176 research outputs found

    Enhancing student well-being: the Impact of a mindfulness-based program (Mind7+) on stress, anxiety, sleep quality, and social Interactions in a sample of portuguese university students

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    There is an urgent need to promote mental health strategies in university students, and mindfulness-based interventions provide alternative and complementary approaches. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of a mind-fulness-based program (Mind7+) on Portuguese students from the Polytechnic University of Santarem, focusing on stress levels, depression, anxiety, and sleep quality. The intervention consisted of a 8 week mindfulness-based program, with six presential sessions and two online sessions. The participants completed self-filled validated questionnaires before and after intervention. The study revealed that Mind7+ program not only positively influenced stress levels, anxiety, and sleep quality among university students but also had a positive impact on their social interactions. A correlation between sleep quality and frequency of individual practices was observed. The observed medium effect size under-scores the practical relevance of Mind7+ program and the potential of mindfulness-based interventions in higher education to enhance both individual well-being and social connections.N/

    O que é conhecido na compreensão e tratamento da caquexia oncológica?

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    Cancer cachexia is a multifactorial syndrome, associated with an underlying illness, characterized by involuntary weight loss and skeleton muscle mass impairment and reduction, with or without loss of fat mass. It emerges within a systemic inflammation and metabolic disturbance setting, entailing a significant impact in treatment toxicity, quality of life, functional capacity and mortality. Although the conventional nutritional support includes symptom management, inflammation and metabolic modulation and treatment effectiveness, it is not able to fully revert cancer cachexia. The nutritional goals are to provide adequate energy and protein intake along with a combination of anti-inflammatory agents and other nutrients. In this review we focus on the effect of certain nutrients and bioactive molecules in muscle loss, inflammation and cancer cachexia (β-hydroxy-β-methyl butyrate, branched chain amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, carnitine, polyphenols and vitamin D). Food sources providing the later nutrients/molecules should be endorsed, in addition to a conventional nutritional support, as it is expected to entail specific functions in cancer cachexia.A caquexia oncológica é uma síndrome multifatorial, associada a uma doença subjacente, caracterizada por perda involuntária de peso e comprometimento e redução da massa muscular esquelética, com ou sem perda de massa gorda. Surge em cenário de inflamação sistémica e distúrbio metabólico, acarretando um impacto significativo na toxicidade do tratamento, qualidade de vida, capacidade funcional e mortalidade. Embora o suporte nutricional convencional inclua o controlo de sintomas, inflamação e modulação metabólica e eficácia do tratamento, ele não é capaz de reverter totalmente a caquexia oncológica. Os objetivos nutricionais são fornecer uma ingestão energética e proteica adequadas, juntamente com uma combinação de agentes anti-inflamatórios e outros nutrientes. Nesta revisão, o foco está no efeito de certos nutrientes e moléculas bioativas na perda muscular, inflamação e caquexia oncológica (β-hidroxi-β-metil butirato, aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada, ácidos gordos polinsaturados, carnitina, polifenóis e vitamina D). Fontes alimentares que forneçam os nutrientes/moléculas mencionados devem ser recomendadas, em adição a um suporte nutricional convencional, pois é esperado que exerçam funções específicas na caquexia oncológica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O Papel da Liderança sobre a Inteligência Emocional. Aplicação no Sector de Retalho Alimentar (Grupo MaxiCompra)

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    A globalização e competitividade do presente século a nível organizacional, exige uma melhoria contínua, do seu capital humano, de forma a conseguirem garantir o seu crescimento e sobrevivência a longo prazo. Os novos líderes do século XXI denotam elevada protuberância na gestão do capital humano das organizações. Os líderes dotados de inteligência emocional, elevam o potencial dos seus liderados e permitem criar um ambiente ressonante entre os elementos da sua equipa. Um líder que consiga ser emocionalmente inteligente, gera empatia entre os seus liderados, criando laços fortes de pertença entre si e a sua equipa, conseguindo então libertar, o maior potencial dos seus liderados, tornando-os mais competentes e eficazes, no alcance de objectivos em prol da organização. O líder com inteligência emocional, é o novo tipo de líder desejado, neste clima conturbado que atravessamos. A presente dissertação, centra-se em temas relacionados com Liderança, Tipos de Liderança, Inteligência Emocional, Equipas, e Eficácia de Equipas. Com base na pesquisa bibliográfica e empírica realizada em uma organização, que envolve líderes e liderados, procura-se compreender se o tipo de liderança aplicada influencia a inteligência emocional dos liderados e por sua vez se a inteligência emocional dos liderados influencia a eficácia das equipas de trabalho

