15 research outputs found

    Surgical Approaches to Congenital Anomalies of Esophagus

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    With prevalence of about 1 in 3000 live births, pediatric surgeons commonly deal with esophageal abnormalities, which may provide substantial clinical complications. Surprisingly, the embryologic processes underlying esophageal atresia (EA) with or without tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), one of the hallmark disease entities of pediatric surgery, have only lately been largely uncovered. When it comes to the treatment of congenital esophageal abnormalities, notably esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula, surgical methods are essential. In order to address the anatomical abnormalities and restore normal function, surgical correction is often necessary in the care of congenital esophageal anomalies, including esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula. In this review we are going to cover surgical approaches to repair those malformations, long-term outcomes, and latest developments in esophageal surgical approaches

    Idiopathic colonic calcification: a case report [Idiopathische Kalkeinlagerung im Colon: ein Fallbericht]

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    [english] We describe diffuse colonic calcification detected on CT scan of the abdomen in a young female patient who presented to our clinic with vague intermittent abdominal pain of four weeks duration. Her investigative profile was normal and her colonoscopy did not reveal any mucosal changes. Colonic calcification has been known to occur mostly as a result of ischemic phenomenon but the index case had no such features or any other predisposing factor. The patient is currently symptom-free and is following our clinic for the last 8 months. After the review of literature and thorough investigations her colonic calcification remains unexplained.<br>[german] Wir berichten über eine diffuse Kalkeinlagerung im Colon einer jungen Frau, die beim CT des Abdomens entdeckt wurde. Die Patientin wurde wegen unklarer, wiederholt auftretender Bauchschmerzen von 4 Wochen Dauer in unserer Klinik vorgestellt. Die allgemeine Untersuchung ergab einen regelrechten Befund, bei der allgemeinen Colonoskopie wurden keine Mucosa-Schäden gefunden. Verkalkungen im Colon wurden bisher als Folge von Ischämien angenommen, aber im vorliegenden Fall gab es keine derartigen Hinweise oder andere prädisponierende Faktoren. Die Patientin ist derzeit frei von Beschwerden und wird von unserer Klinik seit 8 Monaten überwacht. Nach Durchsicht der Literatur und gründlicher Untersuchung bleibt die Ursache der Verkalkung im Colon nicht erklärbar

    Feral Donkey Distribution and Ecological Impacts in a Hyper-Arid Region

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    The feral donkey (Equus asinus L.) is an invasive species in Saudi Arabia and can cause severe damage to natural and cultural heritage. Over the last 30 years, feral donkeys have become a serious problem, as their abundance and geographic distribution has increased drastically. The impacts of feral donkeys are not well documented, and information about their abundance and distribution is lacking, certainly in Saudi Arabia, which hampers the implementation of effective management plans. Accordingly, we used the minimum population number approach (MPN) to determine the number of feral donkeys in this part of northwest Saudi Arabia. A total of 1135 feral donkeys were encountered in the region. The area around Khaybar harbors ~25% (n = 338) of the feral donkey population, whereas Tayma and AlGhrameel nature reserves were the least-inhabited sites (almost absent). The average population density of feral donkeys was estimated as 1.03 (0.19 SE) donkey/km2. We documented the negative ecological impact of feral donkeys on natural resources, which constituted overgrazing that resulted in habitat fragmentation and competition for resources with native species. We propose urgent actions to control the presence of feral donkeys in the region and suggest humane eradication as the most efficient and applicable to significantly reduce the negative impacts of feral donkeys

    Content Analysis of Essential Economic Values in the Vocational Textbook as Compared to the Saudi Arabian Education Policy Document

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    This study explores the extent to which five essential economic values related to the themes of production, savings, moderation in expenditure, labor, and economic development were included in the Saudi Arabian Educational Policy Document and their reflection in a high school vocational textbook. A systematic quantitative descriptive approach was used to analyze the contents of the two documents. Results showed that the Education Policy Document only included the production domain value. The vocational textbook did not significantly include all economic values, except the theme related to respecting and the value of time. This means that the two documents should be revised to include these important economic values, as they are important for students’ future

