39 research outputs found

    rpsftm: An R Package for Rank Preserving Structural Failure Time Models.

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    Treatment switching in a randomised controlled trial occurs when participants change from their randomised treatment to the other trial treatment during the study. Failure to account for treatment switching in the analysis (i.e. by performing a standard intention-to-treat analysis) can lead to biased estimates of treatment efficacy. The rank preserving structural failure time model (RPSFTM) is a method used to adjust for treatment switching in trials with survival outcomes. The RPSFTM is due to Robins and Tsiatis (1991) and has been developed by White et al. (1997, 1999). The method is randomisation based and uses only the randomised treatment group, observed event times, and treatment history in order to estimate a causal treatment effect. The treatment effect, ψ, is estimated by balancing counter-factual event times (that would be observed if no treatment were received) between treatment groups. G-estimation is used to find the value of ψ such that a test statistic Z(ψ) = 0. This is usually the test statistic used in the intention-to-treat analysis, for example, the log rank test statistic. We present an R package that implements the method of rpsftm

    Gestión del cuidado enfermero y la seguridad del paciente de parto humanizado de un centro de salud pública de Guayaquil, 2022

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    El objetivo fue determinar la relación de la gestión del cuidado enfermero y la seguridad del paciente de parto humanizado de un centro de salud pública de Guayaquil, 2022. La metodología fue básica, diseño no experimental, trasversal, correlacional y cuantitativo. En este caso, fueron dos cuestionarios dirigidos a 172 pacientes gestantes. Los resultados mostraron que existió relación significativa entre las variables, donde el coeficiente de correlación resultó ser positivo y el nivel de relación fue moderada, en cuanto al nivel de significancia fue de 0.000, mientras que el Rho de Spearman estuvo en 0.425. Desde el punto de vista descriptivo se obtuvo que la gestión del cuidado enfermero estuvo predominantemente en un nivel favorable con un 40.7%, seguido por el nivel regular con un 39.5% y una baja proporción de pacientes mencionaron que el nivel era desfavorable con un 19.8%. Referente a la variable de seguridad del paciente de parto humanizado, en su mayoría estuvo en un nivel entre regular y favorable con un 39.5% respectivamente y en un nivel desfavorable en un 20.9%. Por último, las dimensiones relacionadas a la variable independiente como a la variable dependiente oscilaron entre los niveles regulares y favorable

    Generalizing boundaries for triangular designs, and efficacy estimation at extended follow-ups.

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    BACKGROUND: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a parasitic disease transmitted by sandflies and is fatal if left untreated. Phase II trials of new treatment regimens for VL are primarily carried out to evaluate safety and efficacy, while pharmacokinetic data are also important to inform future combination treatment regimens. The efficacy of VL treatments is evaluated at two time points, initial cure, when treatment is completed and definitive cure, commonly 6 months post end of treatment, to allow for slow response to treatment and detection of relapses. This paper investigates a generalization of the triangular design to impose a minimum sample size for pharmacokinetic or other analyses, and methods to estimate efficacy at extended follow-up accounting for the sequential design and changes in cure status during extended follow-up. METHODS: We provided R functions that generalize the triangular design to impose a minimum sample size before allowing stopping for efficacy. For estimation of efficacy at a second, extended, follow-up time, the performance of a shrinkage estimator (SHE), a probability tree estimator (PTE) and the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for estimation was assessed by simulation. RESULTS: The SHE and PTE are viable approaches to estimate an extended follow-up although the SHE performed better than the PTE: the bias and root mean square error were lower and coverage probabilities higher. CONCLUSIONS: Generalization of the triangular design is simple to implement for adaptations to meet requirements for pharmacokinetic analyses. Using the simple MLE approach to estimate efficacy at extended follow-up will lead to biased results, generally over-estimating treatment success. The SHE is recommended in trials of two or more treatments. The PTE is an acceptable alternative for one-arm trials or where use of the SHE is not possible due to computational complexity. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT01067443 , February 2010

