1,055 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to analyze the evolution and participation of forestry products in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Brazilian forest-based sector, from 2000 to 2019. To do so, secondary data collected from Instituto Brazilian Geography and Statistics, considering historical series referring to the produced/commercialized quantity in silviculture (m³) and production value in silviculture (Thousand dollars). To obtain the price evolution (P) of each product, the equation was applied, using the quotient between the value of the production and its respective produced quantities. The analysis of the evolution of the GDP, on the other hand, was conducted by calculating the geometric growth rate (GGR). In relation to the real GDP, the decline started in 2011, however in a more moderate way. The real Brazilian GDP presented a positive rate of 3.51%, different from the silviculture rate that was negative for all products, triggering a decline in the forestry sector rate


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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar os estudos feitos pelo Núcleo de Estudos Educação, Cultura e Sociedade  (NEECS) da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) acerca da história da música brasileira, em particular de matizes africanas. As atividades foram iniciadas em julho de 2017 e envolveram todos os alunos do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) do curso de Ciências Biológicas da UFLA. O núcleo teve como principal meio de comunicação um grupo do Facebook aberto a quem se interessasse em que as postagens eram feitas e a partir delas se davam os estudos. As sínteses finais das convergências musicais encontradas neste estudo e, igualmente disponibilizadas, foram: o maxixe, o choro e o samba. Deste último, procurou-se descrever uma segunda linha de tempo a partir de sua primeira gravação “Pelo telefone”. Esta linha de tempo do samba apresenta Donga, Pixinguinha, João da Baiana. Sinhô, Ismael Silva e, encerra a jornada com Noel Rosa. A partir do estudo foi possível perceber o grande potencial da música na formação de professores e na compreensão da história da formação da sociedade brasileira.

    The role of potassium channels in the endothelial dysfunction induced by periodontitis

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    Objective: Periodontitis is associated with endothelial dysfunction, which is clinically characterized by a reduction in endothelium-dependent relaxation. However, we have previously shown that impairment in endothelium-dependent relaxation is transient. Therefore, we evaluated which mediators are involved in endothelium-dependent relaxation recovery. Material and methods: Rats were subjected to ligature-induced experimental periodontitis. Twenty-one days after the procedure, the animals were prepared for blood pressure recording, and the responses to acetylcholine or sodium nitroprusside were obtained before and 30 minutes after injection of a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (L-NAME), cyclooxygenase inhibitor (Indomethacin, SC-550 and NS- 398), or calcium-dependent potassium channel blockers (apamin plus TRAM- 34). The maxilla and mandible were removed for bone loss analysis. Blood and gingivae were obtained for C-reactive protein (CRP) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) measurement, respectively. Results: Experimental periodontitis induces bone loss and an increase in the gingival MPO and plasmatic CRP. Periodontitis also reduced endothelium-dependent vasodilation, a hallmark of endothelial dysfunction, 14 days after the procedure. However, the response was restored at day 21. We found that endothelium-dependent vasodilation at day 21 in ligature animals was mediated, at least in part, by the activation of endothelial calcium-activated potassium channels. Conclusions: Periodontitis induces impairment in endothelial-dependent relaxation; this impairment recovers, even in the presence of periodontitis. The recovery is mediated by the activation of endothelial calcium-activated potassium channels in ligature animals. Although important for maintenance of vascular homeostasis, this effect could mask the lack of NO, which has other beneficial properties

    The social representation of the governance system through key descriptors: mute zone?

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    This article seeks to describe the social representations of Brazilians about the term Governance System (GS). The data were collected through online questionnaires answered by 665 social actors from Brazil. The data analysis used the Social Representation Theory (SRT), operationalized by the techniques of free evocation of words and the Four Houses Framework of Verges, followed by lexical and content analysis. It was identified that in the center of the table there are words highly shared by the social actors about the Governance System: Accountability, Administration, Compliance, Control, Management, Organization, Planning, Processes, Transparency, and Ethics. It is concluded that Accountability is conceived as a structuring element for the effectiveness of the GS. The data suggest the existence of a mute zone in the social representation, since there was a scarcity of words that brought negative expressions about the GS and that deserve future investigations.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Production of fig seedlings in alternative substrates in the Upper-Middle Gurgueia region

