238 research outputs found

    Scalable and Accurate Density-Peaks Clustering on Fully Dynamic Data

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    Clustering is a primitive and important operator that analyzes a given dataset to discover its hidden patterns and features. Because datasets are usually updated dynamically (i.e., it accepts continuous insertions and arbitrary deletions), analyzing such dynamic data is also an important topic, and dynamic clustering effectively supports it, but is a challenging problem. In this paper, we consider the problem of density-peaks clustering (DPC) on dynamic data. DPC is one of the density-based clustering algorithms and attracts attention for many applications, due to its effectiveness. We investigate the hardness of this problem theoretically to measure the efficiencies of dynamic DPC algorithms. We prove that any exact solutions are costly, and propose an approximation algorithm to enable faster updates. We conduct experiments on real datasets, and the results confirm that our algorithm is much faster and more accurate than state-of-the-art.Amagata D., . Scalable and Accurate Density-Peaks Clustering on Fully Dynamic Data. Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2022 , 445 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1109/BigData55660.2022.10020690

    Correlation Set Discovery on Time-Series Data

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    Time-series data analysis is essential in many modern applications, such as financial markets, sensor networks, and data centers, and correlation discovery is a core technique for the analysis. In this paper, we address a novel problem that computes a k-sized time-series dataset where the minimum Pearson correlation of any two time-series in the set is maximized. This problem discovers a group of time-series, which are highly correlated with each other, from a given time-series dataset without any prior knowledge, thus helps many analytical applications. We show that this problem is NP-hard, and design an approximate heuristic solution that provides a high quality result with fast response time. Extensive experiments on real and synthetic datasets verify the efficiency, effectiveness, and scalability of our solution.This version of the contribution has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-27618-8_21

    Fast Density-Peaks Clustering: Multicore-based Parallelization Approach

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    Clustering multi-dimensional points is a fundamental task in many fields, and density-based clustering supports many applications as it can discover clusters of arbitrary shapes. This paper addresses the problem of Density-Peaks Clustering (DPC), a recently proposed density-based clustering framework. Although DPC already has many applications, its straightforward implementation incurs a quadratic time computation to the number of points in a given dataset, thereby does not scale to large datasets. To enable DPC on large datasets, we propose efficient algorithms for DPC. Specifically, we propose an exact algorithm, Ex-DPC, and two approximation algorithms, Approx-DPC and S-Approx-DPC. Under a reasonable assumption about a DPC parameter, our algorithms are sub-quadratic, i.e., break the quadratic barrier. Besides, Approx-DPC does not require any additional parameters and can return the same cluster centers as those of Ex-DPC, rendering an accurate clustering result. S-Approx-DPC requires an approximation parameter but can speed up its computational efficiency. We further present that their efficiencies can be accelerated by leveraging multicore processing. We conduct extensive experiments using synthetic and real datasets, and our experimental results demonstrate that our algorithms are efficient, scalable, and accurate

    Identifying the most interactive object in spatial databases

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    This paper investigates a new query, called an MIO query, that retrieves the Most Interactive Object in a given spatial dataset. Consider that an object consists of many spatial points. Given a distance threshold, we say that two objects interact with each other if they have a pair of points whose distance is within the threshold. An MIO query outputs the object that interacts with other objects the most, and it is useful for analytical applications e.g., neuroscience and trajectory databases. The MIO query processing problem is challenging: a nested loop algorithm is computationally inefficient and a theoretical algorithm is computationally efficient but incurs a quadratic space cost. Our solution efficiently processes MIO queries with a novel index, BIGrid (a hybrid index of compressed Bitset, Inverted list, and spatial Grid structures), with a practical memory cost. Furthermore, our solution is designed so that previous query results and multi-core environments can be exploited to accelerate query processing efficiency. Our experiments on synthetic and real datasets demonstrate the efficiency of our solution.Amagata D., Hara T.. Identifying the most interactive object in spatial databases. Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering 2019-April, 1286 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1109/ICDE.2019.00117

    Reverse maximum inner product search: How to efficiently find users Who would like to buy my item?

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    The MIPS (maximum inner product search), which finds the item with the highest inner product with a given query user, is an essential problem in the recommendation field. It is usual that e-commerce companies face situations where they want to promote and sell new or discounted items. In these situations, we have to consider a question: who are interested in the items and how to find them? This paper answers this question by addressing a new problem called reverse maximum inner product search (reverse MIPS). Given a query vector and two sets of vectors (user vectors and item vectors), the problem of reverse MIPS finds a set of user vectors whose inner product with the query vector is the maximum among the query and item vectors. Although the importance of this problem is clear, its straightforward implementation incurs a computationally expensive cost. We therefore propose Simpfer, a simple, fast, and exact algorithm for reverse MIPS. In an offline phase, Simpfer builds a simple index that maintains a lower-bound of the maximum inner product. By exploiting this index, Simpfer judges whether the query vector can have the maximum inner product or not, for a given user vector, in a constant time. Besides, our index enables filtering user vectors, which cannot have the maximum inner product with the query vector, in a batch. We theoretically demonstrate that Simpfer outperforms baselines employing state-of-the-art MIPS techniques. Furthermore, our extensive experiments on real datasets show that Simpfer is about 500-8000 times faster than the baselines

