565 research outputs found

    High-resolution absorption measurements of NH3 at high temperatures: 2100 - 5500

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    High-resolution absorption spectra of \NH\ in the region 2100 - 5500 \cm\ at 1027 ^{\circ}C and atmospheric pressure (1045 ±\pm 3 mbar) are measured. An \NH\ concentration of 10\% in volume fraction is used in the measurements. Spectra are recorded in a high-temperature gas-flow cell using a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer at a nominal resolution of 0.09 \cm. The spectra are analysed by comparison to a variational line list, BYTe, and experimental energy levels determined using the MARVEL procedure. 2308 lines have been assigned to 45 different bands, of which 1755 and 15 have been assigned or observed for the first time in this work

    Оплакивание джиннов: суеверие или ритуальные практики выхода из трудных ситуаций?

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    Examining Muslim descriptions of bright bolides after medieval chronicles, A.G. Yurchenko argues that rituals of jinn mourning related to them should be taken not for signs of popular superstitions but rather important religious rites whose function was to diminish psychological tension and restore balances of spiritual and corporal worlds in periods of social and natural catastrophes.Изучив по средневековым хроникам мусульманские описания ярких болидов, А.Г. Юрченко пришел к выводу, что связанные с ними ритуалы оплакивания джиннов должны считаться не простыми суевериями, но довольно важными религиозными ритуалами, призванными снять психическое напряжение и восстановить равновесие между миром духовного и телесного в периоды социальных и природных катастроф

    ExoMol molecular line lists - XVII The rotation-vibration spectrum of hot SO3_3

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    Sulphur trioxide (SO3_3) is a trace species in the atmospheres of the Earth and Venus, as well as well as being an industrial product and an environmental pollutant. A variational line list for 32^{32}S16^{16}O3_{3}, named UYT2, is presented containing 21 billion vibration-rotation transitions. UYT2 can be used to model infrared spectra of SO3_3 at wavelengths longwards of 2 μ\mum (ν<5000\nu < 5000 cm1^{-1}) for temperatures up to 800 K. Infrared absorption cross sections are also recorded at 300 and 500 C are used to validate the UYT2 line list. The intensities in UYT2 are scaled to match the measured cross sections. The line list is made available in electronic form as supplementary data to this article and at \url{www.exomol.com}.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 9 tables MNRAS submitte

    The Development of Monitoring and Control System of the Low PV/T Solar System

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    The article presents an autonomous PV/T solar installation. Installing converts solar energy into electricity and heat. The description of its components and elements that enhance its effectiveness shows. The description of the control program and control of the installation is given. The control system provides for tracking the sun and cooling the photovoltaic module

    Smart radome improves reflector antenna directivity

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    A numerical optimization procedure is applied to two dimensional model of cylindrical reflector antenna arbitrarily located inside a circular cylindrical dielectric radome. If the radome thickness has been optimized, then varying the radome radius and the reflector position has a small effect on the directivity. However, the feed position should be corrected with respect to the free-space optimum after finding the best thickness. The optimization code is based on solving an integral equation by means of the regularization technique, guaranteeing a desired accuracy

    ExoMol line lists – XXIX. The rotation-vibration spectrum of methyl chloride up to 1200 K

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    Comprehensive rotation-vibration line lists are presented for the two main isotopologues of methyl chloride, 12^{12}CH335_3{}^{35}Cl and 12^{12}CH337_3{}^{37}Cl. The line lists, OYT-35 and OYT-37, are suitable for temperatures up to T=1200T=1200\,K and consider transitions with rotational excitation up to J=85J=85 in the wavenumber range 00--64006400\,cm1^{-1} (wavelengths λ>1.56μ\lambda> 1.56\,\mum). Over 166 billion transitions between 10.2 million energy levels have been calculated variationally for each line list using a new empirically refined potential energy surface, determined by refining to 739 experimentally derived energy levels up to J=5J=5, and an established {\it ab initio} dipole moment surface. The OYT line lists show excellent agreement with newly measured high-temperature infrared absorption cross-sections, reproducing both strong and weak intensity features across the spectrum. The line lists are available from the ExoMol database and the CDS database

    Basic Tools and Techniques for Assessing Strength and General Endurance

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    The desire of more and more segments of the population for self-improvement and self-expression through amateur sports has acquired a global scale. The evaluation and analysis of the amateur athletes’ achievements in the chosen physical activity become of practical importance for most amateur athletes and open up the possibility of developing innovative interventions to stimulate the engagement in physical activity of as much population as possible. For this purpose, we have developed an elementary methodology for monitoring the achieved level of strength and overall endurance of students, designed to monitor and motivate amateur athletes of various types of physical activity. The purpose of this research project was to conduct the targeted analysis of the array of physiological indicators of those engaged in physical activity, and also to justify and test technologies for collecting and interpreting objective indicators of performing elementary physical test exercises and calculating their dependence on objective indicators of the cardiovascular system. Subsequently, we planned to develop a simple methodology for collecting, evaluating, and interpreting test information. We suggest using this technique in the daily training sessions of amateur athletes of various qualifications

    ExoMol line lists – LI. Molecular line lists for lithium hydroxide (LiOH)

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    New molecular line lists for lithium hydroxide (6Li16O1H and 7Li16O1H isotopologues) covering wavelengths λ > 1 μ m (0–10 000 cm−1 range) are presented. Each line list contains around 300 million transitions between rotation–vibration energy levels with total angular momentum up to J = 95, applicable for temperatures up to T ≈ 3500 K. Line list calculations were based on a previously published, high-level ab initio potential energy surface and a newly computed dipole moment surface of the ground X~1Σ+ electronic state. Lithium-containing molecules are important in a variety of stellar objects and there is potential for LiOH to be observed in the atmospheres of exoplanets. Transit spectra are simulated using the rocky super-Earth 55 Cancri e as an example with two different atmospheric scenarios including LiOH. This work provides the first, comprehensive line lists of LiOH to facilitate its future molecular detection. The OYT7 line lists along with the associated temperature- and pressure-dependent molecular opacities can be downloaded from the ExoMol database at www.exomol.com and the CDS astronomical database

    Modelling a resistive-reflector antenna by the complex source-dual series approach: the 2-D case of H-polarization

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    The simulation of reflector antenna is normally conducted under an assumption of the perfect conductivity of reflector. This paper presents an analysis of resistive reflector beamforming using modified method of regularization for solving the scattering from a curve resistive strip. Besides, to simulate a directive feed in equally accurate manner, the Complex Source Method is used