4 research outputs found

    Accidental inflation from Kähler uplifting

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    We analyze the possibility of realizing inflation with a subsequent dS vacuum in the Käahler uplifting scenario. The inclusion of several quantum corrections to the 4d effective action evades previous no-go theorems and allows for construction of simple and successful models of string inflation. The predictions of several benchmark models are in accord with current observations, i.e., a red spectral index, negligible non-gaussianity, and spectral distortions similar to the simplest models of inflation. A particularly interesting subclass of models are ``left-rolling" ones, where the overall volume of the compactified dimensions shrinks during inflation. We call this phenomenon ``inflation by deflation" (IBD), where deflation refers to the internal manifold. This subclass has the appealing features of being insensitive to initial conditions, avoiding the overshooting problem, and allowing for observable running α ∼ 0.012 and enhanced tensor-to-scalar ratio r ∼ 10−5. The latter results differ significantly from many string inflation models

    Just enough inflation: power spectrum modifications at large scales

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    We show that models of `just enough' inflation, where the slow-roll evolution lasted only 50- 60 e-foldings, feature modifications of the CMB power spectrum at large angular scales. We perform a systematic analytic analysis in the limit of a sudden transition between any possible non-slow-roll background evolution and the final stage of slow-roll inflation. We find a high degree of universality since most common backgrounds like fast-roll evolution, matter or radiation-dominance give rise to a power loss at large angular scales and a peak together with an oscillatory behaviour at scales around the value of the Hubble parameter at the beginning of slow-roll inflation. Depending on the value of the equation of state parameter, different pre-inflationary epochs lead instead to an enhancement of power at low ℓ, and so seem disfavoured by recent observational hints for a lack of CMB power at ℓ≲ 40. We also comment on the importance of initial conditions and the possibility to have multiple pre-inflationary stages

    Moduli spaces in AdS 4 supergravity

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    We study the structure of the supersymmetric moduli spaces of N \mathcal{N} = 1 and N \mathcal{N} = 2 supergravity theories in AdS 4 backgrounds. In the N \mathcal{N} = 1 case, the moduli space cannot be a complex submanifold of the Kähler field space, but is instead real with respect to the inherited complex structure. In N \mathcal{N} = 2 supergravity the same result holds for the vector multiplet moduli space, while the hypermultiplet moduli space is a Kähler submanifold of the quaternionic-Kähler field space. These findings are in agreement with AdS/CFT considerations

    The powers of monodromy

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    Flux couplings to string theory axions yield super-Planckian field ranges along which the axion potential energy grows. At the same time, other aspects of the physics remain essentially unchanged along these large displacements, respecting a discrete shift symmetry with a sub-Planckian period. After a general overview of this monodromy effect and its application to large-field inflation, we present new classes of specific models of monodromy inflation, with monomial potentials μ 4− p ϕ p . A key simplification in these models is that the inflaton potential energy plays a leading role in moduli stabilization during inflation. The resulting inflaton-dependent shifts in the moduli fields lead to an effective flattening of the inflaton potential, i.e. a reduction of the exponent from a fiducial value p 0 to p < p 0 . We focus on examples arising in compactifications of type IIB string theory on products of tori or Riemann surfaces, where the inflaton descends from the NS-NS two-form potential B 2 , with monodromy induced by a coupling to the R-R field strength F 1 . In this setting we exhibit models with p = 2 / 3 , 4 / 3 , 2, and 3, corresponding to predictions for the tensor-to-scalar ratio of r ≈ 0 . 04 , 0 . 09 , 0 . 13, and 0 . 2, respectively. Using mirror symmetry, we also motivate a second class of examples with the role of the axions played by the real parts of complex structure moduli, with fluxes inducing monodromy