923 research outputs found
MIMO capacity for deterministic channel models: sublinear growth
This is the second paper of the authors in a series concerned with the
development of a deterministic model for the transfer matrix of a MIMO system.
Starting from the Maxwell equations, we have described in \cite{BCFM} the
generic structure of such a deterministic transfer matrix. In the current paper
we apply the results of \cite{BCFM} in order to study the (Shannon-Foschini)
capacity behavior of a MIMO system as a function of the deterministic spread
function of the environment, and the number of transmitting and receiving
antennas. The antennas are assumed to fill in a given, fixed volume. Under some
generic assumptions, we prove that the capacity grows much more slowly than
linearly with the number of antennas. These results reinforce previous
heuristic results obtained from statistical models of the transfer matrix,
which also predict a sublinear behavior.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in Math. Meth. Appl. Sc
Structure and function of fusion pores in exocytosis and ectoplasmic membrane fusion.
Several proteins involved in exocytosis have been identified recently, but it is still completely unclear which molecules perform the fusion event itself. Although in viral fusion the fusion proteins are known, even there the molecular mechanism remains controversial. Investigation of single fusion events by electrophysiological techniques together with fluorimetric measurements have now provided some insight into the properties of the first aqueous connection, the fusion pore. This pore has an initial size similar to an ion channel and allows movement of lipids only after it has substantially expanded, indicating that it is initially not a purely lipidic structure, but incorporates lipids when it expands. Although neurotransmitter release may occur through narrow transient fusion pores, the fusion pore of synaptic vesicles probably expands vey rapidly, making it unlikely that secretion is performed by rapid exo/endocytosis without full fusion under normal conditions. Recent recordings from small membrane patches have made it possible to resolve fusion events from vesicles as small as synaptic vesicles. Future experiments using excised patches may provide an approach to identify the molecular machinery of exocytotic membrane fusion
On the transfer matrix of a MIMO system
We develop a deterministic ab-initio model for the input-output relationship
of a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless channel, starting from the
Maxwell equations combined with Ohm's Law. The main technical tools are
scattering and geometric perturbation theories. The derived relationship can
lead us to a deep understanding of how the propagation conditions and the
coupling effects between the elements of multiple-element arrays affect the
properties of a MIMO channel, e.g. its capacity and its number of degrees of
freedom.Comment: Accepted for publication in Mathematical Methods in the Applied
Addition of biochar to a Swedish sandy soil : effects on nitrous gas emissions, nitrogen retention and water saturation
In a column experiment the effect of three different biochars on nitrous gas emissions, nitrogen
retention and water filled pore space (WFPS) were studied in a Swedish sandy soil, classified as a
Cryopsamment. Ammonium retention was positively correlated, while KCl-extractable ammonium
was negatively correlated, with the specific area of the biochars. The question was raised whether the
negative correlation between extractable ammonium and biochar specific area reflects the amount of
ammonium present in the soil or its extractability from the biochar, and whether methods for
extracting soil mineral nitrogen, like KCl-extractions, have to be modified for application on biochar
amended soils. There was a tendency of increased nitrate retention and KCl-extractable nitrate with
biochar and KCl-extractable nitrate was positively correlated with the specific area of the biochar. pH
was higher for all biochars compared with control, although the differences were not significant, and
WFPS was lowered by biochar addition, significantly in one case. Nitrous oxide emissions were
generelly lower from biochar amended columns, although emissions from one of the biochars was
higher than control in the beginning of the measurements. The effect on nitrous oxide emissions
seem, in part, to be mediated by the increase in pH from the biochar addition. Among other factors,
nitrous oxide emissions was also negatively correlated with the specific area of the biochar.I ett kolonnförsök studerades effekten av tre sorters biokol pÄ lustgasavgÄng, kvÀveretention och
andel vattenfyllda porer (WFPS) i en svensk sandjord (klassificerad som Cryopsamment).
