3,680 research outputs found

    Target Dependent Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity Among Hippocampal Interneurones

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    Kahayya Village as a Priority Destination for Rural Tourism Development Policy in Bulukumba Regency

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    This study aims to analyze the potential of the village of Kahayya Sub-District, Kindang District, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi Province to be developed as a priority destination for rural tourism development policies in Bulukumba District. This research uses descriptive qualitative by using SWOT analysis to explore the potential of its village in rural tourism development policies in Bulukumba District. Kahayya Village has the power in the form of beauty, uniqueness and the preservation of natural resources that are very good, while the weaknesses include facilities and infrastructure as well as the inadequate quality of human resources. Opportunities owned include strategic location of other tourist objects and cultural values of Bulukumba people are strong while threats include pollution of the environment and shifts in local culture. Kahayya Village's natural resources have better quality than the surrounding area and have the potential for rural tourism. The Kahayya tourism village has a large influence on improving the welfare of the local village community and contributing greatly to nature conservation

    Sociological perspective of performance appraisal: an overview

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    In today's competitive global market, managing employees is becoming more challenging and complex. There is a great demand for an effective managerial style as employees' expectations towards work are more diversified than before, It requires managers to acquire better knowledge and skills in understanding employees behavior at work. As employees are the key players in an organization, they play a vital role in determining the success and the survival of the organization. Employees can accept or reject any rule, procedure and regulation in the organization. Managers should understand that when employees come to work, they are not only contributing their knowledge, skills and abilities but also their emotions, creativity and personalities. So, in appraising their performance all the above factors should be taken into consideration because they affect employees' overall performance. Furthermore, the workers who come to work do not only aim for recognition and rewards but also for status, social acceptance, and power. Thus, every employee from all hierarchies will put great concern and interest on performance appraisal issues as they influence his/her future career development in the organization. Employees have realized that the outcomes of performance appraisal affect their rewards, determine their future career and give an impact on social relationships among them. Besides, the performance appraisal acts as one of the determinant factors in work motivation, commitment and loyalty. To ensure the success of performance appraisal, a new approach in evaluating employees that is totally different from evaluating other factors of production is needed. This paper highlights performance appraisal issues and determines how far the contributions of performance appraisal are being recognized, valued, and respected by the organization

    Multiple Cryogenic Packed Bed Dehydration and Separation ofC02 and Hydrocarbons from Natural Gas

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    A state-of-the-art methods for CO2 and water separation from natural gas is presented using multiple cryogenic packed beds. The main concept for such separation is the difference in freezing points on each component in natural gas stream. A series of pre-cooled beds for separation of water, C02 and natural gas are used in this study. Both dehydration and C02 removal process are kept slightly below the freezing point ofwater and CO2, respectively. It will undergo desublimation process, where vapor directly change phase to solid. The remaining components are unaffected and stay in vapor form. The dehydration process using cryogenic packed bed are studied in the temperature ranging from 0°C to -30°C. While the experiment for CO2 removal are studied at -70°Cto -100°C. The statistical optimizationofnatural gas separation are studied through simulation at high pressure and atmospheric pressure using cryogenic packed bed

    Müller glia activation in response to inherited retinal degeneration is highly varied and disease-specific

