7 research outputs found

    Hemangioma intramuscular de la infancia simulando rabdomiosarcoma

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    Se presenta un caso de hemangioma intramuscular de la infancia en una paciente de 14 meses de edad en quien la historia, examen clínico y técnicas de imagen sugerían un rabdomiosarcoma. El tratamiento plateado fue la escisión en bloque, y la anatomía patológica reveló la verdadera naturaleza de la lesión. Se revisan las características de este raro tumor y los elementos que lo hacen semejante a lesiones malignas.We report a case of intramuscular haemangioma occurring in a 14-month-old girl. Medical history, physical findings and imaging techniques suggested rhabdomyosarcoma. Complete excision was the treatment applied. The histological analysis gave the diagnosis. We review the characteristics of such unusual tumor and the aspects which make it similar to malignant tumors

    A DNA damage repair gene-associated signature predicts responses of patients with advanced soft-tissue sarcoma to treatment with trabectedin

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    Signatura genètica; Biomarcadors predictius; TrabectedinaFirma genética; Biomarcadores predictivos; TrabectedinaGene signature; Predictive biomarkers; TrabectedinPredictive biomarkers of trabectedin represent an unmet need in advanced soft-tissue sarcomas (STS). DNA damage repair (DDR) genes, involved in homologous recombination or nucleotide excision repair, had been previously described as biomarkers of trabectedin resistance or sensitivity, respectively. The majority of these studies only focused on specific factors (ERCC1, ERCC5, and BRCA1) and did not evaluate several other DDR-related genes that could have a relevant role for trabectedin efficacy. In this retrospective translational study, 118 genes involved in DDR were evaluated to determine, by transcriptomics, a predictive gene signature of trabectedin efficacy. A six-gene predictive signature of trabectedin efficacy was built in a series of 139 tumor samples from patients with advanced STS. Patients in the high-risk gene signature group showed a significantly worse progression-free survival compared with patients in the low-risk group (2.1 vs 6.0 months, respectively). Differential gene expression analysis defined new potential predictive biomarkers of trabectedin sensitivity (PARP3 and CCNH) or resistance (DNAJB11 and PARP1). Our study identified a new gene signature that significantly predicts patients with higher probability to respond to treatment with trabectedin. Targeting some genes of this signature emerges as a potential strategy to enhance trabectedin efficacy.This study was funded by the Spanish Group for Research on Sarcoma (GEIS) and partially by PharmaMar. The authors would like to thank the GEIS data center for data management. The authors also thank the donors and the Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío—Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla Biobank (Andalusian Public Health System Biobank and ISCIII-Red de Biobancos PT17/0015/0041) for part of the human specimens used in this study. David S. Moura is recipient of a Sara Borrell postdoctoral fellowship funded by the National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) (CD20/00155)

    Opcions disponibles en la cirurgia de la malaltia de Parkinson i la tremolor essencial

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    Parkinson; Tremolor; CirurgiaParkinson; Temblor; CirugíaParkinson's; Shaking; SurgeryAquest document conté una revisió de revisions i d’informes de síntesi, en què s’han seleccionat els informes d’avaluació de tecnologies sanitàries i les guies de pràctica clínica, s’han descrit de forma narrativa els resultats i, mitjançant la tècnica qualitativa de grup nominal, s’ha elaborat una taula comparativa amb recomanacions sobre les indicacions per a cada tipus de tècnica quirúrgica.Este documento contiene una revisión de revisiones y de informes de síntesis, en que se han seleccionado los informes de evaluación de tecnologías sanitarias y las guías de práctica clínica. Se han descrito de forma narrativa los resultados y, mediante la técnica cualitativa de grupo nominal, se ha elaborado una mesa comparativa con recomendaciones sobre las indicaciones para cada tipo de técnica quirúrgica.This document contains review of reviews and synthesis reports has been prepared, in which health technology assessment reports and clinical practice guidelines were selected. The results have been described narratively, and, through a qualitative nominal group technique, a comparative table has been drawn up with recommendations on indications for each type surgical intervention

    Gene expression analyses determine two different subpopulations in KIT-negative GIST-like (KNGL) patients

