16 research outputs found


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    القرآن الكريم هو معجزة الإسلام الخالدة التى لايزيدها التقدم العلمى إلا رسوخا في الإعجاز. كتاب فيه نباء من قبلنا وخبر من بعدنا و حكم ما بيننا. فلا ينبغى لنا أن نبتغى الهدى في غيره. هو بحر لايدرك غورة ولا تنفد درره، ولا تنقضى عجائبه. فما أحسن أعمارنا أن نفنى فيه و أزماننا أن نشغل به. ولكن مع الأسف، بعض المسلمين اليوم لايهتمون ولا يشغلون أعمارهم واوقاتهم وقواهم بهذا الكتاب، موافقا بقول الغزالى الذى نقله من التورة : وقد ورد فى التوراة  يا عبدي أماس تستحيى مني يأتيك كتاب من بعض إخوانك وأنت في الطريق تمشى فتعدل عن طريق وتقعد لأجله وتقرؤه وتدبره حرفا حرفا حتى لايفوتك شيئ منه. وهذا كتابى أنزلته إليك انظركم فصلت لك فيه من القول. وكم كررت عليك فيه لتتأمل طوله وعرضه ثم أنت معرض عنه. أفكنت أهون عليك من بعض إخوانك ياعبدى يقعد أليك بعض إخوانك فتقبل عليكم بكل وجهك وتصغى ألى حديثه بكل قلبك فإن تكلم متكلم او شغلك شاغل عن حديثه أومات إليه أن كف. وها أناذا مقبل عليك ومحدث لك و أنت معرض بقلبك عنى أفجعلتني أهون عندك من بعض إخوانك ؟ اسمع مني أيها القارئ قول الني ص.م. : خيركم من تعلم القرآن و علمه. وقول الله تبارك و تعالى : من شغله قراءة القرآن عن دعائى ومألتى أعطيته ثواب الشاكرين (الحديث القدسى

    Subcutaneous emphysema in a case of infective sinusitis: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Subcutaneous emphysema with pneumomediastinum is a rare phenomenon with a high morbidity and may occur spontaneously.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 30-year-old Caucasian man presented with sudden onset of a painful, swollen neck and was found, via clinical and radiological examination to have subcutaneous emphysema. A swallow study showed no oesophageal perforation. Computed tomography of his neck and thorax demonstrated pneumomediastinum but no other pathology. Management was conservative with intravenous antibiotics, fluids and no oral intake. He had a history of a productive cough and a flexible nasoendoscopy found purulent sinusitis which was treated with topical nasal washes. The patient was discharged after 72 hours and will be followed up by the otolaryngology-head and neck service.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Infective sinusitis is a rare cause of subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum. It may be managed conservatively provided there is early recognition and exclusion of more serious pathology, such as a ruptured trachea or oesophagus.</p


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan fungsi Badan Musyawarah Nagari (BMN) di Nagari Alahan Panjang, dalam mewujudkan tata kelola penyelenggaraan pemerintahan nagari yang baik dan untuk mengetahui faktorfaktor apa saja yang menjadi penghambat dan pendorong dalam melaksanakan fungsi tersebut. Sebagai salah satu unsur penyelenggara pemerintahan nagari di Nagari Alahan Panjang, Badan Musyawarah Nagari diharapkan mampu untuk mewujudkan suatu tata kelola penyelenggaraan pemerintahan nagari yang baik di nagari tersebut dengan cara melaksanakan fungsi-fungsinya, yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip good governance. Dalam melaksanakan fungsi-fungsinya ini, BMN juga mendapatkan dorongan maupun hambatan-hambatan, baik yang sifatnya internal maupun eksternal yang turut memengaruhi BMN dalam melaksanakan fungsifungsinya tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian, untuk melihat pencapaian fungsi-fungsi tersebut dari hasil penelitian, maka dilakukan teknik triangulasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori tiga prinsip-prinsip utama good governance, yaitu partisipasi, transparansi, dan akuntabilitas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan fungsi Badan Musyawarah Nagari Alahan Panjang dalam Mewujudkan Tata Kelola Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Nagari yang Baik sudah cukup baik, empat dari lima fungsi sudah menerapkan setidaknya satu atau lebih prinsip-prinsip good governance. Kata Kunci: Fungsi, Badan Musyawarah Nagari, dan Good Governanc

