5,976 research outputs found

    Data Migration in the Era of Digital Transformation: Migrating to Cloud-Based Solutions

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceThis internship report provides an overview of data migration, a crucial process in modern organisations' digital transformation efforts. It explores the importance of data migration for optimising data management strategies and gaining a competitive edge. The report discusses the steps of data migration, including planning, data extraction, transformation, loading, validation and reconciliation. It addresses common challenges such as data mapping complexities and system compatibility issues, and suggests strategies to mitigate risks. Additionally, the report highlights the importance of data security and privacy considerations during data migration, including compliance with regulations and the adoption of encryption and access controls. It contains best practices and recommendations for successful data migration projects, stressing collaboration, monitoring, and evaluation for accurate and stable data migration outcomes

    non-small cell lung cancer

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia.O cancro é um problema mundial e, apesar dos avanços da ciência e medicina na compreensão da sua biologia e genética, é a segunda causa de morte. Durante muito tempo, o seu tratamento baseou-se na cirurgia, radioterapia e quimioterapia. Embora estas terapias tenham apresentado resultados positivos, apresenta taxas de sucesso variáveis devido à falta de especificidade e toxicidade sistémica inerente. A medicina de precisão introduz uma mudança de paradigma no campo médico, mostrando-se promissora no diagnóstico atempado, bem como na melhoria das condições de vida dos doentes com cancro. O objetivo é avaliar dados genéticos, estilo de vida e ambientais do paciente, com recurso a tecnologia de ponta, como testes moleculares e sequenciamento de última geração, para fornecer um diagnóstico preciso num estadio inicial, bem como um tratamento apropriado. Assim, a medicina de precisão pode permitir a prevenção de doenças e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzir os custos e efeitos colaterais da terapêutica. Atualmente, o campo com maior pesquisa e aplicação em medicina de precisão, é a oncologia. O cancro do pulmão é um exemplo proeminente do sucesso desta inovação no tratamento de tumores sólidos malignos. O cancro de pulmão é um grande problema de saúde pública, sendo a principal causa mundial de morte relacionada com o cancro. Isto deve-se a um diagnóstico em estadios avançados, em consequência da ausência de sintomas na fase inicial da doença, o que a torna muitas vezes incurável. Assim, a realização do perfil molecular é uma ferramenta ideal para o diagnóstico e deteção atempados. A caracterização molecular abrangente do cancro de pulmão expandiu a nossa perceção das origens celulares e vias moleculares afetadas em cada um dos subtipos. Além disso, muitas das alterações genéticas encontradas representam potenciais alvos terapêuticos (biomarcadores) para os quais novos fármacos estão em constante desenvolvimento. Esta monografia pretende dar uma visão geral da atual medicina de precisão no cancro, bem como as suas perspetivas futuras. Foi dado destaque ao cancro do pulmão, mais precisamente ao subtipo de cancro do pulmão de células não pequenas, devido à sua alta incidência e mortalidade.Cancer is a worldwide problem, and despite tremendous advances in science and medicine in the understanding of its biology and genetics, it is still a major cause of death. For a long time, surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy were the most used approaches for cancer treatment. Even though these therapies have shown positive outcomes, variable success rates have been obtained due to their lack of specificity and inherent systemic toxicity. Precision medicine is a new, paradigm-shift approach in medical field that shows promise for improving many aspects of healthcare, both in terms of diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The goal of precision medicine is to use cutting-edge healthcare resources, such as molecular tests and next-generation sequencing to decipher patient's genomic, lifestyle, and environmental data, and thereby identify a precise diagnosis at an earlier stage, as wells as an appropriate treatment. In this way, precision medicine may allow the prevention of disease while also reducing the costs and side effects of therapy. Currently, oncology is the field with major research and application of precision medicine. A prominent example of the success of this innovation in treating solid tumour malignancies, is lung cancer. Lung cancer is a major public health concern, being the leading cause of cancer related mortality worldwide. The reason for this is the diagnosis at an advance stage, due to the absence of symptoms at early stages, which makes the disease often incurable. As such, molecular profiling isthe ideal tool for early diagnosis and detection. Comprehensive molecular characterization of lung cancer has expanded our understanding of the cellular origins and molecular pathways affected in each of the sub-types. Furthermore, many of these genetic alterations represent potential therapeutic targets (biomarkers) for which novel drugs are constantly under development. This monograph aims to give an overview of cancer precision medicine current state and future perspectives. A special focus was given to lung cancer, more precisely to the non-small cell lung cancer subtype, due to its high incidence and mortality