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    Given the importance of determining which substrate source attends to the need of each fruit species and at the same reducing production costs, this work aimed to evaluate the quality of fig seedlings, cultivar ‘Roxo de Valinhos’, in alternative substrates in the Upper-Middle Gurgueia region, Piauí state. The treatments consisted of Sand (SND), Decomposed Moriche Palm Stem (DMT); Goat+Sheep Manure (GSM), Ravine Soil (TBA), and Commercial Substrate (COM). A Randomized Block Design (RBD) was adopted, with 4 replications and 5 experimental units.  The analyzed variables were: Sprouting rate index (SRI), branch length (BRL), branch diameter (BRD), number of leaves in the branch (NLB), chlorophyll A (CLA), chlorophyll B (CLB), shoot fresh matter (SFM), root fresh matter (RFM), shoot dry matter, (SDM) root dry matter (RDM), rooted cuttings (ENR), root length (RL) and volume of the root system (VRS). A significant effect of the substrates was verified for all variables, except chlorophyll A, chlorophyll B, number of branches, and branch diameter. Due to the chemical characteristics of the goat+sheep manure, it provided the necessary conditions for the growth and development of the shoot part and root system, revealing to be superior to the remaining substrates. Therefore, it may be concluded that the goat+sheep manure provides all the essential nutrients for the quality production of fig seedlings, cultivar ‘Roxo de Valinhos’, allowing the rooting of 100% of the cuttings.Given the importance of determining which substrate source attends to the need of each fruit species and at the same reducing production costs, this work aimed to evaluate the quality of fig seedlings, cultivar ‘Roxo de Valinhos’, in alternative substrates in the Upper-Middle Gurgueia region, Piauí state. The treatments consisted of Sand (SND), Decomposed Moriche Palm Stem (DMT); Goat+Sheep Manure (GSM), Ravine Soil (TBA), and Commercial Substrate (COM). A Randomized Block Design (RBD) was adopted, with 4 replications and 5 experimental units.  The analyzed variables were: Sprouting rate index (SRI), branch length (BRL), branch diameter (BRD), number of leaves in the branch (NLB), chlorophyll A (CLA), chlorophyll B (CLB), shoot fresh matter (SFM), root fresh matter (RFM), shoot dry matter, (SDM) root dry matter (RDM), rooted cuttings (ENR), root length (RL) and volume of the root system (VRS). A significant effect of the substrates was verified for all variables, except chlorophyll A, chlorophyll B, number of branches, and branch diameter. Due to the chemical characteristics of the goat+sheep manure, it provided the necessary conditions for the growth and development of the shoot part and root system, revealing to be superior to the remaining substrates. Therefore, it may be concluded that the goat+sheep manure provides all the essential nutrients for the quality production of fig seedlings, cultivar ‘Roxo de Valinhos’, allowing the rooting of 100% of the cuttings

    Empreendedorismo em uma associação de mulheres rurais: propostas de melhorias e desenvolvimento

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    The study was an association of 25 rural women who needed guidance to improve the marketing of organic vegetables produced by them. The Extension Project CPMEI guided the public in order to make a diagnosis of the main problems and presenting marketing proposals business planning and consulting offering . The main problem detected association was the lack of financial planning The methodology was an exploratory research through a visit to carry out the planning of activities, where they discussed a diagnosis using the brainstorming technique (exchange of ideas) and research market for the submission of a Marketing Plan and Financial Planning as a solution to the problems identified .O trabalho foi realizado com uma associação constituída por 25 mulheres do campo que necessitavam de orientações para o aprimoramento da comercialização de hortaliças orgânicas por elas produzidas. O Projeto de Extensão Capacitação Profi ssional para Microempreendedores (CPMEI) orientou este público com o objetivo de elaborar um diagnóstico dos problemas principais e apresentar propostas de marketing, planejamento do negócio e oferecimento de consultorias. O principal problema detectado na associação foi a falta de um planejamento fi nanceiro. A metodologia adotada foi uma pesquisa exploratória por meio de uma visita para realizar o planejamento das atividades, onde se discutiu um diagnóstico, usando a técnica de Brainstorming (troca de ideias), uma pesquisa de mercado para apresentação de um Plano de Marketing e o Planejamento Financeiro como solução para os problemas detectados.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35700/ca.2016.ano3n5.p26-34.204

    Morpho-physiological responses of Bos indicus, Bos taurus and crossbred weaned heifers to seasonal variations

