12 research outputs found

    A novel precursor recognition element facilitates posttranslational binding to the signal recognition particle in chloroplasts

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    Signal recognition particles (SRPs) in the cytosols of prokaryotes and eukaryotes are used to target proteins to cytoplasmic membranes and the endoplasmic reticulum, respectively. The mechanism of targeting relies on cotranslational SRP binding to hydrophobic signal sequences. An organellar SRP identified in chloroplasts (cpSRP) is unusual in that it functions posttranslationally to localize a subset of nuclear-encoded thylakoid proteins. In assays that reconstitute thylakoid integration of the light harvesting chlorophyll-binding protein (LHCP), stromal cpSRP binds LHCP posttranslationally to form a cpSRP/LHCP transit complex, which is believed to represent the LHCP form targeted to thylakoids. In this investigation, we have identified an 18-aa sequence motif in LHCP (L18) that, along with a hydrophobic domain, is required for transit complex formation. Fusion of L18 to the amino terminus of an endoplasmic reticulum-targeted protein, preprolactin, led to transit complex formation whereas wild-type preprolactin exhibited no ability to form a transit complex. In addition, a synthetic L18 peptide, which competed with LHCP for transit complex formation, caused a parallel inhibition of LHCP integration. Translocation of proteins by the thylakoid Sec and Delta pH transport systems was unaffected by the highest concentration of L18 peptide examined. Our data indicate that a motif contained in L18 functions in precursor recruitment to the posttranslational SRP pathway, one of at least four different thylakoid sorting pathways used by chloroplasts

    Deletion of the Chloroplast-Localized Thylakoid Formation1 Gene Product in Arabidopsis Leads to Deficient Thylakoid Formation and Variegated Leaves

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    Development of thylakoid membranes depends upon the transport of membrane vesicles from the chloroplast inner envelope and subsequent fusion of vesicles within the interior of the plastid. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) Thylakoid formation1 (Thf1) gene product is shown here to control an important step required for the normal organization of these vesicles into mature thylakoid stacks and ultimately for leaf development. The Arabidopsis Thf1 gene encodes an imported chloroplast protein, as shown by in vitro import and localization of a Thf1-green fluorescent protein fusion product in transgenic plants. This gene is conserved in oxygenic photoautotrophs ranging from cyanobacteria to flowering land plants. Transcript levels for Thf1 are induced in the light and decrease under dark conditions, paralleling profiles of light-regulated nuclear genes involved in chloroplast function. Disruption of the Thf1 gene via T-DNA insertion results in plants that are severely stunted with variegated leaf patterns. Nongreen sectors of variegated leaves lacking Thf1 expression contain plastids that accumulate membrane vesicles on the interior and lack organized thylakoid structures. Green sectors of Thf1-disrupted leaves contain some chloroplasts that form organized thylakoid membranes, indicating that an inefficient compensatory mechanism supports thylakoid formation in the absence of Thf1. Genetic complementation of a Thf1 knockout line confirms the role of this gene in chloroplast and leaf development. Transgenic plants expressing the Thf1 gene in antisense orientation are stunted with altered thylakoid organization, especially in young seedlings. The data indicate that the Thf1 gene product plays a crucial role in a dynamic process of vesicle-mediated thylakoid membrane biogenesis

    The Membrane-binding Motif of the Chloroplast Signal Recognition Particle Receptor (cpFtsY) Regulates GTPase Activity*S⃞♦

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    The chloroplast signal recognition particle (cpSRP) and its receptor (cpFtsY) function in thylakoid biogenesis to target integral membrane proteins to thylakoids. Unlike cytosolic SRP receptors in eukaryotes, cpFtsY partitions between thylakoid membranes and the soluble stroma. Based on sequence alignments, a membrane-binding motif identified in Escherichia coli FtsY appears to be conserved in cpFtsY, yet whether the proposed motif is responsible for the membrane-binding function of cpFtsY has yet to be shown experimentally. Our studies show that a small N-terminal region in cpFtsY stabilizes a membrane interaction critical to cpFtsY function in cpSRP-dependent protein targeting. This membrane-binding motif is both necessary and sufficient to direct cpFtsY and fused passenger proteins to thylakoids. Our results demonstrate that the cpFtsY membrane-binding motif may be functionally replaced by the corresponding region from E. coli, confirming that the membrane-binding motif is conserved among organellar and prokaryotic homologs. Furthermore, the capacity of cpFtsY for lipid binding correlates with liposome-induced GTP hydrolysis stimulation. Mutations that debilitate the membrane-binding motif in cpFtsY result in higher rates of GTP hydrolysis, suggesting that negative regulation is provided by the intact membrane-binding region in the absence of a bilayer. Furthermore, NMR and CD structural studies of the N-terminal region and the analogous region in the E. coli SRP receptor revealed a conformational change in secondary structure that takes place upon lipid binding. These studies suggest that the cpFtsY membrane-binding motif plays a critical role in the intramolecular communication that regulates cpSRP receptor functions at the membrane