86 research outputs found
Compte rendu de Philip Cowley et Dennis Kavanagh, The British General Election of 2015, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 483 p.
Quel angliciste n'a pas eu entre les mains, au cours de sa formation, l'un des ouvrages de la sĂ©rie publiĂ©e par Butler et Kavanagh sur les Ă©lections britanniques ? Pour cĂ©lĂ©brer sa 19Ăšme Ă©dition et son 70Ăšme anniversaire, cet ouvrage sur les derniĂšres Ă©lections de 2015 n'a rien perdu des qualitĂ©s qui font de cette sĂ©rie une vĂ©ritable institution. Alliant une enquĂȘte fouillĂ©e dans les coulisses de la campagne qui fourmille de dĂ©tails et d'anecdotes parfois croustillantes et racontĂ©es avec humo..
Compte rendu de Philip Cowley et Dennis Kavanagh, The British General Election of 2015, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 483 p.
Quel angliciste n'a pas eu entre les mains, au cours de sa formation, l'un des ouvrages de la sĂ©rie publiĂ©e par Butler et Kavanagh sur les Ă©lections britanniques ? Pour cĂ©lĂ©brer sa 19Ăšme Ă©dition et son 70Ăšme anniversaire, cet ouvrage sur les derniĂšres Ă©lections de 2015 n'a rien perdu des qualitĂ©s qui font de cette sĂ©rie une vĂ©ritable institution. Alliant une enquĂȘte fouillĂ©e dans les coulisses de la campagne qui fourmille de dĂ©tails et d'anecdotes parfois croustillantes et racontĂ©es avec humo..
Andrew GAMBLE, Between Europe and America : The Future of British Politics
Cet ouvrage sâinscrit dans la continuitĂ© des travaux de lâauteur sur le dĂ©clin Ă©conomique et social du Royaume-Uni depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Lâauteur de Britain in Decline (Londres: Macmillan, 1981 & 1994) remonte ici aux origines du processus au moment oĂč le Royaume-Uni Ă©tait Ă lâapogĂ©e de sa puissance sur la scĂšne internationale. Il sâinterroge cette fois-ci sur les causes qui ont favorisĂ© lâĂ©mergence de l'exceptionnalisme du pays en particulier dans sa relation avec lâEmpire, lâEu..
Lâinstrumentalisation de lâUnion europĂ©enne face Ă la dĂ©volution
Pour les partisans de la dĂ©volution, lâUnion europĂ©enne est apparue comme un moyen de contourner lâĂtat-nation, dans un contexte de « gouvernance Ă plusieurs niveaux » oĂč lâautoritĂ© politique est dĂ©sormais dissĂ©minĂ©e entre trois Ă©chelons : lâĂ©chelon supranational (les instances communautaires), lâĂ©chelon national (lâĂtat central) et lâĂ©chelon infranational (les nations dites « pĂ©riphĂ©riques »). Pour le SNP et Plaid Cymru, rĂ©fractaires Ă la dĂ©volution ou qui y voient une Ă©tape nĂ©cessaire Ă lâaccĂšs Ă lâindĂ©pendance, lâEurope est devenue un instrument indispensable dans lâaffirmation dâun nationalisme Ă©cossais ou gallois contre le centralisme anglais. LâintĂ©gration europĂ©enne leur a Ă©galement permis de lĂ©gitimer leur dĂ©sir dâautonomie au sein dâune Union europĂ©enne qui, depuis la dĂ©volution, laisse dĂ©sormais plus de place aux collectivitĂ©s territoriales. DĂ©volution et intĂ©gration europĂ©enne, deux processus Ă premiĂšre vue inversĂ©s, sont en rĂ©alitĂ© similaires dans la façon dont ils menacent, ou du moins remettent en cause le principe de souverainetĂ© nationale et aboutissent, en tout cas, Ă la transformation de lâĂtat central.For supporters of devolution, the European Union is a means of by-passing the nation-state, in a context of âmulti-level governanceâ where political authority is distributed among three levels: the supranational level (EU institutions), the national level (the governing central state) and the sub-national level (the âperipheralâ nations). For the SNP and Plaid Cymru, which are reluctant to devolution or consider it a necessary step towards independence, Europe has become an essential tool to help them assert Welsh or Scottish nationalism against English centralism. European integration also strengthened their fight for legitimacy and autonomy within the European Union, which has left more political space for local authorities to assert their right to devolution. Both processes of devolution and European integration, which are at first sight inverted, are similar in the way they threaten, or at least question the principle of national sovereignty and in any case lead to the transformation of the governing central state