    Degradation of the cancer genomic DNA deaminase APOBEC3B by SIV Vif

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    APOBEC3B is a newly identified source of mutation in many cancers, including breast, head/neck, lung, bladder, cervical, and ovarian. APOBEC3B is a member of the APOBEC3 family of enzymes that deaminate DNA cytosine to produce the promutagenic lesion, uracil. Several APOBEC3 family members function to restrict virus replication. For instance, APOBEC3D, APOBEC3F, APOBEC3G, and APOBEC3H combine to restrict HIV-1 in human lymphocytes. HIV-1 counteracts these APOBEC3s with the viral protein Vif, which targets the relevant APOBEC3s for proteasomal degradation. While APOBEC3B does not restrict HIV-1 and is not targeted by HIV-1 Vif in CD4-positive T cells, we asked whether related lentiviral Vif proteins could degrade APOBEC3B. Interestingly, several SIV Vif proteins are capable of promoting APOBEC3B degradation, with SIVmac239 Vif proving the most potent. This likely occurs through the canonical polyubiquitination mechanism as APOBEC3B protein levels are restored by MG132 treatment and by altering a conserved E3 ligase-binding motif. We further show that SIVmac239 Vif can prevent APOBEC3B mediated geno/cytotoxicity and degrade endogenous APOBEC3B in several cancer cell lines. Our data indicate that the APOBEC3B degradation potential of SIV Vif is an effective tool for neutralizing the cancer genomic DNA deaminase APOBEC3B. Further optimization of this natural APOBEC3 antagonist may benefit cancer therapy

    Continuous glucose monitoring in extremely preterm infants in intensive care : the REACT RCT and pilot study of ‘closed-loop’ technology

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    Background: Hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia are common in preterm infants and are associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Continuous glucose monitoring is widely used to target glucose control in adults and children, but not in neonates. Objective: To evaluate the role of continuous glucose monitoring in the preterm infant. Design: The REAl-time Continuous glucose moniToring in neonatal intensive care project combined (1) a feasibility study, (2) a multicentre randomised controlled trial and (3) a pilot of ‘closed-loop’ continuous glucose monitoring. The feasibility study comprised a single-centre study (n = 20). Eligibility criteria included a birthweight ≤ 1200 g and aged ≤ 48 hours. Continuous glucose monitoring was initiated to support glucose control. The efficacy and safety outcomes guided the design of the randomised controlled trial. The randomised controlled trial comprised a European multicentre trial (n = 182). Eligibility criteria included birthweight ≤ 1200 g and aged ≤ 24 hours. Exclusion criteria included any lethal congenital abnormality. Continuous glucose monitoring was initiated to support glucose control within 24 hours of birth. In the intervention group, the continuous glucose monitoring sensor provided real-time data on glucose levels, which guided clinical management. In control infants, the continuous glucose monitoring data were masked, and glucose level was managed in accordance with standard clinical practice and based on the blood glucose levels. The primary outcome measure was the percentage of time during which the sensor glucose level was within the target range of 2.6–10 mmol/l. Secondary outcome measures included mean sensor glucose level, the percentage of time during which the sensor glucose level was within the target range of 4–8 mmol/l, the percentage of time during which the sensor glucose level was in the hyperglycaemic range (i.e. > 15 mmol/l) and sensor glucose level variability. Safety outcomes included hypoglycaemia exposure. Acceptability assessment and health economic analyses were carried out and further exploratory health outcomes were explored. The mean percentage of time in glucose target range of 2.6–10 mmol/l was 9% higher in infants in the continuous glucose monitoring group (95% confidence interval 3% to 14%; p = 0.002), and the mean time in the target range of 4–8 mmol/l was 12% higher in this group (95% confidence interval 4% to 19%; p = 0.004). There was no difference in the number of episodes of hypoglycaemia. Exploratory outcomes showed a reduced risk of necrotising enterocolitis in the intervention arm (odds ratio 0.33, 95% confidence interval 0.13 to 0.78; p = 0.01). Health economic analyses demonstrated that continuous glucose monitoring was cost-effective on the basis of the cost per additional case of adequate glucose control between 2.6 and 10 mmol/l. The ‘closed-loop’ study was a single-center pilot study, with eligibility criteria including a birthweight of ≤ 1200 g and aged ≤ 48 hours. Infants underwent continuous glucose monitoring for the first week of life (n = 21), with those in the intervention group receiving closed-loop insulin delivery between 48 and 72 hours of age. The primary outcome of percentage of time in the target range (i.e. sensor glucose 4–8 mmol/l) increased from a median of 26% (interquartile range 6–64%) to 91% (interquartile range 78–99%) during closed-loop insulin delivery (p < 0.001). Limitations: These studies have not defined the optimal targets for glucose control or the best strategies to achieve them in these infants. Future work: Studies are needed to evaluate the longer-term impact of targeting glucose control on clinical outcomes. Conclusions: Continuous glucose monitoring in extremely preterm infants can improve glucose control, with closed-loop insulin delivery having further potential to target glucose levels. Staff and parents felt that the use of continuous glucose monitoring improved care and the results of the health economic evaluation favours the use of continuous glucose monitoring. Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN12793535. Funding: This project was funded by the Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) programme, a MRC and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) partnership. This will be published in full in Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation; Vol. 8, No. 16. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information. Medtronic plc provided some MiniMed™ 640G systems and Nova Biomedical (Waltham, MA, USA) provided point-of-care devices

