5 research outputs found
Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos: Percepção Ambiental de Universitários em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Brasileira
O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a percepção ambiental de universitários de uma universidade federal destacando aspectos relativos à gestão integrada de resíduos sólidos, práticas pró-ambiental e principais problemas associados à sua falta em ambientes urbanos. Utilizou-se metodologia survey onde 135 acadêmicos de três cursos ligados às áreas de educação e ciências da saúde e ambiental participaram através de questionários semi-estruturados auto aplicados. Constatou-se que existem diferentes percepções dos acadêmicos sobra à gestão de resíduos sólidos no ambiente urbano. Por meio dos percentuais obtidos para os aspectos relativos à gestão os acadêmicos responderam ocorrer forma de coleta comum com 80%; 37% afirmou que não sabe o destino final dos resíduos, porém 75,5% responsabilizou o indivíduo pela geração dos mesmos. Observou-se que todos os estudantes praticam pelo menos uma das sete boas práticas pró-ambiental destacando o uso de papeis para rascunho e evitar uso de descartáveis com 60% e 66% respectivamente. O consumo não foi apontado como um problema, mas a educação foi apontada como capaz de influenciar as pessoas na mudança comportamental. A percepção dos reais problemas associados à falta de gestão integrada dos resíduos sólidos e suas consequências ambientais observadas, foram incontestáveis.The aim of the study was to assess the environmental perception of students of a Federal University emphasizing aspects of the Integrated Management of Solid Waste, pro-environmental practices and major problems associated with the lack of the management in urban environments. 135 students from three courses related to areas of education, health sciences and environmental participated through self applied semi-structured questionnaires. The results showed that students have different perceptions on solid waste management in urban environment. Through the responses obtained about the aspects of management, the academics responded that regular garbage collection (80%) is the most common where they live, 37% said affirmed that they do not know the final destination of the garbage, and 75.5% blamed the individuals for the problems caused by the excessive generation of waste. It was observed that all students practice at least one of the seven practice pro-environmental with emphasis on the use of scratch paper and control the use of disposable with 60% and 66%, respectively. Consumption was not mentioned as a environmental problem, but education was identified as the tool to influence people in changing attitudes. The perception of the real problems associated with the lack of integrated management of solid waste and its environmental consequences observed were indisputable
Laços familiares e aspectos materiais da dinâmica mercantil na cidade de São Paulo (séculos XVIII e XIX)
Based on the family ties established within the active merchant community of the city of São Paulo through the 18th and 19th centuries, the author sets out to tell the life story of nine merchants involved in matrimonial alliances, with a focus on the transactions carried out, their sociopolitical engagement and the fortunes of their descendants. Having done that, she seeks out connections between the urban development of the city center and the activities of these businessmen by means of analyses centered on the material aspects of their lives, particularly those related to their homes and home furniture