11 research outputs found

    Cumulative effectiveness of delivery of ITNs during 1<sup>st</sup> ANC visit by women of any gestation.

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    <p>Intermediate process 1 = attend ANC; Intermediate process 2 = offered ITN during ANC consultation; Intermediate process 3 = take ITN.</p

    Design effect and intra cluster correlation of delivery processes amongst the CSRef plus CSComs and the CSComs.

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    <p>Notes:</p><p>CSCom, Community Health Centre; CSRef, Reference Health Centre; N = sample size; DE, Design Effect; ICC, intra-class correlation, SP, Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine; DOT, Direct Observed Treatment; ITN, Insecticide Treated Nets.</p

    Unadjusted and adjusted predictors of being given SP by DOT amongst those who were given IPTp-SP in consultation at CSComs.

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    <p>Notes:</p><p>SP, Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine; DOT, Direct Observed Treatment; n, number of events; OR, Odds Ratio, CI, Confidence Interval; SES, Socio-economic Status; Na, not available.</p

    Characteristics of health facilities.

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    1<p>attending for the first time during the current pregnancy;</p>2<p>attending for the first time or multiple times during the current pregnancy; *during 2008.</p><p>CSRef; Reference Health Centre; CSCom, Community Health Centre; ANC, antenatal clinic; Km, kilometre;</p><p>No., number.</p

    Cumulative and intermediate process effectiveness of delivery of IPTp-SP amongst those 4 to 8 months pregnant.

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    <p>Notes:</p><p>CSRef, Reference Health Centre; CSCom, Community Health Centre; n, number of events; CI, Confidence Interval; Cum, cumulative process; Intermed, Intermediate process; DOT, Direct Observed Treatment; ANC, Antenatal Clinic; SP, Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine.</p

    Cumulative effectiveness of delivery of IPTp during 1<sup>st</sup> ANC visit by women 4 to 8 months pregnant.

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    <p>Intermediate process 1 = attend ANC consultation; Intermediate process 2 = given SP during ANC consultation; Intermediate process 3 = given 3 tablets SP; Intermediate process 4 = take SP by DOT (A); or take SP by DOT or have 3 tablets on exit and can report correctly how they will be taken (B).</p

    Unadjusted and adjusted predictors of being offered an ITN in the CSComs.

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    <p>Notes:</p><p>n, number of events; OR, Odds Ratio, CI, Confidence Interval; SES, Socio-economic Status; ANC, Antenatal Clinic; HIV, Human Immunodeficiency Virus; PMTCT, Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission.</p

    Cumulative and intermediate process effectiveness of delivery of ITNs amongst pregnant women of any gestation.

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    <p>Notes:</p><p>CSRef, Reference Health Centre; CSCom, Community Health Centre; n, number of events; CI, Confidence Interval; ANC, Antenatal Clinic; ITN, Insecticide Treated Net.</p><p>Intermed = Intermediate process effectiveness; Cum = cumulative effectiveness.</p

    Characteristics of pregnant women attending the CSRef and the CSComs.

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    <p>Notes:</p><p>Primary+ = any level above primary (secondary, tertiary etc).</p><p>CSRef, Reference Health Centre; CSCom, Community Health Centre; n, number of events; N, sample size; ANC, Antenatal clinic;</p

    Descriptions of the potential predictors included in the univariate analyses.

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    <p>Source Key.</p><p>1 = response of pregnant woman to a question by a fieldworker; 2 = response of pregnant woman to a question from a health worker; 3 = action observed by fieldworker; 4 = heard by a fieldworker during observations; 5 = written information/data observed by fieldworker; PMTC, Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission; ITN, Insecticide Treated Net; STI, sexual transmitted infection; UTI, Urinary Tract Infection; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; ANC, Antenatal clinic;</p