175 research outputs found

    Phase behaviour of the confined lattice gas Lebwohl-Lasher model

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    The phase behaviour of the Lebwohl-Lasher lattice gas model (one of the simplest representations of a nematogenic fluid) confined in a slab is investigated by means of extensive Monte Carlo simulations. The model is known to yield a first order gas-liquid transition in both the 2D and 3D limits, that is coupled with an orientational order-disorder transition. This latter transition happens to be first order in the 3D limit and it shares some characteristic features with the continuous defect mediated Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in 2D. In this work we will analyze in detail the behaviour of this system taking full advantage of the lattice nature of the model and the particular symmetry of the interaction potential, which allows for the use of efficient cluster algorithms.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Phase behaviour of attractive and repulsive ramp fluids: integral equation and computer simulation studies

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    Using computer simulations and a thermodynamically self consistent integral equation we investigate the phase behaviour and thermodynamic anomalies of a fluid composed of spherical particles interacting via a two-scale ramp potential (a hard core plus a repulsive and an attractive ramp) and the corresponding purely repulsive model. Both simulation and integral equation results predict a liquid-liquid de-mixing when attractive forces are present, in addition to a gas-liquid transition. Furthermore, a fluid-solid transition emerges in the neighbourhood of the liquid-liquid transition region, leading to a phase diagram with a somewhat complicated topology. This solidification at moderate densities is also present in the repulsive ramp fluid, thus preventing fluid-fluid separation.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    From PK/PD to QSP: Understanding the Dynamic Effect of Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs on Atherosclerosis Progression and Stratified Medicine

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    Current computational and mathematical tools are demonstrating the high value of using systems modeling approaches (e.g. Quantitative Systems Pharmacology) to understand the effect of a given compound on the biological and physiological mechanisms related to a specific disease. This review provides a short survey of the evolution of the mathematical approaches used to understand the effect of particular cholesterol-lowering drugs, from pharmaco-kinetic (PK) / pharmaco-dynamic (PD) models, through physiologically base pharmacokinetic models (PBPK) to QSP. These mathematical models introduce more mechanistic information related to the effect of these drugs on atherosclerosis progression and demonstrate how QSP could open new ways for stratified medicine in this field

    Phase behavior of the hard-sphere Maier-Saupe fluid under spatial confinement

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    The Maier-Saupe hard-sphere fluid is one of the simplest models that accounts for the isotropic-nematic transition characteristic of liquid crystal phases. At low temperatures the model is known to present a gas-liquid-like transition with a large difference between the densities of the coexistence phases, whereas at higher temperature the transition becomes a weak first-order transition resembling the typical order-disorder (nematic-isotropic) phase change of liquid crystals. Spatial dimensionality directly conditions the character of the orientational phase change (i.e., the high temperature transition), that goes from a first-order transition in the purely three-dimensional case, to a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless-like continuous transition which occurs when the three dimensional Maier-Saupe spins are constrained to lie on a plane. In the latter instance, the ordered phase is not endowed with true long-range order. In this work we investigate how the continuous transition transforms into a true first-order phase change, by analyzing the phase behavior of a system of three dimensional Maier-Saupe hard spheres confined between two parallel plates, with separations ranging from the quasi-two-dimensional regime to the bulk three-dimensional limit. Our results indicate that spatial confinement in one direction induces the change from first order to a continuous transition with a corresponding decrease of the transition temperatures. As to the gas-liquid transition, the estimated “critical” temperatures and densities also decrease as the fluid is confined, in agreement with previous results for other simple systems.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica: MAT2007-65711-C04-04 Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid under Grant No. S0505/ESP/0299 and Program MOSSNOHO-CMPeer reviewe

