21 research outputs found

    Self-compassion training and psychological well-being of infertile female

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    Background: The empowerment of psychological well-being is an important and fundamental issue among infertile females. Objective: The present study investigates the effect of teaching self-compassion on the psychological well-being of initial infertile women. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional, quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test, 32 infertile women who were referred to the Yazd Reproductive Sciences Institute during 2016-2017 were enrolled. The participants were randomly divided in two groups as control and experiment (n = 16/each). The participants only in the experimental group received 8 sessions of 90 min training (Self-Compassion Training). Ryff’s psychological well-being questionnaire was applied (reliability coefficient = 0.82) and covariance analysis statistical test was used to test the research hypothesis. Results: There was a significant difference between the estimated mean scores for improving the psychological well-being of the participants in the experiment and control groups (p = 0.007), and the difference indicates that 72.7% of the covariance of the post-test scores is due to self-compassion intervention. Therefore, the intervention of self-compassion training affects the improvement of psychological well-being among infertile women. Also, the pre-test variable is significant with the effect of 94.2% (p = 0.006). Conclusion: The findings showed that teaching self-compassion to initial infertile women has an effect on their psychological well-being. Key words: Psychological, Infertility, Female

    Role of resilience training on compromising of infertile couples’ applicant for divorce: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Divorce is a social issue, which challenges not only the structure of family but also of a society. Studies have shown that infertility affects the marital boredom. In addition, resilience training and emphasizing on increasing piety (religiousness) can help to decrease this boredom. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the resilience training effects on the compromising of infertile couples’ applicant for divorce. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 100 infertile couples who had requested for divorce and referred to the Center for consolidation of the family foundation were enrolled. Participants were randomly divided in two categories (n= 50/each): the case group received some consultation classes on social services as well as resilience training by a consultant in 5 sessions lasting 2 hr. In total, 10 hr of treatment; while the control group just received the consultation and social services. Canner and Davidson questionnaires were utilized as pre- and posttest in both groups. Groups answered the resilience’s criterion of Canner and Davidson. Results: The resilience training significantly increased the compromises made by couples in the case group compared to the control (p < 0.01). The results showed that 26% of members of the case group relinquished divorce, while 10% of control group members did the same; this difference was statistically significant (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The resilience training leads to increased psychological well-being elements and compromises in infertile couples. Key words: Resilience, Education, Infertility, Divorce

    Living with Problems: A Critical Ethnography of Dumpster Diving in the Industrial City of Meybod

