693 research outputs found

    Strain and slackness of achilles tendon during passive joint mobilization via imaging ultrasonography

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    Background: In vivo study of the mechanical behavior of tendons may bring advances in evaluating the impact of intervention programs for flexibility and strength, in clinical practice and sports. Objective: The aim of this study was to quantify the relative strain and slackness of achilles tendons during passive mobilization, for four ankle joint angles and two knee angles. Methods: The displacement of the muscle-tendon junction was quantified by means of ultrasound images acquired during passive ankle mobilization, with the aid of an electrogoniometer and an electromyograph to ensure the achievement of the required angles and muscle inactivity, respectively. Results: The strain values ranged from 4.28%±2.37 to -0.94%±1.58 for the fully extended knee, and from 2.38%±1.63 to -2.32%±2.16% for the flexed knee. Conclusions: The values found in this study confirm those in the literature and demonstrate how the Achilles tendon participates in length changes in the muscle-tendon unit during passive movement. These results suggest that the mechanical properties of tendinous tissues affect the relationship between the length of muscle fibers and the joint angle, even during this type of movement

    Assessment of a low-cost solar water heating systems in farrowing facilities

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    ArticleThe objective of this study was to develop a prototype solar heater using alternative materials and then to compare its thermal efficiency against that of two other commercial solar heating systems when heating the floor of piglet housing. To evaluate the thermal heaters, temperature sensors were installed in the inlet and outlet of each floor and the thermal reservoir. The results showed good performance, however the thermal efficiency of the alternative heater was lower than the conventional systems. However, due to the construction of this solar collector with alternative materials its cost was relatively low and its operation is easier than the other conventional heater, therefore this heater is a good alternative to use for small livestock producer

    Influence of light and leaf epicuticular wax layer on Phakopsora pachyrhizi infection in soybean

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    A ferrugem asiática, causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, apresenta-se como um dos mais graves problemas fitossanitários da cultura da soja no Brasil, principalmente por não existirem, até o presente momento, cultivares com níveis de resistência satisfatórios. Objetivou-se estudar a influência da luminosidade e da camada de cera das superfícies foliares na infecção de folhas de soja por P. pachyrhizi. A superfície adaxial ou abaxial de folíolos do primeiro trifólio de plantas da cultivar BRS 154, estádio fenológico V2, foi inoculada com suspensão de 10(5) urediniósporos/mL-1. As plantas foram mantidas por 24 horas em câmara úmida e temperatura de 23ºC, sob luz ou escuro, em delineamento fatorial. Posteriormente, permaneceram 14 dias em fotoperíodo de 12 horas, sendo em seguida avaliada a densidade de lesões e a severidade da doença. Em um segundo experimento, avaliou-se in vitro , no escuro e na luz, a porcentagem de germinação de urediniósporos e de formação de apressórios. As camadas de cera adaxial e abaxial dos folíolos foram analisadas quantitativamente (extrações com clorofórmio) e estruturalmente (microscopia eletrônica de varredura). A densidade de lesões e a severidade foram maiores quando se inoculou a superfície adaxial de plantas incubadas no escuro, sem interação significativa entre os fatores. A germinação dos esporos no escuro (40,7%) foi significativamente superior à germinação na luz (28,5%). O mesmo ocorreu para a formação de apressórios, no escuro (24,7%) e na luz (12,8%). A quantidade e a estrutura das ceras epicuticulares não apresentaram diferenças entre as duas superfícies.Asian rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is one of the most serious phytosanitary problems of soybean in Brazil, especially because no cultivars with satisfactory resistance levels as yet exist. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of luminosity and of leaf epicuticular wax on the infection of soybean by P. pachyrhizi. The adaxial and abaxial leaflet surfaces of the first trifoliate leaf from cultivar BRS 154, phenological stage V2, were inoculated with a suspension of 10(5) uredospores/mL. The plants were kept for 24 hours in a humid chamber at temperature of 23ºC, in light or dark conditions, using a factorial design. Subsequently, the plants were maintained for 14 days under a 12-hour photoperiod. The disease severity and density were evaluated. For in vitro experiments, in light or dark conditions, the evaluation was done in terms of uredospore germination and appressorium formation. The wax content of adaxial and abaxial leaflets was analyzed quantitatively using chloroform extraction and ultrastructurally using scanning electron microscope. Higher density and severity were observed when the adaxial surface was inoculated, with later incubation of the plants in the dark, with no significant interaction between these factors. Spore germination in the dark (40.7%) was statistically different from spore germination in the light (28.5%). The same effect was observed with appressorium formation, in the dark (24.7%) and in the light (12.8%). The quantity and the ultrastructural aspects of epicuticular wax content did not show differences between the adaxial and abaxial surfaces; nor did they show any effect on infection by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in the soybean cultivar studied

    Two New Species Of Brachycephalus (anura: Brachycephalidae) From The Atlantic Forest In Paraná State, Southern Brazil