    Demixing in a single-peak distributed polydisperse mixture of hard spheres

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    An analytic derivation of the spinodal of a polydisperse mixture is presented. It holds for fluids whose excess free energy can be accurately described by a function of a few moments of the size distribution. It is shown that one such mixture of hard spheres in the Percus-Yevick approximation never demixes, despite its size distribution. In the Boublik-Mansoori-Carnahan-Starling-Leland approximation, though, it demixes for a sufficiently wide log-normal size distribution. The importance of this result is twofold: first, this distribution is unimodal, and yet it phase separates; and second, log-normal size distributions appear in many experimental contexts. The same phenomenon is shown to occur for the fluid of parallel hard cubes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, needs revtex, multicol, epsfig and amstex style file

    Demixing and confinement of non-additive hard-sphere mixtures in slit pores

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    © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. Using Monte Carlo simulation, we study the influence of geometric confinement on demixing for a series of symmetric non-additive hard spheres mixtures confined in slit pores. We consider both a wide range of positive non-additivities and a series of pore widths, ranging from the pure two dimensional limit to a large pore width where results are close to the bulk three dimensional case. Critical parameters are extracted by means of finite size analysis. As a general trend, we find that for this particular case in which demixing is induced by volume effects, the critical demixing densities (and pressures) increase due to confinement between neutral walls, following the expected behavior for phase equilibria of systems confined by pure repulsive walls: i.e., confinement generally enhances miscibility. However, a non-monotonous dependence of the critical pressure and density with pore size is found for small non-additivities. In this latter case, it turns out that an otherwise stable bulk mixture can be unexpectedly forced to demix by simple geometric confinement when the pore width decreases down to approximately one and a half molecular diameters.Peer Reviewe

    Multiscale, patient-specific computational fluid dynamics models predict formation of neointimal hyperplasia in saphenous vein grafts

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    Stenosis due to neointimal hyperplasia (NIH) is among the major causes of peripheral graft failure. Its link to abnormal hemodynamics in the graft is complex, and isolated use of hemodynamic markers is insufficient to fully capture its progression. Here, a computational model of NIH growth is presented, establishing a link between computational fluid dynamics simulations of flow in the lumen and a biochemical model representing NIH growth mechanisms inside the vessel wall. For all three patients analyzed, NIH at proximal and distal anastomoses was simulated by the model, with values of stenosis comparable to the computed tomography scans

    Phase behavior of the Confined Lebwohl-Lasher Model

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    The phase behavior of confined nematogens is studied using the Lebwohl-Lasher model. For three dimensional systems the model is known to exhibit a discontinuous nematic-isotropic phase transition, whereas the corresponding two dimensional systems apparently show a continuous Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless like transition. In this paper we study the phase transitions of the Lebwohl-Lasher model when confined between planar slits of different widths in order to establish the behavior of intermediate situations between the pure planar model and the three-dimensional system, and compare with previous estimates for the critical thickness, i.e. the slit width at which the transition switches from continuous to discontinuous.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review

    Lattice Model for water-solute mixtures

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    A lattice model for the study of mixtures of associating liquids is proposed. Solvent and solute are modeled by adapting the associating lattice gas (ALG) model. The nature of interaction solute/solvent is controlled by tuning the energy interactions between the patches of ALG model. We have studied three set of parameters, resulting on, hydrophilic, inert and hydrophobic interactions. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations were carried out and the behavior of pure components and the excess properties of the mixtures have been studied. The pure components: water (solvent) and solute, have quite similar phase diagrams, presenting: gas, low density liquid, and high density liquid phases. In the case of solute, the regions of coexistence are substantially reduced when compared with both the water and the standard ALG models. A numerical procedure has been developed in order to attain series of results at constant pressure from simulations of the lattice gas model in the grand canonical ensemble. The excess properties of the mixtures: volume and enthalpy as the function of the solute fraction have been studied for different interaction parameters of the model. Our model is able to reproduce qualitatively well the excess volume and enthalpy for different aqueous solutions. For the hydrophilic case, we show that the model is able to reproduce the excess volume and enthalpy of mixtures of small alcohols and amines. The inert case reproduces the behavior of large alcohols such as, propanol, butanol and pentanol. For last case (hydrophobic), the excess properties reproduce the behavior of ionic liquids in aqueous solution.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure