102 research outputs found

    Climate change impact on the Portuguese exposure to aflatoxins

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    As alterações climáticas têm sido identificadas como um fator determinante para a segurança dos alimentos consumidos em todo o mundo. As micotoxinas, contaminantes alimentares produzidos por fungos, são habitualmente identificadas como um dos principais perigos neste contexto. As aflatoxinas assumem particular relevo, face à sua toxicidade aguda e crónica. A região do Mediterrâneo, incluindo Portugal, tem sido considerada uma região particularmente vulnerável às consequências das alterações climáticas. O presente estudo pretende estimar o impacto na saúde da exposição a aflatoxinas em Portugal e discutir a potencial influência das alterações climáticas no risco para a saúde associado a esta exposição. Para estimar o número de casos de carcinoma hepatocelular associados à exposição a aflatoxinas, foi determinada a fração atribuível da população. Para estimar o impacto da exposição a aflatoxinas na saúde dos Portugueses, a carga de doença foi determinada aplicando-se o conceito de anos de vida ajustados por incapacidade (DALY). É expectável que no futuro, em consequência das alterações climáticas, o número de DALYs bem como do número de casos de carcinoma hepatocelular aumente. A quantificação do impacto na saúde da exposição a aflatoxinas em cenário de alterações climáticas reveste-se de particular importância, em especial para o desenvolvimento de políticas e medidas preventivas que possam proteger a população.Climate change has been indicated as a driver for food safety issues worldwide, mainly due to the impact on the occurrence of food safety hazards at various stages of food chain. Mycotoxins, natural contaminants produced by fungi, are among the most important of such hazards. Aflatoxins, which have the highest acute and chronic toxicity of all mycotoxins, assume particular importance. Mediterranean region, including Portugal, was considered a climate change hotspot. The present study aims to estimate the health impact of aflatoxins exposure in Portugal and to discuss the potential influence of climate change on the health risk associated to this exposure. A population attributable fraction was determined to estimate the number of extra cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) associated to the Portuguese aflatoxin exposure, and the Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) were derived to estimate the associated burden of disease. It is expected that in the future the number of DALYs and the associated cases of HCC due to aflatoxins exposure will increase due to climate change. The quantification of the health impact associated with exposure to aflatoxins in climate change scenarios presents particular importance, especially for the development of politics and preventive measures to protect human population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    RiskBenefit4EU project – a strategy for risk-benefit assessment of foods in Portugal

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    O balanço entre os riscos e benefícios para a saúde resultante do consumo de alimentos é um importante contributo para apoiar a definição de políticas de saúde e a promoção da literacia dos consumidores. No âmbito do projeto RiskBenefit4EU, financiado pela European Food Safety Authority e coordenado pelo Departamento de Alimentação e Nutrição do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, o presente trabalho pretende descrever a estratégia implementada para a capacitação das equipas portuguesas em avaliação de risco-benefício de alimentos (RBA). Concretizada pelos parceiros do Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique e da Technical University of Denmark, a capacitação consiste em três atividades principais: 1) Formação teórica, focando os conceitos-chave para a avaliação de RBA; 2) Formação prática, aplicando os conceitos adquiridos e as metodologias transmitidas a um estudo de caso; e 3) Missões científicas, de curta duração, para formação avançada em domínios específicos da avaliação de RBA. No que diz respeito à formação prática, e com o objetivo de consolidar os conhecimentos adquiridos em avaliação de RBA, está previsto o desenvolvimento de um estudo de caso português sobre alimentos à base de cereais habitualmente consumidos por crianças. A estratégia de capacitação seguida neste projeto servirá de modelo para outras equipas e países, contribuindo para a disseminação de uma cultura de avaliação de RBA nas vertentes toxicológica, microbiológica e nutricional a nível internacional.The balance of risks and health benefits from food consumption constitutes a crucial topic to consumer literacy and health policy-makers. Through the RiskBenefit4EU project, funded by the European Food Safety Authority, and coordinated by the Food and Nutrition Department of Portuguese National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge, the present work intends to identify the applied strategy to capacitate the Portuguese teams for the development and implementation of risk-benefit assessment (RBA) in food. The training of the Portuguese team is being accomplished by the French National Institute for Agricultural Research and the Technical University of Denmark members, through three main capacity building activities: 1) Theoretical training, focusing on the key concepts for RBA; 2) Practical training, applying the concepts acquired and the methodologies transmitted to a concrete case study; and 3) Short-term scientific missions for advanced training in specific areas of RBA. In order to complete the training of the Portuguese teams and consolidate the knowledge acquired in RBA, a Portuguese case study on cereal-based foods usually consumed by children is planned. The training strategy followed in this project will contribute as a model of capacity building for disseminating a culture of risk-benefit assessment in the toxicological, microbiological and nutritional aspects at the international level.Trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto “RiskBenefit4EU – Partnering to strengthen the risk-benefit assessment within EU using a holistic approach” financiado pela EFSA Partnering Grants (Grant Agreement Number A/EFSA/AFSCO/2017/01 – GA02).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Association of Accelerometry-Measured Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Events in Mobility-Limited Older Adults: The LIFE (Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders) Study.