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    IntroductionUnbalanced industrial development and the lack of coordination of cultural, economic, and social structures in attracting the development criteria will lead to rapid developments in some structures and backwardness of other structures of society. The result of such a process is what we see in industrial cities today. In fact, the focus on industries in industrial cities has led to a massive flood of immigrants and created a variety of patterns of life in these cities, which causes many social damage, one of which is the phenomenon of Dumpster diving. In fact, Dumpster divers are a group of people, who informally collect, sort, process, and sell urban waste, thus earning their living through the collection and recycling of waste and its sale. It is important to address the issue of Dumpster diving from different angles. Firstly, it is crucial to thoroughly examine the negative consequences of Dumpster diving on Dumpster divers themselves, the general public, and the city as a whole. Secondly, the deprivation of fundamental rights for Dumpster divers is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. Thirdly, the nature of their work and the conditions, under which they operate, give rise to numerous problems and injuries, posing a threat not only to the individuals involved, but also to the overall health of the community. Meybod, a small yet fully industrialized city, has experienced a significant rise in Dumpster diving. Consequently, both immigrants and native residents of the city, who are responsible and law-abiding citizens, express deep concern regarding this matter. The prevalence of this issue is evident in small cities like Meybod, where a significant number of waste collectors, who are part of the Dumpster diving community, operate. This situation is largely a result of the imbalanced industrial development witnessed in the past decade. Over the course of the last three decades, Meybod has experienced an annual influx of over 1,000 immigrants, leading to rapid social and cultural transformations within the city. Therefore, this research aimed to investigate the phenomenon of Dumpster diving within the context of unbalanced industrial development and mass migrations.  Materials and MethodsThis research employed a methodological pluralism approach within a pragmatist paradigm, utilizing critical ethnography with Carspecken's approach. The data collection process involved a combination of participatory and non-participatory observations. Initial data reconstruction was conducted followed by in-depth interviews that focused on dialogue-oriented data collection. A total of 20 individuals were purposefully selected for interviews using a snowball method. The selection process prioritized diversity in terms of gender, education level, age, and other relevant factors. The researchers employed observation techniques, as well as semi-structured and deep interviews, to collect data. The findings from these interviews were categorized into several themes, including Dumpster diving contexts, Dumpster diving economy, exploitative family profiteering, waste city, living with problems, Dumpster diving as a gateway to crime, and institutional promotion of Dumpster diving. Discussion of Results & ConclusionIn recent decades, advancements in science and technology have significantly improved the quality of life for people worldwide, addressing numerous diseases and poverty-related issues. However, these advancements have also led to a widening global inequality. This inequality has far-reaching consequences, not only economically, but also politically and socially. It can give rise to various social issues within each country and region, such as large-scale migration. These migrations, in turn, result in significant damages, one of which is the practice of Dumpster diving. Dumpster diving can be attributed to several factors, including unemployment, insufficient income, job loss, lack of government and organizational support (including insurance coverage), addiction, and lack of family support. Individuals may also turn to Dumpster diving due to their reluctance to beg for assistance. Additionally, some individuals perceive Dumpster diving as a lucrative option. In conclusion, while science and technology have brought about positive changes, the widening inequality poses significant challenges. The consequences of this inequality, including Dumpster diving, have profound social implications. Addressing the root causes of Dumpster diving, such as unemployment and lack of support systems, is crucial to mitigate its negative effects and promote a more equitable society. The findings indicated that Dumpster diving was a growing phenomenon directly linked to visible economic and class disparities. While individuals facing adversity in their lives engaged in Dumpster diving, it was the vulnerable and marginalized groups, including women and children, who were most affected and derived minimal economic benefits from this practice. The primary beneficiaries of this industry were the local managers, who controlled its profits. Consequently, this situation further exacerbated the complexity of structural class inequality

    Studying the effect of fatigue and sleepiness of long-haul truck drivers on road accidents by adopting structural equation models analysis

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    The significant increase in transportation and heavy vehicle traffic has caused freeway routes with heavy traffic to face a decrease in safety levels. Furthermore, fatigue and sleepiness are proven to be two of the main reasons of road accidents, and therefore focus on these issues is crucial. Factors such as “use of engineering (safety) technology for road transport”, “informing the drivers on various educational methods”, “controlling the drivers’ work hours”, “use of different routes (alignment inconsistency)” and “observing the drivers’ mental health” should be approached to reduce the accidents caused by fatigue and sleepiness. Given the complex interrelationships between these variables and the number of road accidents, structural equation modelling has been used in this study to estimate the effect and relationships between multiple variables. Data were collected during a 5-month period by interviewing heavy vehicle drivers (2765 filled-out questionnaires). The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) has also been used to ascertain the validity of the questionnaires. The mentioned factors affecting the drivers’ fatigue were analyzed using SPSS 24.0 package, which allowed ascertaining that the drivers’ mental health is the factor of greater influence on road accidents caused by fatigue and drowsiness. Therefore, actions to improve the drivers’ mental and emotional health (by improving the currently used engineering (safety) technology and alignment inconsistency) should be enhanced rather than excessive controls on the drivers’ work hours by using GPS, work papers and inspections

    Structural Model of the Association between Spiritual Health and Self-Esteem in Students of Yazd Farhangian University and the Mediating Role of General Health

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    Background: Spiritual and mental health are the components affecting self-esteem and a necessary feature of every teacher. This study aims at examining the association between spiritual health and self-esteem of students of Yazd Farhangian University and the mediating role of general health in the academic year 2020-2021. Methods: This was an analytical and cross-sectional study conducted on all the students-teachers of Yazd Farhangian University. 323 people were selected as a sample based on Cochran’s formula. Data were collected through the Paloutzian, R. F., and Ellison, C. W.’s Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS), Goldberg's General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28), and the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (CSEI). To analyze the research data, Pearson correlation coefficient, covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM), bootstrapping technique, and fit indices for structural equation modeling were employed through SPSS and AMOS 24 at a significance level of less than 0.05. Results: Findings revealed a positive and significant correlation between spiritual health and general health (r= 0.316, p<0/001), as well as between general health and self-esteem (r=0.423, p<0/001). Furthermore, there was a positive and significant association between spiritual health and self-esteem (r=0.339, p<0/01). The findings also emphasized the significance of the general health’s mediating role between the spiritual health and self-esteem variables. Conclusions: Considering the significant, positive and strong relationship between spiritual health and general health as well as self-esteem, it is recommended that to enhance the adolescents’ spiritual and general health and increase their self-esteem, educational programs be revised and more attention be paid to employ Farhangian University students

