432 research outputs found

    Comparison Analysis of Engine Performance Using VVT-i System And Engine Without VVT-i System

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    Nowadays, many demands from consumers to have a car with powerful engine and low of gasoline so vehicle manufactures think how to make engine like that. Vehicle manufactures develop technology which can increase of performance and the engine can have a great power and torque. Variable Valve Timing (VVT) can be used to problem solve above because variable valve timing can control timing valve. VVT can increase engine performance that can make the gasoline engine will increase power and torque. Research target that is to kwon influence variable valve timing to engine performance at four stroke engine 1298cc. Research uses four stroke engine with two types of engine use VVT-i and engine without using VVT-i. Two types of four stroke engine will testing above engine dynamometer. Calculation is conducted after got data of testing result. Base testing and analysis can be concluded that engine use VVT-i have higher performance than engine without VVT-i. From dynamometer test was get maximum torque from engine use VVT-i is 138.6 N.m at 4500rpm and maximum torque from conventional engine is 124.6 N.m at 4500 rpm. Maximum torque from engine use VVT-i is 107.3 BHP at 6000rpm and maximum torque from conventional engine is 94.5 BHP at 6000rpm.VVT-i organizes timing of valve which can make overlapping on the machine. Overlapping make number of air-fuel mixture in combustion chamber will increase which can make performance will increases


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    The influence of work motivation and work environment on employee employee performance in several studies found that there was positive effect. Some researches to argue that there are other variables that bridge the relationship between work motivation and the work environment on performance employee. One of the potential linking variables is work readiness. The main objective of this study is to perform hypothesis testing and analyze the role of work readiness as a mediating variable in the effect of work motivation and work environment on employee performance of employee who worked on University. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire and distributed to 60 employees. Validity and reliability test of the questionnaire which was used as a tool showed that the questionnaire is valid and reliable for use. To examine the role of work readiness as a mediator, this study used the approach regression analysis. The results showed that work readiness mediates the effect of work motivation on employee performance. The result also showed that work readiness hasn’t effect mediates of work environment on employee performance


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    The capability of an organization to conduct organizational performance depends on its innovation resources. This capability can be utilized by facilitating organization innovation in the organization. However, organizational innovation activities cannot be happened automatically. Therefore, knowledge sharing plays significant role to encourage organizational innovation particularly in the context of university.The main objective of this study was to analyze the mediation effect of organizational innovation on the impact of organizational knowledge sharing on organizational performance. This study uses the primary data which obtained through the survey by distributing questionnaires. The respondents from this study were employees of university in Province Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, who were included in the purposive sampling criteria. The questionnaires were worth to analyze as much as 75 questionnaires from 100 questionnaires. Scale test result of the instruments used in this study meet the standard of validity and reliability analysis.The results of regression analysis of this study indicate that organizational knowledge sharing has a positive effect on organizational performance, organizational knowledge sharing has a positive effect on organizational innovation, and organizational innovation has a positive effect on organizational performance. When the organizational innovation was included as a mediated variable, the effect of organizational knowledge sharing on organizational performance remains positive and significant. This means that the organizational innovation is a partial mediated in the effect of organizational knowledge sharing on organizational performance

    Bargaining Mechanism in Islamic Economic System

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    This article discusses the concept of bargaining position in the Islamic economic system. By using a literature study, this article finds a narrative that bargaining positions occur in goods or services. The conclusion are: bargaining must be carried out by more than one person. So, there are at least two people who transact (sellers and buyers). If there is only one person, the bargaining position certainly cannot happen. Examples of the many bargaining that occur are on the market. In a sale and purchase, those with higher bargaining rights are buyers. Whereas the seller will compensate the buyer for positive bargaining. Bidding is goods or services offered at a certain amount and price level and under certain conditions. There is also an offer in the Islamic economy that distinguishes it from conventional offers, that the goods or services offered must be transparent and specified in their specifications, how the condition of the goods, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the goods. The offer made does not harm the party submitting the request; and vice versa

