338 research outputs found

    Non-Gaussian states by conditional measurements

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    We address realistic schemes for the generation of non-Gaussian states of light based on conditional intensity measurements performed on correlated bipartite states. We consider both quantum and classically correlated states and different kind of detection, comparing the resulting non Gaussianity parameters upon varying the input energy and the detection efficiency. We find that quantum correlations generally lead to higher non Gaussianity, at least in the low energy regime. An experimental implementation feasible with current technology is also suggested.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Conditional measurements on multimode pairwise entangled states from spontaneous parametric downconversion

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    We address the intrinsic multimode nature of the quantum state of light obtained by pulsed spontaneous parametric downconversion and develop a theoretical model based only on experimentally accessible quantities. We exploit the pairwise entanglement as a resource for conditional multimode measurements and derive closed formulas for the detection probability and the density matrix of the conditional states. We present a set of experiments performed to validate our model in different conditions that are in excellent agreement with experimental data. Finally, we evaluate nonGaussianity of the conditional states obtained from our source with the aim of discussing the effects of the different experimental parameters on the efficacy of this type of conditional state preparation

    Robust generation of entanglement in Bose-Einstein condensates by collective atomic recoil

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    We address the dynamics induced by collective atomic recoil in a Bose-Einstein condensate in presence of radiation losses and atomic decoherence. In particular, we focus on the linear regime of the lasing mechanism, and analyze the effects of losses and decoherence on the generation of entanglement. The dynamics is that of three bosons, two atomic modes interacting with a single-mode radiation field, coupled with a bath of oscillators. The resulting three-mode dissipative Master equation is solved analytically in terms of the Wigner function. We examine in details the two complementary limits of {\em high-Q cavity} and {\em bad-cavity}, the latter corresponding to the so-called superradiant regime, both in the quasi-classical and quantum regimes. We found that three-mode entanglement as well as two-mode atom-atom and atom-radiation entanglement is generally robust against losses and decoherence,thus making the present system a good candidate for the experimental observation of entanglement in condensate systems. In particular, steady-state entanglement may be obtained both between atoms with opposite momenta and between atoms and photons

    State reconstruction by on/off measurements

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    We demonstrate a state reconstruction technique which provides either the Wigner function or the density matrix of a field mode and requires only avalanche photodetectors, without any phase or amplitude discrimination power. It represents an alternative, of simpler implementation, to quantum homodyne tomography.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, revised and enlarged versio

    Reliable source of conditional non-Gaussian states from single-mode thermal fields

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    We address both theoretically and experimentally the generation of pulsed non-Gaussian states from classical Gaussian ones by means of conditional measurements. The setup relies on a beam splitter and a pair of linear photodetectors able to resolve up to tens of photons in the two outputs. We show the reliability of the setup and the good agreement with the theory for a single-mode thermal field entering the beam splitter and present a thorough characterization of the photon statistics of the conditional states.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Generalized Nash Equilibrium and Market Coupling in the European Power System

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    Market Coupling'' is currently seen as the most advanced market design in the restructuring of the European electricity market. Market coupling, by construction, introduces what is generally referred to as an incomplete market: it leaves several constraints out of the market and hence avoids pricing them. This may or may not have important consequences in practice depending on the case on hand. QuasiVariational Inequality problems. We apply one of these methods to a subproblem of market coupling namely the coordination of counter-trading. This problem is an illustration of a more general question encountered for instance in hierarchical planning in production management. We first discuss the economic interpretation of the Quasi-Variational Inequality problem. We then apply the algorithmic approach to a set of stylized case studies in order to illustrate the impact of different organizations of counter-trading. The paper emphazises the structuring of the problem. A companion paper considers the full problem of market coupling and counter-trading and presents a more extensive numerical analysis

    Role and Management of a Head and Neck Department during the COVID-19 Outbreak in Lombardy

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    The recent Italian outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 led to an unprecedented burden on our health care system. Despite head and neck\u2013otolaryngology not being a front-line specialty in dealing with this disease, our department had to face several specific issues. Despite a massive reallocation of resources in the hospital, we managed to keep the service active, improving safety measures for our personnel, specifically during common otolaryngologic maneuvers known to produce aerosols. Furthermore, we strived to maintain our teaching role, giving residents an inclusive role in managing the response to the emergency state, and we progressively integrated our inactive specialists into other service rotations to relieve front-line colleagues\u2019 burden. Specific issues and management decisions are discussed in detail in the article

    Sub-shot-noise photon-number correlation in mesoscopic twin-beam of light

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    We demonstrate sub-shot-noise photon-number correlations in a (temporal) multimode mesoscopic (103\sim 10^3 detected photons) twin-beam produced by ps-pulsed spontaneous non-degenerate parametric downconversion. We have separately detected the signal and idler distributions of photons collected in twin coherence areas and found that the variance of the photon-count difference goes below the shot-noise limit by 3.25 dB. The number of temporal modes contained in the twin-beam, as well as the size of the twin coherence areas, depends on the pump intensity. Our scheme is based on spontaneous downconversion and thus does not suffer from limitations due to the finite gain of the parametric process. Twin-beams are also used to demonstrate the conditional preparation of a nonclassical (sub-Poissonian) state.Comment: 5 pages, 5 (low-res) figures, to appear on PR

    The balance of quantum correlations for a class of feasible tripartite continuous variable states

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    We address the balance of quantum correlations for continuous variable (CV) states. In particular, we consider a class of feasible tripartite CV pure states and explicitly prove two Koashi-Winter-like conservation laws involving Gaussian entanglement of formation, Gaussian quantum discord and sub-system Von Neumann entropies. We also address the class of tripartite CV mixed states resulting from the propagation in a noisy environment, and discuss how the previous equalities evolve into inequalities.Comment: Special issue "Classical Vs Quantum correlations in composite systems" edited by L. Amico, S. Bose, V. Korepin and V. Vedral, published versio

    Demonstration of a bright and compact source of tripartite nonclassical light

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    We experimentally demonstrate the nonclassical photon number correlations expected in tripartite continuous variable states obtained by parametric processes. Our scheme involves a single nonlinear crystal, where two interlinked parametric interactions take place simultaneously, and represents a bright and compact source of a sub-shot-noise tripartite light field. We analyze the effects of the pump intensities on the numbers of detected photons and on the amount of noise reduction in some details, thus demonstrating a good agreement between the experimental data and a single-mode theoretical description.Comment: submitted to "Physical Review A