirinya sebagai petahana dan merugikan calon pasangan lainnya. Sedangkan dalam implementasinya, Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kota Makassar memilih menjalankan putusan Mahkamah Agung dan menegasikan Putusan Bawaslu Kota Makassar.Kata Kunci: Bawaslu; Mahkamah Agung; Pilkada Makassar; Putusan; Sengket

    Analysis Performance for Evaluation of Schedule Irregularities on Bore Pile Foundation with FTA

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    Purpose: In construction projects, delays are disruptive and expensive. Therefore, the reason for the schedule delay needs to be identied. The delay factors determined in previous research were predominantly studied through surveys. In these studies, the participants were a stakeholder in construction projects, and the reason for schedule lateness was identied through their point of view. Design/methodology/approach: This research is conducted at a bored pile project in Opus Apartment, Batam, Indonesia. The studies are done through the Fault Tree Analysis method to find the root causes of the delay. Findings: Causes of delay in construction to prevent lateness on future construction projects. Research limitations/implications: Evaluation of delay causes on the bore pile foundation project in Opus Apartment. Practical implications: Evaluation of lateness in construction project through Fault Tree Analysis Paper type: Case Stud

    The Analysis of Parking Facility Characteristic Areas for Academic Activity at Universitas Internasional Batam

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    Purpose: Parking is an essential need that the community has for a motorist. The density of parking lots is often a problem with parking needs in a place. Universitas Internasional Batam, one of the campuses in Batam City, has a relatively small parking area. Thus, this study aims to analyze the need for parking lots in the Universitas Internasional Batam environment. Design/methodology/approach: The research method used is systematic observation guided by the Parking Space Unit (SRP) 1996. This research was carried out at night during the effective day of academic activity at Universitas Internasional Batam. Findings: Based on the results of studies that have been carried out, it is concluded that the area of land to be carried out for car parking planning at Universitas Internasional Batam covers an area of 8,169.45 m2 and has met the needs. In addition, the land to be planned for motorcycles parking covering an area of 1,574.69 m2 has also met the needs. Research limitations/implications: The planning and parking area at Universitas Internasional Batam have met vehicle parking needs. Practical implications: Factors due to the density of parking lots at Universitas Internasional Batam cause many vehicles to park on the shoulder of the road (on-street). Originality/value: This paper is an original work. Paper type: Research papers

    Optimalisasi Rencana Anggaran Biaya pada Perumahan Central Raya Tiban Menggunakan Perhitungan SNI dan Kontraktor

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    In the construction project, construction management is needed in order to get results that are in accordance with the objectives of the development. One of the elements of project management is cost management. Poor cost management can lead to cost overruns or over budgets to the detriment of project owners and contractors. One of the methods that can be used in preparing the project cost budget is the SNI calculation and the contractor's calculation. The purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of the budget plan using the SNI method and the contractor's calculation. The research was conducted by collecting data on the Central Raya Tiban housing development project. Furthermore, an analysis using the SNI and contractor is carried out and compares the results of the calculations of the two methods. The results of the study obtained that the estimated cost budget plan from the calculation of the contractor was Rp. 283,827,332, while the results with the SNI were Rp. 330,333,371. From these data, it can be seen that the contractor's calculation is more optimal when compared to the calculation of SNI with a difference of Rp. 46,506,039 or 14.08% of the total value of the estimated cost budget based on the SNI calculation method. This can be used as a reference in preparing a cost budget in order to reduce development or project costs so that they become optimal and in accordance with the wishes of the project owner


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    ABSTRACT The background of this research is the COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia. The world of education has had a huge impact. The government's solution to keep the learning process going is online learning. The purpose of this research is to find out whether online learning can support the learning process at home. So the researchers conducted a study entitled "Electronic Media Assisted Learning in the Conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic". This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The aim is to describe online learning of Indonesian lessons for the 2020-2021 academic year for the even semester at UPT SDN 34 GRESIK. The research subjects were principals, teachers, and 4th grade elementary school students. The research procedure is to determine the problem, research and conclusions. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Research instruments: 1. Observation, 2. Interview, 3. Questionnaire. Data analysis techniques are reduction, display, and conclusion verification. The results of the observation of the formulation of the problem, namely: Online learning using smartphone, laptop/computer media. The obstacles faced are quotas and signals. While the things that support that is from the school, teachers, parents, and the government. Based on the results of interviews, it is known that online learning is more difficult than face-to-face learning. While the results of the questionnaire most of the respondents liked face-to-face learning. Researchers hope that online learning can run smoothly, with cooperation between teachers, students and parents. Keywords: , ,&nbsp
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