404 research outputs found

    Análisis jurídico sindical de la prostitución en el marco normativo español

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    Respecto de los datos y demás material empleado de cara a la realización del presente trabajo señalar que su procedencia, y autor/es en su caso, se encuentran debidamente consignados en el apartado referente a la bibliografía, cumpliendo con la normativa aplicable para la realización de referencias bibliográficas según el estilo APA, cuyas siglas se corresponden con las del organismo origen del mismo, American Psychological Association (o en español, Asociación Estadounidense de Psicología). Así, sobre dicho material se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de datos objetivos y de carácter bibliográfico, empleándose para ello datos de carácter periodístico, estadístico, normativo, jurisprudencial así como diversos informes elaborados tanto por instituciones como por particulares conocedores de la temática objeto del presente trabajo.Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humano

    Situación actual del juego en España: análisis económico-financiero de Cirsa

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    Así, cabría señalar que, la relevancia del sector del juego en España en la actualidad así como su arraigo y proliferación en la sociedad y concretamente entre los más jóvenes, han llevado por mi parte a la elección de la temática del presente trabajo. Pretendiéndose por mi parte ahondar en la estructura del sector, y más concretamente en la estructura económico financiera de uno de los principales operadores de dicho mercado, Cirsa (tan solo superado en lo respectivo a su facturación anual por Loterías y Apuestas del Estado), en vistas a tratar de entender la motivación de quienes de este tipo de actividades participan. Es por ello que se pretende a lo largo del presente trabajo: Para ello, se ha optado para la elaboración del presente trabajo por una estructura que distinguiendo entre dos grandes bloques, el relativo al sector del juego en general y el relativo a Cirsa como ejemplo de éxito, de respuesta a los objetivos planteados al fin de, en un último apartado relativo a las conclusiones, reflexionar sobre los resultados obtenidos a lo largo del trabajo.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Oscillatory brain activity in the time frequency domain associated to change blindness and change detection awareness

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    Despite the importance of change detection (CD) for visual perception and for performance in our environment, observers often miss changes that should be easily noticed. In the present study, we employed time–frequency analysis to investigate the neural activity associated with CD and change blindness (CB). Observers were resented with two successive visual displays and had to look for a change in orientation in any one of four sinusoid gratings between both displays. Theta power increased widely over the scalp after the second display when a change was consciously detected. Relative to nochange and CD, CB was associated with a pronounced theta power enhancement at parietal-occipital and occipital sites and broadly distributed alpha power suppression during the processing of the prechange display. Finally, power suppressions in the beta band following the second display show that, even when a change is not consciously detected, it might be represented to a certain degree. These results showthe potential of time–frequency analysis to deepen our knowledge of the temporal curse of the neural events underlying CD. The results further reveal that the process resulting in CB begins even before the occurrence of the change itself.This study was supported by two grants from the Spanish MEC (SEJ2007-61397 and PSI2010-21427)

    CTCF orchestrates the germinal centre transcriptional program and prevents premature plasma cell differentiation

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    In germinal centres (GC) mature B cells undergo intense proliferation and immunoglobulin gene modification before they differentiate into memory B cells or long-lived plasma cells (PC). GC B-cell-to-PC transition involves a major transcriptional switch that promotes a halt in cell proliferation and the production of secreted immunoglobulins. Here we show that the CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) is required for the GC reaction in vivo, whereas in vitro the requirement for CTCF is not universal and instead depends on the pathways used for B-cell activation. CTCF maintains the GC transcriptional programme, allows a high proliferation rate, and represses the expression of Blimp-1, the master regulator of PC differentiation. Restoration of Blimp-1 levels partially rescues the proliferation defect of CTCF-deficient B cells. Thus, our data reveal an essential function of CTCF in maintaining the GC transcriptional programme and preventing premature PC differentiation

    Oscillatory Brain Activity in the Time Frequency Domain Associated to Change Blindness and Change Detection Awareness

