50 research outputs found

    Complement C4 Copy Number Variation is Linked to SSA/Ro and SSB/La Autoantibodies in Systemic Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases

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    Objective Copy number variation of the C4 complement components, C4A and C4B, has been associated with systemic inflammatory autoimmune diseases. This study was undertaken to investigate whether C4 copy number variation is connected to the autoimmune repertoire in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS), or myositis. Methods Using targeted DNA sequencing, we determined the copy number and genetic variants of C4 in 2,290 well-characterized Scandinavian patients with SLE, primary SS, or myositis and 1,251 healthy controls. Results A prominent relationship was observed between C4A copy number and the presence of SSA/SSB autoantibodies, which was shared between the 3 diseases. The strongest association was detected in patients with autoantibodies against both SSA and SSB and 0 C4A copies when compared to healthy controls (odds ratio [OR] 18.0 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) 10.2–33.3]), whereas a weaker association was seen in patients without SSA/SSB autoantibodies (OR 3.1 [95% CI 1.7–5.5]). The copy number of C4 correlated positively with C4 plasma levels. Further, a common loss-of-function variant in C4A leading to reduced plasma C4 was more prevalent in SLE patients with a low copy number of C4A. Functionally, we showed that absence of C4A reduced the individuals’ capacity to deposit C4b on immune complexes. Conclusion We show that a low C4A copy number is more strongly associated with the autoantibody repertoire than with the clinically defined disease entities. These findings may have implications for understanding the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of systemic inflammatory autoimmune diseases and for patient stratification when taking the genetic profile into account.publishedVersio

    Transancestral mapping and genetic load in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with marked gender and ethnic disparities. We report a large transancestral association study of SLE using Immunochip genotype data from 27,574 individuals of European (EA), African (AA) and Hispanic Amerindian (HA) ancestry. We identify 58 distinct non-HLA regions in EA, 9 in AA and 16 in HA (∌50% of these regions have multiple independent associations); these include 24 novel SLE regions (P<5 × 10-8), refined association signals in established regions, extended associations to additional ancestries, and a disentangled complex HLA multigenic effect. The risk allele count (genetic load) exhibits an accelerating pattern of SLE risk, leading us to posit a cumulative hit hypothesis for autoimmune disease. Comparing results across the three ancestries identifies both ancestry-dependent and ancestry-independent contributions to SLE risk. Our results are consistent with the unique and complex histories of the populations sampled, and collectively help clarify the genetic architecture and ethnic disparities in SLE

    Transancestral mapping and genetic load in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with marked gender and ethnic disparities. We report a large transancestral association study of SLE using Immunochip genotype data from 27,574 individuals of European (EA), African (AA) and Hispanic Amerindian (HA) ancestry. We identify 58 distinct non-HLA regions in EA, 9 in AA and 16 in HA (B50% of these regions have multiple independent associations); these include 24 novel SLE regions (Po5 10 8), reïŹned association signals in established regions, extended associations to additional ancestries, and a disentangled complex HLA multigenic effect. The risk allele count (genetic load) exhibits an accelerating pattern of SLE risk, leading us to posit a cumulative hit hypothesis for autoimmune disease. Comparing results across the three ancestries identiïŹes both ancestry-dependent and ancestry-independent contributions to SLE risk. Our results are consistent with the unique and complex histories of the populations sampled, and collectively help clarify the genetic architecture and ethnic disparities in SL

