122 research outputs found

    Los maestros de obras aprobados por la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando (1816-1858) : una profesión en continuo conflicto con los arquitectos

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    Los maestros de obras fueron unos profesionales titulados a los cuales la legislación les reconoció una serie de facultades para diseñar y dirigir construcciones. Estas facultades provocaron a lo largo del siglo xix un continuo conflicto de competencias profesionales con los arquitectos. Tenían los maestros de obras menos conocimientos y estudios que los arquitectos por sus menos años de carrera, pero con suficiente capacidad científica para proyectar. Estos diplomados después de un período de formación en las Academias o en los estudios de los arquitectos y, posterioremente en la Escuela Especial de Arquitectura, sabían conjugar la teoría con la práctica.The work managers were qualified professionals with less knowledges than the architects but with enought scientific capacity for making a proyect. The law admited that they were able to design and run a construction proyect and this will produce in the xix century a clash of professional competences between architecs and works managers as this work managers after a period of studies in academies or in the office of the architecs, and after that in the Special School of Architecture, were able to put together theory and practique.</p

    Are microglial cells the regulators of lymphocyte responses in the CNS?

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    The infiltration of immune cells in the central nervous system is a common hallmark in different neuroinflammatory conditions. Accumulating evidence indicates that resident glial cells can establish a cross-talk with infiltrated immune cells, including T-cells, regulating their recruitment, activation and function within the CNS. Although the healthy CNS has been thought to be devoid of professional dendritic cells (DCs), numerous studies have reported the presence of a population of DCs in specific locations such as the meninges, choroid plexuses and the perivascular space. Moreover, the infiltration of DC precursors during neuroinflammatory situations has been proposed, suggesting a putative role of these cells in the regulation of lymphocyte activity within the CNS. On the other hand, under specific circumstances, microglial cells are able to acquire a phenotype of DC expressing a wide range of molecules that equip these cells with all the necessary machinery for communication with T-cells. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on the expression of molecules involved in the cross-talk with T-cells in both microglial cells and DCs and discuss the potential contribution of each of these cell populations on the control of lymphocyte function within the CNS

    Increase in Th17 and T-reg Lymphocytes and Decrease of IL22 Correlate with the Recovery Phase of Acute EAE IN Rat

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    Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a well-established model of multiple sclerosis, is characterised by microglial activation and lymphocyte infiltration. Induction of EAE in Lewis rats produces an acute monophasic disease characterised by a single peak of disability followed by a spontaneous and complete recovery and a subsequent tolerance to further immunizations. In the current study we have performed a detailed analysis of the dynamics of different lymphocyte populations and cytokine profile along the induction, peak, recovery and post-recovery phases in this paradigm. MBP-injected rats were sacrificed attending exclusively to their clinical score, and the different populations of T-lymphocytes as well as the dynamics of different pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines were analysed in the spinal cord by flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and ELISA. Our results revealed that, during the induction and peak phases, in parallel to an increase in symptomatology, the number of CD3+ and CD4+ cells increased progressively, showing a Th1 phenotype, but unexpectedly during recovery, although clinical signs progressively decreased, the number and proportion of CD3+ and CD4+ populations remained unaltered. Interestingly, during this recovery phase, we observed a marked decrease of Th1 and an important increase in Th17 and T-reg cells. Moreover, our results indicate a specific cytokine expression profile along the EAE course characterized by no changes of IL10 and IL17 levels, decrease of IL21 on the peak, and high IL22 levels during the induction and peak phases that markedly decrease during recovery. In summary, these results revealed the existence of a specific pattern of lymphocyte infiltration and cytokine secretion along the different phases of the acute EAE model in Lewis rat that differs from those already described in chronic or relapsing-remitting mouse models, where Th17-cells were found mostly during the peak, suggesting a specific role of these lymphocytes and cytokines in the evolution of this acute EAE model

    Chronic IL-10 overproduction disrupts microglia-neuron dialogue similar to aging, resulting in impaired hippocampal neurogenesis and spatial memory

