86 research outputs found

    Nestes Modes, ’Qua’ and the Incarnation

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    A nested mode ontology allows one to make sense of apparently contradictory Christological claims such as that Christ knows everything and there are some things Christ does not know

    On the Law of Large Numbers for Nonmeasurable Identically Distributed Random Variables

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    Let Ω\Omega be a countable infinite product ΩN\Omega^\N of copies of the same probability space Ω1\Omega_1, and let Ξn{\Xi_n} be the sequence of the coordinate projection functions from Ω\Omega to Ω1\Omega_1. Let Ψ\Psi be a possibly nonmeasurable function from Ω1\Omega_1 to R\R, and let Xn(ω)=Ψ(Ξn(ω))X_n(\omega) = \Psi(\Xi_n(\omega)). Then we can think of Xn{X_n} as a sequence of independent but possibly nonmeasurable random variables on Ω\Omega. Let Sn=X1+...+XnS_n = X_1+...+X_n. By the ordinary Strong Law of Large Numbers, we almost surely have E[X1]lim infSn/nlim supSn/nE[X1]E_*[X_1] \le \liminf S_n/n \le \limsup S_n/n \le E^*[X_1], where EE_* and EE^* are the lower and upper expectations. We ask if anything more precise can be said about the limit points of Sn/nS_n/n in the non-trivial case where E[X1]<E[X1]E_*[X_1] < E^*[X_1], and obtain several negative answers. For instance, the set of points of Ω\Omega where Sn/nS_n/n converges is maximally nonmeasurable: it has inner measure zero and outer measure one

    Being Sure and Being Confident That You Won’t Lose Confidence

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    There is an important sense in which one can be sure without being certain, i.e., without assigning unit probability. I will offer an explication of this sense of sureness, connecting it with the level of credence that a rational agent would need to have to be confident that she won’t ever lose her confidence. A simple formal result then gives us an explicit formula connecting the threshold α for credence needed for confidence with the threshold needed for being sure: one needs 1−(1−α) to be sure. I then suggest that stepping between α and 1−(1−α) gives a procedure that generates an interesting hierarchy of credential thresholds

    Another Step in Divine Command Dialectics

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    Probability and the Open Future View

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