2 research outputs found

    Excision and Reconstruction of Atypical Chest Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans Tumor: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Introduction: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) originated as keloid sarcoma, gaining its current designation in 1925. DFSP exhibits slow growth, categorizing it as a low- to intermediate-grade malignant sarcoma. Initially presenting as a small, firm, irregular skin nodule, it undergoes sudden, rapid growth, forming a prominent mass. While locally aggressive, distant metastasis is rare. DFSP affects mainly the torso then proximal extremities. Case Presentation: In this case study, we described a 57-year-old male individual who presented with a chest midline swelling that was progressing in size. A punch biopsy showed inconclusive results. Thus, a wide local excision was carried out along with sending the initial biopsy slides to Mayo Clinic for second opinion. A diagnosis of DFSP was confirmed, which is an uncommon and locally aggressive tumor affecting soft tissues. The primary histological diagnosis relies on immunohistochemical stains, enabling the distinction between DFSP and other fibrous tumors. Conclusion: Diagnosing DFSP is challenging due to its similarity to other skin lesions. A multidisciplinary approach is vital for accurate diagnosis and management

    Surgical management and outcomes of traumatic global brachial plexus injury: A concise review and our center approach

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    Global brachial plexus injury (GBPI) mainly affects adults and causes severe life-changing consequences that lead to the deterioration of patients’ quality of life. Several surgical approaches have been described and reported in the literature to improve patients’ functional ability. A literature review is done on PubMed/MEDLINE and Embase using specific keywords to retrieve relevant articles assessing different surgical approaches for GBPI management. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, and eligible articles were included in the review. The literature survey revealed that various surgical options had been used to manage GBPI patients. In this concise review, we discuss and compare the different surgical approaches related to GBPI and its outcome in terms of restoring elbow flexion and extension, shoulder abduction, and wrist and hand function. The primary surgical intervention relies mainly on transferring single or multiple nerves with/without nerve grafts to restore the function of the targeted muscle. Different techniques using a variety of nerve donors and recipients are compared to assess the functional outcomes of each option. Moreover, further options are addressed for delayed GBPI injuries or failed nerve transfer procedures, as in free functional muscle transfer techniques. In addition, information about brachial plexus injury cases faced in our center is presented along with our center’s approach to diagnosing and managing partial and GBPI cases