    Trial of Dexamethasone for Chronic Subdural Hematoma

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic subdural hematoma is a common neurologic disorder that is especially prevalent among older people. The effect of dexamethasone on outcomes in patients with chronic subdural hematoma has not been well studied. METHODS: We conducted a multicenter, randomized trial in the United Kingdom that enrolled adult patients with symptomatic chronic subdural hematoma. The patients were assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive a 2-week tapering course of oral dexamethasone, starting at 8 mg twice daily, or placebo. The decision to surgically evacuate the hematoma was made by the treating clinician. The primary outcome was a score of 0 to 3, representing a favorable outcome, on the modified Rankin scale at 6 months after randomization; scores range from 0 (no symptoms) to 6 (death). RESULTS: From August 2015 through November 2019, a total of 748 patients were included in the trial after randomization - 375 were assigned to the dexamethasone group and 373 to the placebo group. The mean age of the patients was 74 years, and 94% underwent surgery to evacuate their hematomas during the index admission; 60% in both groups had a score of 1 to 3 on the modified Rankin scale at admission. In a modified intention-to-treat analysis that excluded the patients who withdrew consent for participation in the trial or who were lost to follow-up, leaving a total of 680 patients, a favorable outcome was reported in 286 of 341 patients (83.9%) in the dexamethasone group and in 306 of 339 patients (90.3%) in the placebo group (difference, -6.4 percentage points [95% confidence interval, -11.4 to -1.4] in favor of the placebo group; P = 0.01). Among the patients with available data, repeat surgery for recurrence of the hematoma was performed in 6 of 349 patients (1.7%) in the dexamethasone group and in 25 of 350 patients (7.1%) in the placebo group. More adverse events occurred in the dexamethasone group than in the placebo group. CONCLUSIONS: Among adults with symptomatic chronic subdural hematoma, most of whom had undergone surgery to remove their hematomas during the index admission, treatment with dexamethasone resulted in fewer favorable outcomes and more adverse events than placebo at 6 months, but fewer repeat operations were performed in the dexamethasone group. (Funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment Programme; Dex-CSDH ISRCTN number, ISRCTN80782810.)

    Comprehensive reanalysis of transcription factor knockout expression data in Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals many new targets

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    Transcription factor (TF) perturbation experiments give valuable insights into gene regulation. Genome-scale evidence from microarray measurements may be used to identify regulatory interactions between TFs and targets. Recently, Hu and colleagues published a comprehensive study covering 269 TF knockout mutants for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, the information that can be extracted from this valuable dataset is limited by the method employed to process the microarray data. Here, we present a reanalysis of the original data using improved statistical techniques freely available from the BioConductor project. We identify over 100 000 differentially expressed genes—nine times the total reported by Hu et al. We validate the biological significance of these genes by assessing their functions, the occurrence of upstream TF-binding sites, and the prevalence of protein–protein interactions. The reanalysed dataset outperforms the original across all measures, indicating that we have uncovered a vastly expanded list of relevant targets. In summary, this work presents a high-quality reanalysis that maximizes the information contained in the Hu et al. compendium. The dataset is available from ArrayExpress (accession: E-MTAB-109) and it will be invaluable to any scientist interested in the yeast transcriptional regulatory system