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    BACKGROUND:Data are sparse regarding the value of physical activity (PA) surveillance among older adults-particularly among those with mobility limitations. The objective of this study was to examine longitudinal associations between objectively measured daily PA and the incidence of cardiovascular events among older adults in the LIFE (Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders) study. METHODS AND RESULTS:Cardiovascular events were adjudicated based on medical records review, and cardiovascular risk factors were controlled for in the analysis. Home-based activity data were collected by hip-worn accelerometers at baseline and at 6, 12, and 24 months postrandomization to either a physical activity or health education intervention. LIFE study participants (n=1590; age 78.9±5.2 [SD] years; 67.2% women) at baseline had an 11% lower incidence of experiencing a subsequent cardiovascular event per 500 steps taken per day based on activity data (hazard ratio, 0.89; 95% confidence interval, 0.84-0.96; P=0.001). At baseline, every 30 minutes spent performing activities ≥500 counts per minute (hazard ratio, 0.75; confidence interval, 0.65-0.89 [P=0.001]) were also associated with a lower incidence of cardiovascular events. Throughout follow-up (6, 12, and 24 months), both the number of steps per day (per 500 steps; hazard ratio, 0.90, confidence interval, 0.85-0.96 [P=0.001]) and duration of activity ≥500 counts per minute (per 30 minutes; hazard ratio, 0.76; confidence interval, 0.63-0.90 [P=0.002]) were significantly associated with lower cardiovascular event rates. CONCLUSIONS:Objective measurements of physical activity via accelerometry were associated with cardiovascular events among older adults with limited mobility (summary score >10 on the Short Physical Performance Battery) both using baseline and longitudinal data. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION:URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01072500

    A standardised static in vitro digestion method suitable for food – an international consensus

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    peer-reviewedSimulated gastro-intestinal digestion is widely employed in many fields of food and nutritional sciences, as conducting human trials are often costly, resource intensive, and ethically disputable. As a consequence, in vitro alternatives that determine endpoints such as the bioaccessibility of nutrients and non-nutrients or the digestibility of macronutrients (e.g. lipids, proteins and carbohydrates) are used for screening and building new hypotheses. Various digestion models have been proposed, often impeding the possibility to compare results across research teams. For example, a large variety of enzymes from different sources such as of porcine, rabbit or human origin have been used, differing in their activity and characterization. Differences in pH, mineral type, ionic strength and digestion time, which alter enzyme activity and other phenomena, may also considerably alter results. Other parameters such as the presence of phospholipids, individual enzymes such as gastric lipase and digestive emulsifiers vs. their mixtures (e.g. pancreatin and bile salts), and the ratio of food bolus to digestive fluids, have also been discussed at length. In the present consensus paper, within the COST Infogest network, we propose a general standardised and practical static digestion method based on physiologically relevant conditions that can be applied for various endpoints, which may be amended to accommodate further specific requirements. A frameset of parameters including the oral, gastric and small intestinal digestion are outlined and their relevance discussed in relation to available in vivo data and enzymes. This consensus paper will give a detailed protocol and a line-by-line, guidance, recommendations and justifications but also limitation of the proposed model. This harmonised static, in vitro digestion method for food should aid the production of more comparable data in the future.COST action FA1005 Infogest22 (http://www.cost-infogest.eu/) is acknowledged for providing funding for travel, meetings and conferences