    Unravelling Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans communication in coinfections scenarios: insights through network analysis

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    The Supplementary Material for this article canbe found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcimb.2020.550505/ full#supplementary-materialModern medicine is currently facing huge setbacks concerning infection therapeutics as microorganisms are consistently knocking down every antimicrobial wall set before them. The situation becomes more worrying when taking into account that, in both environmental and disease scenarios, microorganisms present themselves as biofilm communities that are often polymicrobial. This comprises a competitive advantage, with interactions between different species altering host responses, antimicrobial effectiveness, microbial pathogenesis and virulence, usually augmenting the severity of the infection and contributing for the recalcitrance towards conventional therapy. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans are two opportunistic pathogens often co-isolated from infections, mainly from mucosal tissues like the lung. Despite the billions of years of co-existence, this pair of microorganisms is a great example on how little is known about cross-kingdom interactions, particularly within the context of coinfections. Given the described scenario, this study aimed to collect, curate, and analyze all published experimental information on the molecular basis of P. aeruginosa and C. albicans interactions in biofilms, in order to shed light into key mechanisms that may affect infection prognosis, increasing this area of knowledge. Publications were optimally retrieved from PubMed and Web of Science and classified as to their relevance. Data was then systematically and manually curated, analyzed, and further reconstructed as networks. A total of 641 interactions between the two pathogens were annotated, outputting knowledge on important molecular players affecting key virulence mechanisms, such as hyphal growth, and related genes and proteins, constituting potential therapeutic targets for infections related to these bacterial-fungal consortia. Contrasting interactions were also analyzed, and quorum-sensing inhibition approaches were highlighted. All annotated data was made publicly available at www.ceb.uminho.pt/ISCTD, a database already containing similar data for P. aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus communication. This will allow researchers to cut on time and effort when studying this particular subject, facilitating the understanding of the basis of the inter-species and inter-kingdom interactions and how it can be modulated to help design alternative and more effective tailored therapies. Finally, data deposition will serve as base for future dataset integration, whose analysis will hopefully give insights into communications in more complex and varied biofilm communities.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020–Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. The authors also acknowledge COMPETE2020 and FCT for the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029841 and FCT for the PhD Grant of TG [grant number SFRH/BD/136544/2018].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enginnering cardiac tissue using human induced pluripotent stem cell derivatives: Proteomic characterization of co-cultures of cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells

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    Prediction of cardiac toxicity effect is extremely relevant in the development of new drugs for different medical applications. In this way, it is important to develop more predictable human cell-based models which physiologically better mimic the human heart and allow the prediction of this toxic effect as well as establish the tools that enable the characterization of these complex cell models. To recreate engineered cardiac tissue, it is essential to reproduce the complexity of the heart by resorting to different cell types. Cardiomyocytes (CMs) are functional contractile units of the heart, and it is known that their communication with endothelial cells (ECs) is crucial for cardiac homeostasis. The aim of this study is to recreate a human pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC)-based cardiac tissue model and evaluate the impact of communication between both cell types on the phenotype of CMs. Co-cultures of hiPSC-CM and hiPSC-EC were established and maintained for 12 days as confirmed by immunofluorescence microscopy. Quantitative whole-proteome analysis was performed using SWATH Mass Spectrometry tools to compare the conditions of hiPSC-CM mono-culture and the co-culture of hiPSC-CM and hiPSC-EC. Our data showed relative increase of expression ratios of morphological maturation-related cardiac proteins in hiPSC-CM co-cultures. In particular, the expression ratios of MYH7/MYH6, MYL2/MYL7, TNNI3/TNNI1 increased 2.4-, 5.1-, and 5-fold, respectively, when compared to the mono-culture condition, indicating that in the presence of hiPSC-EC, hPSC-CM display a more adult- and ventricular- like phenotype. Changes in the extracellular matrix composition were also observed, especially related with the increased expression of ECM proteins in co-culture condition namely, collagens I and III (8.6-fold and 6-fold, respectively), fibronectin (3.5-fold) and thrombospondin-4 (2.5-fold). Other growth factors attributed to the extracellular space (e.g. CTGF, PAI1, CRTAP, IGFBP7, and NPPB) that may be responsible for the communication between both cell types have also shown to be up-regulated in the co-culture condition. The presence of a SMA+ (myofibroblast-like) population in the co-culture condition was observed by immunofluorescence microscopy images, which is in agreement with the more complex and fibrotic extracellular matrix found by whole proteome analysis. Ultrastructure characterization of CMs was carried out by transmission electron microscopy. In both conditions, hiPSC-CM displayed aligned myofibrils composed by sarcomeres with organized Z-disks, A- and I-bands, intercalated discs between adjacent cells as well as abundant mitochondria. Noteworthy, sarcomere length was higher in hiPSC-CM cultured with hiPSC-EC, suggesting structural changes associated with cardiomyocyte maturation. Calcium imaging is being performed to evaluate calcium handling of hiPSC-CMs and their response to drugs. All together our data revealed that promoting the communication of hiPSC-CM and hiPSC-EC induced structural changes in hiPSC-CM associated with maturation. This study provides important insights towards the development of more complex cardiac tissues and establishes potent analytical tools for the characterization of these models. This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)-funded project CARDIOSTEM (MITP-TB/ECE/0013/2013); and iNOVA4Health UID/Multi/04462/2013, a program supported by FCT/Ministério da Educação e Ciência, through national funds and cofounded by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement. BA. was supported by FCT Grant SFRH/BD/52475/201

