11 research outputs found

    Une colite à CMV révélant un lupus érythémateux systémique

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    Le cytomégalovirus (CMV) est responsable d’infections souvent asymptomatiques chez les immunocompétents mais également d’infections graves chez les immunodéprimés notamment chez les patients lupiques. La réactivation du CMV au cours du lupus est une complication fréquente mais rarement inaugurale. Nous rapportons l’observation d’un patient ayant présenté une colite à CMV révélatrice d’un lupus érythémateux systémique. Le diagnostic a été retenu sur les données sérologiques, de la biopsie colique et la bonne évolution après un traitement par ganciclovir

    Bladder colloid carcinoma: A case report

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    Non-urothelial bladder cancers are rare. We report the case of a 72-year-old who consulted for terminal hematuria evolving for three months. Computed Tomography scan showed a tumor of the anterior wall of the bladder. The patient underwent a transurethral resection of the bladder tumor. The histological examination of the tumor showed a bladder colloid carcinoma. The extension evaluation showed pulmonary and bone metastases. The patient received chemotherapy

    Bladder endometriosis: A serious disease

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    Urinary tract endometriosis (UTE) is a very rare but serious form of infiltrating endometriosis because of the risk of urinary tract obstruction and loss of renal function. We report the case of A 42-year-old female patient admitted for intense right back pain with lower urinary tract disorders. An abdomino-pelvic ultrasound was done showing right uretero-hydronephrosis. Ureteroscopy showed an inflammatory-like stenosis of the right pelvic ureter. Given the young age of the patient, the poor quality of the right kidney, we opted for a right total nephro ureterectomy. The anatomopathological examination showed a bladder endometriosis

    About a case of paratesticular myxoid liposarcoma

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    Paratesticular liposarcomas are relatively common sarcomas in the paratesticular region, however, the myxoid variant is considered very rare. Due to the infrequency of this malignant disease, no standard treatment would be available. Multiple treatments have reported in literature with different results. Herein, we presented a case of paratesticular myxoid liposarcoma in a 67-year-old man originating from the right paratesticular soft tissue. Keywords: Myxoid liposarcoma, Paratesticular, Scrotal mas

    Acquired elastotic hemangioma: A diagnosis to keep in mind

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    Acquired elastotic hemangioma is a relatively newly described cutaneous lesion that presents a characteristic clinicopathologic feature and which should be distinguished from other cutaneous vascular proliferations. Only 10 cases have been reported in literature. We herein describe another case of acquired elastotic hemangioma occurring in the cheek of a 64 year old woman

    Renal malakoplakia mimicking a locally advanced renal mass: A case report

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    Malakoplakia is a rare inflammatory condition that can affect many organ systems, including genitourinary tract, it is associated with impaired immune function. It is characterized by distinctive Michaelis-Gutmann bodies. Very rare cases have been reported to present as a locally advanced renal mass

    A Rare Scrotal Tumor: Epididymal Cavernous Hemangioma

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    Introduction. Paratesticular tumors are rarely observed among scrotal neoplasm. Various types of benign lesions are described. Cavernous hemangioma belongs to uncommon epididymal benign tumors. Clinical and sonographic features are not conclusive and diagnosis requires histological confirmation. Case Presentation. Authors report a case of an epididymal hemangioma in a 56-year-old patient, consulting for a painful scrotal swelling. As malignancy was suspected, he underwent inguinal orchiectomy. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of cavernous epididymal hemangioma. Clinical and therapeutic aspects of this rare entity are discussed. Conclusion. Epididymis is an infrequent location of cavernous hemangioma. Diagnosis is rarely made preoperatively as symptoms and radiological aspects are not specific. Conservative surgery must be attempted once feasible for aesthetic and functional purposes