    between employability and lifelong learning

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    Portuguese national funds by FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology under the project (Pest-OE / CED / UI2861)In this article, we analyse the return of graduates to higher education to continue academic training, discussing and considering the reasons that lead them to continue postgraduate training. This discussion draws on the analysis of empirical data resulting from a statistical representative sample of graduates who completed their first degrees in 2004/2005 at the Universidade de Lisboa e Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal). The data analysed enables the consideration to what extent the participation in postgraduate training can be understood as an employability strategy. This debate is particularly significant in the present context given, first, that lifelong learning is of increasing importance in contemporary societies and, moreover, that graduates' unstable and precarious employment situations have been growing.publishersversionpublishe

    Patient Relationship Management (PRM) and AI: The role of Affective Computing

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence (AI) has been praised as the next big thing in the computing revolution, and it's been touted as a game-changer in a variety of fields, including healthcare. The increasing popularity of this technology is driving early adoption and leading to a lack of consideration of the patient perspective in its use, bringing new sources of distrust that come from the absence of human attributes. This study aims to address this problem by presenting a strategy in the area of affective computing that will combat this absence of empathy experienced by the patient during a medical process. To reach this goal, a Design Science Research Methodology will be followed. A preliminary literature study had already been completed, and the research topic and objectives had been established. In addition, to apply the artifact developments, a bot will be built and evaluated by a set of users. The increased awareness of these AI systems will, expectedly, stimulate their use. By adding new research into the affective computing field, it is also expected to contribute to the digital healthcare evolution and to encourage further scientific progress in this area

    The Correlation Between Dietary Intake, Stress, Food Insecurity, Physical Activity, Sleep, and Screen Time in College Students During Covid-19

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    College students with high stress levels are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors, which may negatively impact their health. During COVID-19, college student’s lives were disrupted on multiple levels. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between dietary intake, perceived stress, food insecurity, sleep, screen time, and physical activity among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. College students at the University of the Incarnate Word (N=154) completed an online survey to assess dietary choices (Dietary Screener Questionnaires (DSQ) in the NHANES 2009-10: DSQ), food insecurity (6-item Short Form of the US Household Food Security Survey), stress (Perceived Stress Scale-10), physical activity (International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form), screen time, and sleep. Students self-reported demographic information. Independent t-test, ANOVA test, multiple-linear regression, and Sobel test were used to analyze the data. Males consumed significantly more added sugar, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables than females (P \u3c .001). Higher levels of stress (P \u3c .05) and less intense physical activity (P \u3c .05) were significantly related to a lower consumption of fruits and vegetables. Food insecurity was significantly related to greater stress levels (P\u3c .05). Finally, regression models explained approximately 13.5% of consumption of food and vegetables. The higher college students perceived stress scores, the more likely they are to consume less fruits and vegetables. Programs aimed at reducing stress and its potential causers, providing resources for food insecure students, promoting physical activity, and enhancing nutritional education can help improve college students\u27 diet and life quality

    Análise dos falsos AVCs admitidos na Unidade de AVC do Hospital de Santa Maria entre 2007 e 2013

