6 research outputs found

    I Biomaratón de Flora Española: ciencia ciudadana para visibilizar la biodiversidad vegetal

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    [ES] Con objeto de fomentar el interés por la botánica, surgió la idea de organizar el I Biomaratón de Flora Española: un evento de ciencia ciudadana en el que personas de todo el país salieron a fotografiar el mayor número posible de plantas. Se realizó utilizando la plataforma de ciencia ciudadana iNaturalist, y se vertebró por medio de coordinadores en todas las comunidades autónomas y de alrededor de 100 instituciones, que dieron apoyo y divulgación al evento. Del 21 al 23 de mayo de 2021, más de 1.000 participantes registraron unas 25.000 observaciones de más de 2.500 especies, aproximadamente el 25% de las especies documentadas en España. Además, se organizaron actividades asociadas, como charlas, paseos botánicos, talleres de manejo de la plataforma, etc. Posteriormente se realizó un datablitz, centrado en la identificación de grupos de plantas poco conocidos, complicados y/o atractivos, y en compartir las experiencias de las actividades realizadas, fomentando así la interacción entre botánicos y ciudadanos. Este ha sido el mayor evento de ciencia ciudadana centrado en la botánica organizado en España. Queda demostrado que la acción conjunta de aficionados y profesionales puede ayudar a fomentar la pasión por la biodiversidad.[EN] With the intention of fostering the interest in botany in the society, the idea of organizing the 1st Bioblitz of Spanish Flora arose: a citizen science event in which people from all over the country went out to register as many species of plants as possible through photographs. The event was organized throughout the iNaturalist citizen science platform, and later supported by coordinators in all the Spanish Autonomous Communities and around 100 institutions that gave support and dissemination of the event. From May 21st to 23rd of 2021, more than 1,000 participants recorded about 25,000 observations of more than 2,500 species, approximately 25% of the species documented in Spain. In addition, numerous associated activities were organized, such as talks, botanical walks, workshops, etc. Subsequently, a datablitz was held, focused on the identification of little-known, complicated and/or attractive plant groups, and to share the experiences of the activities carried out, thus promoting interaction between botanists and citizens. To conclude, some of the experiences of the Bioblitz were presented. This is the largest botanical-focused citizen science event ever organized in Spain. It has been proven that the cooperative action of amateurs and professionals might help foster the passion for biodiversity.Motivación y objetivos Resultados del I Biomaratón Evento datablitz para comunicar a científicos y ciudadanos Ciencia ciudadana como motor de interés botánico II Biomaratón de Flora Española Agradecimiento

    Mangement proposal of Habitat 4060 in southern slope of the Cantabrian Mountain Range (Spain)

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    1 página. Trabajo presentado al 1st International Symposium of the FIP. Global Strategy for plant conservation. (Valencia, España 13-17 de septiembre del 2011).The vegetation communities of creeper juniper scrub we have studied are included in code 4060: “Alpine and boreal heaths” (Annex I of Habitat Directive 92/43/CEE). They can be found in the southern slope of the Cantabrian Mountain Range, belonging to the following phytosociological association: Daphno cantabricae-Arctostaphyletum uva-ursi Rivas-Martínez, Izco & Costa 1971 (basophilous, temperate oceanic orotemperate hyperhumid, orocantabric creeper juniper scrub of the Juniperion alpinae alliance). Vaccinio microphylli-Juniperetum alpinae Rivas-Martínez & Géhu ex F. Prieto 1983 corr. Loidi & Biurrun 1996 nom. inv. et nom mut Rivas-Martínez & cols. 2011 (acidophilous, temperate oceanic orotemperate hyperhumid, orocantabric creeper juniper scrub of the Juniperion alpinae alliance). Genisto sanabrensis-Juniperetum alpinae F. Prieto 1983 nom. mut. Rivas-Martínez & cols. 2011 (acidophilous, temperate oceanic orotemperate humid-hyperhumid submediterranean, bercian-sanabrian creeper juniper scrub of the Cytision oromediterranei alliance). Vaccinio myrtilli-Juniperetum alpinae Rivas-Martínez 1965 nom. mut. Rivas-Martínez & cols. 2011 (acidophilous, temperate oceanic orotemperate humid-hyperhumid submediterranean north iberic sierran and orocantabric creeper juniper scrub of the Cytision oromediterranei alliance). The map of current distribution of these vegetation communities has been made using ArcGIS 9.2 software. It represents the location of the areas occupied by these kind of vegetation in the Cantabrian Mountain Range at scale 1:10000. This map has been related to the bioclimatic modelling of the territory, concerning the isobioclimates, and also to the biogeographical information. They have been characterized from a floristic point of view, showing the protected flora richness of each of the associations, taking into account the presence of taxa included in the Decree of Protected Flora of Castile and Leon (BOCYL, 2007) and their different threat categories. Finally, on the basis of obtained data, this type of community interest habitat is valued with the aim of establish management proposals for its use and conservation.Peer reviewe

    Possible changes in the potential habitat of several taxa included in the Decree of protected Flora of Castilla y León

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    Trabajo presentado a las XXIII Jornadas Internacionales de Fitosociología (Toledo, España, 2012).Peer reviewe

    Incorporating bioclimatic and biogeographic data in the construction of species distribution models in order to prioritize searches for new populations of threatened flora

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    12 páginas, 4 figuras, 1 tabla.The aim of this study was to analyse the usefulness of incorporating bioclimatic and biogeographic data into digital species prediction and modelling tools in order to identify potential habitats of rare or endangered flora taxa. Species distribution models (SDMs) were obtained using the Maximum entropy algorithm. Habitat suitability maps were based on sites of known occurrence of studied species. The study showed that highly reliable habitat prediction models can be obtained through the inclusion of bioclimatic and biogeographic maps when modelling these species. The resultant SDMs are able to fit the search area more closely to the characteristics of the species, excluding the percentage of highly suitable areas that are located far from the known distribution of the taxon, where the probability of finding the plant is low. Therefore, it is possible to overcome one of the most commonly encountered problems in the construction of rare or threatened flora taxa SDMs, derived from the low number of initial citations. The resulting SDMs and the vegetation map enable prioritization of the search for new populations and optimization of the economic and human resources used in the collection of field data.Environmental Department of the Castilla y León Regional GovernmentPeer reviewe

    Vegetation conservation status of the southern Picos de Europa National Park (León, Spain)

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    1 página.-- Trabajo presentado al 1st International Symposium of the FIP. Global Strategy for plant conservation. (Valencia, España 13-17 de septiembre del 2011).The Potentiality Distance Index (PDI) has been applied in order to establish the Vegetation Conservation Status of the southern Picos de Europa National Park. The Potentiality Distance Index (PDI) (cf. A. Penas, S. del Río & L. Herrero, Fitosociologia 42 (2): 23-31) is based on the application and interpretation of the Dynamic Phytosociological conception. Taking into account the successional relations among the different types of vegetation and their naturalness indexes is possible to define a formula for evaluating the distance to the series head (climax) and therefore to their optimum conservation status. To apply this Index we have drawn up the actual vegetation cartography of the 80-2(III) and 80-2(IV) map sheets, according to the Phytosociological principles. This cartography has been carried out by means of digitalizing the study area air photography and reviewing the vegetation in situ. These studies were supported by the “Consultoría y Asistencia Técnica para el desarrollo de Cartografía de Flora Amenazada y Fase I del Mapa de Vegetación 1:10000 del Parque Nacional Picos de Europa” contract. After applying the PDI, we can conclude that the Vegetation Conservation Status of the area is qualified as “VERY GOOD”.Peer reviewe