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business (BFU2014-55459 and BFU2017-87843-R).The subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus is an adult neurogenic niche where new neurons are continuously generated. A dramatic hippocampal neurogenesis decline occurs with increasing age, contributing to cognitive deficits. The process of neurogenesis is intimately regulated by the microenvironment, with inflammation being considered a strong negative factor for this process. Thus, we hypothesize that the reduction of new neurons in the aged brain could be attributed to the age-related microenvironmental changes towards a pro-inflammatory status. In this work, we evaluated whether an anti-inflammatory microenvironment could counteract the negative effect of age on promoting new hippocampal neurons. Surprisingly, our results show that transgenic animals chronically overexpressing IL-10 by astrocytes present a decreased hippocampal neurogenesis in adulthood. This results from an impairment in the survival of neural newborn cells without differences in cell proliferation. In parallel, hippocampal-dependent spatial learning and memory processes were affected by IL-10 overproduction as assessed by the Morris water maze test. Microglial cells, which are key players in the neurogenesis process, presented a different phenotype in transgenic animals characterized by high activation together with alterations in receptors involved in neuronal communication, such as CD200R and CX3CR1. Interestingly, the changes described in adult transgenic animals were similar to those observed by the effect of normal aging. Thus, our data suggest that chronic IL-10 overproduction mimics the physiological age-related disruption of the microglia-neuron dialogue, resulting in hippocampal neurogenesis decrease and spatial memory impairment

    Variables motivacionales presentes en las clases de Educación Física y desarrollo de estrategias para su optimización en el contenido de Orientación

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    El objetivo del estudio fue desarrollar estrategias de intervención docente para generar un clima motivacional óptimo y evaluar su incidencia sobre otras variables que afectan a la motivación de los alumnos en las clases de Educación Física. La intervención estuvo basada en las áreas TARGET (Ames, 1992) y autonomía, desarrollándose una unidad didáctica de Orientación Deportiva durante 4 sesiones dobles y en la cual participaron cinco grupos de 3º de E.S.O. con un total de 113 alumnos repartidos en grupo experimental (n=46) y grupo control (n=67). Se evaluó el clima motivacional a través de la Escala de Percepción del Clima Motivacional (EPCM), la percepción de competencia, autonomía y relaciones sociales a través de la Escala de Medición de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas (BPNES), las consecuencias afectivas como la diversión-satisfacción y aburrimiento a través de la Escala de diversión de los sujetos con la práctica deportiva (CDPD), la motivación autodeterminada a través de la Escala de Motivación Situacional (SIMS 14) y la cesión de autonomía a través del Cuestionario de Percepción de Soporte de la Autonomía (ASCQ). Los resultados mostraron que la intervención fue eficaz, ya que el grupo experimental donde se llevo a cabo la intervención a través de la puesta en marcha de estrategias motivaciones en el contenido trabajado, obtuvo respecto del grupo control, valores significativamente superiores en clima motivacional maestría y autonomía. Además se obtuvieron diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos en las diferentes variables estudiadas, en concreto en regulación identificada, desmotivación, autonomía, competencia y satisfacción-diversión. Por consiguiente, quedó probado que las estrategias basadas en las áreas TARGET y autonomía que habían sido utilizadas, resultan efectivas para el contenido de Orientación y son una buena herramienta para el fomento de un clima maestría en las clases de Educación Física, considerándose el clima motivacional maestría un elemento importante para la optimización de las variables motivacionales de los alumnos

    Cambios en la composición corporal, somatotipo y cualidades físicas básicas tras un entrenamiento tradicional y un entrenamiento funcional

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    El presente TFG es un trabajo de observación, de cómo varia la composición corporal, somatotipo y las cualidades físicas básicas tras un entrenamiento tradicional con sobrecargas dirigido a la hipertrofia (aumento de la sección trasversal del músculo) y un entrenamiento funcional basado en el método CrossFit


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    Este estudio pretende comprobar el grado en el que se da evaluación formativa en seis de las asignaturas del Máster de Formación en Profesorado de Educación Física, según la percepción de los alumnos. Se analizan los resultados obtenidos por el conjunto de las seis asignaturas, se realiza una comparación entre asignaturas específicas (sobre la asignatura de Educación Física en secundaria) y genéricas (comunes a todas las ramas del master de formación inicial del profesorado) y por último se analizarán los aspectos más relevantes obtenidos en los resultados de cada asignatura. Los resultados obtenidos para el grupo de asignaturas específicas, han sido bastante homogéneos, mientras que para el grupo de asignaturas genéricas han sido muy diferentes. Han participado en el estudio los 12 alumnos que han asistido regularmente a las clases del máster, el 100% de la población disponible