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    Despite different aetiologies, most inherited retinal disorders culminate in photoreceptor loss, which induces concomitant changes in the neural retina, one of the most striking being reactive gliosis by Müller cells. It is typically assumed that photoreceptor loss leads to an upregulation of glial fibrilliary acidic protein (Gfap) and other intermediate filament proteins, together with other gliosis-related changes, including loss of integrity of the outer limiting membrane (OLM) and deposition of proteoglycans. However, this is based on a mix of both injury-induced and genetic causes of photoreceptor loss. There are very few longitudinal studies of gliosis in the retina and none comparing these changes across models over time. Here, we present a comprehensive spatiotemporal assessment of features of gliosis in the degenerating murine retina that involves Müller glia. Specifically, we assessed Gfap, vimentin and chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan (CSPG) levels and outer limiting membrane (OLM) integrity over time in four murine models of inherited photoreceptor degeneration that encompass a range of disease severities (Crb1rd8/rd8, Prph2+/Δ307, Rho-/-, Pde6brd1/rd1). These features underwent very different changes, depending upon the disease-causing mutation, and that these changes are not correlated with disease severity. Intermediate filament expression did indeed increase with disease progression in Crb1rd8/rd8 and Prph2+/Δ307, but decreased in the Prph2+/Δ307 and Pde6brd1/rd1 models. CSPG deposition usually, but not always, followed the trends in intermediate filament expression. The OLM adherens junctions underwent significant remodelling in all models, but with differences in the composition of the resulting junctions; in Rho-/- mice, the adherens junctions maintained the typical rod-Müller glia interactions, while in the Pde6brd1/rd1 model they formed predominantly between Müller cells in late stage of degeneration. Together, these results show that gliosis and its associated processes are variable and disease-dependent

    Life table and demographic parameters of the tiger moth, Atteva sciodoxa Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) fed on Eurycoma longifolia Jack.

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    Age-specific life and fertility tables of the tiger moth, Atteva sciodoxa Meyrick were constructed under controlled environmental conditions. The highest apparent mortality (qx), real mortality (RM) and indispensable mortality (IM) values were recorded in the 1st instar larvae whilst the lowest in the fifth instar larvae. The longest lifespan of female moth was 19 days with 50% natural mortality (NM50) on day 15 and that of male was 16 days with NM50 on day 11. The mean number of eggs female-1 was 106.2 and oviposition period was 13.3 days. Values for the net reproductive rate (RO), mean generation time (TC), intrinsic rate of increase (rc), innate capacity of increase (rm), finite rate of increase (λ) and doubling time (DT) were 42.03 female offsprings female-1, 11.41 days, 0.33 day-1, 0.37 day-1, 1.39 female offsprings female-1 day-1 and 2.12 days, respectively

    Pattern of liver diseases in Sudanese children

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    Conductivity Studies on K-Carrageenan-Methyl Cellulose Blend as Bio-Polymer Electrolyte / Rosnah Zakaria and Ab Malik Marwan Ali

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    Solid polymer-based electrolyte materials are a great interest due to their many interesting characteristics such as flexibility, and it is easily prepared into films with a large surface area. Two sets of k-carrageenan-methyl cellulose samples were prepared using the solution casting method. Set 1, the wt% of k-Carrageenan was fixed at 0.1 wt%, while methyl cellulose and NH4I was varied. Set 2, the wt% of methyl-cellulose was fixed to 0.1 wt%, and the carrageenan and NH4I were varied. The functional group of samples were studied using FTIR spectroscopy, and the ionic conductivity was studied using impedance spectroscopy, EIS at room temperature. FTIR spectra from set 1 show a small hump at between the 1500 cm-1 to 1000 cm-1 spectra’s which O=S=O symmetrical vibration from methyl cellulose component. This hump was shifted to higher wavenumber due to the increasing of NH4I wt% in the samples. The second region of set 2’s spectra shows the wavenumber between 2000 cm-1 to 1500 cm-1 is the deformation of H-O-H band interactions and its wavenumber decreasing as the addition of salts increasing. The third region of spectra between 1500 cm-1 to 1000 cm-1 represents the band of O=S=O symmetrical vibration. This bands shifted to the lower wavenumber due to addition of salts, and it became less intense towards salt addition. On the other hand, the best conductivity is 6.00 x 10-8 S cm-1 which belongs to B2 of set 2 with the composition of 0.3 wt% k-carrageenan with 0.1 wt% methylcellulose and 0.6 wt% NH4I salt and the lowest conductivity is 3.19 x 10-9 S cm-1 which its composition is 0.1 wt% k-carrageenan with 0.4 wt% methylcellulose and 0.5 wt% NH4I salt in sample D1 of set 1. In conclusion, the optimum component by weight percentage of k-carrageenan: methyl cellulose: NH4I is 0.3:0.1:0.6