158 research outputs found

    Review and Negotiation of the Mortgage Loan Commitment - Practical Standards

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    Seventy-Five Years (1940-2015) of Lehigh University\u27s Chemistry Department

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    The 75-years 1940 to 2015 have been exciting ones for the Department of Chemistry; new buildings, new programs, energetic young faculty, enhanced research image, and a far broader coverage of Chemistry than our ancestors ever presumed. Five chairs guided the department through its first 75-years but it took 11 chairs (with two of them serving twice) to manage the second 75-years. As one of the Lehigh founding departments in 1865 our first 75-years have already been covered. The reader is directed to a history written by Robert D. Billinger, A History of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (1866-1941) which is available in original in the Lehigh Archives and as an on-line document. This sesquicentennial volume is also available in hardcopy with original illustrations in the archives or on-line

    An analysis of the quality of experimental design and reliability of results in tribology research

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    In recent years several high profile projects have questioned the repeatability and validity of scientific research in the fields of psychology and medicine. In general, these studies have shown or estimated that less than 50% of published research findings are true or replicable even when no breaches of ethics are made. This high percentage stems from widespread poor study design; either through the use of underpowered studies or designs that allow the introduction of bias into the results. In this work, we have aimed to assess, for the first time, the prevalence of good study design in the field of tribology. A set of simple criteria for factors such as randomisation, blinding, use of control and repeated tests has been made. These criteria have been used in a mass review of the output of five highly regarded tribology journals for the year 2017. In total 379 papers were reviewed by 26 reviewers, 28% of the total output of the journals selected for 2017. Our results show that the prevalence of these simple aspects of study design is poor. Out of 290 experimental studies, 2.2% used any form of blinding, 3.2% used randomisation of either the tests or the test samples, while none randomised both. 30% repeated experiments 3 or more times and 86% of those who repeated tests used single batches of test materials. 4.4% completed statistical tests on their data. Due to the low prevalence of repeated tests and statistical analysis it is impossible to give a realistic indication of the percentage of the published works that are likely to be false positives, however these results compare poorly to other more well studied fields. Finally, recommendations for improved study design for researchers and group design for research group leaders are given

    Promiscuous Binding in a Selective Protein: The Bacterial Na+/H+ Antiporter

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    The ability to discriminate between highly similar substrates is one of the remarkable properties of enzymes. For example, transporters and channels that selectively distinguish between various solutes enable living organisms to maintain and control their internal environment in the face of a constantly changing surrounding. Herein, we examine in detail the selectivity properties of one of the most important salt transporters: the bacterial Na/H antiporter. Selectivity can be achieved at either the substrate binding step or in subsequent antiporting. Surprisingly, using both computational and experimental analyses synergistically, we show that binding per se is not a sufficient determinant of selectively. All alkali ions from Li to Cs were able to competitively bind the antiporter's binding site, whether the protein was capable of pumping them or not. Hence, we propose that NhaA's binding site is relatively promiscuous and that the selectivity is determined at a later stage of the transport cycle

    Age-dependent effects of protein restriction on dopamine release

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    FUNDING AND DISCLOSURE This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [grant # BB/M007391/1 to J.E.M.], the European Commission [grant # GA 631404 to J.E.M.], The Leverhulme Trust [grant # RPG-2017-417 to J.E.M.] and the TromsĂž Research Foundation [grant # 19-SG-JMcC to J. E. M.). The authors declare no conflict of interest. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the help and support from the staff of the Division of Biomedical Services, Preclinical Research Facility, University of Leicester, for technical support and the care of experimental animals.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Reclaiming the humanity in personality Disorder.

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    This paper provides a commentary upon the nursing care of individuals diagnosed with personality disorder and associated education courses. The discussion focuses upon recent policy trends in the UK as a point of departure. This policy discourse is critical of mainstream mental health services in previously operating to exclude such individuals. One of the consequences has been a recent growth in interest in relevant training courses, many of which devote significant attention to staff attitudes regarding this client group. Various previous researchers and commentators have remarked upon the implications for practice of a perceived negative attitude among care staff. We reflect upon our own anecdotal experience of developing and delivering new university-based courses for practitioners working in the field of personality disorder to offer a particular critique of the UK context, in which this policy, training, and practice is framed. Social constructionist theories are drawn on to offer insights into public and practitioner discourse and the possible effects on therapeutic relationships. The available discourse constructs individuals with a diagnosis of personality disorder as essentially different from other people. We argue that staff training and practice development initiatives are likely to be more successful if such discourse is challenged, and attempts are made in therapeutic encounters to recognize shared characteristics and positive attributes as much as perceived difference and negative attributes. We refer to this as a re-engagement with common humanity. Despite the singular national context, the discursive themes explored are not necessarily restricted to the UK

    Role of Appetite-Regulating Peptides in the Pathophysiology of Addiction: Implications for Pharmacotherapy

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    Nutritional modulation of endogenous glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion: a review

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