    Acute onset of retinal detachment after posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation

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    Case report: a 34-year-old man with severe myopia, presented with acute visual loss in his right eye. This occurred 3 hours after a posterior chamber phakic (PCP) intraocular lens (IOL) implantation, and was associated with a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Retinal retachment surgery was performed without complications, with the outcome showing good anatomical and functional results during a 2-year follow-up period. Discussion: despite the fact that several authors have described retinal detachments following PCP IOL implantation in highly myopic patients, there is no evidence that this procedure increases the risk of retinal detachment in these patients. The occurrence of the retinal detachment immediately after the phakic IOL implantation supports the hypothesis that the surgical procedure could induce iatrogenic changes in patients with high myopia, which could increase the incidence of retinal detachment. In contrast to other reports, the interval between the PCP IOL implantation and the retinal detachment was only 3 hours in our patient. We believe this demonstrates the importance of performing a complete preoperative vitreoretinal examination in patients with severe myopia

    Efectos del ejercicio excéntrico “Nordic Hamstring” sobre la musculatura isquiotibial de deportistas con demandas de carrera de alta intensidad. Revisión sistemática

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    OBJETIVO. Esta revisión sistemática tiene por objetivo reunir el conocimiento actual sobre los efectos que causa el ejercicio terapéutico de tipo excéntrico “Nordic Hamstring” sobre la musculatura isquiotibial de deportistas con demandas de carrera de alta intensidad. METODOLOGÍA. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica hasta marzo de 2018. La revisión sistemática se desarrolló de acuerdo a la declaración PRISMA. Fueron incluidas un total de 7 investigaciones que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión y que utilizaron el ejercicio nordic hamstring junto al entrenamiento habitual. RESULTADOS. Se observa como el ejercicio terapéutico de tipo excéntrico “Nordic Hamstring” tiene efectos positivos sobre los músculos isquiotibiales y en concreto, sobre la arquitectura muscular, diferentes manifestaciones de fuerza, incidencia lesional y rendimiento deportivo. CONCLUSIÓN. Aquellos fisioterapeutas que desarrollen su labor en el ámbito deportivo donde se demanden carreras a alta intensidad, deben considerar la incorporación al entrenamiento habitual de programas de ejercicio terapéutico de tipo excéntrico “Nordic Hamstring” con el fin de disminuir las lesiones de la musculatura isquiotibial.<br /

    Differential Roles of TREM2+ Microglia in Anterograde and Retrograde Axonal Injury Models

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    Microglia are the main immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS), and they are devoted to the active surveillance of the CNS during homeostasis and disease. In the last years, the microglial receptor Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid cells-2 (TREM2) has been defined to mediate several microglial functions, including phagocytosis, survival, proliferation, and migration, and to be a key regulator of a new common microglial signature induced under neurodegenerative conditions and aging, also known as disease-associated microglia (DAM). Although microglial TREM2 has been mainly studied in chronic neurodegenerative diseases, few studies address its regulation and functions in acute inflammatory injuries. In this context, the present work aims to study the regulation of TREM2 and its functions after reparative axonal injuries, using two-well established animal models of anterograde and retrograde neuronal degeneration: the perforant pathway transection (PPT) and the facial nerve axotomy (FNA). Our results indicate the appearance of a subpopulation of microglia expressing TREM2 after both anterograde and retrograde axonal injury. TREM2+ microglia were not directly related to proliferation, instead, they were associated with specific recognition and/or phagocytosis of myelin and degenerating neurons, as assessed by immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. Characterization of TREM2+ microglia showed expression of CD16/32, CD68, and occasional Galectin-3. However, specific singularities within each model were observed in P2RY12 expression, which was only downregulated after PPT, and in ApoE, where de novo expression was detected only in TREM2+ microglia after FNA. Finally, we report that the pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory cytokine microenvironment, which may affect phagocytosis, did not directly modify the induction of TREM2+ subpopulation in any injury model, although it changed TREM2 levels due to modification of the microglial activation pattern. In conclusion, we describe a unique TREM2+ microglial subpopulation induced after axonal injury, which is directly associated with phagocytosis of specific cell remnants and show different phenotypes, depending on the microglial activation status and the degree of tissue injury