5 research outputs found

    Paranasal manifestations of early stage chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    OBJECTIVE: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common adult leukemia. A few studies have been reported about the relationship between CLL and paranasal sinuses. We aimed to investigate the paranasal manifestations of CLL and to determine the expression of nuclear factor-ĸB (NF-kB) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) in the nasal mucosa in patients with CLL. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was a clinical trial that involved 40 patients. Group CLL (n=20) consisted of patients with early-stage CLL who were followed-up at the hematology clinic and who did not receive any treatment. The control group (n=20) consisted of patients who had undergone concha surgery because of nasal obstruction. Paranasal sinus computer tomography scans of all patients were taken, they were scored on the basis of the Lund–Mackay system, and sinusitis findings were recorded. The biopsy material taken from the inferior concha head of all patients was immunohistochemically stained with primary antibodies against NF-kB and TNF-α. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups with respect to NF-κB (p=0.716) and TNF-α staining scores (p=1.000). The Lund–Mackay scores were significantly higher in the CLL group than in the control group (p=0.004). Fourteen patients had sinusitis at different locations, while the most common diagnosis was maxillary sinusitis (n=8) in the CLL group. CONCLUSION: This study showed that patients with early-stage CLL tend to have rhinosinusitis. However, NF-kB and TNF-α may not have a role in the inflammatory process involving the paranasal sinuses in patients with CLL.AMAÇ: Kronik lenfositik lösemi (KLL) en yaygın görülen yetişkin lösemi alt grubudur. Ancak paranazal sinüsler ve KLL arasındaki ilişkiyi araştıran az sayıda çalışma rapor edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada KLL’nin paranazal belirtilerini ve KLL hastalarının nazal mukozalarında Nuclear factor-ĸB (NF-kB) ve Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) salınımını saptamayı amaçlandı. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEMLER: Bu çalışma 40 hastayı içeren bir klinik çalışma olarak yapılmıştır. Grup KLL (n=20) herhangi bir tedavi almamış hematoloji kliniği tarafından takip edilen erken evre KLL hastalarından oluşturuldu. Kontrol grubu (n=20) burun tıkanıklığı nedeniyle konka cerrahisi geçirmiş hastalardan oluşturuldu. Tüm hastaların paranazal sinus tomografileri çekilip Lund Mackay sistemine gore skorlandı ve sinüzit bulguları kaydedildi. Tüm hastaların alt konka başından alınan biyopsi materyalleri, NF-kB and TNF-α primer antikorları ile immünohistokimyasal olarak boyandı. BULGULAR: İki grup arasında NF-κB (p=0.716) ve TNF-α (p=1.000) boyama skorlarına göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık yoktu. Lund-Mackay skoru (p=0.004) kontrol grubuna göre KLLgrubunda anlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulundu. KLL grubunda en yaygın tanı maksiler sinüzit (n=8) iken, 14 hastada farklı lokalizasyonlarda sinüzit bulguları saptandı. SONUÇ: Bu çalışma erken evre KLL hastalarının akut rinosinüzite eğilimli olduğunu göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte, paranazal sinüsleri kapsayan inflamatuvar süreçte NF-kB ve TNF-α bir role sahip olmadığını düşünmekteyiz

    Glofitamab in relapsed/refractory diffuse large B cell lymphoma: Real world data

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    Abstract INTRODUCT ̇ION Glofitamab is a T-cell-engaging bispecific antibody connecting CD20 on B cells and CD3 on T cells. Although, most of the patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (BNHL) achieve complete response (CR) following firstline treatment with rituximab and chemotherapy, about 40% of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is refractory or relapse (R/R). Autologous stem-cell transplantation (ASCT) can cure some of these patients but many patients cannot undergo this procedure. CAR-T therapies are a significant advance but not available in many countries like Turkey. In Phase II expansion study, the overall response rate (ORR) was 51.6% and complete remission (CR) rate was 39.4% in R/R DLBCL patients (Dickinson er al. JCO 2022). In this retrospective study, we aimed to report the outcomes of patients who used glofitamab via compessionate use in Turkey

    HALP score as a novel prognostic factor for patients with myelodysplastic syndromes

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    Abstract Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a heterogeneous spectrum of clonal hematopoietic disorders with varying degrees of cytopenia and morphologic dysplasia. The hemoglobin, albumin, lymphocyte, and platelet (HALP) score is a prognostic marker in several types of malignant tumors. Prognostic value of HALP score remains unclear for MDS. To determine the prognostic value of baseline HALP score in MDS. We retrospectively analyzed data from 130 newly diagnosed MDS patients evaluated and classified under HALP score. By the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, the optimal cut-off value of HALP was > 67.5 in predicting mortality. Patients were divided into two groups: with low and high HALP scores, and the characteristics were compared between both groups. Patients’ median age was 68 (19–84) years, and 79 (60.8%) were male. Higher HALP score was detected in MDS patients with intermediate-risk under IPSS score, and at high and very high risks under IPSS-R score, and those receiving azacitidine (AZA) treatment. The survival rates of those with a HALP score > 67.5 were significantly lower than those with low HALP score at 17.77 ± 3.98 (median ± SE) (p  67.5 were found as 25, 18, and 11%, respectively. Median overall survival (OS) was also determined as 33.10 (95% CI 16.34–49.88) months by the Kaplan–Meier method. HALP score has shown an ability to be a useful prognostic biomarker in various cancers, including MDS. The meaningful cut-off value of HALP is disease-specific and largely study-specific. High HALP score is associated with unfavorable clinicopathological characteristics. Also, it may be useful in predicting OS and mortality of MDS