12 research outputs found

    Mosquito community composition in South Africa and some neighboring countries

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    BACKGROUND: A century of studies have described particular aspects of relatively few mosquito species in southern Africa, mostly those species involved with disease transmission, specifically malaria and arboviruses. Patterns of community composition such as mosquito abundance and species diversity are often useful measures for medical entomologists to guide broader insights and projections regarding disease dynamics and potential introduction, spread or maintenance of globally spreading pathogens. However, little research has addressed these indicators in southern Africa. RESULTS: We collected 7882 mosquitoes from net and light traps at 11 localities comprising 66 species in 8 genera. We collected an additional 8 species using supplementary collection techniques such as larval sampling, sweep-netting and indoor pyrethrum knockdown catches. Highest diversity and species richness was found in the Okavango Delta of Botswana and in South Africa's Kruger National Park, while the lowest diversity and abundances were in the extreme southern tip of South Africa and in semi-desert Kalahari close to the South Africa border with Botswana. Species composition was more similar between proximal localities than distant ones (Linear model P-value = 0.005). Multiple arbovirus vector species were detected in all localities we surveyed (proportion of vector mosquito numbers were > 0.5 in all locations except Shingwedzi). Their proportions were highest (> 90%) in Vilankulo and Kogelberg. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple known arbovirus vector species were found in all study sites, whereas anopheline human malaria vector species in only some sites. The combination of net traps and light traps effectively sampled mosquito species attracted to carbon-dioxide or light, accounting for 89% of the 74 species collected. The 11% remaining species were collected using supplementary collection techniques mentioned above. The diversity of species weas highest in savanna type habitats, whereas low diversities were found in the drier Kalahari sands regions and the southern Cape fynbos regions.publishersversionpublishe

    First confirmed occurrence of the yellow fever virus and dengue virus vector Aedes (Stegomyia) luteocephalus (Newstead, 1907) in Mozambique

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    Background: Mozambique, same as many other tropical countries, is at high risk of arthropod-borne virus (arbovirus) diseases and recently two dengue virus (DENV) outbreaks occurred in the northern part of the country. The occurrence of some important vector species, such as Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus) and Ae. (Stg.) albopictus (Skuse), besides several other sylvatic vectors, have been reported in the country, which may indicate that the transmission of some arboviruses of public health importance may involve multiple-vector systems. Therefore, knowing the occurrence and distribution of existing and the new important vectors species, is crucial for devising systematic transmission surveillance and vector control approaches. The aim of this study was to map the occurrence and distribution of mosquito species with potential for transmitting arboviruses of human and veterinary relevance in Niassa Province, Northern Mozambique. Methods: Field entomological surveys were undertaken in April 2016 in Lago District, Niassa Province, northern Mozambique. Breeding sites of mosquitoes were inspected and immature stages were collected and reared into adult. Mosquitoes in the adult stages were morphologically identified using taxonomic keys. Morphological identification of Aedes (Stegomyia) luteocephalus (Newstead) were later confirmed using dissected male genitalia and molecular based on the phylogenetic analyses of the sequenced barcode (cox1 mtDNA) gene. Results: A total of 92 mosquito larvae collected developed into adults. Of these, 16 (17.39%) were morphologically identified as Ae. luteocephalus. The remaining specimens belonged to Ae. (Stg.) aegypti (n = 4, 4.35%), Ae. (Aedimorphus) vittatus (n = 24, 26.09%), Anopheles garnhami (n = 1, 1.09%), Culex (Culiciomyia) nebulosus (n = 28, 30.43%), Eretmapodites subsimplicipes (n = 18, 19.57%) and Toxorhynchites brevipalpis (n = 1, 1.09%), taxa already known to the country. Male genitalia and phylogenetic analyses confirmed the identity of Ae. luteocephalus specimens collected in this study. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first detection of Ae. luteocephalus in Mozambican territory, a vector species of yellow fever virus (YFV), Zika virus (ZIKV) and dengue virus (DENV) in Africa. Further studies are encouraged to investigate the role of Ae. luteocephalus in the transmission of arboviral diseases in Mozambique.publishersversionpublishe