Ammoniumretentionen var positivt korrelerad med kolets specifika yta, medan KCl-extraherbart
ammonium var negativt korrelerad med kolets specifika yta. Det diskuterades huruvida den negativa
korrelationen med kolets specifika yta berodde pÄ mÀngden ammonium i jorden eller dess
extraherbarhet och om metoder för att mÀta markkvÀve behöver modifieras för att ge en rÀttvisande
bild pÄ biokolberikade jordar. Det fanns en tendens till ökad nitratretention och mÀngd KClextraherbart
nitrat med biokol och KCl-extraherbart nitrat var positivt korrelerat med den specifika
ytan pÄ kolet. pH var högre med alla kolsorter jÀmfört med kontrollbehandlingen, Àven om
skillnaderna inte var signifikanta, och WFPS minskades av tillsatt biokol, signifikant i ett av fallen.
LustgasavgÄngen var generellt sett lÀgre frÄn de biokolberikade kolonnerna, men frÄn en av
kolsorterna var avgÄngen högre i början av lustgasmÀtningarna. Effekten pÄ lustgasavgÄngen verkar
delvis orsakas av biokolets pH-höjande effekt. Bland andra faktorer korrelerade med lustgasavgÄngen
fanns kolets specifika yta som var negativt korrelerad med lustgasavgÄngen
Climate impacts of land use in LCA
LCA is a widely used tool for assessing the environmental impacts of products. However, despite the large importance of land use for atmospheric CO2-levels there is still no consensus on how to include the climate impact of land use in LCA and results vary up to several hundred percent depending on method.
The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to a formation of consensus about how to handle the climate impact of land use in LCA by suggesting criteria for satisfactory methods to do this. The criteria are meant to limit the number of alternative methods and the variation in results.
The criteria are elaborated through theoretical reasoning that takes its points of departure in the definitions of essential terms and in assumptions of desired properties for LCA such as internal consistency, comprehensiveness (the property of being all-inclusive) and comprehensibility (the property of being easy to understand).
The analysis resulted in 11 criteria. One effect of the criteria is that when one makes assumptions of land use changes and use GWPs to aggregate emissions, then the impact of the change should be distributed over all the services that are derived during the new use up to the GWP time horizon. Other criteria concern the need to consider e.g. albedo, aerosol formation and impacts on the ability of the used land to provide services. Yet other criteria is about that an LCA should enable readers to understand the potential trade-offs between short and long term climate impacts.
The criteria may be used to evaluate and improve suggested methods, as guidance in design of new methods and to point out research and development needs (e.g. concerning the inclusion of normally ignored climate forcers such as albedo and aerosol formation). Many used and suggested methods are inconsistent and adjustments according to the suggested criteria are likely to decrease the variation in results between methods. There is a need to evaluate the reliability of previous LCA studies and there could be a need to reconsider conclusions based on LCA that do not include climate impacts of land use in a satisfactory way. There is also a need to refine the suggested criteria and/or elaborate more specific standards for specific contexts.INLEDNING
Livscykelanalyser (LCA) Àr analyser för att uppskatta miljöpÄverkan av produkter. Trots att markanvÀndning har en stor pÄverkan pÄ klimatet finns det fortfarande ingen konsensus kring hur markanvÀndning ska hanteras i LCA och variationen i resultat kan variera flera hundra procent beroende pÄ metod.
Syftet med den hÀr uppsatsen Àr att bidra till skapandet av konsensus kring hur markanvÀndning ska hanteras i LCA. Detta genom att föreslÄ kriterier för tillfredsstÀllande metoder. Kriterierna Àr menade att begrÀnsa bÄde variationen i resultat beroende pÄ val av metod och antalet alternativa metoder som anvÀnds.
Kriterierna tas fram genom ett teoretiskt resonerande som tar sin utgÄngspunkt i definitionerna av centrala begrepp och i önskade egenskaper för LCA, som internt konsekventa antaganden, att de tar allt vikitgt i beaktande och att de Àr lÀtta att förstÄ.
