13 research outputs found

    Potential application of molecular hydrogen inhalation for the treatment of Covid-19 patients

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    COVID-19 (Corona Virüs Hastalığı 2019), SARS-CoV-2 (Şiddetli akut solunum yolu sendromu koronavirüs 2) suşunun yol açtığı akut solunum sendromu hastalığıdır. İlk COVID-19 vakası Aralık 2019'da ortaya çıkmış ve aylar içinde tüm dünyada görülen salgın haline gelmiştir. Moleküler hidrojen (H₂); reaktif oksijen türlerini seçici olarak süpürmesi, inflamatuar sitokinlerin inaktivasyonu, antiapoptotik özelliği sayesinde birçok hastalık üzerinde etkili bir tedavi yöntemi olarak kullanılmaktadır. Özellikle inflamatuar akciğer hasarı tedavisinde H₂'nin terapötik etkileri, COVID-19 hastalığını hafifletebileceği görüşünü desteklemektedir. Aynı zamanda, H₂ SARS-CoV-2'nin neden olduğu yıkıcı sitokin fırtınasını ve akciğer hasarını azaltabilir. Bu nedenle moleküler hidrojen tedavisi, COVID-19 için yeni ve etkili bir yardımcı tedavi yöntemi olma potansiyeline sahiptir. Fakat bu hipotezin doğrulanması için daha fazla klinik denemelere ihtiyaç vardır.COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) is an acute respiratory syndrome disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) strain. The first case of COVID-19 appeared in December 2019 and within several months it became a worldwide epidemic. Molecular hydrogen (H₂) was used as an effective treatment method for many diseases thanks to its selective scavenging of reactive oxygen species, inactivation of inflammatory cytokines, and anti-apoptotic properties. The therapeutic effects of H₂, especially in the treatment of inflammatory lung injuries, support the point of view that it can alleviate COVID-19 disease. At the same time, H₂ can reduce the devastating cytokine storm and lung damage caused by SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, molecular hydrogen therapy has the potential to be a new and effective adjunctive therapy for COVID-19. However, further clinical trials are needed to confirm this hypothesis

    Reducing Atmosphere Drying as a New Technique for the Preservation of the Color of Dried Foods

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    Bu çalışmada elma ve kayısı meyveleri; dondurarak (liyofilizasyon), vakumda, fırında ve İndirgenAtmosferik Kurutma [hava, %100 azot ve indirgen gaz içeren bir gaz karışımı (RAD (Mix); %1-4 H2, %5 CO2,%91-94 N2) ile 3 farklı kurutma atmosferinde] olmak üzere farklı şekillerde kurutulmuştur. Kurutulan ürünlerinrenk değerleri (L*, a*, b*) ölçülmüş ve karşılaştırılmış, sonuç olarak elmada tazeye en yakın renk değerlerine,ilk sırada liyofilizasyon, ikinci sırada ise RAD (Mix) ile ulaşılmış ve esmerleşmenin en fazla fırın ile kurutulanelmalarda gerçekleştiği tespit edilmiştir. Kayısı örneklerinde ise en uygun kurutma yönteminin RAD (Mix) olduğusaptanmıştır. Liyofilizasyon sonrası, L* değerindeki artış ve b* değerindeki düşüş sebebiyle kuru kayısıda arzuedilen altın sarı renk elde edilememiştir. En fazla esmerleşme ve renk değişimi vakum kurutmada kurutulankayısılarda tespit edilmiştir.In this study, apple and apricot fruits were dried with different drying techniques including ReducingAtmosphere Drying [three different drying media were used: air,100% nitrogen and a gas mixture containingreducing gas (1-4% H2, 5% CO2, 91-94% N2 ; RAD (Mix)) ], lyophlizatör, vacuum and oven. The color values (L*,a*, b*) of the dried products were measured and compared. Results showed that the closest color values to the freshapple were observed for lyophilization method in the first raw and RAD (Mix) in the second raw, and browningphenomenon was occured mostly in the oven dried apples. It was also determined the best drying method forapricot was for RAD (Mix). Since the increase in the L* value and decrease in the b* value after lyophilization, thedesired golden color in dried apricot couldn’t be obtained in this technique. The most browning and discolorationtechnique was observed in the apricots dried with the vacuum drying technique

    Ion-selective electrode integrated in small-scale bioreactor for continuous intracellular pH determination in Lactobacillus plantarum