    Alphaviruses Detected in Mosquitoes in the North-Eastern Regions of South Africa, 2014 to 2018

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    The prevalence and distribution of African alphaviruses such as chikungunya have increased in recent years. Therefore, a better understanding of the local distribution of alphaviruses in vectors across the African continent is important. Here, entomological surveillance was performed from 2014 to 2018 at selected sites in north-eastern parts of South Africa where alphaviruses have been identified during outbreaks in humans and animals in the past. Mosquitoes were collected using a net, CDC-light, and BG-traps. An alphavirus genus-specific nested RT-PCR was used for screening, and positive pools were confirmed by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. We collected 64,603 mosquitoes from 11 genera, of which 39,035 females were tested. Overall, 1462 mosquito pools were tested, of which 21 were positive for alphaviruses. Sindbis (61.9%, N = 13) and Middelburg (28.6%, N = 6) viruses were the most prevalent. Ndumu virus was detected in two pools (9.5%, N = 2). No chikungunya positive pools were identified. Arboviral activity was concentrated in peri-urban, rural, and conservation areas. A range of Culicidae species, including Culex univittatus, Cx. pipiens s.l., Aedes durbanensis, and the Ae. dentatus group, were identified as potential vectors. These findings confirm the active circulation and distribution of alphaviruses in regions where human or animal infections were identified in South Africa.publishersversionpublishe

    Alphaviruses detected in mosquitoes in the North-Eastern regions of South Africa, 2014 to 2018

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    The prevalence and distribution of African alphaviruses such as chikungunya have increased in recent years. Therefore, a better understanding of the local distribution of alphaviruses in vectors across the African continent is important. Here, entomological surveillance was performed from 2014 to 2018 at selected sites in north-eastern parts of South Africa where alphaviruses have been identified during outbreaks in humans and animals in the past. Mosquitoes were collected using a net, CDC-light, and BG-traps. An alphavirus genus-specific nested RT-PCR was used for screening, and positive pools were confirmed by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. We collected 64,603 mosquitoes from 11 genera, of which 39,035 females were tested. Overall, 1462 mosquito pools were tested, of which 21 were positive for alphaviruses. Sindbis (61.9%, N = 13) and Middelburg (28.6%, N = 6) viruses were the most prevalent. Ndumu virus was detected in two pools (9.5%, N = 2). No chikungunya positive pools were identified. Arboviral activity was concentrated in peri-urban, rural, and conservation areas. A range of Culicidae species, including Culex univittatus, Cx. pipiens s.l., Aedes durbanensis, and the Ae. dentatus group, were identified as potential vectors. These findings confirm the active circulation and distribution of alphaviruses in regions where human or animal infections were identified in South Africa.Environmental Biolog

    Satellite-derived estimation of environmental suitability for malaria vector development in Portugal

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    Malaria was endemic in Europe for more than two millennia until its eradication in the 1970s. Recent autochthonous cases registered in Greece have increased the awareness regarding the threat of malaria re-emergence in Southern Europe. Currently, the presence of competent vectors, suitable environmental conditions and the evidences of a changing climate may increase the widespread re-emergence of malaria in Southern Europe.This work focused on determining the current relationships between environmental factors and the density of the former malaria vector Anopheles atroparvus in Portugal, a previously endemic country. Adult females were sampled and vector density was estimated in 22 sites in Southern Portugal between 2001 and 2010 and related with land cover and satellite-derived air temperature and vegetation indices. The relationship between vector density and local larval habitat, temperature and, in a broader sense, to environmental suitability, was assessed using a statistical modelling approach.Results showed that present environmental conditions are suitable for vector development at high densities and the spatial and temporal patterns closely resemble the ones registered in the past endemic period. The use of satellite-derived data, together with statistical models, allowed the extrapolation of suitable environmental conditions for vector development from site-level to the Portuguese mainland territory. This work also improved the baseline knowledge needed to understand the potential impacts of future environmental changes on vector density and, indirectly, on the risk of malaria re-emergence