110 research outputs found
Izlaganje sadržava dva problemska kruga. U prvome se raspravlja o temeljnim pojmovima političke znanosti: što je politika, koji je njezin predmet, koja je njezina svrha; o prirodi čovjeka kao društvenoga ili političkoga (simbiotičkoga) bića; o prirodi vlasti i zakona, o funkciji održavanja i razvijanja čovjekove prirodne društvenosti u političkoj zajednici. U drugome se precizira karakter političke zajednice ili države kao univerzalne simbiotičke zajednice, kao zajednice zajednica (partikularnih javnih asocijacija – gradova i pokrajina, koji su zajednice jednostavnih i privatnih asocijacija – obitelji i udruga). Supstancijalna je odredba univerzalne simbiotičke zajednice (koju autor naziva kraljevstvom ili katkad republikom) pravo suverenosti (ius majestatis) ili pravo vrhovne vlasti (ius regni), koje neotuđivo pripada narodu ili cijelom političkom tijelu.The essay consists of two parts. The first part deals with the fundamental concepts of political science: what is politics, what is its subject and its purpose; the nature of human beings as social or political (simbiotic) beings; the nature of authority and law in the function of maintaining and developing people’s natural sociability in the political community. In the second part, the author looks into the character of political community or state as a universal simbiotic community, as a community of communities (particular public associations – towns and provinces, which are communities of simple and private associations – the families of associations). The author analyses the definition of the universal simbiotic community (which the author calls a kingdom or at times a republic), the right to sovereignty (ius majestatis) or the right of supreme authority (ius regni), that unalienably belongs to the people or the entire political body
Concentration or representation : the struggle for popular sovereignty
There is a tension in the notion of popular sovereignty, and the notion of democracy associated with it, that is both older than our terms for these notions themselves and more fundamental than the apparently consensual way we tend to use them today. After a review of the competing conceptions of 'the people' that underlie two very different understandings of democracy, this article will defend what might be called a 'neo-Jacobin' commitment to popular sovereignty, understood as the formulation and imposition of a shared political will. A people's egalitarian capacity to concentrate both its collective intelligence and force, from this perspective, takes priority over concerns about how best to represent the full variety of positions and interests that differentiate and divide a community
Iohannes Althusius, De regno recte instituendo et administrando
Edizione della disputazione di Iohannes Althusius, pubblicato nel 1602
Johannis Althusii, V.I.D. Politica methodice digesta atque exemplis sacris et profanis illustrata ...
Obra perteneciente al Fondo Antiguo de la Biblioteca de la USA
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