    A novel β-xylosidase from Anoxybacillus sp. 3M towards an improved agro-industrial residues saccharification

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    ABSTRACT: An intracellular β-xylosidase (AbXyl), fromthe thermoalkaline Anoxybacillus sp. 3M,was purified and characterized. The homodimeric enzyme (140 kDa) was optimally active at 65 °C and pH 5.5, exhibited half life of 10 h at 60 °C, 78 and 88% residual activity after 24 h, at pH 4.5 and 8.0, respectively. Fe2+, Cu2+, Al3+, Ag+ and Hg2+inhibited the enzyme; the activity was moderately stimulated by SDS and not influenced by β-mercaptoethanol. In the presence of p-nitrophenyl-β-D-xylopyranoside, AbXyl exhibited Km of 0.19 mM, Kcat of 453.29 s−1, KcatKm−1 of 2322 s−1mMandwas moderately influenced by xylose (Ki 21.25mM). The enzyme hydrolyzed xylo-oligomers into xylose and catalyzed transxylosilation reactions also in presence of alcohols as acceptors, producing xylo-oligosaccharides and alkyl-xylosides. Finally AbXyl was applied towards a statistically optimized process of brewery's spent grain bioconversion, highlighting the important role of this biocatalyst in reaching high yields of fermentable sugars.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antimicrobial resistance three ways: healthcare crisis, major concepts, and the relevance of biofilms

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    Worldwide, infections are resuming their role as highly effective killing diseases, as current treatments are failing to respond to the growing problem that is antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The social and economical burden of AMR seems ever rising, with health- and research-related organizations rushing to collaborate on a worldwide scale to find effective solutions. Resistant bacteria are spreading even in first-world nations, being found not only in healthcare-related settings, but also in food and in the environment. In this mini-review, the impact of AMR in healthcare systems and the major bacteria behind it are highlighted. Ecological aspects of AMR evolution and the complexity of its molecular mechanisms are explained. Major concepts, such as intrinsic, acquired, and adaptive resistance, as well as tolerance and heteroresistance, are also clarified. More importantly, the problematic of biofilms and their role in AMR, namely its main resistance and tolerance mechanisms, is elucidated. Finally, some of the most promising anti-biofilm strategies being investigated are reviewed. Much is still to be done regarding the study of AMR and the discovery of new anti-biofilm strategies. Gladly, considerable research on this topic is generated every day and increasingly concerted actions are being engaged globally to try and tackle this problem.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2019 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. The authors also acknowledge COMPETE2020 and FCT for the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029841, and FCT for the PhD Grants of Andreia Magalhães [grant number SFRH/BD/132165/2017] and Tânia Grainha [grant number SFRH/BD/136544/2018].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Acessibilidade e Utilização de Fontes de Informação em Saúde Cardiovascular: Perceção de Doentes e Médicos