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2017Introdução :O diagnóstico de Acidente Vascular Cerebral é realizado no serviço de urgência. Em 2010, ocorreram alterações nas escalas de urgência de neurolgia que resultaram num menor número de horas realizadas por especialistas em neurologia. Pretendemos com este estudo analisar se estas alterações se associaram a modificações no número e padrão de falsos AVCs internados Metodologia: Estudo observacional, retrospetivo de 2007 a 2013. A variação do número de internamentos ao longo do tempo foi analisada através da regressão segmentar - ARIMA - sendo a altura da intervenção entre Julho e Dezembro de 2010. O coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson foi utilizado para avaliar a associação entre o número de horas realizadas por internos e o número de falsos AVCs Resultados: Dos 2552 pacientes admitidos na Unidade de AVC, 290 foram Falsos AVCs(11.4%). Após Julho-Agosto 2010 verificou-se um aumento no número de falsos AVCs internados (p=0.03) O diagnóstico provisório mais comum no serviço de urgência foi AVC vertebro-basilar (n=137). Após 2010 o diagnóstico mais comum passou de Condições Psiquiátricas a S.Vertiginoso Periférico Foi encontrada uma correlação entre o número de horas realizadas primariamente por internos de neurologia e o número de falsos AVCs internados (Coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson=0.94; p=0.002). Conclusão: A alteração na organização do serviço de urgência conduziu a um maior número de internamentos por falsos AVC e a maior número de pacientes internados com síndromes vertiginosos periféricos.Background: The diagnosis of stroke is first done in the emergency department. In 2010, changes were made in the neurology emergency rota that resulted in a decrease in the number of emergency hours done by neurology specialists. We aim to analyze repercussions of such changes on the number or pattern of admitted stroke mimics (SM). Methods: Observational retrospective study from January 2007 to December 2013. We used a segmented linear regression – ARIMA to evaluate changes in the temporal pattern of admitted stroke mimics. Time of intervention was set between July 2010-August 2010. A statistical correlation between the number of emergency hours done by neurology residents and the number of admitted stroke mimics was calculated using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Results: Of the 2552 patients admitted to the stroke unit, 290 were SM (11.4%). After July-August 2010 there was an increase in the number of SM admitted (p=0.003) The most common provisional diagnosis in the emergency department was vertebro-basilar stroke (n=137). After 2010 the most frequent stroke mimic diagnosis changed from psychiatric conditions to peripheral vertigo . A correlation was found between the number of hours done primarily by neurology residents and the number of stroke mimics admitted (Pearson correlation coefficient=0.94; p=0.002). Conclusion: Changes in neurology emergency shift schedules were associated to an increase in the rate of admitted stroke mimics and to a higher number of mimics with a final diagnosis of peripheral vertigo

    Looking for a break in Spanish Inflation Data in the early eighties and assessing persistence

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    Using the Bai-Perron test, we look for a shift in the conditional mean of an AR representation of Spanish CPI inflation over the period: 1978-2006. It is clear that Spain, as most OECD economies, experienced an inflation slowdown in the early eithgties, which can be related to some policy measures undertook by the government coming out of the 1982 elections. It is shown, that when the break is accounted for, there are no signs of persistence in Spanish CPI inflation.inflation persistence; structural breaks; monetary policy

    Coexistence of loyalty programs : an opportunity? : a case of Galp energia

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    The development of Loyalty programs is an effective strategy used by companies in order to get customers satisfied and increase the retention levels, which most of the times leads to higher profitability. Currently, with the growing trends in the market, customers are more demanding and companies must work on the development of efficient tools to keep up with their business. Therefore, this study aims to analyse how two different loyalty programs of Galp coexist in the market by understanding what customers mostly want to, in which channels they should be and finally, to understand if it represents an opportunity for Galp? A survey conducted to Portuguese citizens showed that customers prefer loyalty cards that provide them with direct discounts. Furthermore, customers also like to have discounts in other services with these same cards, as well as cards in the format of an online application. Moreover, the transition to the online channel presented to be more significant in the young-adult segment, which is the segment that is more online buyer. Finally, by measuring what customers most preferred and complementing these results with the internal information of Galp, it was possible to conclude that Galp should invest on the development of the two programs as they complement each other and can be great tools to keep customers satisfied and enhance company’s value.O desenvolvimento de programas de fidelização é uma estratégia eficaz usada pelas empresas, de modo a manter os consumidores satisfeitos e aumentar os níveis de fidelização que, na maioria das vezes, se traduz em receita. Atualmente, com as crescentes tendências do mercado, os consumidores estão cada vez mais exigentes e por isso as empresas têm que trabalhar no sentido de desenvolver os mecanismos e ferramentas certas para manter o seu negócio sustentável. Assim, este estudo pretende analisar como dois programas de fidelização da Galp convivem no mercado, analisando as preferências dos consumidores relativamente a estes serviços e percebendo em que canais se devem investir, de maneira a que se traduza numa oportunidade de crescimento para a empresa. Um questionário direcionado para a população portuguesa foi realizado, revelando uma preferência por cartões que oferecem descontos diretos, descontos em outros serviços, bem como cartões em formato digital. A transição para o canal online revelou ser mais significativo para o segmento jovem-adulto, uma vez que é o segmento que mais compra online. Por fim, medindo as preferências dos consumidores e complementando a informação da Galp, foi possível concluir que a Galp deverá investir nos dois programas que tem, uma vez que se complementam e oferecem aos clientes o que eles procuram, sendo uma grande mais-valia pois conseguem reter muito mais clientes, através do aumento dos seus níveis de satisfação e aumentando o valor da empresa