33 research outputs found

    One-hit wonders of genomic instability

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    Recent data show that cells from many cancers exhibit massive chromosome instability. The traditional view is that the gradual accumulation of mutations in genes involved in transcriptional regulation and cell cycle controls results in tumor development. This, however, does not exclude the possibility that some mutations could be more potent than others in destabilizing the genome by targeting both chromosomal integrity and corresponding checkpoint mechanisms simultaneously. Three such examples of "single-hit" lesions potentially leading to heritable genome destabilization are discussed. They include: failure to release sister chromatid cohesion due to the incomplete proteolytic cleavage of cohesin; massive merotelic kinetochore misattachments upon condensin depletion; and chromosome under-replication. In all three cases, cells fail to detect potential chromosomal bridges before anaphase entry, indicating that there is a basic cell cycle requirement to maintain a degree of sister chromatid bridging that is not recognizable as chromosomal damage

    CTCF mediates chromatin looping via N-terminal domain-dependent cohesin retention

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    The DNA-binding protein CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) and the cohesin complex function together to shape chromatin architecture in mammalian cells, but the molecular details of this process remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that a 79-aa region within the CTCF N terminus is essential for cohesin positioning at CTCF binding sites and chromatin loop formation. However, the N terminus of CTCF fused to artificial zinc fingers was not sufficient to redirect cohesin to non-CTCF binding sites, indicating a lack of an autonomously functioning domain in CTCF responsible for cohesin positioning. BORIS (CTCFL), a germline-specific paralog of CTCF, was unable to anchor cohesin to CTCF DNA binding sites. Furthermore, CTCF-BORIS chimeric constructs provided evidence that, besides the N terminus of CTCF, the first two CTCF zinc fingers, and likely the 3D geometry of CTCF-DNA complexes, are also involved in cohesin retention. Based on this knowledge, we were able to convert BORIS into CTCF with respect to cohesin positioning, thus providing additional molecular details of the ability of CTCF to retain cohesin. Taken together, our data provide insight into the process by which DNA-bound CTCF constrains cohesin movement to shape spatiotemporal genome organization

    Human condensin function is essential for centromeric chromatin assembly and proper sister kinetochore orientation.

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    Condensins I and II in vertebrates are essential ATP-dependent complexes necessary for chromosome condensation in mitosis. Condensins depletion is known to perturb structure and function of centromeres, however the mechanism of this functional link remains elusive. Depletion of condensin activity is now shown to result in a significant loss of loading of CENP-A, the histone H3 variant found at active centromeres and the proposed epigenetic mark of centromere identity. Absence of condensins and/or CENP-A insufficiency produced a specific kinetochore defect, such that a functional mitotic checkpoint cannot prevent chromosome missegregation resulting from improper attachment of sister kinetochores to spindle microtubules. Spindle microtubule-dependent deformation of both inner kinetochores and the HEC1/Ndc80 microtubule-capturing module, then results in kinetochore separation from the Aurora B pool and ensuing reduced kinase activity at centromeres. Moreover, recovery from mitosis-inhibition by monastrol revealed a high incidence of merotelic attachment that was nearly identical with condensin depletion, Aurora B inactivation, or both, indicating that the Aurora B dysfunction is the key defect leading to chromosome missegregation in condensin-depleted cells. Thus, beyond a requirement for global chromosome condensation, condensins play a pivotal role in centromere assembly, proper spatial positioning of microtubule-capturing modules and positioning complexes of the inner centromere versus kinetochore plates

    Comparative analyses of CTCF and BORIS occupancies uncover two distinct classes of CTCF binding genomic regions.

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    BackgroundCTCF and BORIS (CTCFL), two paralogous mammalian proteins sharing nearly identical DNA binding domains, are thought to function in a mutually exclusive manner in DNA binding and transcriptional regulation.ResultsHere we show that these two proteins co-occupy a specific subset of regulatory elements consisting of clustered CTCF binding motifs (termed 2xCTSes). BORIS occupancy at 2xCTSes is largely invariant in BORIS-positive cancer cells, with the genomic pattern recapitulating the germline-specific BORIS binding to chromatin. In contrast to the single-motif CTCF target sites (1xCTSes), the 2xCTS elements are preferentially found at active promoters and enhancers, both in cancer and germ cells. 2xCTSes are also enriched in genomic regions that escape histone to protamine replacement in human and mouse sperm. Depletion of the BORIS gene leads to altered transcription of a large number of genes and the differentiation of K562 cells, while the ectopic expression of this CTCF paralog leads to specific changes in transcription in MCF7 cells.ConclusionsWe discover two functionally and structurally different classes of CTCF binding regions, 2xCTSes and 1xCTSes, revealed by their predisposition to bind BORIS. We propose that 2xCTSes play key roles in the transcriptional program of cancer and germ cells

    SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase (STUbL) Slx5 regulates proteolysis of centromeric histone H3 variant Cse4 and prevents its mislocalization to euchromatin

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    Centromeric histone H3, CENP-ACse4, is essential for faithful chromosome segregation. Stringent regulation of cellular levels of CENP-ACse4 restricts its localization to centromeres. Mislocalization of CENP-ACse4 is associated with aneuploidy in yeast and flies and tumorigenesis in human cells; thus defining pathways that regulate CENP-A levels is critical for understanding how mislocalization of CENP-A contributes to aneuploidy in human cancers. Previous work in budding yeast shows that ubiquitination of overexpressed Cse4 by Psh1, an E3 ligase, partially contributes to proteolysis of Cse4. Here we provide the first evidence that Cse4 is sumoylated by E3 ligases Siz1 and Siz2 in vivo and in vitro. Ubiquitination of Cse4 by the small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO)-targeted ubiquitin ligase (STUbL) Slx5 plays a critical role in proteolysis of Cse4 and prevents mislocalization of Cse4 to euchromatin under normal physiological conditions. Accumulation of sumoylated Cse4 species and increased stability of Cse4 in slx5βˆ† strains suggest that sumoylation precedes ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of Cse4. Slx5-mediated Cse4 proteolysis is independent of Psh1, since slx5βˆ† psh1βˆ† strains exhibit higher levels of Cse4 stability and mislocalization than either slx5βˆ† or psh1βˆ† strains. Our results demonstrate a role for Slx5 in ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of Cse4 to prevent its mislocalization and maintain genome stability

    The Structural Complexity of the Human BORIS Gene in Gametogenesis and Cancer

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    BORIS/CTCFL is a paralogue of CTCF, the major epigenetic regulator of vertebrate genomes. BORIS is normally expressed only in germ cells but is aberrantly activated in numerous cancers. While recent studies demonstrated that BORIS is a transcriptional activator of testis-specific genes, little is generally known about its biological and molecular functions.Here we show that BORIS is expressed as 23 isoforms in germline and cancer cells. The isoforms are comprised of alternative N- and C-termini combined with varying numbers of zinc fingers (ZF) in the DNA binding domain. The patterns of BORIS isoform expression are distinct in germ and cancer cells. Isoform expression is activated by downregulation of CTCF, upregulated by reduction in CpG methylation caused by inactivation of DNMT1 or DNMT3b, and repressed by activation of p53. Studies of ectopically expressed isoforms showed that all are translated and localized to the nucleus. Using the testis-specific cerebroside sulfotransferase (CST) promoter and the IGF2/H19 imprinting control region (ICR), it was shown that binding of BORIS isoforms to DNA targets in vitro is methylation-sensitive and depends on the number and specific composition of ZF. The ability to bind target DNA and the presence of a specific long amino terminus (N258) in different isoforms are necessary and sufficient to activate CST transcription. Comparative sequence analyses revealed an evolutionary burst in mammals with strong conservation of BORIS isoproteins among primates.The extensive repertoire of spliced BORIS variants in humans that confer distinct DNA binding and transcriptional activation properties, and their differential patterns of expression among germ cells and neoplastic cells suggest that the gene is involved in a range of functionally important aspects of both normal gametogenesis and cancer development. In addition, a burst in isoform diversification may be evolutionarily tied to unique aspects of primate speciation

    Uber die Antigensysteme der Blutkorperchen. III. Mitteilung : Uber die an Hand der Immunisierung von Hausenten und Huhnern zu beobachtende Gemeinschaftlichkeit der Rezeptoren des Saugetierblutes