An original phylogenetic approach identified mitochondrial haplogroup T1a1 as inversely associated with breast cancer risk in BRCA2 mutation carriers
Introduction: Individuals carrying pathogenic mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have a high lifetime risk of breast cancer. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are involved in DNA double-strand break repair, DNA alterations that can be caused by exposure to reactive oxygen species, a main source of which are mitochondria. Mitochondrial genome variations affect electron transport chain efficiency and reactive oxygen species production. Individuals with different mitochondrial haplogroups differ in their metabolism and sensitivity to oxidative stress. Variability in mitochondrial genetic background can alter reactive oxygen species production, leading to cancer risk. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that mitochondrial haplogroups modify breast cancer risk in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Methods: We genotyped 22,214 (11,421 affected, 10,793 unaffected) mutation carriers belonging to the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 for 129 mitochondrial polymorphisms using the iCOGS array. Haplogroup inference and association detection were performed using a phylogenetic approach. ALTree was applied to explore the reference mitochondrial evolutionary tree and detect subclades enriched in affected or unaffected individuals. Results: We discovered that subclade T1a1 was depleted in affected BRCA2 mutation carriers compared with the rest of clade T (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.55; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.34 to 0.88; P = 0.01). Compared with the most frequent haplogroup in the general population (that is, H and T clades), the T1a1 haplogroup has a HR of 0.62 (95% CI, 0.40 to 0.95; P = 0.03). We also identified three potential susceptibility loci, including G13708A/rs28359178, which has demonstrated an inverse association with familial breast cancer risk. Conclusions: This study illustrates how original approaches such as the phylogeny-based method we used can empower classical molecular epidemiological studies aimed at identifying association or risk modification effects.Peer reviewe
The Temptation of Populism in David Cameronâs Leadership Style
DOI: 10.1057/9781137439246\â0International audienceIt may seem unusual to associate the widely-used concept of populism with the leadership of the British Prime Minister, David Cameron. Populism is, however, open to various interpretations and definitions and so easy to manipulate that it could apply to almost anything. Moreover, populism has so often been used to describe movements and groups critical of representative democracy, generating a âmalaiseâ (MĂ©ny and Surel, 2002: 21) or a âthreatâ to democracy (Mudde and Kaltwasser, 2012), that it is has become difficult to conceive it as a new political practice in the hands of democratic governments. To accept what would appear to be a counter-natural association between populism and democracy, it is necessary to move beyond the endless debate on the meaning of populism and locate the word in present academic research on the rise of populism in Western democracies (MĂ©ny and Surel, 2002; Mudde and Kaltwasser, 2012). Examining the case of David Cameronâs leadership provides both a specific context and a basic framework for analysis (Mudde and Kaltwasser, 2012)
Nick Timothy, Remaking One Nation. The Future of Conservatism
De prime abord, il nâest pas aisĂ© de comprendre ce que cherche Ă dĂ©montrer Nick Timothy dans cet ouvrage paru en 2020. Lâancien directeur de campagne de Theresa May, farouche partisan dâun conservatisme ouvrier (« blue-collar conservatism »), admirateur inconditionnel de Joseph Chamberlain â le maire de Birmingham qui, dans les annĂ©es 1870, prĂŽnait un impĂ©rialisme teintĂ© de rĂ©formisme social â nous livre ici un ouvrage qui oscille entre lâautobiographie politique, lâessai philosophique, le ra..
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