    Quantum error correction

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    This thesis intends to familiarise the reader with quantum error correction, and also show some relations to the well known concept of information - and the lesser known quantum information. Quantum information describes how information can be carried by quantum states, and how interaction with other systems give rise to a full set of quantum phenomena, many of which have no correspondence in classical information theory. These phenomena include decoherence, as a consequence of entanglement. Decoherence can also be understood as "information leakage", i.e., knowledge of an event is transferred to the reservoir - an effect that in general destroys superpositions of pure states. It is possible to protect quantum states (e.g., qubits) from interaction with the environment - but not by amplification or duplication, due to the "no-cloning" theorem. Instead, this is done using coding, non-demolition measurements, and recovery operations. In a typical scenario, however, not all types of destructive events are likely to occur, but only those allowed by the information carrier, the type of interaction with the environment, and how the environment "picks up" information of the error events. These characteristics can be incorporated into a code, i.e., a channel-adapted quantum error-correcting code. Often, it is assumed that the environment's ability to distinguish between error events is small, and I will denote such environments "memory-less".  This assumption is not always valid, since the ability to distinguish error events is related to the \emph{temperature} of the environment, and in the particular case of information coded onto photons,  typically holds, and one must then assume that the environment has a "memory". In this thesis, I describe a short quantum error-correcting code (QECC), adapted for photons interacting with a cold environment, i.e., this code protects from an environment that continuously records which error occurred in the coded quantum state. Also, it is of interest to compare the performance of different QECCs - But which yardstick should one use? We compare two such figures of merit, namely the quantum mutual information and the quantum fidelity, and show that they can not, in general, be simultaneously maximised in an error correcting procedure. To show this, we have used a five-qubit perfect code, but assumed a channel that only cause bit-flip errors. It appears that quantum mutual information is the better suited yardstick of the two, however more tedious to calculate than quantum fidelity - which is more commonly used.Denna avhandling Ă€r en introduktion till kvantfelrĂ€ttning, dĂ€r jag undersöker slĂ€ktskapet med teorin om klassisk information - men ocksĂ„ det mindre vĂ€lkĂ€nda omrĂ„det kvantinformation. Kvantinformation beskriver hur information kan bĂ€ras av kvanttillstĂ„nd, och hur vĂ€xelverkan med andra system ger upphov till Ă„tskilliga typer av fel och effekter, varav mĂ„nga saknar motsvarighet i den klassiska informationsteorin. Bland dessa effekter Ă„terfinns dekoherens - en konsekvens av s.k. sammanflĂ€tning. Dekoherens kan ocksĂ„ förstĂ„s som "informationslĂ€ckage", det vill sĂ€ga att kunskap om en hĂ€ndelse överförs till omgivningen - en effekt som i allmĂ€nhet förstör superpositioner i rena kvanttillstĂ„nd.  Det Ă€r möjligt att med hjĂ€lp av kvantfelrĂ€ttning skydda kvanttillstĂ„nd (t.ex. qubitar) frĂ„n omgivningens pĂ„verkan, dock kan sĂ„dana tillstĂ„nd aldrig förstĂ€rkas eller dupliceras, p.g.a icke-kloningsteoremet. TillstĂ„nden skyddas genom att införa redundans, varpĂ„ tillstĂ„nden interagerar med omgivningen. Felen identifieras m.h.a. icke-förstörande mĂ€tningar och Ă„terstĂ€lls med unitĂ€ra grindar och ancilla-tillstĂ„nd.Men i realiteten kommer inte alla tĂ€nkbara fel att intrĂ€ffa, utan dessa begrĂ€nsas av vilken informationsbĂ€rare som anvĂ€nds, vilken interaktion som uppstĂ„r med omgivningen, samt hur omgivningen "fĂ„ngar upp" information om felhĂ€ndelserna. Med kunskap om sĂ„dan karakteristik kan man bygga koder, s.k. kanalanpassade kvantfelrĂ€ttande koder. Vanligtvis antas att omgivningens förmĂ„ga att sĂ€rskilja felhĂ€ndelser Ă€r liten, och man kan dĂ„ tala om en minneslös omgivning. Antagandet gĂ€ller inte alltid, dĂ„ denna förmĂ„ga bestĂ€ms av reservoirens temperatur, och i det speciella fall dĂ„ fotoner anvĂ€nds som informationsbĂ€rare gĂ€ller typiskt , och vi mĂ„ste anta att reservoiren faktiskt har ett "minne". I avhandlingen beskrivs en kort, kvantfelrĂ€ttande kod som Ă€r anpassad för fotoner i vĂ€xelverkan med en "kall" omgivning, d.v.s. denna kod skyddar mot en omgivning som kontinuerligt registrerar vilket fel som uppstĂ„tt i det kodade tillstĂ„ndet.  Det Ă€r ocksĂ„ av stort intresse att kunna jĂ€mföra prestanda hos kvantfelrĂ€ttande koder, utifrĂ„n nĂ„gon slags "mĂ„ttstock" - men vilken? Jag jĂ€mför tvĂ„ sĂ„dana mĂ„tt, nĂ€mligen ömsesidig kvantinformation, samt kvantfidelitet, och visar att dessa i allmĂ€nhet inte kan maximeras samtidigt i en felrĂ€ttningsprocedur. För att visa detta har en 5-qubitarskod anvĂ€nts i en tĂ€nkt kanal dĂ€r bara bitflip-fel uppstĂ„r, och utrymme dĂ€rför finns att detektera fel. Ömsesidig kvantinformation framstĂ„r som det bĂ€ttre mĂ„ttet, dock Ă€r detta mĂ„tt betydligt mer arbetskrĂ€vande att berĂ€kna, Ă€n kvantfidelitet - som Ă€r det mest förekommande mĂ„ttet.QC 20121206</p