    De pivete a funqueiro: genealogia de uma alteridade

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    Com base na teoria das representações sociais de Moscovici e a partir de contextualizações do fenômeno dos arrastões, esse texto se propõe a discutir elementos que respondam às questões: por que discursos criminalizantes, que afirmam a periculosidade do funkeiro, se fizeram tão presentes desde o início da década de noventa no Rio de Janeiro? Como esses discursos, que apontam para uma determinada construção social do funkeiro, interferiram na relação do funk com a sociedade? A discussão passa pela compreensão dos dispositivos criados na sociedade carioca daquele período para a solução de problemas com os quais ela se via confrontada. Trata-se de tentar compreender como, em certo momento, o funkeiro ganha um perfil amplamente difundido como problema que requer um tipo de intervenção específica

    Cephalopods in the diet of nonbreeding black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses from South Georgia

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    The food and feeding ecology of albatrosses during the nonbreeding season is still poorly known, particularly with regard to the cephalopod component. This was studied in black-browed Thalassarche melanophris and grey-headed T. chrysostoma albatrosses by analysing boluses collected shortly after adults returned to colonies at Bird Island, South Georgia (54°S, 38°W), in 2009. Based on stable isotopic analyses of the lower beaks, we determined the habitat and trophic level (from δ13C and δ15N, respectively) of the most important cephalopods and assessed the relative importance of scavenging in terms of the albatrosses’ feeding regimes. Based on lower rostral lengths (LRLs), the main cephalopod species in the diets of both albatrosses was Kondakovia longimana, by frequency of occurrence (F > 90 %), number (N > 40 %) and mass (M > 80 %). The large estimated mass of many squid, including K. longimana, suggests that a high proportion (>80 % by mass) was scavenged, and that scavenging is much more important during the nonbreeding season than would be expected from breeding-season diets. The diversity of cephalopods consumed by nonbreeding birds in our study was similar to that recorded during previous breeding seasons, but included two new species [Moroteuthis sp. B (Imber) and ?Mastigoteuthis A (Clarke)]. Based on similarities in LRL, δ13C and δ15N, the squid consumed may have been from the same oceanic populations or region, with the exception of Taonius sp. B (Voss) and K. longimana, which, based on significant differences in δ15N values, suggest that they may have originated from different stocks, indicating differences in the albatrosses’ feeding regimes

    MycoMix and risk assessment: a contribute to improve risk analysis

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    Risk analysis, is a powerful tool for including science-based knowledge in a systematic approach to food safety problems. The use of risk analysis can promote ongoing improvements in public health and provide a basis for expanding international trade in foods. Within risk analysis, the risk assessment results are quantitative or qualitative expressions of the likelihood of harmful effects associated with exposure to a chemical (WHO, 2010). Human risk assessment of combined exposure to multiple chemicals (chemical mixtures) poses several challenges to scientists, risk assessors and risk managers, namely the complexity of the terminology and problem formulation, the diversity of chemical entities, and the toxicological profiles and exposure patterns in test species and humans (EFSA, 2013). Mycotoxins are natural contaminants produced by fungi and its frequent co-occurrence in food poses a threat to human health, mainly to vulnerable population groups as children. MycoMix is an ongoing national project (2013-15) that explores the toxic effects of mixtures of mycotoxins in infant food and its potential health impact. This project aims to study the occurrence of multiple mycotoxins and toxicity interactions in infant foods and cereals consumed by Portuguese children and try to answer several questions: 1) Are children exposed daily to mycotoxins through food? 2) What are the quality and quantity that characterize this exposure? 3) Can this exposure bring harm to children? Answering these questions will raise novel approaches to: 1) apply new techniques on mycotoxin multiple detection, 2) understand the toxicity responses upon multiple mycotoxin exposures, and 3) implement new methodologies to characterize hazard and risk for children exposure to mycotoxins. A multidisciplinary team has been developing, for the first time in Portugal, i) a liquid chromatography (LC) method coupled with tandem mass-spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for multimycotoxin detection in infant food developed and applied to study infant food consumed by Portuguese children, ii) cito and genotoxic assays to assess the toxicity of binary mixtures of mycotoxins detected in analyzed infant foods associated with the MIXTOX tool to assess the interactive effects, iii) in vitro methodologies to simulate the digestive and intestinal absorption processes of binary mixtures of mycotoxins, iv) a web-based dietary assessment and diet planning platform, the “OPEN Portugal”, to record infant food consumption data allowing simultaneously the assessment of the nutritional profile of the inquired children, and v) a set of deterministic, probabilistic (@RISK) and cumulative risk assessment approaches that allow the exposure assessment and risk characterization of Portuguese children to multiple mycotoxins in food. An overview of the results obtained within the MycoMix project will be presented, showing the patterns of the exposure of Portuguese infant to multiple mycotoxins as well as the scientific evidence of the toxic effects of mycotoxin mixtures using in vitro models. Hence,MycoMix outputs contribute for hazard identification and characterization as well as to exposure characterization, contributing for risk analysis.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT

    Show your beaks and we tell you what you eat: Different ecology in sympatric Antarctic benthic octopods under a climate change context

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    Sympatry can lead to higher competition under climate change and other environmental pressures, including in South Georgia, Antarctica, where the two most common octopod species, Adelieledone polymorpha and Pareledone turqueti, occur side by side. Since cephalopods are typically elusive animals, the ecology of both species is poorly known. As beaks of cephalopods are recurrently found in top predator's stomachs, we studied the feeding ecology of both octopods through the evaluation of niche overlapping and specific beak adaptations that both species present. A multidisciplinary approach combining carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope signatures, mercury (Hg) analysis and biomaterials' engineering techniques was applied to investigate the beaks. An isotopic niche overlap of 95.6% was recorded for the juvenile stages of both octopod species, dropping to 19.2% for the adult stages. Both A. polymorpha and P. turqueti inhabit benthic ecosystems around South Georgia throughout their lifecycles (δ13C: −19.21 ± 1.87‰, mean ± SD for both species) but explore trophic niches partially different during adult life stages (δ15N: 7.01 ± 0.40‰, in A. polymorpha, and 7.84 ± 0.65‰, in P. turqueti). The beaks of A. polymorpha are less dense and significantly less stiff than in P. turqueti. Beaks showed lower mercury concentration relative to muscle (A. polymorpha - beaks: 0.052 ± 0.009  μg g−1, muscle: 0.322 ± 0.088  μg g−1; P. turqueti - beaks: 0.038 ± 0.009  μg g−1; muscle: 0.434 ± 0.128  μg g−1). Overall, both octopods exhibit similar habitats but different trophic niches, related to morphology/function of beaks. The high Hg concentrations in both octopods can have negative consequences on their top predators and may increase under the present climate change context.British Antarctic Survey for assisting in the collection of the specimens for this work. Many thanks to 3B's Research Group (University of Minho) and MAREFOZ who were responsible for analysing the physical properties of beaks and stable isotope signatures. A special thank you to our colleague José Queirós from MARE-UC (Coimbra, Portugal) for his suggestions and guidance. A debt of gratitude is also owed to Dr. A. Louise Allcock (NUI Galway) for her useful guidelines. This work is an international effort under the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) associated programs, expert and action groups, namely SCAR AnT-ERA, SCAR EGBAMM and ICED. J.C. Xavier was supported by the Investigator Programme (IF/00616/2013) of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT-Portugal) and PROPOLAR, and F.R. Ceia was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship (SFRH/BPD/95372/2013) attributed by FCT-Portugal and the European Social Fund (POPH, EU). This study benefited from the strategic program of MARE, financed by FCT-Portugal (MARE- UID/MAR/04292/2019). We also acknowledge FCT-Portugal through a PhD grant to J. Seco (SRFH/PD/BD/113487

    Soccer and homosexuality: the conflicts that lie within the affective game of the coach-adolescent athlete relationship