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    Two new species of brachycephalid frogs are described from Pico Marumbi, municipality of Morretes, and Pico da Igreja, municipality of Guaratuba, Paraná State, southern Brazil. The new species share the following attributes: body bufoniform; skin on top of the head, and central part of the back body smooth with no dermal co-ossification; outer metatarsal tubercle distinct; dermal roofing bones of skull unornamented; all paired cranial bones distinct and not fused; quadratojugals, and maxillary odontoids present. The new species from Pico Marumbi is characterized by male SVL = 11.6-12.5 and female SVL = 13.0-14.5 mm; and general color orange with dorsal reddish-brown irregular markings, lateral surfaces with small dark brown spots, and belly with brownish spots and small dots. The new species from Pico da Igreja is characterized by male SVL = 12.6-13.9 and female SVL = 14.6-15.3 mm; and general color orange, lateral surfaces with small dark brown spots, and belly with brownish coalescent spots and small dots. Comparisons with other brachycephalid species and osteological data are provided. © 2006 by The Herpetologists' League, Inc.622221233Austin, J.D., Lougheed, S.C., Tanner, K., Chek, A.A., Bogart, J.P., Boag, P.T., A molecular perspective on the evolutionary affinities of an enigmatic neotropical frog, Allophryne ruthveni (2002) Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 134, pp. 335-346Duarte, L.C., Monteiro, L.R., Von Zuben, F.J., Dos Reis, S.F., Variation in mandible shape in Thrichomys apereoides (Mammalia: Rodentia): Geometric analysis of a complex morphological structure (2000) Systematic Biology, 49, pp. 563-578Frost, D.R., (2004) Amphibian Species of the World: An Online Reference. Version 3.0, , http://research.amnh.org/herpetology/amphibia/index.html, (22 August, 2004). Electronic Database available at, New York, New York, U.S.AGaravello, J.C., Reis, S.F., Strauss, R.E., Geographic variation in Leporinus friderici (Block) (Pisces: Ostariophysi) from the Paraná-Paraguay and Amazon River basins (1992) Zoologica Scripta, 21, pp. 197-200Giaretta, A.A., Sawaya, R.J., Second species of Psyllophryne (Anura: Brachycephalidae) (1998) Copeia, 1998, pp. 985-987Heyer, W.R., Rand, A.S., Cruz, C.A.G., Peixoto, O.L., Nelson, C.E., Frogs of Boracéia (1990) Arquivos de Zoologia, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, 31, pp. 231-1110Izecksohn, E., Novo gênero e nova espécie de Brachycephalidae do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (1971) Boletim Do Museu Nacional (Zoologia), 280, pp. 1-12Kkzanowski, W.J., (1989) Principles of Multivariate Analysis: A User's Perspective, , Clarendon Press, Oxford, U.KKrzanowski, W.J., Radley, D., Nonparametric confidence and tolerance regions in canonical variate analysis (1989) Biometrics, 45, pp. 1163-1173Lynch, J.D., Duellman, W.E., Frogs of the genus Eleutherodactylus in western Ecuador: Systematics, ecology, and biogeography (1997) The University of Kansas, Natural History Museum, Special Publication, 23, pp. 1-236Miranda-Ribeiro, A., Os brachycephalideos do Museu Paulista (1920) Revistado Museu Paulista, 12, pp. 306-318Pombal Jr., J.P., A new species of Brachycephalus (Anura: Brachycephalidae) from Atlantic rain forest of southeastern Brazil (2001) Amphibia-Reptilia, 22, pp. 179-185Oviposição e desenvolvimento de Brachycephalus ephippium (Spix) (Anura, Brachycephalidae) (1999) Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 16, pp. 967-976Pombal Jr., J.P., Wistuba, E.M., Bornschein, M.R., A new species of Brachycephalid (Anura) from the Atlantic Rain Forest of Brazil (1998) Journal of Herpetology, 32, pp. 70-74Reis, S.F., Duarte, L.C., Monteiro, L.R., Von Zuben, F.J., Geographic variation in cranial morphology in Thrichomys apereoides: I. Geometric descriptors and patterns of variation in shape (2002) Journal of Mammalogy, 83, pp. 333-344Geographic variation in cranial morphology in Thrichomys apereoides: II. Geographic units, morphological discontinuities, and sampling gaps (2002) Journal of Mammalogy, 83, pp. 345-353Ribeiro, L.F., Alves, A.C.R., Haddad, C.F.B., Reis, S.F., Two new species of Brachycephalus from Paraná State, southern Brazil (Anura, Brachycephalidae) (2005) Boletim do Museu Nacional (Zoologia), 519, pp. 1-18Ringrose, T.J., Bootstrapping and correspondence analysis in arachaelogy (1992) Journal of Archeological Science, 19, pp. 615-629Alternative confidence regions for canonical variate analysis (1996) Biometrika, 83, pp. 575-587Ringrose, T.J., Krzanowski, W.J., Simulation study of confidence regions for canonical variate analysis (1991) Statistics and Computing, 1, pp. 41-116Rohlf, F.J., Loy, A., Corti, M., Morphometric analysis of Old World Talpidae (Mammalia, Insectivora) using partial-warp scores (1996) Systematic Biology, 45, pp. 344-362Smithe, F.B., (1975) Naturalist's Color Guide, , American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York, U.S.ATaylor, W., Van Dyke, G.C., Revised procedures for staining and clearing small fishes and other vertebrates for bones and cartilage study (1985) Cybium, 9, pp. 107-119Von Zuben, F.J., Duarte, L.C., Stangenhaus, G., Pessôa, L.M., Reis, S.F., Bootstrap confidence regions for canonical variates: Application to studies of evolutionary differentiation (1998) Biometrical Journal, 40, pp. 327-339Yeh, J., The effect of miniaturized body size on skeletal morphology in frogs (2002) Evolution, 56, pp. 628-64

