943 research outputs found
Inserção e desenvolvimento da especialização em enfermagem obstétrica no estado de Sergipe : narrativas históricas
Não informado.processo de inserção, formação, consolidação e desenvolvimento da especialização em
Enfermagem Obstétrica no estado de Sergipe.Percurso metodológico: trata-se de uma
pesquisa descritiva, de abordagem qualitativa cujas narrativas foram obtidas pelo método
da História Oral Temática (HOT) entre os meses de fevereiro e maio de 2015. Foram
depoentes deste estudo 37 Enfermeiros Obstétricos (EO). O recorte temporal compreendeu
o período entre os anos de 2001 e 2014 e o recorte espacial abrangeu maternidades de
caráter público, privado e filantrópico, Instituições de Ensino Superior(IES) e equipes de
Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF).Resultados: os achados revelaram que o ano de 2001
inaugurou o primeiro curso de especialização em Enfermagem Obstétrica neste estado,
numa parceria entre a Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) e o Ministério da Saúde
(MS). Esse curso continuou a ser ofertado regularmente pela Universidade Tiradentes
(UNIT) a partir do ano de 2006 e a partir do ano de 2013 o Hospital Universitário
(HU)/UFS passou a ofertá-lo na modalidade de Residência. Foram encontrados EO
atuantes na assistência tanto nas consultas de pré-natal quanto nas maternidades; à frente
da gestão de maternidades e programas ligados à área Obstétrica e da Saúde da Mulher e
na docência de cursos de Graduação em Enfermagem nas disciplinas relacionadas a essas
áreas. Os resultados apontaram ainda que a inserção do EO nesses distintos serviços e a
consequente possibilidade de atuação com enfoque nas práticas assistenciais obstétricas
provocou mudanças favoráveis, que se refletem, sobretudo, na qualidade da assistência
ofertada. Desafios ainda se apresentam à plena atuação desses profissionais tendo destaque
para o acúmulo de atribuições assistenciais e burocrático-administrativas, para a
perpetuação, em alguns espaços, da hegemonia médica e para a estrutura insatisfatória,
tanto física quanto operacional, de alguns serviços. O crescimento numérico e qualitativo
dessa categoria levou muitos dos seus representantes a se organizarem profissionalmente,
fato que culminou na criação da Associação Brasileira de Obstetrizes e Enfermeiros
Obstétricos (ABENFO) secção Sergipe no final do ano de 2014.Considerações
finais:desde o ano de 2008 portarias ministeriais têm sido criadas favorecendo a expansão
da Enfermagem Obstétrica no cenário nacional. Esta pesquisa revelou que o estado de
Sergipe também apresentou avanços na atuação e fortalecimento dessa categoria. Espera-se
que os resultados aqui apresentados possam contribuir tanto para a divulgação desses
novos modos de assistir ao parto com enfoque no protagonismo do EO quanto para
subsidiar as lutas dessa categoria na busca de novos espaços de atuação. Pretende-se ainda,
com esse tipo de pesquisa, contribuir para a História da Enfermagem e da Obstetrícia
In recent years, there has been noteworthy movement on the part of Brazilian scientific periodicals in pursuit of visibility and internationalization. It is a subject that has been central to discussions by scientific editor forums gathering together different disciplines.(1) Among other aspects, they have been focused on how to promote the international impact of Brazilian scientific production, considering the national and international scope and relevance of the research and subsequent consumption and or application of the findings in practice. The debates are accentuated on the importance of technological development to point towards innovation as science is produced in Brazil, in such a way as to meet the population's real needs and potential, but also on producing technology that will have a positive impact on the nation's social and economic conditions.(2) Nevertheless, with researchers raising the alert to consider problems external to the domestic situation, aspects that will be able to give visibility to innovative technology being produced here and subsequent exportation. The magazines' factor of impact, quality of the editors and experts or consultants, the peer review process, the difficulty of publishing in high impact periodicals, the assessment criteria used by the support agencies for classifying periodicals, the professionalization and funding of magazines are the subjects of ongoing discussions.