    Kinerja Investasi Saham Berkelanjutan Indeks Sri Kehati Dengan Metode Sharpe

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    Investors can invest in sustainable stocks through investing in SRI KEHATI index shares. The SRI KEHATI index consists of 25 stocks that carry out ESG principles which are evaluated every semester. After screening, there were 18 stocks that consistently entered the criteria for the SRI KEHATI index during 2022. The results of the performance assessment using the Sharpe method showed that most of the SRI KEHATI index stocks had good performance. Banking sector stocks have the best Sharpe performance compared to other sectors. Of the 18 stocks studied, there are six stocks with negative returns during 2022. This shows that there is no linear relationship between stocks in the same index

    Transformation of Maqāṣid Shari‘āh in Divorce Mediation in Religious Courts: Revitalization of the Bugis-Mandar Customs, Indonesia

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    The focus of this research discusses the transformation of maqāṣid shari'āh in mediation practices in divorce cases, and the revitalization of adat in mediation practices in Bugis and Mandar communities. This study is a field legal research using historical and socio-anthropological approaches, while the data is analyzed using maqāṣid shari'ah theory and social change theory. Data collection techniques are based on literature studies on legal sources related to the discussion.This study concludes that divorce is an extraordinary case in the religious courts, dynamics of mediation practice in Religious Courts have successful mediation for a written peace agreement in peace deed, other mediation products are partially successful mediation and partially unsuccessful mediation, mediation products are not successful is that husband and wife are committed to divorce; maqāṣid shari‘āh transformation can be a major consideration by judges in mediation practice to save households on the verge of collapse, so that maqāṣid shari‘āh is very urgent to place in Perma No.1 of 2016, and revitalization of Bugis-Mandar customary is an effort to revive the value of life sirondo-rondoi, siamasei, sianuang pa'mai, and sibaliparri, also animate shara’ which is performed petta kalie (Bugis) or puang kali’ (Mandar)


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the role of financial attitudes and self-efficacy as a mediating variable on the effect of financial knowledge on financial behavior. The population of this study was 1,089 respondents consisting of Lecturers at the Faculty of Economics and Business and Lecturers of Islamic Banking in Indonesia, namely Yogyakarta, Palembang, Lampung, and Tulung Agung. The sample in this study was selected using purposive sampling method of 99 respondents. The data processing technique used in this research is the structural equation modeling technique using the Smart-PLS 3.0 application. The results of this study: First, high financial knowledge will influence good financial behavior. Second, high financial knowledge will influence good financial behavior with financial attitudes as a mediating variable. Third, high financial knowledge will influence good financial behavior with self-efficacy as a mediating variable. Keywords: Financial Knowledge; Financial Attitude; Self-Efficacy; Financial Behavio


