2,636 research outputs found

    Istiglâlu Barâati al-Ikhtirâ’ fî al-Qânûn al-Indûnîsî Dirâsah Fiqhiyah Taqwîmiyah

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    Patent has a prominent place in people’s nowadays lives as it becomes the main mover of their advancement as well as a barometer of a nation’s development and treasure. Countries with a huge percentage of patents occupy higher position and get stronger political influence than others. Therefore, the worldwide countries have agreed to conduct agreements to protect the patent through so called Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). Indonesian’s signing on the agreement was then followed by a legal cover in the field of patent through Law number 13 of 2016. This study aims to examine the concept of exploitation in the Indonesian Law using Islamic jurisprudence as the evaluative instrument. It focuses on how far the congruity between both in portraying the patent and punishment for its exploitation is. We use analytical and critical method as well as comparative ones. The careful study on this law and Islamic jurisprudence including its principles and purposes makes it clear that both agree on patent as a part of wealth and property and therefore, it needs protection as well as rules on punishment for the aggressors. Both also share the same opinion on patent exploitation rules whether personal exploitation or through a license contract. However, Islamic jurisprudence has established procedures for patent exploitation and one of which is that it should not harm others

    Al-‘Alāmah al-Tijāriyyah wa Ḥimāyatuhā fī al-Qānūn al-Indūnīsī: Dirāsah Fiqhiyyah Taqwīmiyyah

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    The trademark plays an important role in economic life, as it is a way for the merchant to distinguish his products from those produced by others. It also helps consumers to identify the products they want. Therefore, the countries of the world have agreed to conduct agreements to protect it, on top of which is the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). When the State of Indonesia agreed to sign this agreement, it had to provide legal cover in the field of the trademark. The research aims to demonstrate trademark protection in Indonesian law and Islamic jurisprudence. This research falls within the library search, and its description is an analytical and critical description. After careful consideration, the research concludes that Indonesian law and Islamic jurisprudence are in agreement of considering the trademark as property and right. So, they agree on the necessity of trademark protection and imposing the punishment for the aggressor. Meanwhile, they differ in the imprisonment; the law considers it as a basic punishment while Islamic jurisprudence considers it as a secondary punishmen

    A case of vision loss in a patient with Giant Cell Arteritis

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    Background: Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) is the most common large vessel vasculitis (1) and carries the potential for life-changing morbidity manifested as permanent vision loss or other neurological deficit. Despite these well understood complications, literature suggests that a significant delay to diagnosis in GCA exists. (2) Owing to the gradual and non-specific symptoms associated with GCA, patients are likely to present in the ambulatory setting. This case report aims to provide an example of a delay to diagnosis in GCA and improve awareness of the diagnostic challenges facing primary healthcare providers. Case Description: An 80 year old Caucasian female presented to her PCP with a 1 week history of aching left sided neck pain with radiation to posterior scalp. She denied any associated symptoms. Medical history included Coronary Artery Disease and Right Supraspinatus Tear. Neck pain was initially diagnosed as cervical spondylosis and the patient was discharged with physical therapy referral. Over the following weeks the patient presented twice to her PCP and once to the Emergency Department (ED) with symptoms including scalp pain, fatigue, persistent headache, pain in her mouth and weight loss. Work-up during this time included routine labs and MRI Brain and C-spine which did not reveal a diagnosis. 8 weeks following the onset of symptoms the patient presented to the ED with partial vision loss in her right eye. ESR was found to be elevated at 47mm/hr. She was started on Prednisone 60mg PO daily and underwent Temporal Artery Biopsy (TAB) which confirmed the diagnosis of Giant Cell Arteritis. Despite oral steroids she developed vision loss in the contralateral eye and was admitted to hospital to receive IV corticosteroids. She was subsequently started on Tocilizumab (Actemra) with tapering of corticosteroids. 4 months following her initial vision loss she reported no improvement in vision despite adherence to therapy. 6 months after the diagnosis of GCA she was admitted for severe sepsis and lower GI bleeding secondary to terminal ileitis. She had poor functional recovery following discharge from hospital and died under hospice care 7 months later. Discussion: A recent meta-analysis estimates the mean time from presentation to diagnosis of GCA at 9 weeks.(2) This case demonstrates a similar pattern and highlights the challenge and importance of achieving a prompt diagnosis. Existing literature suggests that few of the classic symptoms and physical signs are predictive of biopsy-confirmed GCA.(3) Furthermore, none of these history and physical points are reliable to rule out GCA. However, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) has demonstrated utility in ruling out GCA with reported sensitivity ranging from 85-96% for any ESR elevation and Negative Likelihood Ratio of 0.2 for normal ESR (3,4). The American College of Rheumatology published Classification Criteria for GCA in 1990, however comprehensive management guidelines are still under development. Existing European and British guidelines endorse maintaining a high-degree of clinical suspicion to prompt urgent referral for TAB and specialist evaluation. (5, 6). To improve clinical outcomes through rapid diagnosis, studies of fast-track referral pathways have demonstrated reduced rates of permanent-vision loss compared to conventional care (7). Nonetheless, increased primary care awareness is necessary for consideration of this less common but potentially catastrophic diagnosis.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2020caserpt/1016/thumbnail.jp

    Pym and the Popular: Form and Structure of the Novel

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    Cybersecurity Hygiene in the Era of Internet of Things (IoT): Best Practices and Challenges

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    The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) has resulted in an increasing number of interconnected devices, creating new opportunities for data collection and automation. However, this expansion also brings with it unique cybersecurity challenges. This research paper aims to investigate the best practices for maintaining cybersecurity hygiene in the IoT environment and explore the challenges that need to be addressed to ensure robust security for these connected devices. This study will delve into the vulnerabilities associated with IoT devices, their impact on overall system security, and the potential solutions that can be implemented to enhance cybersecurity hygiene in the IoT environment


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    Decision making process is a huge and crucial activity that must be given high attention by decision makers and managers as it affects all business strategies in organizations. Computer Based Decision Support System (DSS) is built and developed to assist decision makers in the activity of decision making process. DSS includes different components that integrate together out of which the most important part is the model based system. As a result of the rapidly increasing and sustainable needs of organizations, suppliers have become essential to any business. On the other hand, decision makers and managers face challenges when they are about to select suppliers due to the strong competitiveness among suppliers, obstacles that they will face when poor decisions are made, and many other reasons. Evaluating and selecting suppliers has been considered as the most critical and important process among the whole purchasing processes. However most of the existing models that have been proposed to support supplier selection decisions have various shortcomings. All the drawbacks of these models will be discussed during this research in details which indicates the urgent need for new suitable model. This research intends to develop a new hybrid model base DSS for supplier selection process that can guarantee better decision making. The new proposed model provides a suitable tool for assisting decision makers and managers to make the right decisions and select the most suitable supplier. The proposed model depends upon linear weightage model and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach. The proposed hybrid model will be applied using a real life case study to assess its effectiveness. In addition, What-if analysis technique will be used for model validation purpose. Finally, DSS software will be developed to utilize the proposed model to assist supplier selection decisions