    Designing and validation a model of enhancement motivational training program for female students with depressive symptoms

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    Background and Aim: Motivation as a psychological structure is effective in the well-being of a person. Accordingly, lack of motivation affects emotional states. The purpose of the current research is to design and validate the motivation training program in student girls with depression symptoms. Methods: The present research has been done using a qualitative and quantitative mixed research method. In the qualitative part of the research, semi-structured interview has been used. The study population included 11 female students living in Yazd and purposive sampling method used and sampling continued until data saturation and no new data were available. Based on the analysis of the themes, the pattern of enhancement motivation training program was designed, In the quantitative part of the research, For validation and reliability by the content validity of the educational program template of the CVR (Content Validity Ratio) use. Using purposive sampling method, the proposed model was provided to 24 psychologists and the validity of the data was analyzed. Results: The results showed that based on CVR, all 20 main themes in the proposed model were confirmed. Conclusion: In general, it can be acknowledged that the model based on strengthening motivation offers a different perspective in the treatment of depressed patients. Paying attention to the theoretical dimensions of this model and its application in treatment is of special importance

    Predicting academic performance through perceptions of the family atmosphere with the mediation of creative thinking

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    &nbsp;Introduction: Family atmosphere perceptions and creative thinking affect on academic performance. This study aimed to predict academic performance through family atmosphere perceptions with the mediation of creative thinking at the Yazd Farhangian University. Methods: This study was a correlation research using a &quot;causal model&quot;. The population included 1,064 students of Yazd Farhangian University in academic year 2016-2017. &nbsp;405 students were selected on based Morgan table using stratified random sampling model according to gender and semester. Measurement tools included Perceptions of Parents Scale (adult version) and a questionnaire of Torrance creative thinking with 60 items. The previous semester GPA was considered as the academic performance index. Questionnaires' data have been investigated in two parts: descriptive and inferential, using SPSS and AMOS and structural equation modeling approach. Result: Independent variables of family atmosphere perceptions and creative thinking explained 29 percent of the variance in academic performance. As well as the indirect effect of family atmosphere perceptions was statistically significant (p<0.001) on academic performance. Therefore, the variable of creative thinking plays a mediating role between the perceived family atmosphere and academic performance. Conclusion: Since family atmosphere perceptions as well as creative thinking have a significant effect on academic performance, the role of parents towards their children and also creative thinking training is very important.&nbsp

    Family Stability Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior: A Qualitative Study

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    Introduction: Family is the most appropriate place to meet human needs and the best place to support human security and psychological well-being. Accordingly, young people should be encouraged to get married as soon as they meet the requirements for marriage. They also should be trained on how to strengthen their family life. For this reason, the present qualitative study aimed to develop a family model based on the theory of planned behavior to explain family stability. Methods: The data analysis method was a rule-guided qualitative content analysis. The data were collected by conducting interviews with 19 family therapists and experts in Yazd Province in 2018. The participants were selected through purposive sampling. The questions asked in the semi-structured interviews were developed based on the theory of planned behavior dealing with issues including behavioral intention, attitudes, subjective norms, and behavioral control.  The interviews continued to the data saturation point when no new information or themes were observed in the data. Then the transcripts of the interviews were typed and the related themes were extracted and coded. After coding the data, qualitative research experts were asked to determine the content validity of the codes and their related categories. Then, based on the extracted categories, a local model was developed. Results: Based on the data analysis, 4 main themes (behavioral intention, attitudes, subjective norms, and behavioral control) and 8 sub-themes (self-control, patience, luxury-seeking, self-esteem, parenting, need satisfaction, positive attitudes toward marriage, and attainment of peace) were extracted. Conclusion: Since the family is the best emotional, social, and psychological shelter for its members, this study developed a model that can be valuable for educating families who have different problems. The developed model can also be used by family therapists and professionals dealing with family issues