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    Discussions regarding homosexuality within a sports context are mediated by emotional nuances, especially in the world of soccer, where practitioners are required to have attributes such as strength, masculinity and aggressiveness. As a consequence, this work aimed to analyze the symbolic representation of homosexual relationships between adolescent soccer players and their coaches; and, furthermore, to understand the intention behind homoerotic relationships that are established between members of the management team and its players. In this study, researchers used the life history methodology, with participation from three adolescent athletes, ages 14, 15 and 16, and three former athletes, ages 26, 28 and 45, who we called speakers. Based on the collection and analysis of research participants’ testimonies, homosexual relations were found to have occurred between athletes and coaches, or between athletes and other members of the management team, as a part of a “social contract” that is exclusively linked to their professional objectives. These relationships appear to be purely objective; authentic affective links are absent, due apparently to the transient nature of the athletes in these groups. Too, this context is usually marked by the athlete’s physical and emotional vulnerability, and the agreements he makes within this context are accompanied with moral dilemmas, because such adolescents idealize the coach as a paternal archetype.“Futebol e homossexualidade: Os conflitos que se encontram dentro do jogo afetivo da relação treinador-atleta adolescente.” As discussões a respeito da homossexualidade no contexto esportivo são mediadas por nuanças emocionais, especialmente no mundo do futebol que exige de seus praticantes atributos de força, virilidade e agressividade. Por este motivo este trabalho teve como objetivos diagnosticar existência de relações homossexuais entre atletas adolescentes da modalidade de futebol e seus técnicos e sua representação simbólica e ainda, compreender a intencionalidade das relações homoafetivas que se estabelecem entre componentes da equipe diretiva e os jogadores. Esta pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa e a técnica adotada foi a “história de vida” e a participação de três atletas adolescentes em atividade, com idade de 14, 15 e 16 anos e três ex-atletas profissionais, com idades 26, 28 e 45 anos serviram de base metodológica. A partir da análise e tratamento dos depoimentos verificou-se que ocorreram relações homossexuais nas categorias de base envolvendo técnico e atleta, ou com outros membros da equipe diretiva, como parte dos contratos sociais, ligados exclusivamente a objetivos profissionais. Estas relações parecem ser puramente objetais, não parecendo existir vínculos afetivos duradouros, aparentemente, devido à natureza transitória de atletas nesses grupos. Também, nesses ambientes, muitas vezes marcados pela vulnerabilidade física e emocional dos atletas, os acertos para as relações homossexuais são permeadas por dilemas morais, tendo em vista que os atletas adolescentes idealizam o treinador como o arquétipo paterno ideal.“El fútbol y la homosexualidad: Los conflictos que se encuentran dentro del juego afectivo de la relación atleta-entrenador de los adolescentes.” Las discusiones sobre la homosexualidad en contexto deportivo están mediadas por matices emocionales, sobre todo en el mundo del fútbol que exige a sus jugadores atributos como la fuerza, la virilidad y los jugadores. En este estudio, los investigadores utilizaron la metodología de la historia de vida, con la participación de tres atletas adolescentes, con 14, 15 y 16 años, y tres ex atletas con 26, 28 y 45 años, que llamamos ‘oradores’. Basado en la recogida y análisis de testimonios de participantes en la investigación, se encontró que las relaciones homosexuales que se han producido entre los atletas y entrenadores, o entre atletas y otros miembros del equipo de gestión, son como parte de un “contrato social” que está vinculado exclusivamente a sus objetivos profesionales. Estas relaciones parecen ser solamente como un objeto; porque a veces no hay vínculos afectivos auténticos, debido aparentemente a la naturaleza transitoria de los atletas en estos grupos. Demasiado, este contexto es generalmente marcado por la vulnerabilidad física y emocional del deportista, y los acuerdos que hace dentro de este contexto se acompañan con dilemas morales, debido a que tales adolescentes idealizan el entrenador como un arquetipo paterno. la agresividad. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo diagnosticar la existencia de relaciones homosexuales entre adolescentes atletas de fútbol y sus entrenadores y la representación simbólica de estas relaciones. También comprender la intencionalidad de las relaciones homoafetivas que se intercambian entre algunos componentes del equipo directivo y(undefined