    Quantum error correction

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    Quantum error correction is the art of protecting quantum states from the detrimental influence from the environment. To master this art, one must understand how the system interacts with the environment and gives rise to a full set of quantum phenomena, many of which have no correspondence in classical information theory. Such phenomena include decoherence, an effect that in general destroys superpositions of pure states as a consequence of entanglement with the environment. But decoherence can also be understood as “information leakage”, i.e., when knowledge of an encoded code block is transferred to the environment. In this event, the block’s information or entanglement content is typically lost. In a typical scenario, however, not all types of destructive events are likely to occur, but only those allowed by the information carrier, the type of interaction with the environment, and how the environment “picks up” information of the error events. These characteristics can be incorporated into a code, i.e., a channel-adapted quantum error-correcting code. Often, it is assumed that the environment’s ability to distinguish between error events is small, and I will denote such environments “memory-less”. But this assumption is not always valid, since the ability to distinguish error events is related to the temperature of the environment, and in the particular case of information coded onto photons, kBTR «ℏω typically holds, and one must then assume that the environment has a “memory”. In the thesis I describe a short quantum error-correction code adapted for photons interacting with a “cold” reservoir, i.e., a reservoir which continuously probes what error occurred in the coded state. I also study other types of environments, and show how to distill meaningful figures of merit from codes adapted for these channels, as it turns out that resource-based figures reflecting both information and entanglement can be calculated exactly for a well-studied class of channels: the Pauli channels. Starting from these resource-based figures, I establish the notion of efficiency and quality and show that there will be a trade-off between efficiency and quality for short codes. Finally I show how to incorporate, into these calculations, the choices one has to make when handling quantum states that have been detected as incorrect, but where no prospect of correcting them exists, i.e., so-called detection errors.QC 20160115</p

    Quantum error correction

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    Quantum error correction is the art of protecting quantum states from the detrimental influence from the environment. To master this art, one must understand how the system interacts with the environment and gives rise to a full set of quantum phenomena, many of which have no correspondence in classical information theory. Such phenomena include decoherence, an effect that in general destroys superpositions of pure states as a consequence of entanglement with the environment. But decoherence can also be understood as “information leakage”, i.e., when knowledge of an encoded code block is transferred to the environment. In this event, the block’s information or entanglement content is typically lost. In a typical scenario, however, not all types of destructive events are likely to occur, but only those allowed by the information carrier, the type of interaction with the environment, and how the environment “picks up” information of the error events. These characteristics can be incorporated into a code, i.e., a channel-adapted quantum error-correcting code. Often, it is assumed that the environment’s ability to distinguish between error events is small, and I will denote such environments “memory-less”. But this assumption is not always valid, since the ability to distinguish error events is related to the temperature of the environment, and in the particular case of information coded onto photons, kBTR «ℏω typically holds, and one must then assume that the environment has a “memory”. In the thesis I describe a short quantum error-correction code adapted for photons interacting with a “cold” reservoir, i.e., a reservoir which continuously probes what error occurred in the coded state. I also study other types of environments, and show how to distill meaningful figures of merit from codes adapted for these channels, as it turns out that resource-based figures reflecting both information and entanglement can be calculated exactly for a well-studied class of channels: the Pauli channels. Starting from these resource-based figures, I establish the notion of efficiency and quality and show that there will be a trade-off between efficiency and quality for short codes. Finally I show how to incorporate, into these calculations, the choices one has to make when handling quantum states that have been detected as incorrect, but where no prospect of correcting them exists, i.e., so-called detection errors.QC 20160115</p

    Twist Solid GMS560 v0.6.1 references fuseq_wes

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    The data included here are part of a collection of different types of reference data used in the bioinformatic analysis pipeline called Twist Solid GMS560. The pipeline is based on the Hydra-genetics framework and analyses NGS short read data from the GMS560 Twist panel which is used on solid cancer samples. The data in this specific item include general publicly available reference files used in the pipeline by the fusion calling program FuSeq_WES (https://github.com/nghiavtr/FuSeq_WES). Downloading data from here will ensure compatible and correct versions.</p