45 research outputs found

    Hypocholesterolemic effect of red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) on hypercholesterolemia induced rats

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    This study was carried out to evaluate the total phenolic content and anti-oxidant activity of methanolic extract of red pitaya, and hypocholesterolemic effect of red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) on lipid profiles status on hypercholesterolemia induced rats. From the analysis, total phenolic content in red pitaya is 46.06 ± 1.77 mg GAE/100 g fresh weight and antioxidant activity is 76.10% using FTC method. TBA analysis also showed red pitaya extract had high antioxidant effect (72.90%). An in-vivo study also showed red pitaya has hypocholesterolemic effect on induced hypercholesterolemia rats. After 11 weeks of study, total blood cholesterol significant decrease (p<0.05) in the groups supplement with red pitaya. The total cholesterol (TC) level for group PF1 were reduced from 3.356 mmol/L to 1.707 mmol/L (49.14%), group PF2 reduced from 3.435 mmol/L to 1.487 mmol/L (56.72%) and group PF3 reduced from 3.448 mmol/L to 1.412 mmol/L (59.06%) as compare to baseline respectively. The mean total cholesterol level in both negative (N – 5.12%) and positive controls (group HC – 13.79%) were not significantly different (p<0.05). The mean triglycerides (TG) level for all groups had shown a reduction (p<0.05) with value of 23.87% (group N), 22.674% (group HC), 42.81% (group PF1), 52.82% (group PF2) and 59.52% (group PF3) as compare to baseline levels. The mean HDL level increased by about 2.12% (group N), 19.31% (group PF1), 21.93% (group PF2) and much higher increase in group PF3 (34.42%). The mean LDL decreased by about 39.06% (PF3), 15.10% (PF2), 1.50% (PF1) and 4.33% (group N). The positive control has showed significantly increase with the mean value for 25.68%. In conclusion, all groups that received red pitaya supplementation has high antioxidant properties and showed a good results in managing of lipid profile. It was suggested that the consumption of red pitaya demonstrated the potential to reduce dyslipidemia and play a role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease

    Determination of radical scavenging activity and vitamin A, C and E in organically grown red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.)

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    This study was conducted to determine radical scavenging activity and vitamin antioxidant composition in red pitaya from organic plantation. For antioxidant vitamins analysis, a reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography was used and radical scavenging activity of methanolic and water extract were determined using 1,1-diphenyl-2-pircrylhydrazyl assay. Results for radical scavenging activity, red pitaya methanolic extract achieved the highest percentage 70.13% compared with water extract (47.13%). Antioxidant vitamins composition in red pitaya showed that the concentration of vitamin A is 120.13 ± 0.69 μg/100 g freeze-dried sample, vitamin C is 540.27 ± 0.59 μg/100 g fresh samples and vitamin E is 105.67 ± 0.56 μg/100 g freeze-dried samples. This shows that red pitaya may become an alternative and potential source of natural antioxidant

    Hypocholesterolemic effect of red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) on hypercholesterolemia indeuced rats

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    This study was carried out to evaluate the total phenolic content and anti-oxidant activity of methanolic extract of red pitaya, and hypocholesterolemic effect of red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) on lipid profiles status on hypercholesterolemia induced rats. From the analysis, total phenolic content in red pitaya is 46.06 ± 1.77 mg GAE/100g fresh weight and antioxidant activity is 76.10% using FTC method. TBA analysis also showed red pitaya extract had high antioxidant effect (72.90%). An in-vivo study also showed red pitaya has hypocholesterolemic effect oninduced hypercholesterolemia rats. After 11 weeks of study, total blood cholesterol significant decrease (p<0.05) in the groups supplement with red pitaya. The total cholesterol (TC) level for group PF1 were reduced from 3.356 mmol/L to 1.707mmol/L (49.14%), group PF2 reduced from 3.435 mmol/L to 1.487 mmol/L (56.72%) and group PF3 reduced from 3.448 mmol/L to 1.412 mmol/L (59.06%) as compare to baseline respectively. The mean total cholesterol level in both negative (N–5.12%) and positive controls (group HC–13.79%) were not significantly different (p<0.05). The mean triglyce rides (TG) level for all groups had shown a reduction (p<0.05) with value of 23.87% (group N), 22.674% (group HC), 42.81% (group PF1), 52.82% (group PF2) and 59.52% (group PF3) as compare to baseline levels. The mean HDL level increased by about 2.12% (group N), 19.31% (group PF1), 21. 93% (group PF2) and much higher increase in group PF3 (34.42%). The mean LDL decreased by about 39.06% (PF3), 15.10% (PF2), 1.50% (PF1) and 4.33% (group N). The positive control has showed significantly increase with the mean value for 25.68%. In conclusion, all groups that received red pitaya supplementation has high antioxidant properties and showed a good results in managing of lipid profile. It was suggested that the consumption of red pitaya demonstrated the potential to reduce dyslipidemia and play a role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease

    Transforming Arithmetic Asian Option PDE to the Parabolic Equation with Constant Coefficients

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    Arithmetic Asian options are difficult to price and hedge, since at present, there is no closed-form analytical solution to price them. Transforming the PDE of the arithmetic the Asian option to a heat equation with constant coefficients is found to be difficult or impossible. Also, the numerical solution of the arithmetic Asian option PDE is not very accurate since the Asian option has low volatility level. In this paper, we analyze the value of the arithmetic Asian option with a new approach using means of partial differential equations (PDEs), and we transform the PDE to a parabolic equation with constant coefficients. It has been shown previously that the PDE of the arithmetic Asian option cannot be transformed to a heat equation with constant coefficients. We, however, approach the problem and obtain the analytical solution of the arithmetic Asian option PDE

    Association of dietary patterns with sociodemographic and health-related factors among Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) patients

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    This study aimed to identify the association of dietary patterns with sociodemographic and health-related characteristics among coronary artery disease patients. In this cross-sectional study, the participants were 250 patients coronary artery disease aged ≥ 40 years old. Data collection was done using questionnaires related to sociodemographics, health-related factors, and food-frequency intake information. Three dietary patterns (traditional, western, and healthy) were obtained using principal component analysis. The result showed that dietary patterns were associated with sociodemographic and health-related factors. According to the result, all the factors were taken very seriously when planning a promotional program for healthy lifestyle in prevention of CAD

    The Malaysian creative content industry: how do we fare vis a vis United States and South Korea?

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    The Malaysian creative content industry is a young industry, having its origins as early as in the 1930s. It proves its potential where many emerging local talents are being recognized and accepted by the international audience. Unfortunately, it is not at par with other rapidly evolving content industries like the Korean hallyu culture or the United States’ Hollywood industry. Several factors have been cited for this, namely the conflicting interest between the original creators and the corporate or private investors in Malaysia especially with regards to residual payments which rarely exists in Malaysia. Poor quality scripts and constraints in terms of production performance due to the limitation of funding and budgets are among other identified factors. It is claimed that private investors tend to manipulate the business model to gain higher profit margin and this deprives the rights of the original creators. This is the core issue that the paper will explore by employing a qualitative method i.e. doctrinal analysis and semi structured interviews by studying existing model framework on content industry developed in the United States and South Korea in order to propose recommendations to improve the content creator's rights in Malaysia. Preliminary result of the study showed that in Malaysia, content creators could not survive only on the earnings from acting to sustain their life without resorting to other part time jobs, unlike the Hollywood industry. The paper will contribute in further enhancing the Malaysian creative content industry as it is one of the Entry Point Project in the Malaysian Economic Transformation Program

    Guidelines and legal ecosystem for the creation of Islamic content in Malaysia: towards consumer empowerment = Garis panduan dan ekosistem undang-undang bagi penciptaan kandungan kreatif Islam di Malaysia: mendepani pemberdayaan pengguna

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    The contents of creative industry must portray the cultural and religious values of the country. As a tool of nation building, creative industry plays a fundamental role in inculcating good values and the avoidance of social illnesses. The objective of this study is to examine the importance and growth of Islamic contents in Malaysian creative industry. By employing qualitative research methods, namely, content analysis and interviews, the study found that there is increase in the demand for Islamic contents. This study intends to highlight some of the concerns raised by both producers and consumers of creative content with the hope of empowering consumers in choosing content that is more suitable to their cultural and religious needs. For the Islamic content industry to flourish, having a supportive legal eco-system is imperative. This study explores the existing guidelines on Islamic content as a well as relevant legislation that governs content creation in Malaysia. The study concludes with some policy recommendations that would assist in harnessing the creation of Islamic content in Malaysia. Kandungan yang dipertontonkan melalui industri kreatif sesebuah negara mesti menggambarkan nilai budaya dan agama negara tersebut. Sebagai salah satu alat bagi pembentukan bangsa, industri kreatif memainkan peranan penting dalam menanam nilai-nilai murni dan mengelakkan gejala-gejala sosial. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kepentingan dan perkembangan kandungan yang berunsur Islamik di dalam industri kreatif Malaysia. Dengan menggunakan kaedah penyelidikan kualitatif, iaitu analisis kandungan dan wawancara, kajian mendapati terdapat peningkatan terhadap permintaan untuk kandungan-kandungan Islamik. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetengahkan beberapa isu yang dikemukakan oleh keduadua pembikin dan pengguna kandungan-kandungan kreatif dengan harapan untuk memperkasakan pengguna dalam memilih kandungan yang lebih bersesuaian dengan keperluan budaya dan agama mereka

    Efficiency of waste as cement replacement in foamed concrete—A review

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    Foamed concrete is a lightweight construction material that has gained popularity due to its excellent thermal and acoustic insulation properties. Foamed concrete production involves using cement as a binding agent, which results in a high carbon footprint. In response to sustainable development goals (SDG), there has been a growing interest in exploring alternative materials that can replace cement to improve energy efficiency, climate change, resource efficiency, and overall improvement of foamed concrete properties. Several tons of waste generated annually from industry, agriculture, and quarries are dumped into landfills and cause environmental impacts. Nevertheless, the efficiency of this waste presents an interesting question and there is limited knowledge of its use in foamed concrete. Hence, a review study is needed to evaluate the efficiency of different waste materials that could be used to replace cement in foamed concrete production. The objective of this research is to summarize the efficiency of industrial waste (IW) as a pozzolan alternative (PA) for cement replacement in foamed concrete (FC) production. This study aims to evaluate the chemical, physical, and pozzolanic reactions of selected IW and compare them to cement and selected pozzolans to determine the effect of efficient IW on the compressive strength and durability of FC. This research evaluated the efficiency of IW in PA by characterizing their chemical, physical, and pozzolanic reactions. The selected IW was studied and compared to cement and selected pozzolans using XRF and XRD analyses. This study also performed the Frattini test to determine the strength activity index (SAI) of efficient IW. The efficiency of IW in PA was evaluated by comparing the SAI of efficient IW to the minimum 75% required by BS3892. The compressive strength and durability of FC with efficient IW were determined by evaluating the microstructure of the hardened paste of FC using capillary void analysis. The study found that efficient IW, which was classified as siliceous pozzolan type F (ASTMC618-SAF > 70%), rich in amorphous silica and a high Blaine specific area, can replace cement in FC production. The XRF and XRD results showed that the m ost crystalline components obtained in the IW are SiO2 , Al2O3, CaCO3, and Fe2O3 . The efficient IW produced more calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) and denser FC, making it stronger, with fewer voids and higher resistance to water absorption. The Frattini test showed that the SAI of efficient IW is greater than the minimum 75% required by BS3892. Incorporating efficient IW as cement replacement in FC produced higher compressive strength and improved the durability of FC. The novelty of this research is in the evaluation of efficient IW as a replacement material for cement in FC production. This study shows that efficient IW can promote the use of waste materials, reduce CO2 emissions, conserve energy and resources, and improve the properties of FC. This study’s findings can be used by construction industry players to support sustainable development goals by reducing the use of cement and promoting the use of waste materials as a replacement material for cement

    Global and mitosis-specific interobserver variation in mitotic count scoring and implications for malignant melanoma staging

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    AIMS Staging is the gold standard for predicting malignant melanoma outcome but changes in its criteria over time indicate ongoing evolution. One notable recent change from the 8 edition of the AJCC staging manual was removal of mitotic count. We explore the extent that this feature is limited by interobserver error in order to find ways to improve its fitness for use should it be revisited in future staging versions. METHODS AND RESULTS In a cohort of 476 patients with melanoma ≤ 1.0 mm, a mitotic count of 0 vs 1 was significant for metastasis-free survival, but not melanoma-specific or overall survival. In 10 melanomas that were 0.9 to 1.0 mm thick, the mitotic count intra-class correlation coefficient for histopathologists was 0.58 (moderate agreement). Uniquely, we also assessed agreement for specific putative mitotic figures, identifying precise reasons why specific mitotic figures qualified for scoring or elimination. A kappa score was 0.54 (moderate agreement). We also gathered data on other staging features. Breslow thickness had an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.41 (moderate agreement) and there was a systematic difference between histopathologists across cases (p = 0.04). Every case had a range that crossed the AJCC8 0.8 mm pT1a/pT1b staging boundary. Ulceration was only identified in 2 out the 10 cases. For ulceration, kappa agreement score was 0.31 (fair). CONCLUSION This study supports the removal of mitotic count from staging but shows that its scoring is substantially affected by interobserver variation, suggesting that more prescriptive guidelines might have a beneficial impact on its prognostic value