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    Introduction: there are limited findings available on KIT-negative GIST-like (KNGL) population. Also, KIT expression may be post-transcriptionally regulated by miRNA221 and miRNA222. Hence, the aim of this study is to characterize KNGL population, by differential gene expression, and to analyze miRNA221/222 expression and their prognostic value in KNGL patients. Methods: KIT, PDGFRA, DOG1, IGF1R, MIR221 and MIR222 expression levels were determined by qRT-PCR. We also analyzed KIT and PDGFRA mutations, DOG1 expression, by immunohistochemistry, along with clinical and pathological data. Disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) differences were calculated using Log-rank test. Results: hierarchical cluster analyses from gene expression data identified two groups: group I had KIT, DOG1 and PDGFRA overexpression and IGF1R underexpression and group II had overexpression of IGF1R and low expression of KIT, DOG1 and PDGFRA. Group II had a significant worse OS (p = 0.013) in all the series, and showed a tendency for worse OS (p = 0.11), when analyzed only the localized cases. MiRNA222 expression was significantly lower in a control subset of KIT-positive GIST (p < 0.001). OS was significantly worse in KNGL cases with higher expression of MIR221 (p = 0.028) or MIR222 (p = 0.014). Conclusions: we identified two distinct KNGL subsets, with a different prognostic value. Increased levels of miRNA221/222, which are associated with worse OS, could explain the absence of KIT protein expression of most KNGL tumors

    Melanomas arising on skin with chronic sun-induced damage exhibit low degree of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis.

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    Differences in gene expression between melanomas arising on skin intermittently and chronically sun-exposed areas were described. Additionally, several studies have shown differences in clinical characteristics and prognosis, suggesting distinct biological pathways in the development of these tumors. We performed a retrospective investigation aimed on evaluation of the differences in angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis between melanomas arising on skin with and without signs of chronic sun-induced damage. For that purpose, we evaluated relative blood and lymphatic vessel areas, blood and lymphatic endothelial cell proliferation fractions, separately for peritumoral and intratumoral areas. We have shown that melanomas arising on sun-exposed skin exhibit lower angiogenic and lymphangiogenic potentials and better prognosis than those arising on skin without signs of chronic sun-induced damage.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Increased Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis in Metastatic Sentinel Lymph Nodes Is Associated With Nonsentinel Lymph Node Involvement and Distant Metastasis in Patients With Melanoma.

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    Lymph node angio- and lymphangio-genesis have been shown to play an important role in the premetastatic niche of sentinel lymph nodes. In the current study we have investigated the association of angio- and lympangio-genesis related parameters in metastatic sentinel lymph nodes of patients with melanoma with the presence of nonsentinel and distant organ metastasis. Peritumoral and intratumoral relative blood and lymphatic vessel areas (evaluated by Chalkley method), blood and lymphatic microvessel densities, and the rates of blood and lymphatic vessel proliferation were assessed in primary tumors and sentinel lymph node metastasis of 44 patients with melanoma using CD34/Ki-67 and D240/Ki-67 immunohistochemical double staining. Primary melanoma exhibited significantly higher rate of lymphatic proliferation compared with its lymph node metastasis (P < 0.05), while lymph node metastasis showed significantly higher rate of blood vessel proliferation (P < 0.05). Using multivariate logistic regression model, the rate of peritumoral lymphatic proliferation was inversely associated with positive nonsentinel lymph node status (P < 0.05), whereas the rate of intratumoral blood vessel proliferation was associated with distant organ metastasis (P < 0.05). Using multivariate Cox regression analysis, the rate of intratumoral blood vessel proliferation was also inversely associated with overall survival of patients with melanoma (P < 0.05).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    A DNA damage repair gene-associated signature predicts responses of patients with advanced soft-tissue sarcoma to treatment with trabectedin

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    Altres ajuts: Grupo Español de Investigación en Sarcomas (GEIS); PharmaMar.Predictive biomarkers of trabectedin represent an unmet need in advanced soft-tissue sarcomas (STS). DNA damage repair (DDR) genes, involved in homologous recombination or nucleotide excision repair, had been previously described as biomarkers of trabectedin resistance or sensitivity, respectively. The majority of these studies only focused on specific factors (ERCC1, ERCC5, and BRCA1) and did not evaluate several other DDR-related genes that could have a relevant role for trabectedin efficacy. In this retrospective translational study, 118 genes involved in DDR were evaluated to determine, by transcriptomics, a predictive gene signature of trabectedin efficacy. A six-gene predictive signature of trabectedin efficacy was built in a series of 139 tumor samples from patients with advanced STS. Patients in the high-risk gene signature group showed a significantly worse progression-free survival compared with patients in the low-risk group (2.1 vs 6.0 months, respectively). Differential gene expression analysis defined new potential predictive biomarkers of trabectedin sensitivity (PARP3 and CCNH) or resistance (DNAJB11 and PARP1). Our study identified a new gene signature that significantly predicts patients with higher probability to respond to treatment with trabectedin. Targeting some genes of this signature emerges as a potential strategy to enhance trabectedin efficacy