    Fast, exact, and parallel-friendly outlier detection algorithms with proximity graph in metric spaces

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    In many fields, e.g., data mining and machine learning, distance-based outlier detection (DOD) is widely employed to remove noises and find abnormal phenomena, because DOD is unsupervised, can be employed in any metric spaces, and does not have any assumptions of data distributions. Nowadays, data mining and machine learning applications face the challenge of dealing with large datasets, which requires efficient DOD algorithms. We address the DOD problem with two different definitions. Our new idea, which solves the problems, is to exploit an in-memory proximity graph. For each problem, we propose a new algorithm that exploits a proximity graph and analyze an appropriate type of proximity graph for the algorithm. Our empirical study using real datasets confirms that our DOD algorithms are significantly faster than state-of-the-art ones.Amagata D., Onizuka M., Hara T.. Fast, exact, and parallel-friendly outlier detection algorithms with proximity graph in metric spaces. VLDB Journal 31, 797 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1007/s00778-022-00729-1

    Cardinality Estimation in Inner Product Space

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    This article addresses the problem of cardinality estimation in inner product spaces. Given a set of high-dimensional vectors, a query, and a threshold, this problem estimates the number of vectors such that their inner products with the query are not less than the threshold. This is an important problem for recent machine-learning applications that maintain objects, such as users and items, by using matrices. The important requirements for solutions of this problem are high efficiency and accuracy. To satisfy these requirements, we propose a sampling-based algorithm. We build trees of vectors via transformation to a Euclidean space and dimensionality reduction in a pre-processing phase. Then our algorithm samples vectors existing in the nodes that intersect with a search range on one of the trees. Our algorithm is surprisingly simple, but it is theoretically and practically fast and effective. We conduct extensive experiments on real datasets, and the results demonstrate that our algorithm shows superior performance compared with existing techniques.Hirata K., Amagata D., Hara T.. Cardinality Estimation in Inner Product Space. IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society 3, 208 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1109/OJCS.2022.3215206

    Fast and Exact Outlier Detection in Metric Spaces: A Proximity Graph-based Approach

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    Distance-based outlier detection is widely adopted in many fields, e.g., data mining and machine learning, because it is unsupervised, can be employed in a generic metric space, and does not have any assumptions of data distributions. Data mining and machine learning applications face a challenge of dealing with large datasets, which requires efficient distance-based outlier detection algorithms. Due to the popularization of computational environments with large memory, it is possible to build a main-memory index and detect outliers based on it, which is a promising solution for fast distance-based outlier detection. Motivated by this observation, we propose a novel approach that exploits a proximity graph. Our approach can employ an arbitrary proximity graph and obtains a significant speed-up against state-of-the-art. However, designing an effective proximity graph raises a challenge, because existing proximity graphs do not consider efficient traversal for distance-based outlier detection. To overcome this challenge, we propose a novel proximity graph, MRPG. Our empirical study using real datasets demonstrates that MRPG detects outliers significantly faster than the state-of-the-art algorithms

    Retrieving Top-N Weighted Spatial k-cliques

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    Spatial data analysis is a classic yet important topic because of its wide range of applications. Recently, as a spatial data analysis approach, a neighbor graph of a set P of spatial points has often been employed. This paper also considers a spatial neighbor graph and addresses a new problem, namely top-N weighted spatial k-clique retrieval. This problem searches for the N minimum weighted cliques consisting of k points in P, and it has important applications, such as community detection and co-location pattern mining. Recent spatial datasets have many points, and efficiently dealing with such big datasets is one of the main requirements of applications. A straightforward approach to solving our problem is to try to enumerate all k-cliques, which incurs O(nkk2) time. Since k ≥ 3, this approach cannot achieve the main requirement, so computing the result without enumerating unnecessary k-cliques is required. This paper achieves this challenging task and proposes a simple practically-efficient algorithm that returns the exact answer. We conduct experiments using two real spatial datasets consisting of million points, and the results show the efficiency of our algorithm, e.g., it can return the exact top-N result within 1 second when N ≤ 1000 and k ≤ 7.Taniguchi R., Amagata D., Hara T.. Retrieving Top-N Weighted Spatial k-cliques. Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2022 , 4952 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1109/BigData55660.2022.10021071

    Efficient Retrieval of Top-k Weighted Spatial Triangles

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    Due to the proliferation of location-based services and IoT devices, a lot of spatial points are being generated. Spatial data analysis is well known to be an important task. As spatial data analysis tools, graphs consisting of spatial points, where each point has edges to its nearby points and the weight of each edge is the distance between the corresponding points, have been receiving much attention. We focus on triangles (one of the simplest sub-graph patterns) in such graphs and address the problem of retrieving the top-k weighted spatial triangles. This problem has important real-life applications, e.g., group search, urban planning, and co-location pattern mining. However, this problem is computationally challenging, because the number of triangles in a graph is generally huge and enumerating all of them is not feasible. To solve this challenge, we propose an efficient algorithm that returns the exact result. Our experimental results on real datasets show the efficiency of our algorithm.This version of the contribution has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-00123-9_17
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