    Emissions from residential pellet combustion of an invasive acacia species

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    Currently, different types of raw materials are under investigation to fulfil the demand for pellet-based renewable energy. The aim of this study was to experimentally quantify and characterise the gaseous and particulate matter (PM10) emissions from the combustion of a pelletised invasive species growing in the Portuguese coastal areas. The combustion of acacia pellets in a stove used for domestic heating led to a noticeable production of environmentally relevant contaminants, such as carbon monoxide (CO, 2468 ± 485 mg MJ−1), sulphur dioxide (SO2, 222 ± 115 mg MJ−1) and nitrogen oxides (NOx, 478 ± 87 mg MJ−1). Besides gaseous pollutant emissions, substantial particle emissions (118 ± 14 mg MJ−1) were also generated. Particles consisted mostly of inorganic matter, mainly alkaline metals, sulphur and chlorine. About 25%wt. of the PM10 emitted had carbonaceous nature. The chromatographically resolved organic compounds were dominated by anhydrosugars, especially levoglucosan (284 μg g−1 PM10), and several types of phenolic compounds. Retene (8.77 μg g−1 PM10) was the chief compound among polyaromatic hydrocarbons.publishe

    Perspetivas complementares de valorização do património em pedra em Almeida (Distrito da Guarda)

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    Pode considerar-se que a sua situação da vila de Almeida está enquadrada dentro dos princípios que definem a área temática "Cidade do presente" deste congresso, apresentando um processo de perda por efeito de mudanças estratégicas nacionais, sofrendo, desta forma, de problemas semelhantes. Esta situação promove processos de abandono que podem ter implicações negativas para as povoações e para o cuidado do património histórico, potencialmente com efeitos negativos no ambiente natural circundante. Neste trabalho, com base no caso de estudo de Almeida, pretendemos apresentar e discutir algumas perspetivas de valorização do património em pedra complementares dos aspetos mais históricos e artísticos. A comunicação irá incidir sobre questões de Engenharia, materiais geológicos, processos análogos de processos geológicos, assim como o desenvolvimento de organismos no património construído. Poderão desta forma definir-se atividades dinamizadoras do ensino de vários níveis e da atração turística que, na sua generalidade são menos afetadas pelos problemas de sazonalidade.Esta comunicação foi desenvolvida no âmbito de atividades financiadas por Fundos Europeus de Investimento através do FEDER/COMPETE/POCI - Programa de Competitividade e Internacionalização, e por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; financiamento concedido às unidades: - Lab2PT-Laboratório de Paisagens, Património e Território, projeto POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007528 e UID/AUR/04509/2013; - CITAB - Centro de Investigação e de Tecnologias Agro-Ambientais e Biologicas, projeto POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006958 e UID/AGR/04033/2013; - ISISE – ISISE – Instituto para a Sustentabilidade e Inovação em Engenharia Estrutural, projeto POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633 e UID/ECI/04029/2013. Agradecimentos são igualmente devidos à Câmara Municipal de Almeida pela colaboração prestada na realização deste trabalho, nomeadamente pela criação de condições de alojamento aos investigadores e pela amável ajuda dos seus colaboradores, nomeadamente Dra. Paula Sousa, Eng.ª Lénia Fortunato e Diana Garcia. Agradecimentos também a Flávio Dias pela colaboração na realização do trabalho de campo

    Influence of medium composition on the characteristics of a denitrifying biofilm formed by alcaligenes denitrificans in a fluidised bed reactor

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    The influence of the ratio carbon/nitrogen and phosphorus concentration on the performance of a biofilm fluidised bed reactor used for denitrification and on the properties of the biofilm was studied. Although the removal efficiencies of C and N reached steady-state values, the thickness of the biofilm steadily increased. The dry density of the biofilm did not seem to be dependent on the loading conditions, although a denser biofilm was obtained when there was no nutrient limitation that corresponded to the complete removal of nitrate and carbon. The composition of the biofilm in terms of proteins and polysaccharides changed with the C/N ratio and P concentrations. Higher denitrifying activities, which were obtained with increasing P concentrations, were related with higher protein content, since metabolism was shifted from polysaccharide production towards cell production. The thickness and the density of the biofilms were related mainly with the shear stress in the reactor and the composition of biofilms was dependent on the composition of the medium and related with higher activities of the microorganisms.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PRAXIS XXI . Instituto de Biotecnologia e Química Fina (IBQF)
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