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    International audienceThe aim of the present study was to develop an ion-selective electrode method for the continuous determination of the intracellular pH in Lactobacillus plantarum using a small-scale bioreactor. This method employed a salicylate-selective electrode basing on the distribution of salicylic acid across the cytoplasmic membrane. This developed electrode responded to salicylate concentrations above 20 μmol/L with a Nernstian sensitivity. The energized and concentrated cells were added into a thermostated small-scale bioreactor that contained the salicylate anions dissolved in a 100 mmol/L potassium phosphate buffer at different pH values. The changes in salicylate concentration that occurred in the medium containing bacterial suspension were measured as a voltage change. The cells of Lactobacillus plantarum showed maintenance of pH homeostasis at the studied pH ranging from 4.0 to 7.0, and they kept a neutral intracellular pH up to 5.8. The simplicity of the measuring preparation and the relatively low cellular concentration, as well as the advantages of the small-scale bioreactor, lead us to believe that the described method can facilitate the study of the physicochemical factors on the intracellular pH of lactic acid bacteria using a single pH probe in one method

    Comparison Between Fluorescent Probe and Ion-Selective Electrode Methods for Intracellular pH Determination in Leuconostoc mesenteroides

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    International audienceThe intracellular pH (pHin) of Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides 19D was evaluated by two different methods, fluorescent probe and ion-selective electrode. Two fluorescent probes 5 (and-6)-carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (cFDASE) and 5 (and-6)-carboxy-2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (cDCFDASE) were tested to evaluate the intracellular pH (pHin) of living cells at a medium pH (pHex) ranged from 5.0 to 6.5. Salicylic acid was used as a probe for the ion-selective electrode method. Cells kept 60-80% of cFDASE probe at all pHex values against 5-10% of cDCFDASE probe at pHex ≤ 6.0. The pHin values measured by the ion-selective electrode were higher by 0.1-0.6 pH units at pHex ranged from 5.0 to 6.5 than those determinated by fluorescent probe method. The possibility to study the intracellular pH at a wide external pH range using a single probe, and the simplicity of the material and experimental protocol may make the ion-selective electrode method most useful and easy to measure the intracellular pH of lactic acid bacteria compared with the other techniques like fluorescent probes

    Hydrogen-Rich Water Can Restrict the Formation of Biogenic Amines in Red Beet Pickles

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    Fermented foods are considered the main sources of biogenic amines (BAs) in the human diet while lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are the main producers of BAs. Normal water (NW) and hydrogen-rich water (HRW) were used for preparing red beet pickles, i.e., NWP and HRWP, respectively. The formation of BAs, i.e., aromatic amines (tyramine, 2-phenylethylamine), heterocyclic amines (histamine, tryptamine), and aliphatic di-amines (putrescine), was analyzed in both beet slices and brine of NWPs and HRWPs throughout the fermentation stages. Significant differences in redox value (Eh7) between NWP and HRWP brine samples were noticed during the first and last fermentation stages with lower values found for HRWPs. Total mesophilic aerobic bacteria (TMAB), yeast–mold, and LAB counts were higher for HRWPs than NWPs for all fermentation stages. Throughout fermentation stages, the levels of all BAs were lower in HRWPs than those of NWPs, and their levels in brines were higher than those of beets. At the end of fermentation, the levels (mg/kg) of BAs in NWPs and HRWPs were, respectively: tyramine, 72.76 and 61.74 (beet) and 113.49 and 92.67 (brine), 2-phenylethylamine, 48.00 and 40.00 (beet) and 58.01 and 50.19 (brine), histamine, 67.89 and 49.12 (beet) and 91.74 and 70.92 (brine), tryptamine, 93.14 and 77.23 (beet) and 119.00 and 93.11 (brine), putrescine, 81.11 and 63.56 (beet) and 106.75 and 85.93 (brine). Levels of BAs decreased by (%): 15.15 and 18.35 (tyramine), 16.67 and 13.44 (2-phenylethylamine), 27.65 and 22.7 (histamine), 17.09 and 21.76 (tryptamine), and 21.64 and 19.5 (putrescine) for beet and brine, respectively, when HRW was used in pickle preparation instead of NW. The results of this study suggest that the best method for limiting the formation of BAs in pickles is to use HRW in the fermentation phase then replace the fermentation medium with a new acidified and brined HRW followed by a pasteurization process

    Combating Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in COVID-19 by Molecular Hydrogen Therapy: Mechanisms and Perspectives