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    In der vorangehenden Mitteilung wurde das Studium uber das Verhalten der Antistoffe, die bei der Immunisierung von Hausenten mit Menschenblut aller Gruppen, verschiedenen Tierblutkorperchen sowie Organen einiger Tierarten erzeugt werden und zum menschlichen Blut in einer Beziehung stehen, berichtet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird nun das Ergebnis der Untersuchungen mitgeteilt, die angestellt wurden, um zu sehen, wie sich die Immunkorper verhalten, die durch Vorbehandlung auch von Hausenten mit dem Blut und Organen der Saugetiere entstehen und dem Saugetierblut eigen sind, ohne mit dem Menschenblut in einem Zusammenhang zu stehen. Im Serum solcher Immunhausenten konnten, wie Asakawa und Mizutani bei ihren gleichartigen Versuchen mit Huhnern konstatiert hatten, Antikorper nachgewiesen werden, die mit verschiedenen Saugetierblutkorperchen zu reagieren vermogen, aber nicht mit dem Menschenblut. Die Antiseren wurden nun mit den verschiedenen Saugetierblutkorperchen behandelt und die Absorptionsfahigkeit solcher Saugetierblutarten den im Antiserum enthaltenen polyvalenten Antikorpern gegenuber wurde verglichen. Solche Untersuchungen wurden in dieser Arbeit im ganzen an etwa 13 Antiserumarten vorgenommen; namlich, an Immunseren gegen Kaninchen-, Ratten-, Rinder-, Schweine-, Hunde (I und II)-, Katzen-, Meerschweinchen-, Ziegen-, Hammel- und Pferdeblut sowie an Immunseren gegen Nieren von Pferd und Meerschweinchen. Die auf diese Weise ausgefuhrten Rezeptorenanalyse ergab, dass die dem Saugetierblut gemeinschaftlichen Antigene (und dementsprechend auch die dazu gehorigen Antikorper) im grossen und ganzen in zwei Systeme eingeteilt werden konnen und zwar wie folgt: 1. Das eine Antigen ist in den verschiedenen Blutkorperchen in der folgenden Reihenfolge enthalten: Kaninchen-Ratte-Rind-Schwein-Hund-Meerschweinchen-Katze-Ziege-Hammel-Pferd. 2. Das andere kommt dagegen in den verschiedenen Blutkorperchen in der folgenden Reihenfolge vor: Katze-Ziege-Hammel-Pferd...Hund (II)-Rind-Schwein-Kaninchen (Ratten- und Meerschweinchen

    TgICMAP1 Is a Novel Microtubule Binding Protein in Toxoplasma gondii

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    The microtubule cytoskeleton provides essential structural support for all eukaryotic cells and can be assembled into various higher order structures that perform drastically different functions. Understanding how microtubule-containing assemblies are built in a spatially and temporally controlled manner is therefore fundamental to understanding cell physiology. Toxoplasma gondii, a protozoan parasite, contains at least five distinct tubulin-containing structures, the spindle pole, centrioles, cortical microtubules, the conoid, and the intra-conoid microtubules. How these five structurally and functionally distinct sets of tubulin containing structures are constructed and maintained in the same cell is an intriguing problem. Previously, we performed a proteomic analysis of the T. gondii apical complex, a cytoskeletal complex located at the apical end of the parasite that is composed of the conoid, three ring-like structures, and the two short intra-conoid microtubules. Here we report the characterization of one of the proteins identified in that analysis, TgICMAP1. We show that TgICMAP1 is a novel microtubule binding protein that can directly bind to microtubules in vitro and stabilizes microtubules when ectopically expressed in mammalian cells. Interestingly, in T. gondii, TgICMAP1 preferentially binds to the intra-conoid microtubules, providing us the first molecular tool to investigate the intra-conoid microtubule assembly process during daughter construction

    Cooperation of Sumoylated Chromosomal Proteins in rDNA Maintenance

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    SUMO is a posttranslational modifier that can modulate protein activities, interactions, and localizations. As the GFP-Smt3p fusion protein has a preference for subnucleolar localization, especially when deconjugation is impaired, the nucleolar role of SUMO can be the key to its biological functions. Using conditional triple SUMO E3 mutants, we show that defects in sumoylation impair rDNA maintenance, i.e., the rDNA segregation is defective and the rDNA copy number decreases in these mutants. Upon characterization of sumoylated proteins involved in rDNA maintenance, we established that Top1p and Top2p, which are sumoylated by Siz1p/Siz2p, most likely collaborate with substrates of Mms21p to maintain rDNA integrity. Cohesin and condensin subunits, which both play important roles in rDNA stability and structures, are potential substrates of Mms21, as their sumoylation depends on Mms21p, but not Siz1p and Siz2p. In addition, binding of cohesin and condensin to rDNA is altered in the mms21-CH E3-deficient mutant