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    Despite the importance of change detection (CD) for visual perception and for performance in our environment, observers often miss changes that should be easily noticed. In the present study, we employed time-frequency analysis to investigate the neural activity associated with CD and change blindness (CB). Observers were presented with two successive visual displays and had to look for a change in orientation in any one of four sinusoid gratings between both displays. Theta power increased widely over the scalp after the second display when a change was consciously detected. Relative to no-change and CD, CB was associated with a pronounced theta power enhancement at parietal-occipital and occipital sites and broadly distributed alpha power suppression during the processing of the prechange display. Finally, power suppressions in the beta band following the second display show that, even when a change is not consciously detected, it might be represented to a certain degree. These results show the potential of time-frequency analysis to deepen our knowledge of the temporal curse of the neural events underlying CD. The results further reveal that the process resulting in CB begins even before the occurrence of the change itself.This study was supported by two grants from the Spanish MEC (SEJ2007-61397 and PSI2010-21427)S

    A highly enantioselective abiotic receptor for malate dianion in aqueous solution

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    The highly enantioselective molecular recognition of the malate dianion by a synthetic receptor in aqueous solution has been studied by potentiometric titrations, mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), diffusion measurements (PGSE NMR) and molecular modeling.Garcia-España Monsonis, Enrique, [email protected]

    On the hydrogen adsorption and dissociation on Cu surfaces and nanorows

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    Here we present a thorough density functional theory study, including and excluding dispersive forces interaction description, on the adsorption and dissociation of H2 molecule on the low-index Miller Cu (111), (100), and (110) surfaces and two different surface Cu nanorows, all displaying a different number of surface nearest-neighbours, nn. The computational setup has been optimized granting an accuracy below 0.04 eV. Surface and nanorow energies ¿for which a new methodology to extract them is presented¿ are found to follow the nn number. However, the adsorption strength is found not to. Thus the adsorption energies seem to be governed by a particular orbital↔ band interaction rather than by the simple nn surface saturation. The van der Waals (vdW) forces are found to play a key role in the adsorption of H2, and merely an energetic adjustment on chemisorbed H adatoms. No clear trends are observed for H2 and H adsorption energies, and H2 dissociation energy with respect nn, and no Brønsted-Evans-Polanyi, making H2 adsorption and dissociation a trend outlier compared to other cases. H2 is found to adsorb and dissociate on Cu(100) surface. On the Cu(111) surface the rather smaller H2 adsorption energy would prevent H2 dissociation, regardless is thermodynamically driven to. On Cu(110) surface the H2 dissociation process would be endothermic, and achievable if adsorption energy is employed on surpassing the dissociation energy barrier. On low-coordinated sites on Cu nanorows, vdW plays a key role in the H2 dissociation process, which otherwise is found to be endothermic. Indeed dispersive forces turn the process markedly exothermic. Nanoparticle Cu systems must display Cu(100) surfaces or facets in order to dissociate H2, vital in many hydrogenation processes

    Retinotopic mapping of visual event-related potentials

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    Visual stimulation is frequently employed in electroencephalographic (EEG) research. However, despite its widespread use, no studies have thoroughly evaluated how the morphology ofthe visual event-related potentials (ERPs) varies according to the spatial location of stimuli. Hence, the purpose of this study was to perform a detailed retinotopic mapping of visual ERPs. We recorded EEG activity while participants were visually stimulated with 60 pattern-reversing checkerboards placed at different polar angles and eccentricities. Our results show five pattern-reversal ERP components. C1 and C2 components inverted polarity between the upper and lower hemifields. P1 and N1 showed higher amplitudes and shorter latencies to stimuli located in the contralateral lower quadrant. In contrast, P2 amplitude was enhanced and its latency was reduced by stimuli presented in the periphery of the upper hemifield. The retinotopic maps presented here could serve as a guide for selecting optimal visuo-spatial locations in future ERP studiesThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation/Economy and Competitiveness (MICINN/MINECO) (PSI2011-26314, PSI2012-34558 and PSI2014-54853-P