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    Animals kept in extensive production systems are constantly exposed to the effects of climatic aspects, which could favour thermal discomfort, decreasing productive and reproductive performances. Utilisation of Bos taurus crosses with Bos indicus animals is increasing in the tropics aimed at improving production and it is now well known how these animals respond in such environment. The objective was to characterize the morpho-physiological thermoregulation responses of weaned heifers from four different genetic groups to infer regarding the different degrees of adaptation to heat under tropical conditions Forty-eight, pasture-kept, 6-month-old, weaned heifers from four distinct genetic groups: (1) Nellore; (2) Senepol; (3) Angus x Nellore; and, (4) ¼ Brahman x ¼ Nellore x ½ Senepol (Tri-cross) were evaluated. Skin, hair coat and rectal temperatures; sweating rate; respiratory and heart rates; visual analysis of hair and hair coat colour; hair coat temperature and thickness; and length, diameter, density and number of hairs were evaluated. In addition, the temperature-humidity index, black-globe temperature and humidity index, and radiant thermal load were determined. Angus x Nellore animals presented the lowest (P=0.008) respiratory rate. Rectal temperature did differ (P=0.001) between seasons. Angus x Nellore heifers showed the greatest (P=0.001) values for the morphological measures in the evaluated months, coinciding with thermal comfort indexes above those considered comfortable for cattle.  Nellore (Bos indicus), Brahman x Nellore x Senepol, and Senepol (B. taurus) present the best adaptive traits in savanna. The utilisation of B. indicus animals or adapted breed confers desirable morphological characteristics for the tropical environment. Beef cattle kept in extensive systems are constantly exposed to the effects of the climate. In tropical and intertropical regions, the reproductive management of Bos taurus animals with B. indicus animals is an alternative for zootechnical improvement. The objective was to evaluate morphophysiological characteristics of heat adaptation of beef heifers on pasture. For this, fifty-four animals from four distinct genetic groups: (1) Nellore, (2) Senepol, (3) Angus x Nellore and (4) ¼ Brahman x ¼ Nellore x ½ Senepol (Tri-cross), with six months-old, were evaluated during the summer and autumn seasons of 2016. The morphological characteristics of the coat (length, diameter, thickness, density and number of hairs and coat color) and physiological (skin, hair and rectal temperature; sweat rate; respiratory and heart rate) were evaluated. The environment was evaluated using the temperature and humidity index, black globe temperature, humidity index and radiation thermal load. We observed that the production environment presented thermal discomfort for the animals. Thus, the animals’ rectal temperature differed between seasons. All groups studied showed some adaptive characteristic to the tropical environment. Angus x Nellore heifers had the highest values for the morphological measures in the months evaluated, coinciding with thermal comfort indexes above those considered comfortable for cattle and the lowest value of respiratory rate when compared between the crossing. In conclusion, all genetic groups have at least three adaptive characteristics to the tropical environment when analyzing the physiological responses

    Water-retaining polymers on the early growth and quality of bushy cashew (Anacardium humile A. St. Hill) seedlings

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    Bushy cashew (Anacardium humile A. St. Hill) is an endemic plant species to the Brazilian Cerrado, a region characterized by scarce and poorly distributed rainfall. The use of hydrogel, a water-retaining polymer that features massive water storage and promotes its release into the environment throughout time may be an alternative to reduce the frequency irrigation in the production of bushy cashew seedlings. This study aimed to evaluate the quality and early growth of bushy cashew seedlings as a function of hydrogel doses. The experimental design adopted was in five randomized blocks, with five hydrogel doses (0; 1,0; 2,0; 3,0; and 4,0 g L-1 of soil), and each plot consisting of 10 seedlings, totaling 250 plants. A Yellow Latosol with sandy-loam texture was used for seedling production. The growth evaluation was performed through the variables of emergence speed index, germination percentage, height, diameter, root volume, number of leaves, shoot dry mass, root dry mass, and the Dickson quality index. The results revealed a positive influence of the hydrogel on the growth and quality of bushy cashew seedlings, notably at the dose of 4 g L-1 of soil.Bushy cashew (Anacardium humile A. St. Hill) is an endemic plant species to the Brazilian Cerrado, a region characterized by scarce and poorly distributed rainfall. The use of hydrogel, a water-retaining polymer that features massive water storage and promotes its release into the environment throughout time may be an alternative to reduce the frequency irrigation in the production of bushy cashew seedlings. This study aimed to evaluate the quality and early growth of bushy cashew seedlings as a function of hydrogel doses. The experimental design adopted was in five randomized blocks, with five hydrogel doses (0; 1,0; 2,0; 3,0; and 4,0 g L-1 of soil), and each plot consisting of 10 seedlings, totaling 250 plants. A Yellow Latosol with sandy-loam texture was used for seedling production. The growth evaluation was performed through the variables of emergence speed index, germination percentage, height, diameter, root volume, number of leaves, shoot dry mass, root dry mass, and the Dickson quality index. The results revealed a positive influence of the hydrogel on the growth and quality of bushy cashew seedlings, notably at the dose of 4 g L-1 of soil

    Enraizamento de diferentes tipos de estacas de pinhão manso em dois substratos

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    A escassez de combustíveis fósseis tem promovido a busca de opções para substituir esses combustíveis por semelhantes com mesma eficiência. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação tipo Pad & Fan do Departamento de Fitotecnia, Tecnologia de Alimentos e Sócio Economia da Faculdade de Engenharia – Campus de Ilha Solteira da Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 3 x 2 (tipos de estacas x substrato), totalizando 6 tratamentos com 4 repetições e 10 estacas por parcela. A utilização de vermiculita permitiu a obtenção de valores para porcentagem de estacas vivas muito próximas para estacas basais (82,5%), medianas (80,0%) e apicais (60,0%). As estacas basais, independentemente do tipo de substrato são aquelas que permitem uma maior obtenção de porcentagem de estacas vivas, massa da matéria seca das brotações e das raízes, comprimento dos brotos, número de brotos e número de folhas com mais de 2,0 cm. O substrato vermiculita proporciona uma maior porcentagem de estacas vivas e número de folhas. A massa da matéria seca de raízes é maior quando da utilização do substrato areia

    Rendimiento del quinto cuarto en corderos terminados en pasturas tropicales con o sin suplementación concentrada

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar el efecto de diferentes niveles de suplementación concentrada (0 %, 1,5 %, 3,0 %, en relación con el peso vivo) y dos especies forrajeras como Megathyrsus maximus cv. Aruana y Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandú en el rendimiento del quinto cuarto en corderos Suffolk. En total, 36 corderos machos enteros fueron distribuidos en 12 piquetes de 32 m × 32 m. Los animales recibieron sal y agua ad libitum durante el experimento, así como su correspondiente ración concentrada ofrecida diariamente a las 8:00 a. m. Un puntaje de condición corporal de 2,5 a 3,0 fue utilizada como parámetro para la faena. El diseño fue completamente al azar en un arreglo factorial 3 × 2 (tres niveles de suplementación y dos tipos de pasturas). Se evaluó el peso corporal vacío (PCV), consumo de materia seca (CMS), ganancia de peso diario (GPD), componentes del quinto cuarto (CQC), tracto gastrointestinal y víscera roja, blanca y verde. El PCV, CMS, GPD y CQC fueron influenciados (p < 0,05) por los niveles de suplementación concentrada y tipos de pasturas, menores para animales sin suplementación en pastura Marandu. Asimismo, la cabeza, las patas, la sangre, el corazón, el hígado, el riñón, la víscera roja y la grasa omental e interna fueron inferiores (p < 0,05) en animales sin suplementación. Rumen retículo (lleno y vacío) y víscera blanca (lleno y vacío) fueron independientes del nivel de suplementación y tipos de pasturas. La no suplementación concentrada provoca menor desarrollo de los principales órganos vitales del cordero, más aún en pastura Marandú.El objetivo de la presente investigación es verificar el efecto de diferentes niveles de suplementación concentrada (0 %, 1,5 %, 3 % en relación al peso vivo) y dos especies forrajeras (Aruana y Marandu) en las características no canal de corderos Suffolk. En total, 36 corderos, macho, entero fueron utilizados, distribuidos en 12 piquetes de 32 m x 32 m. Los animales recibieron sal y agua add libitum durante el experimento y la ración concentrada ofrecida diariamente a las 08:00 AM. Condición corporal de 2,5 a 3 fue utilizada como parámetros para la faena. El diseño fue completamente al azar en un esquema factorial 3 x 2 (tres niveles de suplementación y dos tipos de pasturas). Fueron evaluados el peso corporal vacío (PCV), consumo de materia seca (CMS), ganancia de peso diario (GPD), componentes no canal (CNC), tracto gastrointestinal y víscera roja, blanca y verde. PCV, CMS, GPD y CNC fueron influenciados (p < 0,05) por los niveles de suplementación concentrada y tipos de pasturas, menores para animales sin suplementación en pastura Marandu. Así mismo, cabeza, patas, sangre, corazón, hígado, riñón, víscera roja, gordura omental e interna fueron inferiores (p < 0,05) en animales sin suplementación. Rumen retículo (lleno, vacío) y víscera blanca (lleno, vacío) independiente del nivel de suplementación y tipos de pasturas. La no suplementación concentrada provoca menores desarrollos de los principales órganos vitales del cordero, más aún en pastura de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu