107 research outputs found

    SmedGD: the Schmidtea mediterranea genome database

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    The planarian Schmidtea mediterranea is rapidly emerging as a model organism for the study of regeneration, tissue homeostasis and stem cell biology. The recent sequencing, assembly and annotation of its genome are expected to further buoy the biomedical importance of this organism. In order to make the extensive data associated with the genome sequence accessible to the biomedical and planarian communities, we have created the Schmidtea mediterranea Genome Database (SmedGD). SmedGD integrates in a single web-accessible portal all available data associated with the planarian genome, including predicted and annotated genes, ESTs, protein homologies, gene expression patterns and RNAi phenotypes. Moreover, SmedGD was designed using tools provided by the Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD) project, thus making its data structure compatible with other model organism databases. Because of the unique phylogenetic position of planarians, SmedGD (http://smedgd.neuro.utah.edu) will prove useful not only to the planarian research community, but also to those engaged in developmental and evolutionary biology, comparative genomics, stem cell research and regeneration

    Narco Messages, Insecurity and violence: Heuristic Analysis about Mexican Reality

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    El incremento en los índices de violencia y los crímenes relacionados con la delincuencia organizada han provocado en México, la muerte de más 60 mil ciudadanos entre los años 2006-2012. El aumento de delitos y la multiplicación de homicidios efectuados por las diversas mafias a lo largo del territorio nacional trajeron cambios forma y fondo en la manera a través de la cual se difunde y organiza la información emitida por la prensa. En la realidad mexicana, los narco mensajes representan hoy una forma a través de la cual, el crimen organizado divulga e infunde pánico entre la población al patentizar su poder y proyectos territoriales; calumnia y amenaza el Estado, soberanamente Constituido y, de paso, aterroriza a los grupos contrarios con textos redactados por ellos y legados sobre decenas de cuerpos de hombres y mujeres asesinados. En este trabajo se analizan las noticias relacionadas con temas de seguridad pública en los diarios de mayor circulación en el Estado de Nuevo León, México, entre los cuales, los narco-mensajes forman parte de ellos.The increase in rates of violence and crimes related to organized crime in Mexico has caused the death of more than 60 000 citizens between the years 2006-2012. The increase in crime and homicide multiplication performed by the various mafias throughout the country brought changes in the form and manner through which diffuses and organizes the information issued by the press. In the Mexican reality, the “narco messages” today represent a form through which organized crime reports and instills panic among the population at patenting their power and territorial projects, slander and threatens the state, sovereign Constituted and, incidentally, terrifies opposing groups with texts written by them and legacies of dozens of bodies of men and women killed. This paper analyzes the news about public safety issues in major newspapers in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, among which , the “narco – messages” are part of the

    Narco mensajes, inseguridad y violencia: Análisis heurístico sobre la realidad mexicana.

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    El incremento en los índices de violencia y los crímenes relacionados con la delincuencia organizada han provocado en México, la muerte de más 60 mil ciudadanos entre los años 2006-2012. El aumento de delitos y la multiplicación de homicidios efectuados por las diversas mafias a lo largo del territorio nacional trajeron cambios forma y fondo en la manera a través de la cual se difunde y organiza la información emitida por la prensa. En la realidad mexicana, los narco mensajes representan hoy una forma a través de la cual, el crimen organizado divulga e infunde pánico entre la población al patentizar su poder y proyectos territoriales; calumnia y amenaza el Estado, soberanamente Constituido y, de paso, aterroriza a los grupos contrarios con textos redactados por ellos y legados sobre decenas de cuerpos de hombres y mujeres asesinados. En este trabajo se analizan las noticias relacionadas con temas de seguridad pública en los diarios de mayor circulación en el Estado de Nuevo León, México, entre los cuales, los narco-mensajes forman parte de ellos

    Characterization of the biochemical and nutritional content in simple white grain maize (Zea mays L.) crosses