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    COVID-19 is a widespread global pandemic with nearly 185 million confirmed cases and about four million deaths. It is caused by an infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), which primarily affects the alveolar type II pneumocytes. The infection induces pathological responses including increased inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis. This situation results in impaired gas exchange, hypoxia, and other sequelae that lead to multisystem organ failure and death. As summarized in this article, many interventions and therapeutics have been proposed and investigated to combat the viral infection-induced inflammation and oxidative stress that contributes to the etiology and pathogenesis of COVID-19. However, these methods have not significantly improved treatment outcomes. This may partly be attributable to their inability at restoring redox and inflammatory homeostasis, for which molecular hydrogen (H2), an emerging novel medical gas, may complement. Herein, we systematically review the antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and antiapoptotic mechanisms of H2. Its small molecular size and nonpolarity allow H2 to rapidly diffuse through cell membranes and penetrate cellular organelles. H2 has been demonstrated to suppress NF-κB inflammatory signaling and induce the Nrf2/Keap1 antioxidant pathway, as well as to improve mitochondrial function and enhance cellular bioenergetics. Many preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of H2 in varying diseases, including COVID-19. However, the exact mechanisms, primary modes of action, and its true clinical effects remain to be delineated and verified. Accordingly, additional mechanistic and clinical research into this novel medical gas to combat COVID-19 complications is warranted.Peer Reviewe

    Protective Effect of Hydrogen-Rich Saline on Spinal Cord Damage in Rats

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    The anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effects of molecular hydrogen, delivered as hydrogen-rich saline (HRS), on spinal cord injury was investigated. Four-month-old male Sprague Dawley rats (n = 24) were classified into four groups: (1) control—laminectomy only at T7-T10; (2) spinal injury—dura left intact, Tator and Rivlin clip compression model applied to the spinal cord for 1 min, no treatment given; (3) HRS group—applied intraperitoneally (i.p.) for seven days; and (4) spinal injury—HRS administered i.p. for seven days after laminectomy at T7–T10 level, leaving the dura intact and applying the Tator and Rivlin clip compression model to the spinal cord for 1 min. Levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) were measured in blood taken at day seven from all groups, and hematoxylin–eosin (H & E) and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) were used to stain the tissue samples. IL-6 and TNF-α levels were significantly lower in the group treated with HRS following the spinal cord injury compared to the group whose spinal cord was damaged. A decrease in apoptosis was also observed. The anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effect of IL-6 may be a clinically useful adjuvant therapy after spinal cord injury

    The Use of Zebra Mussel (<i>Dreissena polymorpha</i>) as a Sentinel Species for the Microplastic Pollution of Freshwater: The Case of Beyhan Dam Lake, Turkey

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    The presence of microplastics (MPs) in several components of different ecosystems has aroused great concern and led to numerous studies on MP pollution. Although there has been an increasing number of these studies in aquatic ecosystems, no data about the MP pollution in zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha, Pallas 1771) living in Beyhan dam lake (Elazığ, Türkiye) are available. This study aimed to investigate the presence of MPs in freshwater mussel species found in this water reservoir. The distribution and characterization of MPs were investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in zebra mussel (D. polymorpha) samples at four different stations. A significant difference in the MP presence between the 1st and 4th stations was observed (p D. polymorpha as a bioindicator in the aquatic ecosystems’ MP pollution

    Molecular hydrogen: A sustainable strategy for agricultural and food production challenges

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    The world is confronting numerous challenges, including global warming, health epidemics, and population growth, each presenting significant threats to the stability and sustainability of our planet's ecosystems. Such issues have collectively contributed to a reduction in agricultural productivity, corresponding with an increase in demand and costs of essential commodities. This critical situation requires more sustainable environmental, social, and technological solutions. Molecular hydrogen (H2) has been suggested as a "green" solution for our energy needs and many health, agricultural, and food applications. H2 supplementation in agriculture may represent a novel and low-carbon biotechnological strategy applicable to the abundant production of crops, vegetables, and fruits in agri-food chains. H2 is a potential green alternative to conventional chemical fertilizers. The use of a hydrogen-rich water irrigation system may also provide other health-related advantages, i.e., decreasing the heavy metal accumulation in crops. By adopting a H₂ strategy, crop producers, food processors, and decision-makers can contribute to sustainable solutions in the face of global challenges such as climate change, communicable disease epidemics, and a growing population. The versatile applications of H₂ in agriculture and the wider food industry position it as a uniquely suitable approach to address today's significant challenges, potentially fostering better crop production and positively impacting the agri-food chain. The present review is timely in combining the latest knowledge about the potential applications of H₂ in the agriculture and food industry, from farm to fork