37 research outputs found

    Ocorrência recente de infecção humana por arbovirus Rocio na região do Vale do Ribeira

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    The presence of IgM antibodies to Rocio in sera of two children from rural area of Ribeira Valley, Brazil, was detected by MAC-ELISA. This new arbovirus of the Flaviviridae family was responsible for an extensive encephalitis epidemic that occurred in the region in 1975-1977. Since 1980 no human disease caused by this virus has been diagnosed. An improvement on surveillance of Rocio infections and on the researches for virus identification in suspected vectors and reservoirs is necessary.Descreve-se o achado sorológico de anticorpos IgM para vírus Rocio em duas crianças da área rural do Vale do Ribeira, Estado de São Paulo. O vírus Rocio foi responsável por extensa epidemia de encefalite na região em 1975-1977. Desde 1980 não têm sido diagnosticados casos de doença. Impõe-se a ativação de medidas dirigidas à vigilância epidemiológica desta arbovirose

    Epidemia de dengue em Fortaleza, Ceará: inquérito soro-epidemiológico aleatório

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    OBJECTIVE: A seroepidemiological random survey was carried out in Fortaleza city, State of Ceará, Brazil, following an epidemic of dengue virus type 2 (DEN 2), with the purpose of evaluating the frequency of clinical manifestations (signs and symptoms) and the prevalence of dengue infection. METHOD: A questionnaire calling for information on address, sex, age, clinical, epidemiological and economic status was applied to the population, followed by venupuncture collection of 5-10 ml of blood for testing by hemagglutination-inhibition (HI). The sample was calculated to obtain a prevalence of 20% with relative risk of 10% and confidence interval of 95%. All information obtained was analyzed by computer using Epi Info 5.0®, Lotus 123®, Excel 5.0®, and Stata® software. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: A total of 1,341 serum samples were obtained from nine Health Districts (SD) and tested by hemagglutination inhibition. Of these, 589 (44%) were positive and 752 (56%) negative. Of the positive results, 93 primary responses (PR) (7%) to DEN-2 and 496 secondary responses (SR) (37%) were observed. The global prevalence in the SD ranged from 21% to 71%. There were 41% (243/589) asymptomatic infections and 59% (346/589) symptomatic infections. Data analysis showed no difference in frequency by sex, age, on schooling, although a highly statistically significant difference was found as between the different social classes, the infection most commonly observed being among people of better social status.The stratification of positive cases showed greater prevalence of AI (pOBJETIVO: Seguindo-se à epidemia de dengue (DEN), em 1994, em Fortaleza, Ceará, causada pelo sorotipo 2 (DEN-2), realizou-se inquérito soro-epidemiológico aleatório para avaliar e dimensionar o impacto da mesma e a prevalência do dengue por distrito sanitário. MÉTODO: Foi aplicado questionário contendo informações gerais, condições socio-econômicas, informações sobre o quadro clínico e tempo de doença. A amostra foi calculada para estimar uma prevalência de 20%, com erro relativo de 10%, e intervalo de confiança de 95% (erro a de 5%). O sorteio e as análises foram realizadas por meio de computador usando programas apropriados. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Foram colhidas 1.341 amostras de soro de 9 distritos sanitários, testadas por inibição da hemaglutinação, sendo classificadas como negativas e positivas (respostas primária - RP e secundária - RS). Foram reativas 588 (44%) amostras, sendo 93 (7%) RP e 495 (37%) RS. A prevalência global em Fortaleza variou de 21% a 71%. Houve 41% (243/588) de infecções assintomáticas (IA) e 59% (346/588) sintomáticas (IS). Não houve diferença da prevalência quanto ao sexo, faixa etária e escolaridade, ao contrário da condição socioeconômica que apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significantes (p < 0,001). Ocorreram mais IA (

    Relationship between the prevalence of antibodies to arbovirus and hepatitis B virus in the Vale do Ribeira region, Brazil