    A Cross-Sectional Study about Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices among Primary Health Care Physicians in Jazan Province, Saudi Arabia, Regarding Rome IV Criteria for Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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    Background and objectives: Most individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are diagnosed by primary health care (PHC) physicians. However, a significant percentage of patients remain undiagnosed or misdiagnosed owing to the lack of knowledge or a systematic strategy regarding the use of ROME IV criteria for the diagnosis of IBS. Thus, in this study, we aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices among primary health care physicians in Jazan Province, Saudi Arabia, regarding ROME IV criteria for the diagnosis of IBS. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a pretested self-administered questionnaire that determines participants&rsquo; sociodemographic data and measures knowledge about ROME IV criteria, targeting PHC physicians in Jazan Province, Saudi Arabia. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) v.23. Results: We included 200 participants, and the majority of participants in our study (approximately 78%) were aware of the ROME IV diagnostic criteria for IBS; this awareness was associated with age, nationality, specialty, and classification. The participants&rsquo; mean level of knowledge was 4.30 (out of 6). However, knowledge was higher among Saudi and family medicine doctors in this study, as compared to non-Saudi and doctors of other specialties. More than two-thirds of participants who were aware of ROME IV criteria thought that they are sufficient to diagnose IBS; however, only 47.5% of physicians reported using ROME IV frequently in their daily practice. Conclusions: Most of the participants of this study are aware of ROME IV criteria, and better knowledge was noted among Saudi and family medicine physicians. About 70% thought that ROME IV criteria are effective enough to diagnose IBS, and only about half of the participants use ROME IV criteria in their practice. Therefore, due to its high prevalence in the region, further efforts are required to disseminate basic knowledge and improve attitudes and practices related to ROME IV criteria among PHC physicians of all specialties

    The Effect of Counterions on the Detection of Cu<sup>2+</sup> Ions in Aqueous Solutions Using Quartz Tuning Fork (QTF) Sensors Modified with L-Cysteine Self-Assembled Monolayers: Experimental and Quantum Chemical DFT Study

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    In this study, a sensing device employing a gold-coated quartz tuning fork (QTF) modified with a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of L-cysteine was evaluated for the sensitive detection of Cu2+ ions in aqueous solutions. Three copper (II) salts, CuSO4, CuCl2, and Cu(NO3)2, at four different concentrations (10−12, 10−10, 10−8, and 10−6 M) in small (100 μL) water sample amounts were each used as analytes to investigate the influence of their counterions in the detection of the Cu2+ ions. It was found that, among the counterions, the sulfate anion had the largest effect upon the detection of Cu2+ in water, in the following order: SO42− > Cl− > NO3−. The lower limit of detection of the Cu2+ ions detected was in the 10−12 M range. The frequency shifts measured with the QTFs relative to deionized water were inversely proportional to the concentration/mass of the analytes. Density functional theory calculations were conducted to understand the effect of the counterions on the respective electronic interaction energies for the apparent host–guest binding of the analytes with L-cysteine and with gold surface-bound L-cysteine molecules. Gas phase (both with and uncorrected BSSE) and solution phase interaction energies (ΔIE) calculated at the B3LYP/LANL2DZ and ωB97XD levels of theory showed that the stability for the complexes were in the following order: [L-cysteine]⊃[CuSO4] > [L-cysteine]⊃[CuCl2] > [L-cysteine]⊃[Cu(NO3)2], which supports our experimental findings, as they were in the same order as the experimentally observed order for the copper salts tested: CuSO4 > CuCl2 > Cu(NO3)2

    The Effect of Counterions on the Detection of Cu2+ Ions in Aqueous Solutions Using Quartz Tuning Fork (QTF) Sensors Modified with L-Cysteine Self-Assembled Monolayers: Experimental and Quantum Chemical DFT Study

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    In this study, a sensing device employing a gold-coated quartz tuning fork (QTF) modified with a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of L-cysteine was evaluated for the sensitive detection of Cu2+ ions in aqueous solutions. Three copper (II) salts, CuSO4, CuCl2, and Cu(NO3)2, at four different concentrations (10&minus;12, 10&minus;10, 10&minus;8, and 10&minus;6 M) in small (100 &mu;L) water sample amounts were each used as analytes to investigate the influence of their counterions in the detection of the Cu2+ ions. It was found that, among the counterions, the sulfate anion had the largest effect upon the detection of Cu2+ in water, in the following order: SO42&minus; &gt; Cl&minus; &gt; NO3&minus;. The lower limit of detection of the Cu2+ ions detected was in the 10&minus;12 M range. The frequency shifts measured with the QTFs relative to deionized water were inversely proportional to the concentration/mass of the analytes. Density functional theory calculations were conducted to understand the effect of the counterions on the respective electronic interaction energies for the apparent host&ndash;guest binding of the analytes with L-cysteine and with gold surface-bound L-cysteine molecules. Gas phase (both with and uncorrected BSSE) and solution phase interaction energies (&Delta;IE) calculated at the B3LYP/LANL2DZ and &omega;B97XD levels of theory showed that the stability for the complexes were in the following order: [L-cysteine]&sup;[CuSO4] &gt; [L-cysteine]&sup;[CuCl2] &gt; [L-cysteine]&sup;[Cu(NO3)2], which supports our experimental findings, as they were in the same order as the experimentally observed order for the copper salts tested: CuSO4 &gt; CuCl2 &gt; Cu(NO3)2

    A review of managed aquifer recharge potential in the Middle East and North Africa region with examples from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

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    Groundwater extraction in most Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries far exceeds its renewability, which ranges from 6% to 100%. Freshwater resources to support food production are very limited in this region. Future climate predictions include more consistent and longer wet periods with increasing surplus rainfall, which will enhance flood and flash flood occurrences in the MENA. Demand management of groundwater resources and managed aquifer recharge (MAR, also called groundwater replenishment, water banking, and artificial recharge, is the purposeful recharge of water to aquifers for subsequent recovery or environmental benefits) represent essential strategies to overcome the challenges associated with groundwater depletion and climate change impacts. Such strategies would enable the development of groundwater resources in the MENA region by minimizing the stress placed on these resources, as well as reducing deterioration in groundwater quality. Groundwater augmentation through recharge dams is a common practice in different countries around the globe. Most dams in the MENA region were built to enhance groundwater recharge, and even the few protection dams also act as recharge dams in one way or another. However, the operating systems of these dams are mostly dependent on the natural infiltration of the accumulated water in the reservoir area, with limited application of MAR. This review presents analyses of groundwater renewability and the effectiveness of recharge dams on groundwater recharge, as well as the potential of MAR technology. This study indicates that the recharge efficiency of dam’s ranges between 15 to 47% and is clustered more around the lower limit. Efficiency is reduced by the clogging of the reservoir bed with fine materials. Therefore, there is a need to improve the operation of dams using MAR technology

    A Review of Managed Aquifer Recharge Potential in the Middle East and North Africa Region with Examples from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

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    Groundwater extraction in most Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries far exceeds its renewability, which ranges from 6% to 100%. Freshwater resources to support food production are very limited in this region. Future climate predictions include more consistent and longer wet periods with increasing surplus rainfall, which will enhance flood and flash flood occurrences in the MENA. Demand management of groundwater resources and managed aquifer recharge (MAR, also called groundwater replenishment, water banking, and artificial recharge, is the purposeful recharge of water to aquifers for subsequent recovery or environmental benefits) represent essential strategies to overcome the challenges associated with groundwater depletion and climate change impacts. Such strategies would enable the development of groundwater resources in the MENA region by minimizing the stress placed on these resources, as well as reducing deterioration in groundwater quality. Groundwater augmentation through recharge dams is a common practice in different countries around the globe. Most dams in the MENA region were built to enhance groundwater recharge, and even the few protection dams also act as recharge dams in one way or another. However, the operating systems of these dams are mostly dependent on the natural infiltration of the accumulated water in the reservoir area, with limited application of MAR. This review presents analyses of groundwater renewability and the effectiveness of recharge dams on groundwater recharge, as well as the potential of MAR technology. This study indicates that the recharge efficiency of dam’s ranges between 15 to 47% and is clustered more around the lower limit. Efficiency is reduced by the clogging of the reservoir bed with fine materials. Therefore, there is a need to improve the operation of dams using MAR technology

    Detection of Volatile Alcohol Vapors Using PMMA-Coated Micromechanical Sensors: Experimental and Quantum Chemical DFT Analysis

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    Micromechanical sensors, in which the sensor response is created as a result of molecular interactions on the sensors’ surfaces, have been employed as a powerful technique for rapid and sensitive detection of low concentrations of chemical and biological materials. In the study reported herein, poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-coated microcantilever (MCL) sensors were used to detect the vapors of volatile alcohols (methanol, ethanol, and isopropanol) at three different concentrations. A vapor generator was used to generate and flow the alcohol vapor onto the PMMA coated MCL surface in a closed system chamber. The vapor adsorption onto the MCL surface results in a rapid and measurable deflection of the MCL. No significant deflections of the uncoated MCL occurred when the different vapors were passed through into the microcantilever chamber. Linear concentration–deflection responses were observed, with the highest sensitivity shown with methanol, followed by ethanol and then isopropanol. Density functional theory (DFT) quantum chemical calculations were conducted to estimate the electronic interaction energies (ΔIE) between the alcohol molecules and MMA and two different model tetrameric segments of PMMA. The computed ΔIEs were in the same order as the experimentally observed order: methanol > ethanol > isopropanol