341 research outputs found

    Two isoperimetric inequalities for the Sobolev constant

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    In this note we prove two isoperimetric inequalities for the sharp constant in the Sobolev embedding and its associated extremal function. The first such inequality is a variation on the classical Schwarz Lemma from complex analysis, similar to recent inequalities of Burckel, Marshall, Minda, Poggi-Corradini, and Ransford, while the second generalises an isoperimetric inequality for the first eigenfunction of the Laplacian due to Payne and Rayner.Comment: 11 page

    Diffeomorphism-invariant properties for quasi-linear elliptic operators

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    For quasi-linear elliptic equations we detect relevant properties which remain invariant under the action of a suitable class of diffeomorphisms. This yields a connection between existence theories for equations with degenerate and non-degenerate coerciveness.Comment: 16 page

    Sharp Trace Hardy-Sobolev-Maz'ya Inequalities and the Fractional Laplacian

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    In this work we establish trace Hardy and trace Hardy-Sobolev-Maz'ya inequalities with best Hardy constants, for domains satisfying suitable geometric assumptions such as mean convexity or convexity. We then use them to produce fractional Hardy-Sobolev-Maz'ya inequalities with best Hardy constants for various fractional Laplacians. In the case where the domain is the half space our results cover the full range of the exponent s(0,1)s \in (0,1) of the fractional Laplacians. We answer in particular an open problem raised by Frank and Seiringer \cite{FS}.Comment: 42 page

    A new variational approach to the stability of gravitational systems

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    We consider the three dimensional gravitational Vlasov Poisson system which describes the mechanical state of a stellar system subject to its own gravity. A well-known conjecture in astrophysics is that the steady state solutions which are nonincreasing functions of their microscopic energy are nonlinearly stable by the flow. This was proved at the linear level by several authors based on the pioneering work by Antonov in 1961. Since then, standard variational techniques based on concentration compactness methods as introduced by P.-L. Lions in 1983 have led to the nonlinear stability of subclasses of stationary solutions of ground state type. In this paper, inspired by pioneering works from the physics litterature (Lynden-Bell 94, Wiechen-Ziegler-Schindler MNRAS 88, Aly MNRAS 89), we use the monotonicity of the Hamiltonian under generalized symmetric rearrangement transformations to prove that non increasing steady solutions are local minimizer of the Hamiltonian under equimeasurable constraints, and extract compactness from suitable minimizing sequences. This implies the nonlinear stability of nonincreasing anisotropic steady states under radially symmetric perturbations

    Índice de sobrevivência de portaenxertos de citros enxertados com pomeleiro sob estresse salino.

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    Altas concentrações de sais no solo tendem a promover redução no crescimento e na produção das maiorias das plantas cultivadas, fato que é observado, principalmente em regiões áridas e semi-áridas, pois, normalmente, há condição de balanço hídrico negativo, ou seja, a evapotranspiração ocorrente durante o ano é maior que a precipitação, verificando-se a evaporação da água e acumulo de sais na superfície (AYERS e WESTCOT, 1999; TESTER e DAVENPORT, 2003). Para Richards (1954), os sais podem afetar o desenvolvimento das plantas devido à sua concentração na solução do solo, diminuindo o potencial osmótico e reduzindo a disponibilidade de água para os vegetais; pode haver, também, o efeito tóxico de íons específicos, como sódio, cloreto e boro, dentre outros que causam sintomas característicos de injúria (FLOWERS e FLOWERS, 2005). Porém algumas culturas produzem rendimentos economicamente viáveis em níveis altos de salinidade no solo, enquanto outras são sensíveis em níveis relativamente baixos; diferença relacionada à maior capacidade de adaptação osmótica que algumas espécies possuem (AYERS e WESTCOT, 1999). Tal fato é muito útil para seleção de genótipos mais tolerantes quando não se pode manter a salinidade do solo em níveis baixos (TESTER e DAVENPORT, 2003).pdf 230