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    Introdução: A promoção da saúde cardiovascular contempla a disseminação de informação direcionada para cidadãos e profissionais de saúde. Este estudo pretendia mapear as perspetivas de doentes e médicos quanto às fontes privilegiadas de informação sobre saúde cardiovascular e aos objetivos com que usam a informação obtida. Métodos: Análise de conteúdo temática de um grupo focal com médicos e outro com doentes, realizados em janeiro e março de 2011. Garantiu-se a diversidade de áreas de especialidade e de experiência profissional em doenças cardiovasculares (DCV), assim como de patologias cardiovasculares no grupo de doentes. Resultados: Doentes e médicos realçaram a importância de obter informação credível, acessível, clara, relevante e precisa, utilizando-a para identificar e avaliar sintomas e fatores de risco, e compreender a adesão e eficácia do tratamento e as consequências psicossociais da doença. Os doentes valorizaram a informação transmitida presencialmente por profissionais de saúde ou imagens, visando compreender as características e consequências da doença e as formas de a gerir quotidianamente. Os médicos valorizaram a informação proveniente de websites e a troca de informação entre pares, centrando-se na transmissão de informação. Dificuldades em estandardizar reco- mendações e a valorização do conhecimento obtido empiricamente podem originar inconsistências nas informações disponíveis. Conclusões: Doentes e médicos privilegiaram diferentes fontes de informação em saúde cardiovascular e utilizam-na para finalidades específicas distintas. Importa incluir as perspetivas de doentes e médicos no desenho e implementação de políticas de saúde no âmbito da prevenção e gestão de DCV, evitando a sobreutilização dos cuidados de saúde

    The effects of pre-season and relationships with physical, physiological, body composition, and load markers: a case study comparing starters versus non-starters from an elite female professional soccer team

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    Background and Objectives: Research on female soccer players that analyzes playing status is scarce and has previously only examined load monitoring, while other markers, such as physical (i.e., strength, power, and agility), physiological (i.e., maximal oxygen uptake), and body composition (i.e., body fat mass, fat-free mass, body water, and phase angle) markers, warrant further investigation. Thus, the study aims were to (a) compare physical, physiological, body composition, and load markers between starters and non-starters; (b) compare measurements pre- and post-training intervention (five weeks); and (c) analyze any relationships between physical, physiological, body composition, and load markers in an elite female soccer team. Materials and Methods: Fourteen first-team players participated in the study (age 23.29 ± 3.19 years, weight 59.14 ± 6.87 kg, height 1.66 ± 0.08 m). Several physical (n = 15), physiological (n = 1), body composition (n = 11), and load markers (n = 14) were collected. In addition, participants were sub-divided into starters (n = 7) and non-starters (n = 7). Results: No differences were revealed between starters and non-starters in any of the examined variables. Moreover, following the training intervention, a significantly lower value was found for total body water/fat-free mass ratio (p = 0.043; ES = 0.582). In addition, there were several correlations detected between load and physical/physiological markers (n = 28); load and body composition markers (n = 6); physical/physiological and body composition markers (n = 34); and physical and physiological markers (n = 42). Conclusions: In conclusion, only a slight tendency of higher load values for starters than non-starters was observed. In addition, no differences in physical, physiological, and body composition markers were found between starters and non-starters, possibly suggesting that five weeks were not enough to improve such variables. Finally, the present results provide novel information assessing the effects of the pre-season in elite female Portuguese soccer players and contribute to a better understanding of the associations between different types of measurements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of dietary neutral detergent fibre source on lambs growth, meat quality and biohydrogenation intermediates

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    Research Areas: Food Science & TechnologyABSTRACT - With this trial we have tested the effects of structural and chemical composition of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) of the diet on lamb fatty acid composition of meat and subcutaneous fat. Twenty lambs, were fed complete diets with low starch and similar NDF content of different origin (ground alfalfa or soybean hulls). Animal performance and product quality were not affected by treatments. Rumen pH increased and parakeratosis intensity decreased with the level of alfalfa in the diet. Increasing the alfalfa proportion in the diet decreased t10–18:1 (P = .023), increased t11–18:1 (P = .003) and decreased the t10/t11 ratio according to a quadratic pattern (P = .020). Chemical composition and structure of the diet's fibrous fraction influenced the BI pattern of the final product. Forty percent of alfalfa in diet reduced the severity of t10-shift, but for its full resolution, other factors should be considered including forage particle size and buffering capacity of the diet.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio