12 research outputs found

    Farklı yüzey hazırlama yöntemlerinin fissür örtücülerin bağlanma dayanımı üzerine olan etkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada amacı kurutma ajanı/ kurutma ajanı olmaksızın mine yüzeyinin hazırlanmasında asitle pürüzlendirme ve Er:YAG lazerin (QSP ve MSP mod) fissür örtücünün bağlanma dayanımı üzerine etkisini değerlendirmek amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada 30 adet çürüksüz daimi diş kullanıldı. Dişler mine-sement sınırının 2 mm üstünden kesildi ve kökler uzaklaştırıldı. Dişler meziodistal olarak ikiye ayrıldı. Elde edilen 60 yarım diş akrilik reçine içine gömüldü. Mine yüzeyinde fissure örtücüler için 2 mm çapında alan oluşturuldu. Bütün gruplara Ultraseal XT plus (Fissür örtücü:FÖ) uygulandı. Örnekler randomize olarak 6 gruba ayrıldı (n:10); G1:% 37 fosforik asit + Prima Dry + FÖ, G2:% 37 fosforik asit + FÖ, G3: Er: YAG (MSP modu) + Prima Dry + FÖ; G4: Er: YAG (MSP modu) + FÖ; G5: Er: YAG (QSP modu) + Prima Dry + FÖ; G6: Er: YAG (QSP modu) + FÖ. Örnekler 24 saat distile su içinde bekletildikten sonra bağlanma kuvvetleri, üniversal test makinesi ile test edildi. Verileri karşılaştırmak için Kruskal-Wallis ve Mann-Whitney U-testi kullanıldı. Bulgular: Gruplara ait bağlanma dayanımları şöyledir (MPa) G1: 11.33, G2: 9.76, G3: 8.65, G4: 7.72, G5: 4.49, G6: 2.73. Gruplar arasında istatistiksel fark olduğu gözlendi (p < 0.05). Sonuç: Mine yüzeyine asit uygulaması, Er:YAG lazer QSP ve MSP moda göre daha iyi sonuçlar verdiği görülmüştür. Fissür örtücü uygulanmadan önce kurutma ajanı uygulanabilir

    Evaluation of Temperature Changes in the Pulpal Chamber of the Primary Tooth During Curing of Colored Compomers

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    Purpose: To investigate the temperature changes in the primary teeth pulp chambers during the curing of different colored compomers Methods: Five extracted primary mandibular second molars were prepared with class II cavities. Gold, blue, green, berry, and tooth (control group) colored compomers were tested in two steps (aproximal and occlusal). Measurement of pulp chamber temperature changes during curing was performed with a J type thermocouple. The data including differences between the highest and initial temperature values were recorded and analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Mann-Whitney U tests Results: There were statistically significant differences temperature changes in groups (p< 0.05). Gold colored compomer showed the highest temperature increase in both proximal and occlusal surfaces. Tooth colored compomer(A2) showed the lower temperature increase. The temperature increase in aproximal cavities was found to be higher than the temperature increase in occlusal cavities. Conclusions: Colored compomer can be an alternative restorative materials in superficial class I and II cavities in primary teeth. Dark coloured compomers should be used in deep cavities

    Correlation Between Ciliary Sulcus Diameter and IOL Master Measurements in Patients with Cataract

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    Pur po se: To determine the mean sulcus diameters in patients older than 50 years with senile cataract and to analyze the correlations of sulcus diameters with IOLMaster measurements of corneal diameter (white to white), axial length, keratometry and anterior chamber depth. Methods: 31 eyes of 20 consecutive patients who were scheduled for cataract operation were included in the study. The same person performed routine ophthalmological examination, ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) and IOLMaster measurements. Keratometry, corneal diameter, anterior chamber depth and axial length were measured with IOLMaster. Horizontal and vertical sulcus diameters were measured from iris pigment epithelium to iris pigment epithelium on the best UBM images in terms of centralization. Results: Mean patient age was 71.03±8.6 (min: 51, maks: 89) years. Mean vertical sulcus diameter was 13.59±0.73, mean horizontal sulcus diameter was 13.36±0.72 mm, and the mean of horizontal and vertical sulcus diameters was 13.47±0.71 mm. Mean corneal diameter was 11.67±0.46 mm, mean keratometry was 43.86±1.46 D, mean axial length was 23.2±0.93 mm, and mean anterior chamber depth was 3.02±0.35 mm. There were statistically significant correlations between horizontal corneal diameter and horizontal sulcus diameter (r: 0.37; p<0.05), horizontal corneal diameter and mean sulcus diameter (r: 0.36; p<0.05), axial length and horizontal sulcus diameter (r: 0.56; p<0.05), axial length and vertical sulcus diameter (r: 0.56; p<0.05), and axial length and mean sulcus diameter (r: 0.57; p<0.05). The correlations between other parameters were not statistically significant. Conclusion: The sulcus diameters measured in our study were higher when compared to other studies in the literature. Only corneal diameter and axial length were correlated with sulcus diameters. The strongest association in our study was between axial length and sulcus diameters. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2011; 41: 376-9

    Peripheral vitrectomy under air in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

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    7th MEDITEяRETINA CLUB International Meeting - April 17-20 2014 İstanbul O -48Peripheral Vitrectomy Under Air in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment T Altan, K T Özbilen, R H Babayevİstanbul Eye HospitalPurpose: To evaluate the results of pars plana vitrectomy with peripheral vitreous shaving under air in eyes with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). Patients and Methods: Fourty two eyes of 42 consecutive patients with RRD were in-cluded in the study. All patients underwent 23G pars plana vitrectomy. Phakic patients underwent phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation at the same setting if they are in the presbyopic age, or they have a high refractive error. Following central vitrectomy and removal of anterior hyaloid perfluorodecaline was injected if there was Grade C PVR, if the detachment was bullous, or if the macula was completely detached. Following heavy perfluorocarbon liquid injection vitrectomy was performed up to the vitreous base. Anteri-or subretinal fluid was drained via existing holes and perfluorodecaline was removed with fluid-air exchange. Subretinal fluid was drained from posterior drainage retinotomy under air in surgeries without perfluorodecaline use. Vitreous base shaving was made under air in all eyes up to just anterior to ora serrata.Results: Fifteen woman and 27 man was included in the study. Twelve of 19 phakic eyes underwent phacoemulsification and lens implantation at the same setting. Patients were followed for 6.5±4 months. Only 5 eyes had Grade C PVR. Perfluorodecaline was used in 13 (31%) eyes peroperatively. Silicone oil was used as tamponade in 19 eyes, and C3F8 gas was used in the remaining 23 eyes. Redetachment was developed in 4 (9.5%) eyes. Redetachment was due to anterior PVR in 2 cases and was related to drainage retinotomy in the other 2 cases. Complete reattachment was obtained in 3 of these cases and shallow detachment anterior to the equator persisted in the other case after repeat surgeries. Acci-dental peripheral holes was created in 2 eyes peroperatively. Increased IOP was detected in 5 eyes, and fibrin reaction developed in 3 eyes postoperatively. Conclusion: Vitreous base shaving under air in eyes with retinal detachment is a safe and effective method. It has a high success and low complication rate. Scleral indentation is not necessary during surgery. It also decreases the need for heavy perfluorocarbon fluid use and the disadvantages due to its use. Abstract book page:6