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    ANALISIS YURIDIS PENYELESAIAN PERKARA DISERSI YANG DIPUTUS SECARA IN ABSENTIA SEBELUM JANGKA WAKTU 6 BULAN (STUDI KASUS DI PENGADILAN MILITER III-12 SURABAYA) Mohammad Ali Fikri (S1 Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Hukum, Universitas Negeri Surabaya) [email protected] Dr. Pudji Astuti, S.H., M.H. (S1 Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Hukum, Univeritas Negeri Surabaya) [email protected] Abstrak Disersi merupakan salah satu tindak pidana yang dapat dilakukan oleh seorang anggota TNI. Hal tersebut telah diatur dalam Pasal 87 KUHPM. Anggota TNI yang melanggar aturan tersebut akan diproses sesuai dengan UU Nomor 31 Tahun 1997 tentang Peradilan Militer. Dasar yang digunakan oleh Hakim Militer dalam memutus perkara Disersi secara in absentia adalah Pasal 143 UU Nomor 31 Tahun 1997 tentang Peradilan Militer. Hakim Militer dapat memutus perkara Disersi secara in absentia apabila memenuhi dua unsur yang terdapat dalam Pasal 143 UU Peradilan Militer, yaitu Hakim Militer dapat memutus perkara Disersi secara in absentia setelah enam bulan sejak berkas perkara masuk ke Pengadilan dan sudah dilakukan pemanggilan tiga kali berturut-turut. Prakteknya beberapa Hakim Militer di Pengadilan Militer III-12 Surabaya yang menyimpangi aturan tersebut.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui alasan Hakim Militer Pengadilan Militer III-12 Surabaya memproses perkara Disersi secara in absentia sebelum jangka waktu enam bulan dan pendapat keluarga Terpidana atas putusan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Yuridis Sosiologis. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang didapat dari informan dan data sekunder yang merupakan data dari bahan kepustakaan dan menganalisis dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian adalah Hakim Militer Pengadilan Militer III-12 Surabaya memang sengaja menyimpangi Pasal 143 UU Nomor 31 Tahun 1997 tentang Peradilan Militer supaya perkara yang menumpuk di Pengadilan karena perkara Disersi adalah perkara yang paling banyak diproses oleh Pengadilan Militer III-12 Surabaya. Penerbitan SEMA No. 2 Tahun 2014 dan Surat Edaran Kadilmiltama No.SE/03/II/2016 yang menjadi dasar bagi Hakim Militer Pengadilan Militer III-12 Surabaya memutus perkara Disersi secara in absentia sebelum jangka waktu 6 bulan. Keluarga Terpidana tidak mengetahui tentang Hukum Acara yang digunakan bagi Hakim untuk memproses perkara Disersi secara in absentia, setelah mengetahui Hukum Acara yang digunakan Hakim dalam memperoses perkara Disersi secara in absentia, maka keluarga Terpidana menganggap bahwa Hakim Militer telah berlaku sewenang – wenang. Hal ini akan menjadi permasalahan apabila putusan telah berkekuatan hukum tetap tetapi terdakwa hadir di pengadilan sebelum jangka waktu enam bulan, karena terdakwa dalam hal ini sudah dipecat dan tidak memperoleh Haknya sebagai anggota TNI. kata kunci : Putusan Disersi in absentia, Hukum Acara Peradilan Militer, Kekuasaan Kehakiman Abstract Disersi is one of the crimes that can only be committed by a member of the TNI. This has been regulated in Article 87 of the Criminal Code. Members of the TNI who violate the rules will be processed in accordance with Law Number 31 Year 1997 on Military Justice. In deciding the case Disersi in absentia regulated in Article 143 of Law Number 31 Year 1997 on Military Justice. There are two elements that must be fulfilled, namely the Judge can decide the case Disersi in In absentia after 6 months since the court case went to Court and has been done 3 times in a row. The practice of many Military Judges in the Surabaya Military Court III-12 deviated the rules. The purpose of this study was to find out the reason for Military Court Judge III-12 Surabaya to process the Disersi case in absentia before 6 months and the opinion of the Convicted family of the decision. This research uses Sociological Juridical research method. The type of data used in this study is primary data obtained from informants and secondary data which is data from literature materials, analyzing with laws and regulations related to this research. Technique of data collecting is done by interview and documentation technique. Data analysis technique using qualitative descriptive method. The result of research and discussion in this research is Military Judge Military Court III-12 Surabaya deliberately distort Article 143 of Law Number 31 Year 1997 about Military Court so that no cases accumulate. Remembering the Disersion case is the most heavily processed / handled by the Surabaya Military Court III-12. In addition to the existence of SEMA No. 2 Year 2014 and Circular Letter of Kadilmiltama No.SE/03/II/2016 which became the basis for Military Judge Military Court III-12 Surabaya decides the case Disersi in In absentia before 6 months period.On the other hand, the family Terpidana not know about the Law The event used for the Judge to process the Disersi case in absentia, after knowing the rules, the Terpidana family considers that the Military Judge has been arbitrary. keywords: Decision Disersi in absentia, The Law of Military Justice, Judicial Powe