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    280 students, between 6 and 14 years old, residents in the Iguape county, southern coast of the State of São Paulo, were studied in order to identify the existence of a possible association between the prevalence of specific antibodies to the hepatitis B virus and the exposure to haematophagous mosquitoes, evaluated indirectly through the prevalence of antibodies to 17 arboviruses isolated in Brazil. The children were from 4 areas with different topographical characteristics: 89 of the children were from the urban zone of the town of Iguape, 89 were from the periurban zone, 30 were from the rural area with extensive banana plantations, and 72 were from the jungle zone. Previous studies had shown significantly higher prevalence of antibodies to different arboviruses in the cultivated zone and the jungle zone, when compared to the urban and periurban zones of Iguape. The detection of antibodies to the HBV surface antigen (HBs Ag) was done through the radioimmunoassay (Ausab, Abbott Laboratory). The cases considered positive were confirmed through the presence of anti-core HBV antibodies (anti-HBc-EIA Roche). A significantly higher prevalence of anti-HBV antibodies was observed in children from the jungle zone (26/72 = 36,1% ) when compared to those from the urban zone (5/89 = 5,6%), peri-urban (6/89 = 6,7%) or from the cultivated zone (0/30 = 0%). The result suggest the existence of a common factor in the dissemination of the arboviruses and the hepatitis B virus, supporting the hypothesis that mosquitoes may play an important role in the HBV transmission in tropical forested region.280 escolares de 6 a 14 anos de idade, residentes em Iguape, Vale do Ribeira, sudeste do Estado de São Paulo, foram estudados com o objetivo de verificar possível associação entre a prevalência de anticorpos para hepatite B e a exposição a mosquitos hematófagos, avahada indiretamente pela prevalência de anticorpos de arbovirus. As crianças eram originárias de 4 áreas com características topográficas e fitográficas diferentes: 89 residiam em área urbana, 89 em área periurbana, 30 em área de cultivo extensivo de banana e hortaliças e 72 em área florestal. Estudos prévios mostraram significante maior prevalência de anticorpos de arbovirus nas áreas cultivada e florestal do que nas áreas urbana e periurbana. A pesquisa de anti-HBs foi feita por radioimunoensaio (Ausab, Laboratorio Abbott) e de anti-HBc por ensaio imunoenzimático (Roche). Observou-se que os escolares residentes na área florestal apresentaram mais alta prevalência (26/72 = 36.1%) de anticorpos para hepatite B de que os residentes nas áreas urbana (5/89 = 5,6%), periurbana (6/89 = 6.7%) e cultivada (0/30 = 0%). Os resultados sugerem a existência de fator comum na transmissão de arboviruses e de hepatite B, apoiando a hipótese que nas regiões tropicais com presença de mata mosquitos possam desempenhar importante papel na transmissão da hepatite B

    Recent occurence of human infection by Rocio arbovirus in Ribeira Valley, Brazil

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    The presence of IgM antibodies to Rocio in sera of two children from rural area of Ribeira Valley, Brazil, was detected by MAC-ELISA. This new arbovirus of the Flaviviridae family was responsible for an extensive encephalitis epidemic that occurred in the region in 1975-1977. Since 1980 no human disease caused by this virus has been diagnosed. An improvement on surveillance of Rocio infections and on the researches for virus identification in suspected vectors and reservoirs is necessary

    Human disease in ribeira valley, brazil caused by caraparu, a group c arbovirus - Report of a case

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    The clinical and laboratory data of a disease in a resident of Ribeira Valley, São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil, caused by an agent close or identical to Caraparu, a Group C arbovirus, was described. Although there is evidence of an intensive circulation of several arboviruses in the area, no diagnosis of human disease by these agents has been made, except the encephalitis cases caused by Rocio virus during an epidemic in 1975-1977. An antigenic difference between Caraparu strains isolated in São Paulo and in Pará States and a close antigenic relationship between Caraparu strain from São Paulo and Bruconha virus were suggested by the serological tests

    Relationship between the prevalence of antibodies to arbovirus and hepatitis B virus in the Vale do Ribeira region, Brazil

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    280 students, between 6 and 14 years old, residents in the Iguape county, southern coast of the State of São Paulo, were studied in order to identify the existence of a possible association between the prevalence of specific antibodies to the hepatitis B virus and the exposure to haematophagous mosquitoes, evaluated indirectly through the prevalence of antibodies to 17 arboviruses isolated in Brazil. The children were from 4 areas with different topographical characteristics: 89 of the children were from the urban zone of the town of Iguape, 89 were from the periurban zone, 30 were from the rural area with extensive banana plantations, and 72 were from the jungle zone. Previous studies had shown significantly higher prevalence of antibodies to different arboviruses in the cultivated zone and the jungle zone, when compared to the urban and periurban zones of Iguape. The detection of antibodies to the HBV surface antigen (HBs Ag) was done through the radioimmunoassay (Ausab, Abbott Laboratory). The cases considered positive were confirmed through the presence of anti-core HBV antibodies (anti-HBc-EIA Roche). A significantly higher prevalence of anti-HBV antibodies was observed in children from the jungle zone (26/72 = 36,1% ) when compared to those from the urban zone (5/89 = 5,6%), peri-urban (6/89 = 6,7%) or from the cultivated zone (0/30 = 0%). The result suggest the existence of a common factor in the dissemination of the arboviruses and the hepatitis B virus, supporting the hypothesis that mosquitoes may play an important role in the HBV transmission in tropical forested region