(3,4) Led by the Brazilian Nursing Association (ABEN), Brazilian nursing scientific periodicals coparticipating in this movement have made it part of their daily agendas to call their editors into the discussion, so as to think about and introduce strategies that may solve these and other difficulties, which are great challenges for the field. The Southern Brazilian Nursing Magazine (RGE) has shown itself to be immersed in this challenging project, having promoted the production of research nurses in Brazil and Latin America without interruption since 1976. Throughout its history, it has been adapting its editorial processes, in such a way as to meet the market demands of nursing and general healthcare scientific publications, regarding managing the quality of its main product, whatever the manuscript submitted to it and its author by the confidence deposited in the RGE. Recently, RGE (Qualis B1 CAPES rating), upon request from SciELO Brasil, drew up the 2012 Annual Performance Report for the purpose of evaluating its continuance in their database. This was based on quantitative and qualitative information inherent to RGE's nature considering the different dimensions of the editorial processes providing evidence of its progress. The work flow chart for manuscripts from their submission to acceptance and publication became more agile and skilled, in so far as the magazine created and defined attributions for submission editors (01), department editors (06) and editorial commission (04). The technical staff also became more professionalized by hiring a dedicated RGE librarian and sought community partnerships aiming towards professionalization of its editing, layout, translation and printing processes. Publication norms were revised, with a focus on the manuscript evaluation process by peer review. These findings can be added to the bibliometric indexes that identify RGE in the world of Brazilian nursing periodicals as one of those chosen by researchers to promote their production. Over the course of 2012, 1262 manuscripts were submitted. 466 of these were accepted for publication, 592 were refused and 200 were not resubmitted by their authors after requests for reformulations and/or other information, therefore being archived. The average time between manuscript submission and evaluation was 9.9 months and the average interval between acceptance and publication was 8.5 months. These metrics are in consonance with the evaluating agencies that approve a period of one year for manuscript bureaucracy from evaluation to publication. In its four fascicles, volume 33 of RGE published 81 original articles, two systematic revisions and 17 other types of productions, including theoretical revision articles and experiential reports. The 100 manuscripts published were produced by 341 authors. RGE relied on the collaboration of 259 ad hoc specialist text revisers distributed geographically across the nation. The online publication of the first translation in English, as well as in Portuguese, of volume 33, fascicle 4, in the database of SciELO Brasil is without a doubt a significant qualitative move forward for RGE, a fact that proves its ongoing commitment to promotion and visibility of Brazilian nursing's scientific production. With this data, RGE might consider its mission to be accomplished. Nevertheless, 62.75% refusal rates for manuscripts is a great challenge to be faced, considering the example of other nursing periodicals. In the assessment process, certain weaknesses in the manuscripts are found regarding: inadequate methodological design, lack of theoretical foundation, themes of investigation irrelevant to professional practice, evidence of results and conclusions that do not contribute to the state of the art and subsequent development of knowledge specific to nursing, non-compliance with scientific writing norms and RGE's publication norms. These are aspects that deserve to be discussed and submitted at editors' forums together with teachers from graduate programs in nursing, far and above the ideal academic environment in which the production of clinical research assumes its essential character for nursing and as such has the responsibility to prepare young researchers in the act of consuming, producing and promoting the knowledge being produced. In a setting like this one, RGE sees itself as moving towards consolidating its visibility and internationalization beyond Latin America and is facing the challenge of contributing and continuing to seek solutions inherent to its nature, which will certainly demand great dedication and the commitment of everyone involved in making this happen. REFERENCES 1 8. Workshop de Editoração Científica: internacionalização dos periódicos científicos, 1. Seminário do COPE - Comitee on publication ethics, 3. Encontro Nacional de Bibliotecários, 6. Seminário Satélite para Editores Plenos; 2012 Nov 11-14; Florianópolis, Brasil. Florianópolis: ABEC Brasil; 2012 2 Zanetti ML. Porque é difícil publicar em periódicos de alto impacto. Rev Latinoam Enferm.2012; 20(4):633-634. 3 Erdmann AL, Marziale MHP, Pedreira MLG, Lana FCF, Pagliuca LMF, Padilha MI, et al. A avaliação de periódicos científicos Qualis e a produção brasileira de artigos da área de enfermagem. Rev Latinoam Enferm. 2009;17(3):120-127. 4 Scochi CGS, Munari DB, Pedreira MLG, Padilha ML, Marziale MH. A importância da qualificação dos periódicos para o avanço da produção e visibilidade da pesquisa em enfermagem. Texto & Contexto Enferm. 2012;21(2):251-3
Physical Activity Levels in Peripheral Artery Disease Patients
BACKGROUND: Increases in daily physical activity levels is recommended for patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD). However, despite this recommendation, little is known about the physical activity patterns of PAD patients.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the physical activity patterns of patients with symptomatic peripheral artery (PAD) disease.
METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 174 PAD patients with intermittent claudication symptoms. Patients were submitted to clinical, hemodynamic and functional evaluations. Physical activity was objectively measured by an accelerometer, and the time spent in sedentary, low-light, high-light and moderate-vigorous physical activities (MVPA) were obtained. Descriptive analysis was performed to summarize patient data and binary logistic regression was used to test the crude and adjusted associations between adherence to physical activity recommendation and sociodemographic and clinical factors. For all the statistical analyses, significance was accepted at p < 0.05.
RESULTS: Patients spent in average of 640 ± 121 min/day, 269 ± 94 min/day, 36 ± 27 min/day and 15 ± 16 min/day in sedentary, low-light, high-light and MVPA, respectively. The prevalence of patients who achieved physical activity recommendations was 3.4%. After adjustment for confounders, a significant inverse association was observed between adherence to physical activity recommendation and age (OR = 0.925; p = 0.004), while time of disease, ankle brachial index and total walking distance were not associated with this adherence criteria (p > 0.05).
CONCLUSION: The patterns of physical activity of PAD patients are characterized by a large amount of time spent in sedentary behaviors and a low engagement in MVPA. Younger patients, regardless of the clinical and functional factors, were more likely to meet the current physical activity recommendations
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar e conhecer a dieta alimentar de Astyanax lineatus, provenientes do Córrego do Taquaraçu, Serra da Bodoquena (MS, Brasil), os peixes foram capturados por meio de pesca elétrica, redes de arrasto e peneiras metálicas. Foi analisado o conteúdo estomacal de 15 espécimes utilizando o método de freqüência de ocorrência, no qual o número de peixes que contém determinado item é expresso como porcentagem do total de peixes examinados com conteúdo. De acordo com os dados, A. lineatus foi considerada uma espécie eurifágica com tendência à insetivoria, com predominância de insetos aquáticos em sua dietaThe goal of this work was to study the diet of Astyanax lineatus from the Taquaraçu Stream, in the region of Serra da Bodoquena, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, central Brazil. The fish were caught using a combination of electric fishing, seines and hoop nets. The stomach contents of 15 specimens was analyzed using the frequency of occurrence, in which the number of fish that contain certain item is expressed as percentage of total number of fish examined with the content. Our results indicate that A. lineatus is an euryphagic species, with a tendency to insectivory, with a predominance of aquatic insects in its die
The paper examines the impacts from the trade liberalization on trade and welfare among the Pacific Alliance (PA) using the computable general equilibrium Global trade analysis project (Gtap). The results show that the gains are small, both in terms of trade and welfare. The more outward orientation of its members and the existence of previous preferential trade agreements among them reduced the possible gains. PA members, except Colombia, benefit from welfare gains, due to terms of trade improvements to the detriment of non-members. Mercosur and Nafta countries would be most negatively affected by the new bloc, as the preferences granted by the PA members reduced the market access to these two important trade partners of the bloc.O artigo examina os efeitos da liberalização comercial entre os países membros da Aliança do Pacífico (AP), por meio do modelo de equilíbrio geral computável Global trade analysis project (Gtap), sobre o comércio e o bem-estar. Os resultados indicam que a magnitude dos efeitos seria pequena para os membros do acordo, em termos de comércio, mas principalmente em termos de bem-estar. O perfil mais liberal de seus membros, bem como a existência de acordos preferenciais de comércio prévios entre eles, reduziu o escopo dos ganhos. Os países da AP, à exceção da Colômbia, apresentam ganhos de bem-estar, devido à melhoria de seus termos de troca, em detrimento dos países de fora do bloco. Os mais prejudicados com a formação do bloco são os países do Nafta e do Mercosul, pois as preferências concedidas pelos parceiros da AP acabaram reduzindo o acesso desses dois importantes parceiros comerciais ao mercado do bloco