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    Our research focused on the characterization of the nutritional and biochemical content of 25 genotypes: 5 S4 inbred lines and the 20 possible single crosses formed between them, due to the lack of knowledge about the nutritional composition and its variation within the germplasm of the white corn breeding program. In kernels of each genotype we determined the content of oil, starch, protein, ash and phytic acid. Results showed that for the parents and the crosses, correspondingly, the intervals of the substances under study were: a) Oil: from 5.99 to 3.84 and 6.40 to 3.55 g ? 100 g-1, b) Protein:  from 8.26 to 5.43 and 9.83 to 5.56 g ? 100 g-1, c) Starch: from 88.25 to 74.48 and 96.64 to 72.57 g ? 100 g-1, d) Ash: from 1.90 to 1.20 and 2.0 to 0.89 g ? 100 g-1, e) Phytic acid: from 2.40 to 1.08 and 2.29 to 1.11 g ? 100 g-1. We observed that in comparison to the parents, the crosses only were significantly superior in the content of starch; although, within each group there were statistical differences of the contents. The crosses that showed higher contents for a nutritional component were those in which at least one parent had a high composition of the nutrient. The variation in the nutritional and biochemical content showed that there is diversity among genotypes, which is linked to the contrasting genetic origin of the inbred lines and is feasible to be used. This research showed the potential of taking advantage of the nutritional components of white corn through crosses (specially its starch content).E Objective: To characterize the nutritional and biochemical content of 25 genotypes: 5 S4 inbred lines and the 20 possible single crosses formed between them. Design/Methodology/Approach: The content of oil, starch, protein, ash and phytic acid was determined in kernels of each genotype, using the American Association of Cereal Chemists’ methods; the information obtained was analyzed by a complete randomized experimental design and Tukey’s means tests. Results: For the parents and the crosses, correspondingly, the intervals of the substances under study were: a) Oil: from 5.99 to 3.84 and 6.40 to 3.55 g ∙ 100 g-1, b) Protein:  from 8.26 to 5.43 and 9.83 to 5.56 g ∙ 100 g-1, c) Starch: from 88.25 to 74.48 and 96.64 to 72.57 g ∙ 100 g-1, d) Ash: from 1.90 to 1.20 and 2.0 to 0.89 g ∙ 100 g-1, e) Phytic acid: from 2.40 to 1.08 and 2.29 to 1.11 g ∙ 100 g-1. Study Limitations/Implications: The study shows that in comparison to the parents, the crosses were only significantly superior in the content of starch, although there were statistical differences of the contents within each group. The crosses that showed higher contents for a nutritional component were those in which at least one parent had a high composition of the nutrient. Findings/Conclusions: The variation in the nutritional and biochemical content showed that there is diversity among genotypes, which is linked to the contrasting genetic origin of the inbred lines and is feasible to be used. This research showed the potential of taking advantage of the nutritional components of white maize through crosses (specially its starch content)

    Quo Vadis Young! Histórias de abuso de drogas em jovens em Guayaquil, Equador

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    Introducción: El uso indebido de drogas es un importante problema de salud pública no solo en el Ecuador, sino también a nivel mundial. Objetivo: Interpretar las percepciones de la persona drogodependiente sobre los efectos que produce la droga en su vida personal, familiar, social, y su visión para el futuro. Metodología: Investigación cualitativa con análisis interpretativo fenomenológico realizado mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas en muestreo no probabilístico tipo bola de nieve, a 17 sujetos con drogodependencia, en el periodo julio-agosto del 2018, en la ciudad de Guayaquil. Resultados: Los informantes clave, tenían entre 16 a 28 años de edad, estrato social bajo, procedentes de zonas urbano-marginales, en su mayoría de instrucción secundaria incompleta, y con antecedentes de primer contacto con la droga en la adolescencia temprana y en la institución educativa. Se obtuvieron cinco categorías: contexto familiar y el entorno comunitario como factores causales del consumo; discriminación social como castigo a la persona adicta; culpa, soledad y autoestima baja; el tren de la adicción a las drogas destruye a su paso: salud y la vida; y el apoyo familiar y de un Ser Supremo como alternativas para salir de la adicción. Conclusiones: Las causas del consumo de drogas fueron, entre otras: el escape de los problemas de su familia disfuncional y la vulnerabilidad adolescente en su búsqueda de identidad y pertenencia a un grupo. Por otra parte, relataron que se sienten discriminados y castigados por la sociedad, y vislumbran que les espera un futuro de muerte, cárcel, enfermedad e indigencia.Introduction: The abuse of drugs is an important public health problem not only in Ecuador, but also worldwide. Objective: To interpret the perceptions of the drugdependent person about the effects that the drug produces in their personal, family, social life, and their vision for the future. Methodology: Qualitative research with phenomenological interpretative analysis performed by semi-structured interviews in non-probabilistic sampling snowball type to 17 subjects with drug dependence in the period July-August 2018 in the city of Guayaquil. Results: The key informants were between 16 and 28 years of age, with low social stratum, from marginal urban areas, mostly incomplete secondary education, and with a history of first contact with the drug in early adolescence and in educational institution. Five categories were obtained: Family context, and the community environment as causal factors of consumption; social discrimination as punishment for the addicted person; guilt, loneliness and low self-esteem; the train of addiction to drugs destroys in its path: health and life; and family support and a Supreme Being as alternatives to get out of addiction. Conclusions: The causes of drug use were among others: the escape from dysfunctional family problems and adolescent vulnerability in their search for identity and belonging to a group. On the other hand, they reported feeling discriminated against and punished by society, and they foresee that a future of death, prison, sickness and indigence awaiting them.Introdução: O abuso de drogas é um grande problema de saúde pública, não apenas no Equador, mas em todo o mundo. Alvo: Interpretar as percepções da pessoa dependente de drogas sobre os efeitos produzidos pela droga em sua vida pessoal, familiar, social e sua visão para o futuro. Metodologia: Pesquisa qualitativa com análise interpretativa fenomenológica realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas em amostragem sem probabilística de bolas de neve, para 17 sujeitos com dependência de drogas, no período de julho a agosto de 2018, na cidade de Guayaquil. Resultados: Os informantes chave tinham entre 16 e 28 anos de idade, baixos estratos sociais, de áreas urbanas marginais, principalmente ensino médio incompleto, e com uma história de primeiro em contato com drogas no início da adolescência e na instituição de ensino. Cinco categorias foram obtidas: contexto familiar e o ambiente da comunidade como fatores causais do consumo; discriminação social como punição para a pessoa viciada; culpa, solidão e baixa auto-estima; o trem do tóxico dependência destrói o seu caminho: saúde e vida; e apoio familiar e um Ser Supremo como alternativas para sair do vício. Conclusões: as causas do uso de drogas foram, entre outros: a fuga de problemas familiares disfuncionais e a vulnerabilidade do adolescente em sua busca por identidade e pertencimento a um grupo. Por outro lado, relataram que se sentem discriminados e punidos pela sociedade, e prevêem que um futuro de morte, prisão, doença e indigência os espera

    Using Kinect to classify Parkinson's disease stages related to severity of gait impairment

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    Background: Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease associated with motor problems such as gait impairment. Different systems based on 3D cameras, accelerometers or gyroscopes have been used in related works in order to study gait disturbances in PD. Kinect has also been used to build these kinds of systems, but contradictory results have been reported: some works conclude that Kinect does not provide an accurate method of measuring gait kinematics variables, but others, on the contrary, report good accuracy results. Methods: In this work, we have built a Kinect-based system that can distinguish between different PD stages, and have performed a clinical study with 30 patients suffering from PD belonging to three groups: early PD patients without axial impairment, more evolved PD patients with higher gait impairment but without Freezing of Gait (FoG), and patients with advanced PD and FoG. Those patients were recorded by two Kinect devices when they were walking in a hospital corridor. The datasets obtained from the Kinect were preprocessed, 115 features identified, some methods were applied to select the relevant features (correlation based feature selection, information gain, and consistency subset evaluation), and different classification methods (decision trees, Bayesian networks, neural networks and K-nearest neighbours classifiers) were evaluated with the goal of finding the most accurate method for PD stage classification. Results: The classifier that provided the best results is a particular case of a Bayesian Network classifier (similar to a Naïve Bayesian classifier) built from a set of 7 relevant features selected by the correlation-based on feature selection method. The accuracy obtained for that classifier using 10-fold cross validation is 93.40%. The relevant features are related to left shin angles, left humerus angles, frontal and lateral bents, left forearm angles and the number of steps during spin. Conclusions: In this paper, it is shown that using Kinect is adequate to build a inexpensive and comfortable system that classifies PD into three different stages related to FoG. Compared to the results of previous works, the obtained accuracy (93.40%) can be considered high. The relevant features for the classifier are: a) movement and position of the left arm, b) trunk position for slightly displaced walking sequences, and c) left shin angle, for straight walking sequences. However, we have obtained a better accuracy (96.23%) for a classifier that only uses features extracted from slightly displaced walking steps and spin walking steps. Finally, the obtained set of relevant features may lead to new rehabilitation therapies for PD patients with gait problems

    ICA H 556 híbrido precoz de maíz para choclos.

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    Figuran algunas consideraciones generales con relación al uso de híbridos varietales en maíz y la forma como se obtiene la semilla. Señala las principales características agronómicas y morfológicas de las 2 variedades que dieron orígen al híbrido ICA H-556, a saber : Cundinamarca 431 y Cacahuacintle. Destaca las características más sobresalientes del híbrido mencionado, indicando que se recomienda exclusivamente para choclos. Figuran recomendaciones sobre su cultivoMaíz-Zea may

    Long-term alterations in brain and behavior after postnatal Zika virus infection in infant macaques

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) infection has a profound impact on the fetal nervous system. The postnatal period is also a time of rapid brain growth, and it is important to understand the potential neurobehavioral consequences of ZIKV infection during infancy. Here we show that postnatal ZIKV infection in a rhesus macaque model resulted in long-term behavioral, motor, and cognitive changes, including increased emotional reactivity, decreased social contact, loss of balance, and deficits in visual recognition memory at one year of age. Structural and functional MRI showed that ZIKV-infected infant rhesus macaques had persistent enlargement of lateral ventricles, smaller volumes and altered functional connectivity between brain areas important for socioemotional behavior, cognitive, and motor function (e.g. amygdala, hippocampus, cerebellum). Neuropathological changes corresponded with neuroimaging results and were consistent with the behavioral and memory deficits. Overall, this study demonstrates that postnatal ZIKV infection in this model may have long-lasting neurodevelopmental consequences