    Jatobal virus antigenic characterization by ELISA and neutralization test using EIA as indicator, on tissue culture

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    A virus antigenic characterization methodology using an indirect method of antibody detection ELISA with virus-infected cultured cells as antigen and a micro virus neutralisation test using EIA (NT-EIA) as an aid to reading were used for antigenic characterization of Jatobal (BeAn 423380). Jatobal virus was characterized as a Bunyaviridae, Bunyavirus genus, Simbu serogroup virus. ELISA using infected cultured cells as antigen is a sensitive and reliable method for identification of viruses and has many advantages over conventional antibody capture ELISA's and other tests: it eliminates solid phase coating with virus and laborious antigen preparation; it permits screening of large numbers of virus antisera faster and more easily than by CF, HAI, or plaque reduction NT. ELISA and NT using EIA as an aid to reading can be applicable to viruses which do not produce cytopathogenic effect. Both techniques are applicable to identification of viruses which grow in mosquito cells.<br>A caracterização antigênica do vírus Jatobal (BeAn 423380) foi efetuada utilizando uma técnica de ELISA para deteccão de anticorpos que utiliza culturas celulares infectadas como antígeno e um micro teste de neutralização para vírus que utiliza o método imunoenzimático como auxiliar para a leitura dos resultados (NT-EIA). O vírus Jatobal foi caracterizado como um Bunyaviridae, gênero Bunyavirus, pertencente ao sorogrupo Simbu. A técnica de ELISA, utilizando culturas celulares infectadas como antígeno, trata-se de método sensível e confiável na identificação de agentes virais, possuindo muitas vantagens sobre ELISA convencionais e outros testes: elimina a preparação laboriosa de antígenos para o revestimento em fase sólida; permite que se teste de forma mais rápida e fácil que por CF, HAI e neutralização por redução de plaques um grande número de antisoros de vírus. ELISA e NT-EIA podem ser utilizados para a classificação de vírus que não produzem efeito citopático e podem ser aplicáveis na identificação de vírus que crescem em células oriundas de mosquitos

    CareSam : a cross-border collaboration contesting notions of elderly care

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    This article presents findings and discussions generated on the basis of the Danish-Swedish development project CareSam. The article will on the one hand focus on how work in groups consisting of representatives from different levels in the elderly care sector at one time served as learning spaces and cultural encounters in which established notions of older people and elderly care were challenged and discussed. Inspired by action research these challenges were brought forth through discussions of and through insight in practical experiences. On the other hand it will focus on the tendencies to narrow the diversity of perceptions of elderly people and their care, which were also seen in the project and led to stories in which the meaningfulness of care work were honored. Departing from the interviews presented in the CareSam film and parts of the empirical material produced in Connection to the work in the project-groups this paper will ask whether it is possible to represent care work for elderly people with all the ambiguities it holds: How can we as researchers represent both meaningfulness and straining dimensions of care work? Can we avoid either supporting Florence Nightingale-ideals or cementing negative cultural perceptions of help-needing elderly and the people who support them in everyday life? In answering these questions and thereby reflecting on our own work process we apply a caring, a learning and a political perspective. Hereby the article wishes to formulate a methodological point: The CareSam cross sector collaboration produced important experience near knowledge, but also lead to present somewhat one-sided understandings of elderly care. Applying theoretical perspectives to analyze the empirical material and the working process, nuances the understanding and makes it possible to maintain immediately conflicting dimensions in this kind of work

    Presença de anticorpos para o vírus da hepatite a em didelphis marsupials (Vertebrata. Marsupialia) da Amazônia

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    Anti-HAV was detected by enzyme - immunoassay in sera collected from 6 (18,75%) of 32 Didelphis marsupialis trapped in the Amazon region. No anti-HAV were found in the sera from 136 other wild animals, including small rodents, reptiles and other marsupials.Foi detectada a presença de anticorpos para o vírus da Hepatite A (anti-VHA), utilizando-se a técnica de enzimaimunoensaio, no soro de 6 (18,75%) entre 32 Didelphis marsupialis capturados na Região Amazônica. Não foi detectado anti-VHA em soros de outros 136 animais silvestres incluindo pequenos roedores, répteis e outros marsupiais