4 research outputs found

    The function of rural service center in tourism activities

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    The concentration of facilities in an ordinary service center shows gaps between tourism product and facilities in the area. As a result, some rural service centers are not able to support the tourism activities in the area. The focus of this study is to review the rural service center function whether it offers a comprehensive or limited basic function to tourism activities. Thus, the service centers located on the east coast of Johor and south of Pahang are focussed because of their location in the Special Tourism Zone based on the National Physical Plan. Field observation techniques and estimations using location coefficient analysis were conducted to obtain detailed information about the function and interaction between the service center and tourism activities. Otherwise, opinion and reaction on the tourism provision in catchment area was getting from tourist using interview technique. Preliminary findings show that not all service centers are able to fulfill the tourism activities. As a result, others function like commercial, transportation, financial and others social facilities are still required to keep the tourism function in order to support tourism activities in rural areas

    Peranan pusat perkhidmatan luar bandar di Zon Pelancongan Khas Negara

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    Rural service centres (PPLBs) do not only play a vital role as focal points for economic activities and centralisation of facilities, but also in providing services for rural tourism activities. However, issues like limited access to tourism in rural areas, disproportionate distribution and limited provision of facilities, as well as constraints on maintenance funding sources have resulted in the slower growth of some PPLBs with potential for tourism activities, particularly those in the National Special Tourism Zone (ZPKN). The question that arises is how a specific function contributes to the strengths or weaknesses of a rural service centre (PPLB). Hence, this study aimed to measure the strength (supply) level of PPLBs that supports tourism activities, determine the basic functions that form the role of a PPLB in the ZPKN, and summarise the roles of PPLBs in tourism activities in the ZPKN. Through stratified random sampling, a total of 480 respondents participated in this study, of whom 240 were tourists, while the other 240 were entrepreneurs. Data were collected via observation, depth interview, report appraisal and questionnaire survey. Descriptive statistics were employed to answer the first research objective, while location coefficient analysis through centrality index was used to achieve the second research objective. Based on the location coefficient analysis, the PPLB offering the most functions was in Mersing with a mean value of 40.9, while the PPLB offering the least functions was in Sedili Besar with a mean value of 183.9. Seven (7) fundamental functions of PPLBs, which support tourism activities, were identified. Of these, traditional functions involving agriculture (29 functions), fishery (21 functions), carpentry and handicraft (10 functions), were on a decline. In contrast, functions involving retail (1550 functions), industry (150 functions), modern services (493 functions) and tourism (103 functions) were on the rise. In relation to the third research objective, it can be summarised that the PPLBs studied had six (6) main roles pertaining to tourism activities. PPLBs acted as destinations for tourists to gain access to basic necessities, accommodation, public transportation hub, credit and financial facilities, tourist information and communication centre and other supplementary services (health and safety). The implication is that although PPLBs provide limited functions, tourists do not have to travel far to gain access to these facilities. The impact of technology and social media has resulted in previously scarce commodities to be obtained easily and quickly

    The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis on rural entrepreneurs

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    Rural entrepreneurs are significant business groups, being the contributors to the nation’s economy. They are the creators of job opportunities, but they are facing great challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The objective of this research is to explore the impact of the pandemic on rural entrepreneurs. The current research was carried out at the Rural Community Centre (RCC) of Kg. Jelintoh, Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia. Being the most active RCC in conducting entrepreneurship programmes in 2019, that centre was chosen for this study. This exploration research utilised qualitative approach which involved an in-depth interview by using a semi-structured interview format with seven rural entrepreneurs. They were selected through a purposive sampling from the list of rural entrepreneurs. The data were analysed using a thematic analysis method. The results revealed two main themes of the impacts. The first theme was business operation which includes operation disruption, decrease in demand, shortage of logistic supply, and operation closure. The second theme involves business finance that consists of cash flow problems, unexpected increase in production cost, and access to economic stimulus package. The findings from this research provide good inputs to relevant agencies in assisting the rural entrepreneurs to resume their businesses. It is recommended that all types of rural businesses to be allowed to run their normal operations, ensure the smoothness of logistics supply, being offered with financial aids, reduce the production cost, and create an easy-access entry to economic stimulus package

    Rural service center availability in tourism facilities infrastructure at Malaysia special tourism zone

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    The role of rural service centers currently is very important in rural areas as the focal point for economic activities, agricultural output hub and facilities center. However, the level of availability of the service center to cater to the needs of the local and surrounding area are interesting to research. Through initiatives and strategic planning from local authorities, the level of rural areas availability mainly in service centers should be good and sustainable. Thus the level of availability of several rural service centers in the Malaysia Special Tourism Zone (through the Malaysia National Physical Plan 2) would be assessed. This level of availability includes study area development progress between local development plans within a predetermined plan (approximately 5-10 years). Both of these aspects will be assessed based on secondary information (Local District Plan and Corridor Development Plan) and field observation conducted. In addition, the developments of service centers (base on function) are recorded and Hotspot Method and Location Confident Method to analyze the level of urban development and as a measure of the level of availability to meet the needs of the future. Sustainable service center development in line with the local plan should ensure the availability of the facilities and infrastructure to meet the needs of the future