8,750 research outputs found

    Fish for the city: meta-analysis of archaeological cod remains and the growth of London’s northern trade

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    The growth of medieval cities in Northern Europe placed new demands on food supply, and led to the import of fish from increasingly distant fishing grounds. Quantitative analysis of cod remains from London provides revealing insight into the changing patterns of supply that can be related to known historical events and circumstances. In particular it identifies a marked increase in imported cod from the thirteenth century AD. That trend continued into the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, after a short downturn, perhaps attributable to the impact of the Black Death, in the mid fourteenth century. The detailed pattern of fluctuating abundance illustrates the potential of archaeological information that is now available from the high-quality urban excavations conducted in London and similar centres during recent decades

    Nonlinearity and chaos in economic models: implications for policy decisions

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    This survey paper discusses the policy implications that can be expected from the recent research on nonlinearity and chaos in economic models. Expected policy implications are interpreted as a driving force behind the recent proliferation of research in this area. In general, it appears that no new justification for policy intervention is developed in models of endogenous fluctuations, although this conclusion depends in part on the definition of equilibrium. When justified, however, policy tends to be very effective in these models.Macroeconomics ; Economic stabilization

    An annotated bibliography of tax compliance and tax compliance costs

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    An annotated bibliography of tax compliance and tax compliance costs.tax; tax compliance; compliance costs; bibliography; tax evasion; tax avoidance; auditing; tax simplification

    Access and use of weather and climate information by women and men farmers: Rwanda Climate Services for Agriculture qualitative evaluation preliminary findings

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    The Rwanda Climate Services for Agriculture project has sought to build capacity of the country’s national institutions to provide climate information tailored to the needs of the agriculture sector, deliver climate services to farmers across Rwanda’s 30 districts, and help them to effectively use the information to manage climate risk. Project interventions include: training Farmer Promoters, who are part of Rwanda’s national agricultural extension service, to guide farmers in the Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) process (Dorward et al., 2015); and organizing farmers into Radio Listeners’ Clubs that meet weekly to participate in climate services radio programs and discuss management responses

    Unbound Star-forming Molecular Clouds

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    We explore whether observed molecular clouds could include a substantial population of unbound clouds. Using simulations which include only turbulence and gravity, we are able to match observed relations and naturally reproduce the observed scatter in the cloud size-linewidth coefficient, at fixed surface density. We identify the source of this scatter as a spread in the intrinsic virial parameter. Thus these observational trends do not require that clouds exist in a state of dynamical equilibrium. We demonstrate that cloud virial parameters can be accurately determined observationally with an appropriate size estimator. All our simulated clouds eventually form collapsing cores, regardless of whether the cloud is bound overall. This supports the idea that molecular clouds do not have to be bound to form stars or to have observed properties like those of nearby low-mass clouds.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication by MNRA

    X-rays across the galaxy population - III. The incidence of AGN as a function of star formation rate

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    We map the co-eval growth of galaxies and their central supermassive black holes in detail by measuring the incidence of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) in galaxies as a function of star formation rate (SFR) and redshift (to z~4). We combine large galaxy samples with deep Chandra X-ray imaging to measure the probability distribution of specific black hole accretion rates (LX relative to stellar mass) and derive robust AGN fractions and average specific accretion rates. First, we consider galaxies along the main sequence of star formation. We find a linear correlation between the average SFR and both the AGN fraction and average specific accretion rate across a wide range in stellar mass (M108.511.5MM_* \sim 10^{8.5-11.5}M_\odot) and to at least z~2.5, indicating that AGN in main-sequence galaxies are driven by the stochastic accretion of cold gas. We also consider quiescent galaxies and find significantly higher AGN fractions than predicted, given their low SFRs, indicating that AGN in quiescent galaxies are fuelled by additional mechanisms (e.g. stellar winds). Next, we bin galaxies according to their SFRs relative to the main sequence. We find that the AGN fraction is significantly elevated for galaxies that are still star-forming but with SFRs below the main sequence, indicating further triggering mechanisms enhance AGN activity within these sub-main-sequence galaxies. We also find that the incidence of high-accretion-rate AGN is enhanced in starburst galaxies and evolves more mildly with redshift than within the rest of the galaxy population, suggesting mergers play a role in driving AGN activity in such high-SFR galaxies.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures. This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in MNRAS following peer revie

    Evolving Molecular Cloud Structure and the Column Density Probability Distribution Function

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    The structure of molecular clouds can be characterized with the probability distribution function (PDF) of the mass surface density. In particular, the properties of the distribution can reveal the nature of the turbulence and star formation present inside the molecular cloud. In this paper, we explore how these structural characteristics evolve with time and also how they relate to various cloud properties as measured from a sample of synthetic column density maps of molecular clouds. We find that, as a cloud evolves, the peak of its column density PDF will shift to surface densities below the observational threshold for detection, resulting in an underlying lognormal distribution which has been effectively lost at late times. Our results explain why certain observations of actively star-forming, dynamically older clouds, such as the Orion molecular cloud, do not appear to have any evidence of a lognormal distribution in their column density PDFs. We also study the evolution of the slope and deviation point of the power-law tails for our sample of simulated clouds and show that both properties trend towards constant values, thus linking the column density structure of the molecular cloud to the surface density threshold for star formation.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication by MNRA