Assessment of different in vitro sperm challenges and in vivo fertility of bovine semen batches
O objetivo deste estudo foi estressar células espermáticas em diferentes desafios laboratoriais e comparar os resultados in vitro com a fertilidade in vivo do sêmen. Quatro partidas de um mesmo touro Brangus foram utilizadas em um programa de IATF de 332 vacas Brangus. Cada partida foi submetida ao seguinte procedimento: a amostra de sêmen foi descongelada a 36°C por 30 segundos (grupo controle). Foram avaliados parâmetros de motilidade espermática (CASA), integridade da membrana plasmática (PMI), morfologia e concentração espermática. Em seguida, uma alíquota da amostra descongelada foi incubada em banho-maria a 45°C durante 40 minutos (grupo de desafio térmico, TCG) e outra alíquota foi centrifugada a 500 xg (gradiente de Percoll 45%/90%) durante 15 min (grupo desafio de centrifugação, CCG). Uma aliquota do sêmen centrifugado foi ainda submetida ao desafio térmico, sendo incubado a 45°C durante 40 min (grupo de desafio térmico + centrifugação, CTCG). No final de cada desafio (CCG, TCG e CTCG), os mesmos testes laboratoriais utilizados para o grupo de controle foram realizados. A seguinte taxa de concepção (CR) foi observada para cada partida (B): B1 = 48,9% (44/90), B2 = 44,2% (23/52), B3 = 55,5% (40/72) e B4 = 43,2% (51/118); (P < 0,10). No laboratório, B3 apresentou maior (P ≤ 0,05) motilidade progressiva (PM) do que B4 logo após o descongelamento (grupo controle) e após todos os desafios laboratoriais (TCG, CCG e CTCG). Porém, apesar de B3 e B4 demonstrarem similar porcentagem de PMI no grupo controle (B3 = 66,7 ± 1,3 e B4 = 65,2 ± 3,3), B3 apresentou maior (P ≤ 0,05) PMI (37,2 ± 2,5%) do que B4 (26,7 ± 3,3%) após passar pelo maior desafio laboratorial (CTCG). A partida seminal que in vitro apresentou maior resistência aos desafios laboratoriais foi a mesma que apresentou tendência para maior fertilidade in vivo. Assim, sugere-se que submeter amostras seminais a desafios laboratoriais pode ser uma alternativa interessante para selecionar partidas com maior fertilidade a campo.The aim of this work was to submit sperm cells to different laboratory challenges and to compare in vitro results with in vivo semen fertility. Four different batches from the same Brangus bull were used in a timed-AI program of 332 Brangus cows. Each batch (B) was submitted to the following procedure: semen sample was thawed at 36°C for 30 seconds (control). Sperm motility parameters, plasma membrane integrity, sperm morphology, and concentration were assessed. Then, an aliquot of thawed sample was incubated in a water bath at 45°C for 40 min (thermal challenge group; TCG) and another aliquot was centrifuged at 500 xg (Percoll gradient 45%/90%) for 15 min (centrifugation challenge group; CCG). Centrifuged semen was also submitted to another thermal challenge, being incubated (water bath) at 45°C for 40 min (centrifugation + thermal challenge group; CTCG). At the end of each challenge (CCG, TCG, and CTCG), the same laboratory tests used for control group were repeated. The following conception rates (CR) were observed for each batch: B1 = 48.9% (44/90); B2 = 44.2% (23/52); B3 = 55.5% (40/72); B4 = 43.2% (51/118); (p < 0.10). In the lab, B3 presented higher (p ≤ 0.05) progressive motility (PM) than B4 after thawing (control group) and after all sperm challenges (TCG, CCG, and CTCG). However, despite B3 and B4 having demonstrated a similar percentage of plasma membrane integrity (PMI) to the control group (B3 = 66.7 ± 1.3 and B4 = 65.2 ± 3.3), B3 demonstrated higher (P ≤ 0.05) percentage of PMI (37.2 ± 2.5) than B4 (26.7 ± 3.3) after passing through the most stressing in vitro challenge (CTCG). The semen batch presenting the highest resistance to in vitro challenges was the one that presented a trend for higher in vivo fertility, suggesting that submitting semen samples to laboratory challenges may be an interesting alternative for selecting batches with greater field fertility
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