Analysen resulterade i 11 kriterier. En effekt av kriterierna Àr att nÀr man gör antaganden om förÀndrad markanvÀndning och anvÀnder vÀxthusgasernas GWP (vilka bygger pÄ antaganden om permanenta pulsutslÀpp) för att sammanvÀga vÀxthusgasutslÀppen i analysen, sÄ mÄste utslÀppen fördelas över alla produkter som erhÄlls frÄn den nya markanvÀndningen fram till den tidshorisonten som GWP Àr definierad över. Andra kriterier berör behovet av att inkludera pÄverkan pÄ t ex albedo, aerosoler och pÄverkan pÄ markens bördighet. Ytterligare andra kriterier stÀller krav pÄ att en LCA ska möjliggöra för lÀsaren att föstÄ eventuella trade-offs mellan klimatpÄverkan pÄ kort och lÄng sikt.
Kriterierna kan anvÀndas för att utvÀrdera och förbÀttra föreslagna metoder, som guide i design av nya metoder och för att peka ut behov av forskning och utveckling (t ex vad gÀller inkluderandet av faktorer som albedo och aerosoler). MÄnga anvÀnda och föreslagna metoder Àr inkonsekventa och justeringar enligt kriterierna skulle sannolikt minska variationen i resultat beroende pÄ metod. Det finns ett behov av att utvÀrdera tillförlitligheten i tidigare genomförda LCAer och man kan komma att behöva ompröva vissa slutsatser som Àr baserade pÄ LCA som inte hanterat klimatpÄverkan av markanvÀndning pÄ ett tillfredsstÀllande sÀtt. Det finns ocksÄ ett behov av att utveckla kriterierna och/eller utveckla mer specifika standarder för specifika sammanhang som komplement till de hÀr föreslagna generella kriterierna för tillfredsstÀllande metoder för att hantera klimatpÄverkan av markanvÀndning i LCA
The effect of receiver antenna array horizontal orientation on MIMO channel capacity
In multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems the horizontal orientation of a linear array has, in some situations a large influence on the available channel capacity. In this paper, we investigate the effect of horizontal array orientation on channel capacity, eigenvalue distribution and antenna complex correlation coefficient in such systems. We present channel measurements in an office corridor environment for a 6/spl times/6 MIMO system and compare the capacity results to those of a physical and non-physical model based on the measurements. The results show that under LOS conditions the channel capacity can vary significantly depending on the receiver array orientation in the horizontal plane
UWB channel measurements in an industrial environment
In this paper, we present the (to our knowledge) first measurement results for ultra-wideband channels in industrial environments, i.e., a factory hall. The measurements are done with virtual arrays, which allows analysis of the small-scale fading statistics, as well as a directional analysis. We find that there is dense multipath scattering due to the abundance of metallic scatterers in the considered environment. Multiple scatterer clusters can be identified both in the delay and the angular domain. Typical rms delay spreads lie between 30 ns for LOS scenarios and 40 ns for NLOS scenarios. For non-LOS scenarios at large distances, the maximum of the power delay profile is observed some 40 ns after the arrival of the first multipath components. We also draw conclusions about the behavior of typical UWB system designs in the measured channel
Statistical analysis of the UWB channel in an industrial environment
In this paper, we present a statistical model for the ultra-wideband (UWB) channel in an industrial environment. Based on a set of measurements in a factory hall, we find that the abundance of metallic scatterers causes dense multipath scattering. This can be seen to produce mostly a Rayleigh distributed small-scale fading signal, with only a few paths exhibiting Nakagami distributions. For the power delay profile, we suggest a generalization of the Saleh-Valenzuela model where clusters with different excess delays have different ray power decay constants; the decay constants follow a linear dependence on the delay. This model provides an excellent fit to the measured data. We also note that for non-line-of-sight scenarios at larger distances, several hundred multipath components need to be collected to capture 50% of the available energ
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