    Using link layer information to enhance mobile IP handover mechanism : an investigation into the design, analysis and performance evaluation of the enhanced mobile IP handover mechanism using link layer information schemes in the IP environment

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    Mobile computing is becoming increasingly important, due to the rise in the number of portable computers and the desire to have continuous network connectivity to the Internet, irrespective of the physical location of the node. We have also seen a steady growth of the market for wireless communication devices. Such devices can only have the effect of increasing the options for making connections to the global Internet. The Internet infrastructure is built on top of a collection of protocols called the TCP/IP protocol suite. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) are the core protocols in this suite. There are currently two standards: one to support the current IPv4 and one for the upcoming IPv6 [1]. IP requires the location of any node connected to the Internet to be uniquely identified by an assigned IP address. This raises one of the most important issues in mobility because, when a node moves to another physical location, it has to change its IP address. However, the higher-level protocols require the IP address of a node to be fixed for identifying connections. The Mobile Internet Protocol (Mobile IP) is an extension to the Internet Protocol proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that addresses this issue. It enables mobile devices to stay connected to the Internet regardless of their locations, without changing their IP addresses and, therefore, an ongoing IP session will not be interrupted [2, 3, 4]. More precisely, Mobile IP is a standard protocol that builds on the Internet Protocol by making mobility transparent to applications and higher-level protocols like TCP. However, before Mobile IP can be broadly deployed, there are still several technical barriers, such as long handover periods and packet loss that have to be overcome, in addition to other technical obstacles, including handover performance, security issues and routing efficiency [7]. This study presents an investigation into developing new handover mechanisms based on link layer information in Mobile IP and fast handover in Mobile IPv6 environments. The main goal of the developed mechanisms is to improve the overall IP mobility performance by reducing packet loss, minimizing signalling overheads and reducing the handover processing time. These models include the development of a cross-layer handover scheme using link layer information and Mobile Node (MN) location information to improve the performance of the communication system by reducing transmission delay, packet loss and registration signalling overheads. Finally, the new schemes are developed, tested and validated through a set of experiments to demonstrate the relative merits and capabilities of these schemes.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Using link layer information to enhance mobile IP handover mechanism : an investigation into the design, analysis and performance evaluation of the enhanced mobile IP handover mechanism using link layer information schemes in the IP environment

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    Mobile computing is becoming increasingly important, due to the rise in the number of portable computers and the desire to have continuous network connectivity to the Internet, irrespective of the physical location of the node. We have also seen a steady growth of the market for wireless communication devices. Such devices can only have the effect of increasing the options for making connections to the global Internet. The Internet infrastructure is built on top of a collection of protocols called the TCP/IP protocol suite. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) are the core protocols in this suite. There are currently two standards: one to support the current IPv4 and one for the upcoming IPv6 [1]. IP requires the location of any node connected to the Internet to be uniquely identified by an assigned IP address. This raises one of the most important issues in mobility because, when a node moves to another physical location, it has to change its IP address. However, the higher-level protocols require the IP address of a node to be fixed for identifying connections. The Mobile Internet Protocol (Mobile IP) is an extension to the Internet Protocol proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that addresses this issue. It enables mobile devices to stay connected to the Internet regardless of their locations, without changing their IP addresses and, therefore, an ongoing IP session will not be interrupted [2, 3, 4]. More precisely, Mobile IP is a standard protocol that builds on the Internet Protocol by making mobility transparent to applications and higher-level protocols like TCP. However, before Mobile IP can be broadly deployed, there are still several technical barriers, such as long handover periods and packet loss that have to be overcome, in addition to other technical obstacles, including handover performance, security issues and routing efficiency [7]. This study presents an investigation into developing new handover mechanisms based on link layer information in Mobile IP and fast handover in Mobile IPv6 environments. The main goal of the developed mechanisms is to improve the overall IP mobility performance by reducing packet loss, minimizing signalling overheads and reducing the handover processing time. These models include the development of a cross-layer handover scheme using link layer information and Mobile Node (MN) location information to improve the performance of the communication system by reducing transmission delay, packet loss and registration signalling overheads. Finally, the new schemes are developed, tested and validated through a set of experiments to demonstrate the relative merits and capabilities of these schemes.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo