4,676 research outputs found

    Momentum Space Integral Equations for Three Charged Particles: Diagonal Kernels

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    It has been a long-standing question whether momentum space integral equations of the Faddeev type are applicable to reactions of three charged particles, in particular above the three-body threshold. For, the presence of long-range Coulomb forces has been thought to give rise to such severe singularities in their kernels that the latter may lack the compactness property known to exist in the case of purely short-range interactions. Employing the rigorously equivalent formulation in terms of an effective-two-body theory we have proved in a preceding paper [Phys. Rev. C {\bf 61}, 064006 (2000)] that, for all energies, the nondiagonal kernels occurring in the integral equations which determine the transition amplitudes for all binary collision processes, possess on and off the energy shell only integrable singularities, provided all three particles have charges of the same sign, i.e., all Coulomb interactions are repulsive. In the present paper we prove that, for particles with charges of equal sign, the diagonal kernels, in contrast, possess one, but only one, nonintegrable singularity. The latter can, however, be isolated explicitly and dealt with in a well-defined manner. Taken together these results imply that modified integral equations can be formulated, with kernels that become compact after a few iterations. This concludes the proof that standard solution methods can be used for the calculation of all binary (i.e., (in-)elastic and rearrangement) amplitudes by means of momentum space integral equations of the effective-two-body type.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Long-range behavior of the optical potential for the elastic scattering of charged composite particles

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    The asymptotic behavior of the optical potential, describing elastic scattering of a charged particle α\alpha off a bound state of two charged, or one charged and one neutral, particles at small momentum transfer Δα\Delta_{\alpha} or equivalently at large intercluster distance ρα\rho_{\alpha}, is investigated within the framework of the exact three-body theory. For the three-charged-particle Green function that occurs in the exact expression for the optical potential, a recently derived expression, which is appropriate for the asymptotic region under consideration, is used. We find that for arbitrary values of the energy parameter the non-static part of the optical potential behaves for Δα0\Delta_{\alpha} \rightarrow 0 as C1Δα+o(Δα)C_{1}\Delta_{\alpha} + o\,(\Delta_{\alpha}). From this we derive for the Fourier transform of its on-shell restriction for ρα\rho_{\alpha} \rightarrow \infty the behavior a/2ρα4+o(1/ρα4)-a/2\rho_{\alpha}^4 + o\,(1/\rho_{\alpha}^4), i.e., dipole or quadrupole terms do not occur in the coordinate-space asymptotics. This result corroborates the standard one, which is obtained by perturbative methods. The general, energy-dependent expression for the dynamic polarisability C1C_{1} is derived; on the energy shell it reduces to the conventional polarisability aa which is independent of the energy. We emphasize that the present derivation is {\em non-perturbative}, i.e., it does not make use of adiabatic or similar approximations, and is valid for energies {\em below as well as above the three-body dissociation threshold}.Comment: 35 pages, no figures, revte

    Proton-Deuteron Elastic Scattering from 2.5 to 22.5 MeV

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    We present the results of a calculation of differential cross sections and polarization observables for proton-deuteron elastic scattering, for proton laboratory energies from 2.5 to 22.5 MeV. The Paris potential parametrisation of the nuclear force is used. As solution method for the charged-composite particle equations the 'screening and renormalisation approach' is adopted which allows to correctly take into account the Coulomb repulsion between the two protons. Comparison is made with the precise experimental data of Sagara et al. [Phys. Rev. C 50, 576 (1994)] and of Sperison et al. [Nucl. Phys. A422, 81 (1984)].Comment: 24 pages, 8 eps figures, uses REVTe

    Precision preparation of strings of trapped neutral atoms

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    We have recently demonstrated the creation of regular strings of neutral caesium atoms in a standing wave optical dipole trap using optical tweezers [Y. Miroshnychenko et al., Nature, in press (2006)]. The rearrangement is realized atom-by-atom, extracting an atom and re-inserting it at the desired position with sub-micrometer resolution. We describe our experimental setup and present detailed measurements as well as simple analytical models for the resolution of the extraction process, for the precision of the insertion, and for heating processes. We compare two different methods of insertion, one of which permits the placement of two atoms into one optical micropotential. The theoretical models largely explain our experimental results and allow us to identify the main limiting factors for the precision and efficiency of the manipulations. Strategies for future improvements are discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figure

    Three- and Four-Body Scattering Calculations including the Coulomb Force

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    The method of screening and renormalization for including the Coulomb interaction in the framework of momentum-space integral equations is applied to the three- and four-body nuclear reactions. The Coulomb effect on the observables and the ability of the present nuclear potential models to describe the experimental data is discussed.Comment: Proceedings of the Critical Stability workshop, Erice, Sicily, October 2008, to be published in Few-Body System

    A neutral atom quantum register

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    We demonstrate the realization of a quantum register using a string of single neutral atoms which are trapped in an optical dipole trap. The atoms are selectively and coherently manipulated in a magnetic field gradient using microwave radiation. Our addressing scheme operates with a high spatial resolution and qubit rotations on individual atoms are performed with 99% contrast. In a final read-out operation we analyze each individual atomic state. Finally, we have measured the coherence time and identified the predominant dephasing mechanism for our register.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Adiabatic Quantum State Manipulation of Single Trapped Atoms

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    We use microwave induced adiabatic passages for selective spin flips within a string of optically trapped individual neutral Cs atoms. We position-dependently shift the atomic transition frequency with a magnetic field gradient. To flip the spin of a selected atom, we optically measure its position and sweep the microwave frequency across its respective resonance frequency. We analyze the addressing resolution and the experimental robustness of this scheme. Furthermore, we show that adiabatic spin flips can also be induced with a fixed microwave frequency by deterministically transporting the atoms across the position of resonance.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Three charged particles in the continuum. Astrophysical examples

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    We suggest a new adiabatic approach for description of three charged particles in the continuum. This approach is based on the Coulomb-Fourier transformation (CFT) of three body Hamiltonian, which allows to develop a scheme, alternative to Born-Oppenheimer one. The approach appears as an expansion of the kernels of corresponding integral transformations in terms of small mass-ratio parameter. To be specific, the results are presented for the system ppeppe in the continuum. The wave function of a such system is compared with that one which is used for estimation of the rate for triple reaction p+p+ed+ν, p+p+e\to d+\nu, which take place as a step of pppp-cycle in the center of the Sun. The problem of microscopic screening for this particular reaction is discussed

    Coupled Microwave Billiards as a Model for Symmetry Breaking

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    Two superconducting microwave billiards have been electromagnetically coupled in a variable way. The spectrum of the entire system has been measured and the spectral statistics analyzed as a function of the coupling strength. It is shown that the results can be understood in terms of a random matrix model of quantum mechanical symmetry breaking -- as e.g. the violation of parity or isospin in nuclear physics.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Coherence properties and quantum state transportation in an optical conveyor belt

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    We have prepared and detected quantum coherences with long dephasing times at the level of single trapped cesium atoms. Controlled transport by an "optical conveyor belt" over macroscopic distances preserves the atomic coherence with slight reduction of coherence time. The limiting dephasing effects are experimentally identified and are of technical rather than fundamental nature. We present an analytical model of the reversible and irreversible dephasing mechanisms. Coherent quantum bit operations along with quantum state transport open the route towards a "quantum shift register" of individual neutral atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure