42 research outputs found

    Analysis of the factors related to mortality in patients with primary brain and central nervous system tumors

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    BACKGROUND: The present study aimed to assess the factors associated with the mortality of patints with brain tumor surgery at Be’sat Hospital in Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran.METHODS: In this prospectively cross-sectional study, 108 patients diagnosed with brain tumor and followed by a surgery during April to December of 2014 were recruited. Eighteen cases were excluded from the study due to lack of information about their treatment outcomes. Patients’ information including age, gender, tumor type, tumor location, type of treatment, and extent of resection was collected by a checklist. Clinical outcome of the patients in six months after surgery was determined through phone calling to patients. All analyses conducted in SPSS software using logistic regression.RESULTS: Forty-seven (52.2%) of the studied subjects were women. The age of cases ranged from 3 to 83 years with total mean of 43.4 ± 21.9 years. In six months after treatment, 41 (45.6%) of the treated patients died. After excluding 9 children from final analysis and modeling the data by logistic regression, statistically significant associations were observed between death from central nervous system (CNS) tumor and male gender [odds ratio (OR): 5.25, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.38–21.99], higher age (OR: 1.07, 95% CI: 1.02–1.13), partial vs. total resection (OR: 20.24, 95% CI: 1.21–337.51), and high malignant potential tumors (OR: 14.77, 95% CI: 4.85–45.02).CONCLUSION: The results showed that both demographic (advanced age and male gender) and clinical factors (high malignant potential tumors and partial removal of tumor) related to the worse outcome in patients with primary CNS tumors during six months after surgery

    Exploring Objective Interpretation: The Poetry of Mala Abdul Karim Mudarris in Nami's Tafsir

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     In this scholarly exploration, we delve into the distinguished Kurdish scholar Mala Abdulkarim Mudarris, known as "Nami," and his unique contribution to Kurdish literature. Despite his significant poetic accomplishments, Nami never compiled a dedicated collection of his works, making his extensive contributions particularly noteworthy. As the first Kurdish scholar to author a poetry book titled 'Bade w Arwzi Al Zaman,' Nami holds a prominent place in literary history. His multifaceted prowess as a writer and poet is evident in his dedication to both his sacred faith and the nuanced interpretation of the Quran. This discourse unfolds in two chapters, first introducing Mudarris and Nami's exegesis, and then exploring the intricate interplay of poetry within Nami's commentary. Through this endeavor, the study enriches Kurdish literature, enhances Quranic understanding, and establishes a profound link between Islamic faith and the cultural tapestry of Kurdistan

    Deep Learning Based Car Damage Classification and Cost Estimation

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    Due to the increasing number of people driving cars, the number of insurance claims has also increased. This process involves the manual assessment of the vehicle by an insurance company's service engineer, as well as the physical inspection by a licensed insurance company representative. An end-to-end solution has been proposed that would allow the customer and the insurance company to automate the process of recognizing the damaged area in the vehicles and estimating the cost of the damage. It would allow them to get a better understanding of the condition of the vehicle. For this purpose, A deep learning, Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (Mask RCNN) model was utilized in this work to classify vehicle damages costs. Two Mask RCNN models were utilized, the first one was used to detect the sides of the vehicle, which will affect damage cost estimation and the second was used to find the area of the damage. The Experimental work shows that the proposed model gives reasonable results to estimate the cost of the damage. We achieve an accuracy of 98.5% with the combination of the two Mask RCNN models. And showed that Mask RCNN has a promising result to detect the area of the damage in the car

    Analysis of the factors related to mortality in patients with primary brain and central nervous system tumors

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    BACKGROUND: The present study aimed to assess the factors associated with the mortality of patints with brain tumor surgery at Be’sat Hospital in Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran. METHODS: In this prospectively cross-sectional study, 108 patients diagnosed with brain tumor and followed by a surgery during April to December of 2014 were recruited. Eighteen cases were excluded from the study due to lack of information about their treatment outcomes. Patients’ information including age, gender, tumor type, tumor location, type of treatment, and extent of resection was collected by a checklist. Clinical outcome of the patients in six months after surgery was determined through phone calling to patients. All analyses conducted in SPSS software using logistic regression. RESULTS: Forty-seven (52.2%) of the studied subjects were women. The age of cases ranged from 3 to 83 years with total mean of 43.4 ± 21.9 years. In six months after treatment, 41 (45.6%) of the treated patients died. After excluding 9 children from final analysis and modeling the data by logistic regression, statistically significant associations were observed between death from central nervous system (CNS) tumor and male gender [odds ratio (OR): 5.25, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.38–21.99], higher age (OR: 1.07, 95% CI: 1.02–1.13), partial vs. total resection (OR: 20.24, 95% CI: 1.21–337.51), and high malignant potential tumors (OR: 14.77, 95% CI: 4.85–45.02). CONCLUSION: The results showed that both demographic (advanced age and male gender) and clinical factors (high malignant potential tumors and partial removal of tumor) related to the worse outcome in patients with primary CNS tumors during six months after surgery

    Validation of Urinary Glycosaminoglycans in Iranian patients with Mucopolysaccharidase type I: The effect of urine sedimentation characteristics

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    How to Cite This Article:Abdi M, Khatami Sh, Hakhamaneshi MS, Alaei MR, Azadi NA, Zamanfar D, Taghikhani M.Validation of Urinary Glycosaminiglycans in Iranian Patients with Mucopolysaccharidose Type I: The Effect of Urine Sedimentation Characteristics. Iran J Child Neurol. 2014; 8(4):39-45. AbstractObjectiveThe first line-screening test for mucopolysaccharidosis is based on measurement of urinary glycosaminoglycans. The most reliable test for measurement of urine glycosaminoglycans is the 1,9-dimethyleneblue colorimetric assay. Biological markers are affected by ethnical factors, for this reason, the World Health Organization recommends that the diagnostic test characteristics should be used to determine results for different populations. This study determines the diagnostic value of 1,9-dimethyleneblue tests for diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidosis type I patients in Iran.Materials & Methods In addition to routine urine analysis, the qualitative and quantitative measurements of urine glucosaminoglycans were performed with the Berry spot test and 1,9-dimethyleneblue assay. Diagnostic values of the tests were determined using the ROC curve.ResultsUrine total glycosaminoglycans were significantly higher in male subjects than in female subjects. Glycosaminoglycan concentration was markedly decreased in specimens with elevated white blood cell and epithelial cells count. Using a cut-off level of 10.37 mg/g creatinine, sensitivity, and specificity were 100% and 97.22%, respectively, for a 1,9-dimethyleneblue colorimetric assay.ConclusionUrine glycosaminoglycans concentration significantly differs in our studied population. In addition to determine diagnostic validity of the 1,9-dimethyleneblue test, our results demonstrate the usefulness of measuring glycosaminoglycans for early screening of mucopolysaccharidosis type I Iran. ReferencesJackson RL, Busch SJ, Cardin AD. Glycosaminoglycans: molecular properties, protein interactions, and role in physiological processes. Physiological reviews. 1991 Apr;71(2):481-539.Ghaderi S. The biochemistry base of mucopolysaccharidoses and approach to. Genetics in the 3rd millennium. [Educational]. 2006;4(1):711-22.Mizumoto S, Ikegawa S, Sugahara K. Human genetic disorders caused by mutations in genes encoding biosynthetic enzymes for sulfated glycosaminoglycans. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2013 Apr 19;288(16):10953-61.Salbach J, Rachner TD, Rauner M, Hempel U, Anderegg U, Franz S, et al. Regenerative potential of glycosaminoglycans for skin and bone. 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The clinical art and science of urine microscopy. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2003 Nov;12(6):625-32.Berry HK. Screening for mucopolysaccharide disorders with the Berry spot test. Clinical biochemistry. 1987 Oct;20(5):365-71.de Jong JG, Hasselman JJ, van Landeghem AA, Vader HL, Wevers RA. The spot test is not a reliable screening procedure for mucopolysaccharidoses. Clinical chemistry. 1991 Apr;37(4):572-5.Mabe P, Valiente A, Soto V, Cornejo V, Raimann E. Evaluation of reliability for urine mucopolysaccharidosis screening by dimethylmethylene blue and Berry spot tests. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry. 2004 Jul;345(1-2):135-40.Mahalingam K, Janani S, Priya S, Elango EM, Sundari RM. Diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidoses: how to avoid false positives and false negatives. Indian J Pediatr. 2004 Jan;71(1):29-32.de Jong JG, Wevers RA, Laarakkers C, Poorthuis BJ. 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    Associations of clinical, psychological, and sociodemographic characteristics and ecological momentary assessment completion in the 10-week Hypo- METRICS study:Hypoglycaemia MEasurements ThResholds and ImpaCtS

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    Introduction: Reporting of hypoglycaemia and its impact in clinical studies is often retrospective and subject to recall bias. We developed the Hypo-METRICS app to measure the daily physical, psychological, and social impact of hypoglycaemia in adults with type 1and insulin-treated type 2 diabetes in real-time using ecological momentary assessment(EMA). To help assess its utility, we aimed to determine Hypo-METRICS app completion rates and factors associated with completion.Methods: Adults with diabetes recruited into the Hypo-METRICS study were given validated patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) at baseline. Over 10 weeks, they wore a blinded continuous glucose monitor (CGM), and were asked to complete three daily EMAs about hypoglycaemia and aspects of daily functioning, and two weekly sleep and productivity PROMs on the bespoke Hypo-METRICS app. We conducted linear regression to determine factors associated with app engagement, assessed by EMA and PROM completion rates and CGM metrics.Results: In 602 participants (55% men; 54% type 2 diabetes; median(IQR) age 56 (45-66)years; diabetes duration 19 (11-27) years; HbA1c 57 (51-65) mmol/mol), median(IQR)overall app completion rate was 91 (84-96)%, ranging from 90 (81-96)%, 89 (80-94)% and94(87-97)% for morning, afternoon and evening check-ins, respectively. Older age, routine CGM use, greater time below 3.0 mmol/L, and active sensor time were positively associated with app completion.Discussion: High app completion across all app domains and participant characteristics indicates the Hypo-METRICS app is an acceptable research tool for collecting detailed data on hypoglycaemia frequency and impact in real-time

    Associations of clinical, psychological, and sociodemographic characteristics and ecological momentary assessment completion in the 10-week Hypo- METRICS study:Hypoglycaemia MEasurements ThResholds and ImpaCtS

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    Introduction: Reporting of hypoglycaemia and its impact in clinical studies is often retrospective and subject to recall bias. We developed the Hypo-METRICS app to measure the daily physical, psychological, and social impact of hypoglycaemia in adults with type 1and insulin-treated type 2 diabetes in real-time using ecological momentary assessment(EMA). To help assess its utility, we aimed to determine Hypo-METRICS app completion rates and factors associated with completion.Methods: Adults with diabetes recruited into the Hypo-METRICS study were given validated patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) at baseline. Over 10 weeks, they wore a blinded continuous glucose monitor (CGM), and were asked to complete three daily EMAs about hypoglycaemia and aspects of daily functioning, and two weekly sleep and productivity PROMs on the bespoke Hypo-METRICS app. We conducted linear regression to determine factors associated with app engagement, assessed by EMA and PROM completion rates and CGM metrics.Results: In 602 participants (55% men; 54% type 2 diabetes; median(IQR) age 56 (45-66)years; diabetes duration 19 (11-27) years; HbA1c 57 (51-65) mmol/mol), median(IQR)overall app completion rate was 91 (84-96)%, ranging from 90 (81-96)%, 89 (80-94)% and94(87-97)% for morning, afternoon and evening check-ins, respectively. Older age, routine CGM use, greater time below 3.0 mmol/L, and active sensor time were positively associated with app completion.Discussion: High app completion across all app domains and participant characteristics indicates the Hypo-METRICS app is an acceptable research tool for collecting detailed data on hypoglycaemia frequency and impact in real-time

    Associations Between Hypoglycemia Awareness Status and Symptoms of Hypoglycemia Among Adults with Type 1 or Insulin-Treated Type 2 Diabetes Using the Hypo-METRICS Smartphone Application

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    Introduction: This study examined associations between hypoglycemia awareness status and hypoglycemia symptoms reported in real-time using the novel Hypoglycaemia-MEasurement, ThResholds and ImpaCtS (Hypo-METRICS) smartphone application (app) among adults with insulin-treated type 1 (T1D) or type 2 diabetes (T2D). Methods: Adults who experienced at least one hypoglycemic episode in the previous 3 months were recruited to the Hypo-METRICS study. They prospectively reported hypoglycemia episodes using the app for 10 weeks. Any of eight hypoglycemia symptoms were considered present if intensity was rated between "A little bit" to "Very much" and absent if rated "Not at all." Associations between hypoglycemia awareness (as defined by Gold score) and hypoglycemia symptoms were modeled using mixed-effects binary logistic regression, adjusting for glucose monitoring method and diabetes duration. Results: Of 531 participants (48% T1D, 52% T2D), 45% were women, 91% white, and 59% used Flash or continuous glucose monitoring. Impaired awareness of hypoglycemia (IAH) was associated with lower odds of reporting autonomic symptoms than normal awareness of hypoglycemia (NAH) (T1D odds ratio [OR] 0.43 [95% confidence interval {CI} 0.25-0.73], P = 0.002); T2D OR 0.51 [95% CI 0.26-0.99], P = 0.048), with no differences in neuroglycopenic symptoms. In T1D, relative to NAH, IAH was associated with higher odds of reporting autonomic symptoms at a glucose concentration &lt;54 than &gt;70 mg/dL (OR 2.18 [95% CI 1.21-3.94], P = 0.010). Conclusion: The Hypo-METRICS app is sensitive to differences in hypoglycemia symptoms according to hypoglycemia awareness in both diabetes types. Given its high ecological validity and low recall bias, the app may be a useful tool in research and clinical settings. The clinical trial registration number is NCT04304963.</p